INIS-mf—1.4941 CA9600843 CA9600843 CANADAS GREEN PLAN EARTHAMDTM SUMMIE T Canada Canada and The Earth et le Sommet Summit Planete Terre Government Gouvernement V-fi! O p jj « fl H TI of Canada du Canada CANADA'S GREEN PLAN CANADAS GREEN PLAN EARTHAND SUMMITHE T Canada Canada and The Earth et le Sommet Summit Planete Terre Government Gouvernement of Canada du Canada CANADIAN CATALOGUING IN PUBLICATION DATA Main entry under title: Canada's Green Plan and the Earth Summit Issued also in French under title: Le Plan vert du Canada et le Sommet Planete Terre. ISBN 0-662-20236-8 DSS cat. no. En21-120/1992E 1. Economic development — Environmental aspects - Congresses. 2. Environmental policy - Canada — Congresses. 3. Environmental protection ~ Canada ~ Congresses. 4. United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (1992 : Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). I. Canada. Environment Canada HD75.6C32 1992 337.7T0971 C93-099406-X Minister of Supply and Services Canada, 1992. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. INTRODUCTION 2 2. WHY WAS THE EARTH SUMMIT IMPORTANT TO CANADA? 4 3. WHAT HAPPENED AT THE EARTH SUMMIT 5 4. CANADA'S AGENDA FOR ACTION 7 Promoting National Planning for Sustainable 8 Development The Conventions on Climate Change and Biological Diversity 9 Aid, Trade and Debt 13 Renewed Commitment to the United Nations 17 and Other International Institutions Pursuing an Earth Charter 18 Action on the High-Seas Fishery 18 Action on Forests 19 Agenda 21 20 Canada's Commitment to the Rio Way 22 5. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS 24 INTRODUCTION In June 1992 one of commitment to sustainable development. the largest international conferences ever Provincial, regional and local governments held took place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It are developing and implementing their own was attended by the heads of state of more sustainable development plans. Industry is than 100 countries. The ambitious aim of the incorporating environmental factors into its United Nations Conference on Environment decision-making processes through reformed and Development (UNCED) ~ the Earth accounting practices, environmental audits, Summit — was to try to reconcile the need environmental codes of practice and by for global environmental protection with the adopting environmentally benign technolo- need for continuing economic development. gies. Non-govemmental organizations (NGOs) continue to contribute to the discus- The leaders of the world met in Rio with a sion of environmental issues through the re- sense of urgency. The economic develop- lease of agendas and plans which reveal their ment required to meet the legitimate aspira- vision of sustainable development. tions of much of the world's population Canada has gained valuable experience could overwhelm the ecological carrying through these actions, which it wanted to capacity of the planet. Only by fundamen- share with the global community. tally changing the way economic develop- ment proceeds can the world hope to meet At the same time, Canada went to Rio eager the needs of the present generation while to learn. While Canada is among the leading ensuring that the needs of future generations nations of the world in taking steps to make will also be met. This is the challenge of sus- its economy and environment mutually rein- tainable development. forcing, other governments and organizations have valuable knowledge and experience to To achieve sustainable development on a share. At UNCED, Canada hoped to gain global basis requires countries of the world new information, to learn from the experi- to tackle a vast range of complex economic, ence of others and to add vitality and new environmental and social issues. These range directions to its drive to implement sustain- from poverty and population to trade and able development in Canada. technology. Because Canada takes its respon- sibilities as part of the global community seri- Now that the Earth Summit is over, and the ously, and because these issues are of vital process of turning the commitments fundamental importance to Canadians, made at Rio into action has begun, it is clear Canada took an active leadership role at the that the environment and economic develop- Earth Summit. ment can no longer be considered separately. The one outstanding hallmark of the results Canada has much to contribute to global pro- of the Earth Summit is that they are squarely gress on sustainable development. It has based on the need to bring economic devel- adopted the concept of sustainable develop- opment and environmental protection ment and is working to make it a practical re- together in sustainable development. ality. In 1990 the Government of Canada launched Canada's Green Plan, our national This process will require the commitment of blueprint for implementing sustainable devel- all levels of society. No single person, group opment. Other sectors of Canadian society or level of government has all the answers on are also taking action which reflects their how to change the way the economy