Gemma Smith – Planning Officer: Planning Committee 17/03/2020 19/00818/FUL Mr And Mrs W Hollinshead PERTON NON MAJOR Councillor Philip Davis Longville Pattingham Road Perton WOLVERHAMPTON WV6 7HD Replacement dwelling, associated site works and landscaping 1. SITE DESCRIPTION AND PLANNING HISTORY 1.1 Site Description 1.1.1 The application site relates to a substantial two-storey detached property set back along the main Pattingham Road amongst a historic ribbon development constructed during the 1930s. The application site is set within extensive grounds and is situated on the northern side of Pattingham Road, in the rural area between the main service village of Perton and the local service village of Pattingham. 1.1.2 The topography of the site to the south declines steeply and is characterised with a number of trees. A hedgerow characterises the front of the site. The site is located within West Midlands Green Belt. 1.2 Relevant Planning History 80/00385 – Garage Approved subject to conditions 16.04.1980. 19/00836/LUP - Erection of detached garage block, detached swimming pool/amenity block issued 10.12.2019. A Lawful Development Certificate has recently been issued under planning reference 19/00836/LUP which confirms the following proposed developments: Outbuilding (Swimming Pool) - The proposed single storey outbuilding to house the swimming pool will measure 8 metres by 18 metres with a floor area of approximately 144 square metres. The outbuilding will have a pitched roof with an eaves height of 2.5 metres and a maximum height of 3.982 metres. The outbuilding will be located to the western side of the property, approximately 1.8 metres from the side wall of the dwelling, 10 metres from the western side boundary. Garage Outbuilding - The proposed single storey garage outbuilding will measure 7.2 metres by 12.975 metres with a floor area of approximately 93.42 square metres. The outbuilding will have a pitched roof with an eaves height of 2.5 metres and a maximum height of 3.99 metres. The outbuilding will be located to the east of the property, approximately 1.7 metres from the eastern side elevation, 8 metres from the eastern side boundary. Gemma Smith – Planning Officer: Planning Committee 17/03/2020 2. APPLICATION DETAILS 2.1 The Proposal 2.1.1 Planning permission is sought for a replacement dwelling, associated site works and landscaping. The proposal seeks the demolition and replacement of an existing two-storey dwelling with a two-storey 6-bedroom dwelling and detached garage.The existing access and hardstanding to the front of the site will remain in situ. 2.2 Agent’s Submission 2.2.1 The Agent has provided an additional document in the form of a covering letter in support of the application presenting Very Special Circumstances. This is to justify that the floorspace of the replacement dwelling exceeds 20% over the existing dwelling. The document is summarised with the following key points: Notes the principal of concern with the proposal is that of Green Belt Policy compliancy. The proposals utilise the existing access track, gates and turning areas which have two main benefits relating to minimising cumulative visual change at the site and retaining highway safety features. No major increase in vehicle movement is likely due to the similar level of occupancy between the existing and proposed dwelling. The replacement dwelling attempts to minimize the visual change perceived, by using a similar architectural style as the existing dwelling, albeit in a more pronounced and articulated style – more traditional features such as stone sills, header details, eaves/cornice details etc. The scheme proposes no notable removal of trees, no removal of boundary treatments. The existing dwelling, split over two storeys, has a total floor area measured externally of 457m2. The LUP application submitted alongside the application provides two outbuildings measuring 92m2 and 138m2 respectively. The replacement dwelling, split over three floors measures approximately 620m2. The garage block/annexe building measures a further 113m2.The proposals are therefore contrary to policy GB1 as they exceed a 20% increase over the existing dwelling. The significant PD works for which a certificate of lawful development has been submitted provide expansive leisure facilities, occupying more land and impacting the openness of the green belt more than the proposed scheme, further supported by the ability of the authority to remove Permitted Development rights and effectively control any further development of the site. 2.2.2 In addition, given the number of trees across the site a Tree Survey and Tree Protection Plan has been submitted as requested. Gemma Smith – Planning Officer: Planning Committee 17/03/2020 2.3 Amendments 2.3.1 There have been a number of amendments to the detached garage which originally was proposed as triple bay with living accommodation above at first floor. Given the concern regarding the prominence and scale of the original detached garage, the agent has decreased the scale of the proposal and has re-sited it to a more sensitive location. A two-bay garage is now proposed and has been reduced in height. Subsequently, an amendment was made to the Tree Survey and Tree Protection Plan for consistency. 