THE LEICESTERSHIRE ARCHlEOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1954 President Lt.-Col. Sir Robert Martin, C.M.G., D.L., M.A. Vice-Presidents Kathleen, Duchess of Rutland The Hon. Lady Martin The Right Rev. The Lord Bishop of Leicester, D.D. The Right Hon. Lord Braye The High Sheriff of Leicestershire The Right Worshipful The Lord Mayor of Leicester The Very Rev. H. A. Jones, B.Sc., Provost of Manchester Sir William Brockington, C.B.E., M.A. Colin D. B. Ellis, Esq., M.C., M.A., F.S.A. Albert Herbert, Esq., F.R.I.B.A., F.S.A. Capt. L. H. Irvine, M.B.E., M.A. Victor Pochin, Esq., M.A., D.L. Walter Brand; Esq., F.R.I.B.A. A. Bernard Clarke, Esq. Levi Fox, Esq., M.A., F.S.A. W. G. Hoskins, Esq., M.A., Ph.D. Miss K. M. Kenyon, M.A., F.S.A. Officers Hon. Secretary: David T .-D. Clarke, Esq., M.A. Hon. Treasurer: C. L. Wykes, Esq., F.C.A. Hon. Auditor: Percy Russell, Esq., F.C.A. Hon. Editors: Professor J. Simmons, M.A. Norman Scarfe, Esq., M.A. Hon. Librarian: G. H. Martin, Esq., M.A. Trustees of the Leicestershire Archa1ological Society Albert Herbert, Esq., F.R.I.B.A., F.S.A. Lt.-Col. Sir Robert Martin, C.M.G., D.L., M.A. 8 LEICESTERSHIRE ARCH£0LOGICAL SOCIETY Trustees of the Leicestershire Archamlogical Research Fund Colin D. B. Ellis, Esq., M.C., M.A., F.S.A. A. H. Leavesley, Esq. Anthony Herbert, Esq., A.R.I.B.A. Capt. L. H. Irvine, M.B.E., M.A. H. 0. Wilshere, Esq. C. L. Wykes, Esq., F.C.A. Committee Anthony Herbert, Esq., A.R.I.B.A. (Chairman) The Hon. Secretary The Hon. Treasurer The Hon. Editors The Hon. Librarian The Rev. D. A. Adams, L.Th. The Rev. J. Burford, B.A. G. Arnold Cope, Esq., M.C., F.R.I.B.A. J. A. Daniell, Esq. Mrs. E. M. Dickson Mrs. C. A. B. Elliott Colin D. B. Ellis, Esq., M.C., M.A., F.S.A. H. P. R. Finberg, Esq., M.A., F.R.Hist.S. Mrs. H. Percy Gee Albert Herbert, Esq., F.R.I.B.A., F.S.A. A. H. Leavesley, Esq. L. A. Parker, Esq., B.Sc. (Econ.), Ph.D. Mrs. F. E. Skillington W. E. Warner, Esq. Mrs. A. M. Woodcock, M.A. Sub-Committee for Lectures and Excursions The Hon. Secretary Mrs. C. A. B. Elliott Mrs. F. E. Skillington (Executive Secretary) Miss Veronica Wykes 9 NINETY-NINTH ANNUAL REPORT, 1953 Six general meetings of the Society were held, at five of which papers were read: 30 January Rev. S. E. Copp: "The Document in the Bottle". 27 March J. Walton, Esq., M.A.; "The Development of Industry and Trade Combination in Eighteenth-Century Leicester". 17 April Annual General Meeting, at the Newarke Houses Museum. 8 May Rev. T. M. Parker, M.A.: "William of Ockham and English Kingship". 25 September C. R. Clinker, Esq.: "The Leicester and Swannington Railway". 27 November Norman Searle, Esq., M.A.: "The Brothers Freer in the Peninsular War". Three excursions were held. The first, on 16 June, was attended by some thirty members and their friends, and was to Castle Ashby and Wellingborough. The party first inspected Castle Ashby House, which, by the courtesy of the Marquess of Northampton, was open specially for them that afternoon. So this exceptionally fine and interesting house was seen to the best advantage. The company then proceeded to the Hind hotel, Wellingborough, where Mrs. Muriel Duncan entertained them to tea. Afterwards members saw Miss Rowlett's beautiful garden and viewed the parish church under the guidance of the vicar, the Rev. M. M. Clarke. Mr. Anthony Herbert proposed a vote of thanks to Mrs. Duncan for her hospitality and to Mr. Clarke and others concerned in organising this very pleasant outing. The second excursion, on 15 July to Melton Mowbray, took a more unusual form. Members assembled at Melton church, where Mr. P. C. Shelbourn gave a detailed account of the building. He then showed the members the sevententh-century Bede Houses. Tea was served at the Brownlow Primary School, and afterwards the Society was joined in the school hall by a large number of guests from the Melton area. Sir Robert Martin gave one of his delightful addresses on the history and work of the Society and Mr. J. E. Brownlow delivered an informed and lively talk on the Melton Mowbray Town Lands. Votes of thanks to the speakers, the chairman, and the organisers, were proposed and cordially endorsed. On 3 September the members visited Stapleford Park and were shown over the house and the church by Lord and Lady Gretton, to whom Mr. C. L. Wykes expressed the Society's gratitude. After tea, at the Crown hotel, Oakham, members were received at the Chapel of St. John and St. Anne, Oakham, by the Rev. Canon G. E. Britten on behalf of the vicar of Oakham, and a short time was spent looking over this remnant of the medieval hospital. Col. Packe voiced the company's thanks to Canon Britten and the organisers. 