Department of Energy Pt. 430, Subpt. B, App. G shall designate the standard input rating, 1.1.1 Electric heater. Install heater accord- and the water heater need only be tested ing to manufacturer’s instructions. Heaters with heating elements at the designated shall be connected to an electrical supply standard input ratings. The first-hour rat- circuit of nameplate voltage with a ings for units having power input rating less wattmeter installed in the circuit. The than the designated standard input rating wattmeter shall have a maximum error not shall be assigned a first-hour rating equiva- greater than one percent. lent to the first draw of the first-hour rating 1.1.2 Unvented gas heater. Install heater for the electric water heater with the stand- according to manufacturer’s instructions. ard input rating. For units having power in- Heaters shall be connected to a gas supply puts greater than the designated standard line with a gas displacement meter installed input rating, the first-hour rating shall be between the supply line and the heater ac- equivalent to that measured for the water cording to manufacturer’s specifications. heater with the standard input rating. The gas displacement meter shall have a 7.2.2 Energy Factor. The energy factor for maximum error not greater than one per- identical electric storage-type water heaters, cent. Gas heaters with electrical auxiliaries with the exception of heating element watt- shall be connected to an electrical supply age, may use the energy factor obtained dur- circuit of nameplate voltage with a ing testing of the water heater with the des- wattmeter installed in the circuit. The ignated standard input rating. wattmeter shall have a maximum error not greater than one percent. [63 FR 26008, May 11, 1998; 63 FR 38738, July 1.1.3 Unvented oil heater. Install heater ac- 20, 1998, as amended at 66 FR 4497, Jan. 17, cording to manufacturer’s instructions. Oil 2001] heaters with electric auxiliaries shall be con- nected to an electrical supply circuit of APPENDIX F TO SUBPART B OF PART nameplate voltage with a wattmeter in- 430—UNIFORM TEST METHOD FOR stalled in the circuit. The wattmeter shall MEASURING THE ENERGY CONSUMP- have a maximum error not greater than one TION OF ROOM AIR CONDITIONERS percent. 1.2 Temperature regulating controls. All 1. Test method. The test method for testing temperature regulating controls shall be room air conditioners shall consist of appli- shorted out of the circuit or adjusted so that cation of the methods and conditions in they will not operate during the test period. American National Standard (ANS) Z234.1– 1.3 Fan controls. All fan controls shall be 1972, ‘‘Room Air Conditioners,’’ sections 4, 5, set at the highest fan speed setting. 6.1, and 6.5, and in American Society of Heat- 1.4 Energy supply. ing, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning in 1.4.1 Electrical supply. Supply power to the Engineers (ASHRAE) Standard 16–69, heater within one percent of the nameplate ‘‘Method of Testing for Rating Room Air voltage. Conditioners.’’ 1.4.2 Natural gas supply. For an unvented gas heater utilizing natural gas, maintain 2. Test conditions. Establish the test condi- the gas supply to the heater with a normal tions described in sections 4 and 5 of ANS inlet test pressure immediately ahead of all Z234.1–1972 and in accordance with ASHRAE controls at 7 to 10 inches of water column. Standard 16–69. The regulator outlet pressure at normal sup- 3. Measurements. Measure the quantities de- ply test pressure shall be approximately that lineated in section 5 of ANS Z234.1–1972. recommended by the manufacturer. The nat- 4. Calculations. 4.1 Calculate the cooling ca- ural gas supplied should have a higher heat- pacity (expressed in Btu/hr) as required in ing value within ±5 percent of 1,025 Btu’s per section 6.1 of ANS Z234.1–1972 and in accord- standard cubic foot. Determine the higher ance with ASHRAE Standard 16–69. heating value, in Btu’s per standard cubic 4.2 Determine the electrical power input foot, for the natural gas to be used in the (expressed in watts) as required by section test, with an error no greater than one per- 6.5 of ANS Z234.1–1972 and in accordance with cent. Alternatively, the test can be con- ASHRAE Standard 16–69. ducted using ‘‘bottled’’ natural gas of a high- [42 FR 27898, June 1, 1977. Redesignated and er heating value within ±5 percent of 1,025 amended at 44 FR 37938, June 29, 1979] Btu’s per standard cubic foot as long as the actual higher heating value of the bottled APPENDIX G TO SUBPART B OF PART natural gas has been determined with an 430—UNIFORM TEST METHOD FOR error no greater than one percent as certified MEASURING THE ENERGY CONSUMP- by the supplier. 