RED BANK REGISTER PER COPY VOLUME LXX, NO. 52. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1948 SECTION ~ ONE^PAGES 1 TO It 149 Graduate Dr, Rudniek Buys St. James School Name New Pastor Dr. Irving Baer Plans Rainbow Vets To Move Hi* Office Shrewsbury Hose Rate Protest At Leonardo Broad St. Home Dr. Irving Baer of 141 Broad Graduates 78 At St Agnes Hold Reunion street recently purchased the pro- Monte Carlo Meeting Called Dr. Macy M. Rudniek of Peters Rev. John P. McKeon, pastor of perly «t 65 Branch avenue from :hc Exerciies Held place has purchased through the Msgr. Casey A Our Lady of Sorrows church of At Asburv Park Vandervcer estate. The sale was firm of Grossinger Jr. Heller, real- Merccrville, has been appointed as made through the Wcart-Xemeth Begins Tomorrow fn Middletown Tuesday Night tors, the residence of the late John Class In Church pastor of St. Agnes church, Atlan- iiger;cy of 42 Broad street. Dr. Baer J. Leonard at 206 Broad street. tic Highland*, to succcccd the late expects to move his ofllcc to 65 The 149 members of the senior JII<I|EC Murphy Was The two-story frame dwelling Is Msiir. Michael H. Callahan. lirar.cli avenue as suon as adequate I'lnn 'IVo-Night Kvrnt; Officials Pool Effort! clete of Leonardo high school were St. James grammar school held OIVI.T space Is made available. located on a plot with »Moot front- commencement exercises Friday Most Rev. William A. GriBln, blsh Guest Speaker— graduated Tuesday night at the Weart-Ncnieth report thnt Wal- To O|>rrnle Kar, To Oppose Raise age on Broad street and a depth of day night in St. James church. The op of Trenton, also announced the • Leonardo grade echool auditorium. ter Bunnell of Palm Springs, Fla., 150 feet on Waverly place. On the address to the graduates was made following transfers: Rev. Charles Ladies Elect Class Night was held Monday at has purchased a two-story family Award Television Set By Jersey Central first floor are avjlvlng room with by Xlsgr. Joseph T. Casey, pastor. A. Bulla, assistant pastor at St. the same place. The graduation fireplace, dining room, kitchen and house at. 24 Maple avenue, Eaton- Assisted by Rev. Joseph Sheelian Joseph's church, Toms River, to A two-day reunion of New Jer- theme was "Our Country At The sunporch. On the second floor are town, from Mr. and Mrs. William Everything Is In readiness for the Psprrsentativea of county ••> and Rev. Edward Hughes, Msftr. the pastorate of Visitation at Bre- ev Rainbow Division veterans con Crossroads", four bedrooms, tile bath and lava- Bennett, who Have disposed of oil sncciml annum Montn Carlo Nights nii-ip•illtifa will meet June 29 at the) Casey also presented diplomas and ton Woods; Rev. John H. Horan, eluded Sunday night at the Berkc- Thfc diplomas were presented by tory, There is a two-car attached their local real estate holdings and to be held by Shrewsbury Hose Middletown township hall to pool awards to the graduates. Receiv- pastor of St. Gabriel's church, ley-Cartoret hotel, Asbury Park, William Dennis of Port Monjnouth, garage. are moving to Florida. company tomorrow and Saturday efforts in lighting the propoMel ing awards were Jane Claire Sag- Bradevelt to pastor of St. Mary's with a banquet attended by 200 president of the board of education. Mr. nnd Mrs.,Samuel J. Carroll pur- nights nt tlic .Shrewsbury lire house commu';iiifjn rate Increase of the) Dr, Rudniek Intends to occupy urton and Eileen Michcio Glblin, Bordentown, and Rev. John J members and quests. Main speaker Honors were presented by Dr. chased the property at 131 Broad on route 35. J:ini!M Ahern and '.Vntr.il railroad. The InviW the property as a home and office for general excellence, gold med- Nowak, assistant pastor of St- was Judge Edward A. Murphy of Wylif; G. Pate, supervising principal street, Eatontown, from Sgi. and Frank Lane are co-chairmen of this tatinn for the fathering wai lent as soon as extensive alterations ala, gift of St. James Paront-Tcach- Mary's, Bound Brook, to pastor at Jersey City, a veteran of the Rain- of township schools, and Willium Jlr.-i. Hunlcken. Air. and Mrs. Has- year'y' s affairffi . out liy the Middletown townihtp and Improvements are completed. cr association: Patricia .Marguerite St. Gabriel's Bradevelt. bow, or 42d, division in World War K. Megill, high school principal. In- kcll B. Scale have purchased the rumniittcp, which adopted a resolu- Another sale reported by the Harkins and Carole Thei esa Macho, II, and, the 24tll division in World Tho grand award, nn P.CA tele- vocation was delivered by Ttcv. Wil- The creation of St. Catherine's former Lovejoy property at 290 tion Juno 9 to take "alMrmatlve ac- same brokers is the Clifford D. scholarship, gold mcdnls, gift of War 1. vision fiet with a Inn-inc screen, lla-ii Spofford, pastor of the Mid- palish, East Keansburg, formerly a Broad street, Eatontown. Mr. tion to object to any additional Wooster property on Grant place Catholic Daughters of America- completely Installed, will he dis- dlctown Episcopal church, Frank mission of St. Ann's, Keansbui'ff, JIUIRC Murphy told the members Scale, a former automotive instruc- c'lmniul.