10 LEICESTERSHIRE ARCH£0LOGICAL SOCIETY At the Annual General Meeting Sir Robert Martin was elected President of the Society in succession to the late Professor A. Hamilton Thompson. Later in the year Miss R. Bennett found it necessary to resign the office of Librarian, which she kindly undertook as a temporary measure when Capt. Irvine left Leicester in 1950. The Committee has recorded its appreciation of her services. Among those who resigned their membership of the Society was the Right Rev. Dr. Guy Vernon Smith, on his resignation of the see of Leicester. Ten other members resigned or died. On the other hand 21 new members were elected, two associate members, and one associated institution. In the late summer, the Committee of the Society sponsored a local appeal for funds to assist the restoration of Staunton Harold church. A sum of £56 7s. was collected. The Committee has been considering the arrangements to be made for celebrating the centenary of the Society's foundation in 1955. A specially­ appointed Centenary Sub-Committee has drawn up a programme, which has been approved by the main Committee, and the detailed arrangements are now in course of preparation. II THE LEICESTERSHIRE ARCHlEOLOGICAL SOCIETY INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31 December 1953 GENERAL ACCOUNT £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Subscriptions : By Subscriptions 319 9 0 Council for British Archreology 1 1 0 Income T ax reclaimed on Covenanted Lincoln Record Society ... 1 1 0 Subscriptions 80 12 10 Canterbury and York Society ... 1 10 0 400 1 10 English Place-Name Society 0 15 0 Income from Investments : British Record Society 2 12 6 Interest on £101 5s. 4d. Leicester Society for Protection of Ancient Buildings 1 1 0 Corporation 3 % Mortgage Midlands Federation of Museums and Loan (gross) 3 0 8 Art Galleries ... 0 10 0 Interest on £150 3½ % Conversion 8 10 6 Stock 1961 (gross) 5 5 0 Cost of Transactions : 8 5 8 Printing and Issue of Transactions for the Year 1953 (Vol. XXIX) ... 276 0 0 Charges for Bound Copies of Transactions 11 14 0 Less Grant from University L ess cost of Binding ... 10 0 0 College, Leicester 40 0 0 1 14 0 ... Sale of Offprints 22 13 2 Sale of back numbers of Transactions 16 18 0 N 62 13 2 Sale of Surplus Library books 11 16 0 213 6 10 28 14 0 Library Additions, Binding, Honorarium 71 3 4 Lecturers' Expenses 1 0 0 Administrative Expenses: Rent 11 11 6 Fire Insurance 2 10 0 Printing, Stationery and Postages 66 17 2 Bank Charges and Cheque Book 4 2 10 85 1 6 379 2 2 Net Income for the year carried to General Reserve Fund 59 13 4 £438 15 6 £438 15 6 PUBLICATIONS ACCOUNT To Net Income for the year carried to Publications Fund ... 17 11 2 By Sale of Publications: Leicestershire Uncalendared W ills ... 10 7 0 Studies in L eicestershire Agrarian History 7 4 2 £17 11 2 £17 11 2 THE LEICESTERSHIRE ARCHlEOLOGICAL SOCIETY BALANCE SHEET-31 December 1953 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Accumulated Funds: Investments : Excursion Secret:n:y's Account 9 7 8 £101 5s. 4d. Leicester Corporation 3% Publications Fund 17 11 2 Mortgage Loan (Value £101) 101 5 4 26 18 10 £150 3½% Conversion Stock 1961 Less General Reserve Fund : (Value £129) 121 4 9 Deficit brought forward from 1952 71 18 7 222 10 1 Less Net Income for the year 59 13 4 Current Assets : 12 5 3 Sundry Debtors 32 15 1 Cash at Bank-Excursion Account 9 7 8 14 13 7 Cash in hand 5 0 0 Albert Herbert, Esq., F.S.A.: Loan at 31 Dec. 1952 200 0 0 47 2 9 Less repaid during the year 200 0 0 Sundry Creditors: ... Staunton Harold Church Restoration Fund 56 7 0 w Subscriptions paid in advance and other Accounts 11 3 3 Bank Overdraft 187 9 0 254 19 3 NoTE.-The Repayment of Income Tax on Subscriptions under Covenant for 1952 and 1953, amounting in tota:l to £158 6s. 2d. and credited to Revenue, may have to be refunded if the Inland Revenue Authorities are successful in certain proceedings which are at present under consideration. C. L. Wykes, F.C.A., £269 12 10 £269 12 10 Honorary Treasurer.
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