Conquering the canyon? Historian wonders about Banks to Tillamook trail — See Commentary, Page A4 FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 2014 • THE HILLSBORO LEADER IN NEWS • WWW.HILLSBOROTRIBUNE.COM • VOL. 03, NO. 03 • FREE WalMart hearing pushed back again Hearing date on proposal to create “Sequoia Members of the Hillsboro proposal, citing traffi c conges- Village” — a WalMart Planning Commission voted tion, pedestrian safety, light “We have decided to reset the meeting and allow a development moved “neighborhood market” de- unanimously to give Polygon, pollution and other concerns. velopment at the northeast- the primary applicant on the Those involved in WalMart’s public hearing on the revised proposal — an to Feb. 12 ern intersection of Baseline Sequoia Village project, addi- application process said wait- opportunity citizens otherwise would not have.” Road and Cornelius Pass tional time to prepare respons- ing for an extra month was not By DOUG BURKHARDT Road — was put off until es to concerns raised at an ini- unexpected, given the need to — Katie Eyre, president, Hillsboro Planning Commission The Hillsboro Tribune Feb. 12. tial public hearing Nov. 13. Ap- make architectural, engineer- Development of the 26-acre proximately 100 citizens turned ing and other changes to the Although several dozen site where the new WalMart out for that event, and those overall project while still allow- changes. Proponents pointed quire several layers of review citizens turned out for a Jan. would be built includes a who spoke were virtually unan- ing suffi cient time for the city’s out that even what may seem 8 hearing on the issue, the 242-unit residential complex. imous in their opposition to the planning staff to review the like modest changes can re- See WALMART / Page A8 Offi cer cleared in 2013 traffi c stop death Suspect shot, killed Oct. 25 after fi ring on Hillsboro police offi cer By DOUG BURKHARDT The Hillsboro Tribune The actions of Offi cer Will Blood of the Hillsboro Police Department, who used deadly force against an armed suspect following a traffi c THE stop last year, have been judged by SEEKING the Washington County District At- torney’s offi ce to have been “rea- sonable and justifi ed.” At 9:40 p.m. on Oct. 25, 2013, HPD of- fi cers Blood and Tina Latendresse re- sponded to a traffi c stop on 13th Ave- SANDMAN nue near Southeast Maple Street in Hillsboro. After a man identifi ed as “The Victor Torres-Elizon- investigation do, 30, opened fi re on was Latendresse, Blood Demonstrating the use of a “continuous positive airway pressure device,” sometimes used to treat obstructive sleep apnea, is Tuality technician Julie Goodrich, who returned fi re, killing tends to patients undergoing sleep studies at the Tuality Healthcare Sleep Lab. thorough the man. “Oregon law, spe- and is now cifi cally ORS 161.219, complete.” justifi es the use of ■ Sleep-deprived patients undergo studies at Tuality lab in Forest Grove — Jeffrey deadly physical force Lesowski, senior against another per- deputy district son if the other per- hat does a person need breathing patterns, are recorded by attorney for son is either using or to do to get a decent Story by Nancy Townsley lab staff. The next morning, Hahn Lab gets fi ve-year Washington County about to use unlawful night’s rest? Photo by Chase Allgood reads the study and schedules a fol- deadly force against W If you’re tossing and low-up appointment with the subject accreditation another,” wrote Se- turning as the new year gets under to discuss various approaches to nior Deputy District way and counting sheep isn’t doing solving his or her problem. Earlier this month, the Ameri- Attorney Jeffrey Lesowski in a letter the trick, a trip to Tuality Health- “No problem is too small,” said Dr. “We run studies every night of the can Academy of Sleep Medicine to Hillsboro Police Department Depu- care’s Sleep Lab might be in order. Peter Hahn, a specialist in sleep med- week, and our patients come from all (AASM) awarded Tuality Health- ty Chief Mark Bonnett. “At the time Located at Tuality’s Forest Grove icine and pulmonary medicine who over the Portland metro area,” noted care’s Sleep Lab a full fi ve-year Offi cer Blood fi red, Torres-Elizondo Hospital, the lab has been open since has directed the lab for more than Hahn. maximum accreditation as a rec- had just committed the felony crime of 2009. It offers most of the indulgenc- three years. “Any degree of sleep Sasheen Pack, who has managed ognized sleep center. attempted aggravated murder of a po- es of a fine hotel — private bath- trouble is worth an evaluation.” the sleep lab for the past two years, Leading the charge for lab ac- lice offi cer, and had done so by using rooms, cable TV, comfy recliners The lab can handle two overnight said she’s particularly gratifi ed by creditation were Dr. Peter Hahn, deadly force. and top-quality queen-size