-itiiin fares." McDonald, Jr., president of the to Mrs. Mary P. Roemer of La- Joseph Nicholas DeMareantonlo that tlicy should feel proud of the posed of on the co-operative |,lari was also announced. Rev. Francis tor iu Kentucky, baa chniRC of IMn Ai'iorrlinir to Township Commit- £ra£uating i gave an address fayette street, Humson. and David Joseph Ryan, school par. Ihclr division played in botr Saturday nlRlit. Prizes for hr,:li c asS| P. Gunner, assistant pastor nt St. repair department of Mullln's ser- tennwin Lawrence A. Carton, Jr., It of welcome and Eva Bauder, a spirit, gold medals, girts of Theo- Wcrld wan. He cittd the record niKhl.s will also bn disposed of by The residence, originally built by Mary's, Perth Amboy, wafi assigned vice- station nt Eatontown. H hnpfii that a common represen- member of the senior class, gave dore J. Labrecquo and Dr. Edward mndu by the division in 1917 and tlii firemen. Mi'iThnndisc booths Allen Bros., Inc., developers, con- th(! pastorate at St, Catherine's Harold West has purchased a tation ran lie mads to oppose th« H talk entitled, "A Better World Mulligan; Jano Claire Saiiurton, re- 19W under the command of Gen have lieen sd up anil liirhtinir In- tains a living room with fireplace, church, trarL of land on Shrewsbury ave- [iropn^iMl rntp. An appeal will have Thicugh You And Me". Jean Rock- dining room, tile kitchen, three liglon, gift of Msgr. Casey, nnd Douglas MacArthur. Gi?or£e A. Se nue, Shrewsbury township, from lf) tl(! m fJ t0 lho P hllc Vli afMlcr, also a member of the sen- bedrooms, tile bath and basement Joar.e Constance Heffornnn nnd man of Hollis, Island, a mem- thn lire huuso. A tno-day liquor per- I '"' " ^y MM. and Mrs. John Lank'. mit hns been grnntpd l.y the bor- """mw!"""1 nni1 lhc InterataU ior class, played n piano solo, "Fan- recreation room of cypress. A Robert Francis McDonnell, gooil uer of Father Duffy chapter, the citizen medals, gift of Jlonmouth oiiKh council anil a bar will bo op- <-ommer« commission. Mr. Carton tasia" and Koy Mcrgner gave an screened porch overlooks a land- Fair Haven Boom New Jersey chapter nnd National ' ""' It would bo desirable If an at- address on "Instruments Of Fu- scaped garden enclosed with a chapter of D.A.R, to thn publics liotli niKllts in till- lln treasurer ot the Rainbow Division torncy were retained to represent ture Peace". Douglas Bailey gave white picket fence. litui.sL-. A rcfrpflhnicmt ;itnnd will a Religion prizes, gift of Msgr. Ca- veterans, was toastmastcr. Other the municipalities and to present a tali: entitled, "Brotherhood—The Praises Personnel so he operated in the lire house (o sey, were also given to represen- Keeps Up Pace speakers were John J. Brenner of testimony at tho P.U.C. and I.C.C. Hope Df the Future", and Harry tho wile of soft drinks, hot dogs an tatives In the diocesan religion con- Lancaster, Pu., national president hearings, which may be held next 3wartz spoke on "Our International hamburgers. test. They were Frank McKcnna, Robert J. Hayward of Red Bank, month. Attitude". At Ft. Monmoutli Service June 27 seventh grade; Judith Lay ton, sixth $126,700 In Building past national president, and Arthur The newly organized Indies' aux- So far, the boroughs of Rumson, Kobert Willey, vice president of grade, and David Dodger, lifth K. Monaban ot Jersey City, presi- iliary of the fire company, of whlc Keansburg, HiKhlands, Keyport th» class, was awarded the Middle- grade. Permits Issued In May dent of the New Jersey chapter. Visit Was Kevclalion, Mrs. Ituily Bnrtr Is president, \vl anil Fair Haven have indicated ac- conduct their own booth for the town township Lions club scholar- At Old Tennent Graduates were Joseph Anthony At a business session Saturday ceptance, of the Invitation. Other sain of cakes and fancy articles, ship. Boy Mergner, top scholastic Accurdl, Richard Charles Aschet- afternoon, Mr. Monahan was rC' Says communities are expected to follow Tho Fair Haven building boom Memljers of the auxiliary will assis pupil in the class, received the tlno, James Henry Anderson, Wal- sluws no let up, it was Indicated elected president of the New Jer- suit.
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