1.4.3 Propane gas supply. For an unvented TION OF UNVENTED HOME HEATING gas heater utilizing propane, maintain the EQUIPMENT gas supply to the heater with a normal inlet test pressure immediately ahead of all con- 1. Testing conditions. trols at 11 to 13 inches of water column. The 1.1 Installation. regulator outlet pressure at normal supply 197 VerDate Nov<24>2008 07:51 Feb 23, 2010 Jkt 220032 PO 00000 Frm 00207 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8002 Y:\SGML\220032.XXX 220032 WReier-Aviles on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with CFR Pt. 430, Subpt. B, App. G 10 CFR Ch. II (1–1–10 Edition) test pressure shall be that recommended by 3. Calculations. the manufacturer. The propane supplied 3.1 Annual energy consumption for primary should have a higher heating value of with- electric heaters. For primary electric heaters, in±5 percent of 2,500 Btu’s per standard cubic calculate the annual energy consumption foot. Determine the higher heating value in (E ) expressed in kilowatt-hours per year and Btu’s per standard foot, for the propane to be E defined as: used in the test, with an error no greater than one percent. Alternatively, the test can EE=2080(0.77)DHR be conducted using ‘‘bottled’’ propane of a where: higher heating value within ±5 percent of 2,500 Btu’s per standard cubic foot as long as 2080=national average annual heating load the actual higher heating value of the bot- hours tled propane has been determined with an 0.77=adjustment factor error no greater than one percent as certified DHR=design heating requirement and is by the supplier. equal to PE /1.2 in kilowatts. 1.4.4 Oil supply. For an unvented oil heat- PE=as defined in 2.1 of this appendix er utilizing kerosene, determine the higher 1.2=typical oversizing factor for primary heating value in Btu’s per gallon with an electric heaters error no greater than one percent. Alter- 3.2 Annual energy consumption for primary natively, the test can be conducted using a electric heaters by geographic region of the tested fuel of a higher heating value within United States. For primary electric heaters, ±5 percent of 137,400 Btu’s per gallon as long calculate the annual energy consumption by as the actual higher heating value of the geographic region of the United States (E ) tested fuel has been determined with an R expressed in kilowatt-hours per year and de- error no greater than one percent as certified fined as: by the supplier. 1.5 Energy flow instrumentation. Install one ER=HLH(0.77) (DHR) or more energy flow instruments which where: measure, as appropriate and with an error no greater than one percent, the quantity of HLH=heating load hours for a specific region electrical energy, natural gas, propane gas, determined from Figure 1 of this appendix or oil supplied to the heater. in hours 0.77=as defined in 3.1 of this appendix 2. Testing and measurements. DHR=as defined in 3.1 of this appendix 2.1 Electric power measurement. Establish 3.3 Rated output for electric heaters. Cal- the test conditions set forth in section 1 of culate the rated output (Qout) for electric this appendix. Allow an electric heater to heaters, expressed in Btu’s per hour, and de- warm up for at least five minutes before re- fined as: cording the maximum electric power meas- urement from the wattmeter. Record the Qout=PE (3,412 Btu/kWh) maximum electric power (PE) expressed in where: kilowatts. P =as defined in 2.1 of this appendix Allow the auxiliary electrical system of a E forced air unvented gas, propane, or oil heat- 3.4 Rated output for unvented heaters using er to operate for at least five minutes before either natural gas, propane, or oil. For recording the maximum auxiliary electric unvented heaters using either natural gas, power measurement from the wattmeter. propane, or oil equipped without auxiliary Record the maximum auxiliary electric electrical systems, the rated output (Qout), power (PA) expressed in kilowatts. expressed in Btu’s per hour, is equal to PF, as 2.2 Natural gas, propane, and oil measure- determined in section 2.2 of this appendix. ment. Establish the test conditions as set For unvented heaters using either natural forth in section 1 of this appendix. A natural gas, propane, or oil equipped with auxiliary gas, propane, or oil heater shall be operated electrical systems, calculate the rated out- for one hour. Using either the nameplate rat- put (Qout), expressed in Btu’s per hour, and ing or the energy flow instrumentation set defined as: forth in section 1.5 of this appendix and the fuel supply rating set forth in sections 1.4.2, Qout=PF+PA (3,412 Btu/kWh) 1.4.3, or 1.4.4 of this appendix, as appropriate, where: determine the maximum fuel input (P ) of F P =as defined in 2.2 of this appendix in Btu/ the heater under test in Btu’s per hour.
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