SRAC Publication No. 120 June 2001 VI Revised PR Common Farm-Raised Baitfish Nathan Stone and Hugh Thomforde* (Original publication by D. Leroy Gray) The three main fish species raised ets to waters where those fish sist of a few known species that for bait in the southern region are species do not currently exist. are already widely distributed. the golden shiner, the fathead There is widespread concern There are fewer environmental minnow, and the goldfish. about the potentially serious eco- concerns. However, baitfish farm- Together, these three species logical effects of introducing new ers must make sure their fish are account for more than 90 percent types of fishes (and other ani- not contaminated with undesir- of farm-raised bait and feeder fish mals) into areas where they are able species. sales in the United States. Baitfish not native. That may lead to are used by anglers to catch crap- more restrictions on the use of Golden shiner pie, largemouth bass, walleye and non-native bait species. (Notemigonus crysoleucas) other fishes. Feeders are small fish Regulations regarding the sale sold through pet stores and to and culture of fish for bait vary A thin, deep-bodied fish with a zoos as food for ornamental fish widely among the states, and small, triangular head and large, and invertebrates. potential producers are encour- loose, reflective scales, the golden Golden shiners, fathead minnows aged to check with their state shiner is a flashy, attractive bait- and goldfish are particularly suit- natural resource agency for addi- fish. The mouth is small and ed for culture as bait and feeder tional information. turned up, and the tail deeply fish because they adapt well to About half of all baitfish sold are forked. From the side, golden the environment of culture ponds, farm-raised, while the other half shiners are silver or sometimes have a small adult size, readily are harvested from the wild. golden; from above they are dark accept prepared feeds, reproduce Harvesting from the wild can greenish brown. Young fish often freely in ponds, and are found in yield a mix of different fish have a dark, horizontal stripe most states in the country. Other species. Harvested fish must be along the midline, running the fish, invertebrates (crawfish and sorted carefully to remove unde- shrimp), and amphibians are also sirable species which, if trans- used for bait, and culture meth- ferred in bait buckets to new ods are under development for a areas, could cause environmental number of alternative species. damage. Sea Grant specialists A problem with new baitfish have developed Hazard Analysis species is that non-native fish Critical Control Point (HACCP) might be transferred in bait buck- plans to minimize the risk of exotic species spreading when wild bait is harvested and trans- *University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff ferred. Baitfish from farms con- Golden shiner length of the body. The sexes can below, and have a black stripe Goldfish be distinguished when fish are in along the middle of each side. The (Carassius auratus) breeding colors. Males develop a “rosy red” fathead minnow, fine, sandpapery texture on the developed by Billy Bland Fishery, Most people recognize goldfish. lower body, and the lower is orange shading to a lighter sil- Occasionally goldfish are con- abdomen and vent area may have very orange on the lower body. fused with the koi carp. Carp a dusky color. The abdomen of the Male fatheads generally are larger have barbels (“whiskers”), while female (and some males) remains than females; during breeding, goldfish do not. The body is often smooth and white. The pectoral normal-colored males develop heavy and thick, while the forked and pelvic fins of the male become black heads with several rows of tail fin may be either short or bright gold, while those of the small breeding tubercles (bumps). long and flowing. Goldfish are female are either clear or have Females develop an ovipositor, a dark in color until 2 to 4 months gold on the outer edge only. It is fleshy protuberance near the vent of age, when they develop their easy to obtain milt from ripe which is used to help position adult coloration. The preferred males with gentle pressure to the eggs during spawning. Fatheads color for feeder goldfish is lower abdomen. Many females are usually live only a few years. orange, although goldfish can be larger than males by the spring of a variety of other colors. Goldfish the first year, as they begin to are very hardy and withstand reach sexual maturity. poor water conditions, including Golden shiners are native to or low dissolved oxygen. have been introduced into much Goldfish were first introduced of the continental United States. into the United States more than They have been used widely as a 300 years ago. In the late 1800s baitfish since the 