beds — to sleep-study patients at a time, usu- feedback from patients who spend lab director; David Miller, direc- “Having just shot at Offi cer Laten- help guests relax and rest. ally by referral from a primary care the night at the facility. tor of emergency services; Sa- dresse and still armed with a handgun In the lab, specialists and techni- physician. Arriving at 8 p.m., a pa- “When they arrive at the lab, sheen Pack-Gilbert, lab supervi- in the immediate proximity of offi cers, cians perform overnight sleep stud- tient is “hooked up to a number of sometimes they’re very fearful at sor; and Maria Adrian, lead tech- the only reasonable conclusion was ies on patients with sleep and fa- monitors,” Hahn said, and techni- fi rst,” said Pack, a respiratory thera- nician at the lab. that he would shoot again.” tigue-related issues — from occa- cians “basically watch them while pist who has worked at Tuality for 11 The AASM sets standards and Given the situation and the facts of sional insomnia to restless leg syn- they sleep.” years. “They’re not sure what’s going promotes excellence in the study drome to debilitating cases of ob- Over the next 10 hours or so, vari- and treatment of sleep disorders. See CLEARED / Page A8 structive sleep apnea. ous data, including brain activity and See SLEEP / Page A2 Minden brings artwork into the LIGHT mystery of his work. Artist uses scratches, Minden said at fi rst he was At the museum light to create simply trying to fi nd ways to There will be a members’ recep- make two-dimensional paint- tion and opening for James unique 3-D images ings have three-dimensional Minden’s “Light Drawings” at the qualities. He used a variety of Washington County Museum, in By DOUG BURKHARDT scratches on paintings and ob- the Hillsboro Civic Center at 120 The Hillsboro Tribune served the way light refl ected E. Main Street, Tuesday, Jan. 28, off them. It sounds simple, but from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Washington County artist the result turned out to be high- Minden’s artwork will be open for public viewing at the museum Artist James James Minden is boldly go- ly complex. Jan. 15 through April 6. Minden displays ing where few artists have “I am always trying to make “Convex/Concave,” gone before. people engage, make people one of his unique Minden has created an art use vision and make them ask, somebody came into the gallery 3-D “light form he calls “light drawings,” ‘What am I looking at?’” he and asked if I was a scientist be- drawings” being a process he got involved in al- said. cause I was painting diffraction featured at the most by chance several years His interest in the unusual patterns,” he explained. Washington County ago. In effect, Minden creates a medium came about serendipi- That experience led Minden Museum. three-dimensional effect from tously. to begin researching what light HILLSBORO TRIBUNE scratches he makes on a flat “I was making scraping pat- PHOTO: surface. How he does so is the terns at an art gallery, and See LIGHT / Page A7 DOUG BURKHARDT Commentary A4 Weather A6 Classifi eds A11 “Pamplin Media Group’s pledge is to deliver balanced ........................... .................................. ............................ news that refl ects the stories of our communities. INSIDE Education................................ A5 A&E ......................................... A7 Business ............................... A14 Thank you for reading our newspapers.” Calendar ................................. A6 Obituaries ............................. A10 Sports ................................... A16 — DR. ROBERT B. PAMPLIN JR. OWNER & NEIGHBOR A2 NEWS The Hillsboro Tribune Friday, January 17, 2014 Sleep: Patients need specialized help ■ From Page A1 nights, the more likely you are JohnJohn Mendoza Mendoza to develop secondary ills, like Locally Owned at this Location for 35 Years! depression.” to happen. But after they talk Over-the-counter medica- We take pride in providing our customers with the latest products and unprecedented 5JSFTt#SBLFTt4IPDLTt4USVUTt#BUUFSJFTt"MJHONFOUservice - be it Tires, Brakes, Shocks, Struts, Batteries or Alignment to our technicians and hear tions to put oneself to sleep — about the equipment and what Benadryl, Tylenol PM and Ny- $OO6HDVRQ5DGLDO SNOW TIRE $OO6HDVRQ5DGLDOALTIMAX®5DGLDO will be happening overnight, quil are among them — aren’t 5%5 5%5$//7(55$,17$.2 1(;(152$',$1$7 57 CHANGE5 OVER they start to relax.” necessarily bad, according to STARTING AT STARTING/75 AT STARTING AT STARTING AT Some patients prefer a por- Hahn. But there are some $ 95 $ 95 Starting at $ 95 $ 95 $ 95 table study, which takes place drawbacks. 43 Each 59 Each 149$ 74 165 40Each in the comfort of their own “The problem with self-med- FREE MOUNTING FREE MOUNTING FREE MOUNTING Balance, EachStems & Disposal Extra.
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