GENERAL CHURCH PAPER OF THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS Vol. 110 Takoma Park, Washington, D. C., October 5, 1933 No. 40 /74 Revelation 14:1-5 BY A. R. BELL A WONDERFUL people—wonderful because a wonder- ful work has been done for them? The glory of God, as reflected in His Son Jesus Christ, is seen in them. "His Father's name" is "written in their foreheads." They are like God. The work of the gospel is set, in the great pur- pose of the Eternal, to restore the image of Christ in men. That image is restored. 1 John 3:2. They are "redeemed from the earth," "redeemed from among men." They are "the first fruits unto God and to the Lamb." "They shall be Mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up My special treasure [margin] ; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serval) him." Mal. 3:17. In them Jehovah will rest, and be refreshed. "He will rest in His love, He will joy over thee with singing." Zeph. 3:17. They have "gotten the victory" over all sin—vic- tory over every inherited and cultivated tendency to evil. "They are without fault before the throne of God." What a wonderful experience! How patient God has been with them! What a glorious outcome to His long- suffering! What an amazing transformation! God's forgiving grace has done its wonderful work, and probation's close found them with their accounts in the ledger of heaven covered with the blood of Christ. They shall "not see evil any more." Zeph. 3:15. llllllllllll 11111111,II 11 ,,1111,,,,,,,,,,, MUTT welcome them with open arms and The First Copy of "Bible Readings" warm hearts. We regard this as the By E. W. CAREY surest sign of the nearness of the end. "Then," said Jesus, when "this gospel HERE is a bit of interesting history The next day I went out on my mis- of the kingdom shall be preached in concerning the origin of Bible read- sionary tour, and took this bound all the world for a witness unto all ings among us as a people. This comes volume with me. nations," then shall the end come. from a veteran in the colporteur "At the house where I spent the Elder Farnsworth, now eighty-six work, J. B. Reis, now of South Caro- first night I laid out before the man years of age, is able to read without lina. In answering a certain ques- what I had to sell—tracts. He picked glasses, and this following a success- tion in the Church Officers' Training out a good lot while I was busy with ful operation for cataract of the right Course given by the Home Study In- my Bible and Bible readings. He eye. Tell our brethren that we love stitute, he writes : handed me the tracts he had selected, them all and pray for their steadfast- "This method was introduced by and asked the price. I told him they ness in the truth until they reach the Elder S. N. Haskell during a thunder- would be 65 cents. He handed me gates of the city of God. storm at a camp meeting in Cali- the money, and then asked, 'What is We are surely nearing home, and fornia. Soon after that I saw an that you have there ?' He scanned in a little while we shall be there. article in the REVIEW AND HERALD, it through, and then asked, 'What saying they were about to issue a will you take for it '1' I replied that IS 9V series of twelve Bible readings, and it cost me $2.50, and that I would that any desiring the series had to take the same for it. He got out his North American News Notes send in $5 and a Bible reading. I purse and paid me the amount. So I wrote up a Bible reading on the sub- claim the credit for binding and sell- A NEW church was organized Sab- ject of hope, and sent it in with the ing the first copy of 'Bible Read- bath, August 12, at Prosser, Washing- $5. I do not think my reading found ings.' " ton, with thirty-eight new members. its way into print. If it did, I never It was in 1882 that Elder Haskell Over three hundred people have ac- saw it. The twelve readings came attended the camp meeting referred cepted the message and united with out a few at a time, and when the to above. So our first series of Bible the churches in the Upper Columbia last one was sent, two copies came readings probably came out soon after Conference during the first six months of this year. instead of one, also $2.50 in money. that date. M. L. RICE. I soon had these twelve readings As Brother Reis was born in the about committed to memory. memorable year 1844, he is now in his A LETTER from E. L. Neff, in the "I am a shoemaker by trade, and eighty-ninth year, yet he still engages Oregon Conference, under date of as soon as the last number arrived, in soul winning as his strength per- August 23, reads: "We just closed a I took twelve of them and put them mits. Brother Reis has recently fin- good camp meeting. We put on a into my clamp, made a thread, took ished the Church Officers' Training REVIEW day, and placed little tags on a saddler's awl, and bored them Course with high credits. He be- those who were readers of the REVIEW. through, sewed them together, and lieves in improving his time and tal- Our secretary tells us that we did well covered them with boot-top leather. ents until the Lord comes. in getting subscriptions during the time of the camp meeting, when the offer of fourteen months for the price of one year's subscription, was pre- Where We Stand sented. The Lord is blessing us here, and we are of good courage in spite Answers to Inquiries of the depression." By E. W. FARNSWORTH AND G. B. STARR You may be interested to know that LETTERS of inquiry are being re- reaches within the second veil, and S. G. White has just returned from ceived here from persons who wish we, by faith, see our royal High Spencer's Cove, Newfoundland, where to know where Elders Farnsworth Priest engaged in the final work of he organized a church of twelve mem- and Starr are now, and if still alive, the atonement in behalf of all re- bers. A young man from there went whether they are sound in the truth pentant sinners, from Abel to the end to the war, and when he returned, they preached to us years ago ? of time. stopped in Boston, heard and accepted We are happy to report that we are We hold the Testimonies of Jesus, the truth there, and then went home both enjoying good health, and living sent by His angel to the remnant to let his light shine. It has stirred near- neighbors. We wish you to tell church, to be the blessed gift of God the whole place. When he wrote us our brethren in, all the world that we to His people. We read them daily, about the interest, my husband made are sound in every point of present with the open Bible, and recognize monthly trips over, and the last time truth ; that we hold to all the pillars the same voice speaking in both. The baptized eleven. He is a very retiring just as we have preached them for law and the testimony agree per- young man, but the people would ask more than half a hundred years. fectly to our minds. We see the Lord him why he was keeping Saturday for Further, that we have no sympathy Jesus leading and directing His last Sunday, and he would get out his whatever with any breaking down of merciful work to all the world Bible and have them read the reasons. cardinal points of the message. We through the Testimonies of Jesus, as They are very fine people. When my believe the teaching of the sanctuary, promised in Revelation 12 :17. husband returned, he said he could as proclaimed under the first angel's We read with much joy and thanks- better understand why Jesus chose message, announcing the hour of giving the weekly reports in the RE- fishermen as his coworkers. This God's judgment come in 1844, fulfill- VIEW of the rapid advance of the mes- makes the second largest church in ing Revelation 10, to be the very truth sage into earth's remotest corners. the field. Of course they have had a of the everlasting gospel to be car- We praise God for the great numbers Sabbath school for months now, and it ried unchanged by the third angel from all nations that the Spirit of will be a new school to report this to the end of probation. Our faith God is leading into the truth. We quarter. MRS. S. G. WHITE. Ow tub cSabbatt) tit erai .HE• IS THE PATIENCE OF THE SAINTS' HERE ARE THEY THAT KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD: AND THE FAITH OF JESUS. REV. 14:12 Vol. 110, No. 40 Takoma Park, Washington, D. C., October 5, 1933 One Year, $2.50 Published by the Seventh-day Adventists. Printed every Thursday by the Review and Herald Publishing Association, at Takoma Park, Washington, D.
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