1940s. and early 1900s, goldfish farms Golden shiners eat a wide variety Fathead minnow were established in Maryland and of natural foods and readily southern Pennsylvania. Goldfish accept prepared fish feeds. are now found all over the coun- Zooplankton, insects and algae Fathead minnows are found over try. Culture of goldfish for the (including filamentous algae) much of North America, ranging feeder or ornamental markets is make up most of their diet. Larval from Canada to northern Mexico. usually allowed, but some states golden shiners (fry) feed on small They are commonly found in slow prohibit the sale of goldfish as zooplankton and algae either in streams, ponds and lakes, and bait because they uproot plants the water or attached to underwa- wetlands. Fathead minnows eat a while feeding. Goldfish eat a ter surfaces. variety of animals and plants wide variety of plant and animal mixed with mud, because they foods, including insect larvae, Golden shiners spawn in the feed on the bottom. Zooplankton invertebrates, algae and aquatic spring when water temperatures is another of their natural foods. vegetation. rise above 68 oF (20 oC). They quit spawning when temperatures Males set up territories under sub- exceed 81 oF (27 oC). Once spawn- merged objects and defend these ing begins, fish will continue to breeding sites from other males. spawn even when temperatures Females are attracted to the males drop below 68 oF. Golden shiners and lay eggs on the undersides of spawn frequently, attaching their hard surfaces in the water. adhesive eggs to aquatic vegeta- Spawning substrates provided by tion or spawning mats. No care is farmers include boards, pallets, given to the young. Eggs are plastic tarps and irrigation tubing. about 4/100ths of an inch (1 mm) Once eggs are laid, the male Goldfish in diameter and hatch in 3 to 4 defends the nest until the eggs hatch. Water temperatures higher days, depending on water temper- o o ature. than 64 F (18 C) trigger spawn- Mature female goldfish develop ing. Females spawn at frequent bulging bellies in the breeding Fathead minnow intervals, up to several times a season. Males tend to be smaller, week. Once the water warms to slimmer and have fine bumps on (Pimephales promelas) 84 oF (29 oC) or higher, spawning the gill flaps, pectoral fins and The fathead minnow has a thick stops. Fathead minnow eggs are upper body. Water temperatures body with a blunt head and small small (1.2 to 1.6 mm), just slightly higher than 60 oF (16 oC) trigger mouth. Fathead minnows are nor- larger than golden shiner eggs. spawning, and females may mally dark olive on the upper spawn several times during the body, with a lighter silvery shade season. The adhesive eggs are The rudd (Scardinius erythrophtal- SRAC 140, Forage Species: Range, scattered onto aquatic vegetation mus) is an exotic species of min- Description and Life History or on spawning mats supplied by now native to Europe. It was SRAC 141, Forage Species: fish farmers. Spawning season brought into the United States on Production Techniques ends when water temperature several occasions in the past, and reaches the upper 70s (24 to 26 was re-introduced about 1980 and SRAC 142, Forage Species: Return oC). Eggs range in size from 4 to sold for a decade as a bait species. on Investment 7/100ths of an inch (1.0 to 1.7 It looks much like the golden Other Extension publications on mm) in diameter. shiner, but its dorsal fin is red- baitfish include: dish-brown and its other fins are Other species bright red. The rudd was a popu- Stone, N., E. Park, L. Dorman and lar baitfish until it was discovered H. Thomforde. 1997. Baitfish A brackishwater baitfish, the gulf that the rudd could interbreed culture in Arkansas: golden killifish (Fundulus grandis), also with the golden shiner. It was shiners, goldfish and fathead known as bull minnow or mud then prohibited as a baitfish minnows. Cooperative minnow, is raised along the Gulf species. Extension Program MP 386, Coast and shows promise for University of Arkansas at expanded production. Another Sources of additional Pine Bluff. species used for bait is the com- information Strawn, K., P. W. Perschbacher, R. mon carp (Cyprinus carpio). The Nailon and G. Chamberlain. carp is hardy and large, but many Other SRAC publications contain- 1992. Raising mudminnows. states prohibit carp. Similarly, the ing information on baitfish Sea Grant College Program tilapia (Oreochromis spp.) is an species and their culture include: publication TAMU-SG-86- excellent summer baitfish, where SRAC 121, Baitfish: Feeds and 506R, Texas A&M University, legal. Occasionally, farm-raised Galveston. green sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus) Feeding Practices are also sold as bait. SRAC 122, Baitfish Production: Wallace, R. and F.
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