and the environment interact. Our national response and, where possible, the direction in which it to the challenge of Rio must be based on a is headed. On a number of important issues, collective commitment to action. the government's plans are well advanced. For example, action is well under way on the Canada and other countries recognized this Convention on Climate Change, as high- key success factor early in the UNCED proc- lighted in the Green Plan's National Action ess. They took steps to ensure the full partici- Strategy on Global Warming. On a number pation of people representing many elements of other issues, it is clear that there is work to of society. This was reflected in the make-up be done. The government is committed to of Canada's own delegation, which included completing the task through continuing representatives of government, industry, action and leadership. development and environmental groups, and Canada's aboriginal peoples. All helped shape the decisions made at Rio and demon- strated to the world the importance of Cana- dians being involved in decision-making processes that affect them. The Government of Canada's agenda for action on sustainable development is the Green Plan. It is based on certain assump- tions about the world and, like any plan, was developed knowing that new information, priorities, and experiences would emerge which would have to be considered. In the two years since the Green Plan was launched, it is unlikely that anything has brought more new ideas, new information and more com- mitments on to the public agenda than UNCED. In keeping with the government's commitment to Canadians to review the Green Plan on the basis of changing condi- tions, the government will bring the Green Plan into line with the standards set by UNCED. The purpose of this document is to provide a brief account of the results of Rio and the way Canadians participated. In addition, this document outlines the immediate priorities of the Government of Canada and the actions under way. It is not meant to be a compre- hensive response to the entire Rio agenda. Rather, it is intended to report to Canadians on the steps the government has taken so far WHY WAS THE EARTH SUMMIT IMPORTANT TO CANADA? Environment-Economy Linkages The Earth Summit set out to fundamentally Sustainable development is key to Canada's future change the way the world deals with the prosperity. The essence of sustainable development global environment and the global economy. is that a high level of environmental quality and eco- Canada is a large country, whose economy nomic prosperity are complementary and reinforcing - and prosperity are tightly linked to the world a clean environment and productive resource base economy, particularly through trade. Canada are necessary for a prosperous economy, and a strong economy is necessary to support high social is also endowed with a wealth of natural and environmental standards. resources and has the world's longest coast- line, facing three oceans. Accordingly, our A high level of environmental quality itself is a source environment depends to a large extent on the of prosperity in a number of ways. Much of Canada's actions of other countries. Given the impact economic prosperity, particularly in our resource sec- tors such as fisheries, forestry and agriculture, that the international community has on depends on a healthy environment. Moreover, a high Canada's environment and economy and the level of environmental quality can contribute to the potential implications of the decisions made economic growth of our services and manufacturing at Rio, Canada's active participation at UNCED sectors. There is a rapidly growing market worldwide was a priority. for environmental services and equipment - high environmental standards in our own country will help stimulate and foster the growth of these sectors in Furthermore, Canada has traditionally been Canada. In addition, environmentally conscious firms a significant player in the international arena, in all sectors of the Canadian economy will increas- through its involvement in the Group of ingly have a competitive advantage in Canadian and Seven (G-7) leading industrialized countries, international markets. This occurs not only because the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade consumers around the world are demanding products (GATT), the Organization for Economic that are sensitive to environmental factors, but also because, as experience has shown, such firms tend Co-operation and Development (OECD), the to be better run, with more innovative and more Commonwealth, and La Francophonie. In efficient operations. addition, Canada was an active participant in key international environmental conferences and events, including the Stockholm Confer- ence of 1972 and the United Nations World Commission on Environment and Develop- Ozone Layer (the Montreal Protocol). ment ~ the Brundtland Commission. Canada Canada was among the first countries to sign has also been an active participant at major the protocol.
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