3. POLICY CONTEXT 3.1 The site lies within the West Midlands Green Belt. 3.2 South Staffordshire Core Strategy, adopted 2012 NP1: The Presumption in favour of sustainable development Core Policy 1: The Spatial Strategy for South Staffordshire Policy GB1: Development within the Green Belt Core Policy 2: Protecting and Enhancing the Natural and Historic Environment Policy EQ1: Protecting, Enhancing and Expanding Natural Assets Policy EQ4: Protecting and Enhancing the Character and Appearance of the Landscape Core Policy 3: Sustainable Development and Climate Change Policy EQ9: Protecting Residential Amenity Core Policy 4: Promoting High Quality Design Policy EQ11: Wider Design Considerations Policy EQ12: Landscaping Core Policy 11: Sustainable Transport Policy EV12: Parking Provision Appendix 5: Car Parking Standards Appendix 6: Space About Dwellings Standards 3.3 Adopted local guidance Green Belt and Open Countryside SPD (2014) Gemma Smith – Planning Officer: Planning Committee 17/03/2020 South Staffordshire Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document (2018) Sustainable Development Supplementary Planning Document (2018) 3.4 National Planning Policy Framework 2019 (the - ‘NPPF’). Section 12 – Achieving well-designed places Section 13 – Protecting Green Belt land National Planning Policy Guidance, updated 2019 (the - ‘NPPG’). 4. CONSULTATION RESPONSES Consultations Received: Ward Councillors (expired 28.11.2019): No comments received. Perton Parish Council: No objections 4.12.219 County Highways: No objections subject to conditions, received 22.11.2019 Tree Officer: Re-consultations following amendments: No Objection subject to appropriate conditions received 7.02.2020. Environmental Health No comments, received 11.11.2019 No Neighbour comments (Expired 29.11.2019). Site Notice (Expired 2.12.2019). No third-party representations received. 5. APPRAISAL 5.1 The application is to be heard at Planning Committee as the proposal is inappropriate development in the Green Belt, contrary to GB1 of the Core Strategy. 5.2 Key Issues 5.2.1 The key issues in the determination of this proposal would be: Principle and Green Belt; Impact on the Openness of the Green Belt; Very Special Circumstances; Impact on Neighbouring Amenity; Impact on the Character and Appearance of the Area; Space about Dwellings Standard; Impact on Trees; and Highways and Parking Implications. Gemma Smith – Planning Officer: Planning Committee 17/03/2020 5.3 Principle and Green Belt 5.3.1 The site is located within the Green Belt. Paragraph 143 of the NPPF states that inappropriate development is, by definition, harmful to the Green Belt and should not be approved except in very special circumstances. However, there are exceptions to this position as set out within Paragraphs 145 & 146 of the NPPF. Point d) of Paragraph 145 states that the replacement of a building, provided the new building is in the same use and not materially larger than the one it replaces is an exception to inappropriate development. 5.3.2 This is re-iterated in point d) within policy GB1 of the Core Strategy, 2012 which states where the replacement of an existing building is not materially larger than the building it replaces and in the same use, is considered acceptable development within the Green Belt. 5.3.3 Therefore, the key issue in ascertaining the principle of the proposal, is whether the replacement dwelling is ‘materially larger’ than the existing dwelling. 5.3.4 The gross floor area of the existing dwelling measures approx. 424.0m2 and an existing volume measuring approx. 1511.2m3. The existing dwelling is split over two floors. 5.3.5 The floor area of the proposed new dwelling measures approx. 679.0m2 and the proposed volume would measure approx. 1611.0m3. The proposed dwelling would be split over three storeys. 5.3.6 In addition, a detached garage with living accommodation to first floor was also originally proposed which would have measured a further 139.0m2, with a total volume of 271.25m3. The design and location of the detached garage have now been amended and it would be sited to the front of the dwelling on the western extent. The revised detached garage measures 48.8m2, with a total volume of 150.9m3 , in addition to the replacement dwelling. 5.3.7 Section 3 ‘Replacement of existing buildings’ within the Green Belt and Open Countryside SPD, 2014 uses 10-20% increase in floor area as guidance as to what constitutes ‘materially larger’. 5.3.8 The proposal constitutes approximately a 60.0% increase in floorspace of the original dwelling. This does not include the detached garage as proposed, which equates to another 11% increase in floorspace than the existing dwelling.
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