2018 THE CANADIAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY CANADIAN PLANT DISEASE SURVEY DISEASE HIGHLIGHTS SOCIÉTÉ CANADIENNE DE PHYTOPATHOLOGIE INVENTAIRE DES MALADIES DES PLANTES AU CANADA APERÇU DES MALADIES The Society recognizes the continuing need to publish plant disease surveys to document plant pathology in Canada and to benefit federal, provincial and other agencies in planning research and development on disease control. La Société estime qu’il est nécessaire de publier régulièrement les résultats d’études sur l’état des maladies au Canada afin qu’ils soient disponibles aux phytopathologistes et qu’ils aident les organismes fédéraux, provinciaux et privés à planifier la recherche et le développement en lutte contre les maladies. NATIONAL EDITOR/ ÉDITRICE NATIONAL Dr. Janice Elmhirst Elmhirst Diagnostics & Research 5727 Riverside Street Abbotsford, British Columbia V4X 1T6 Tel: 604-820-4075; cell: 604-832-9495 Email: [email protected] 1 Canadian Plant Disease Survey Inventaire des maladies des plantes au Canada CPDS Volume 98: 1–218 IMPC Volume 98: 1-218 April, 2018 Avril, 2018 Contents: DISEASE HIGHLIGHTS - 2017 GROWING SEASON (+ earlier years for historical significance) 1 Contents / Sections 1 2018 Section Editors / Éditeurs de section 2 2018 Index-Titles and authors / Titres et auteurs Sections: 6 Diagnostic laboratories / Laboratoires diagnostiques - British Columbia (2) - Alberta - Saskatchewan - Manitoba - Ontario - New Brunswick - Prince Edward Island - Québec 83 Cereals /Céréales 160 Oilseeds, Pulses, Forages and Special Crops / Oléagineux, Protéagineux, Plantes fourragères et Cultures spéciales 212 Fruits, Nuts and Berries, Ornamentals and Turfgrass / Fruits, Fruits à écale et baies, Plantes ornementales et Gazon 216 2018 Author index (alphabetical) / Index d’auteurs (alphabétique) - 2018 218 List of figures / Liste de figures The Canadian Plant Disease Survey is a periodical of L’Inventaire des maladies des plantes au Canada est information and record on the occurrence and severity un périodique d’information sur la fréquence des of plant diseases in Canada and the estimated losses maladies des plantes au Canada, leur gravité et les from diseases. pertes qu’elles occasionnent. Authors who wish to publish articles and notes on other Les auteurs qui veulent publier des articles et des aspects of plant pathology are encouraged to submit notes sur d’autres aspects de la phytopathologie sont this material to the scientific journal of their choice, such invités à soumettre leurs textes à la revue scientifique as the Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology or de leur choix, par exemple à la Revue canadienne de Phytoprotection. phytopathologie ou à Phytoprotection. Deidre Wasyliw, Compiler Deidre Wasyliw, Compilatrice Department of Biology Department of Biology 112 Science Place 112 Science Place Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 5E2 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 5E2 Tel. (306) 966-4455 Tél. (306) 966-4455 Email:[email protected] Courriel:[email protected] 2 2018 CPDS SECTION EDITORS AND ADDRESSES SECTION EDITORS AND ADDRESSES DIAGNOSTIC LABORATORIES Ms. Marilyn Dykstra / LABORATOIRES DIAGNOSTIQUES Pest Management Centre Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Building 57, 960 Carling Ave Ottawa, ON K1A 0C6 Tel: (613) 759-7430 Fax: (613) 759-1400 Email: [email protected] CEREALS / CÉRÉALES Dr. Kelly Turkington Research Scientist Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Lacombe Resarch and Development Centre 6000 C and E Trail Lacombe, Alberta T4L 1W1 Tel: (403) 782-8138 Fax: (403) 782-6120 Email: [email protected] OILSEEDS, PULSES, FORAGES AND SPECIAL Dr. Debra McLaren CROPS / OLÉAGINEUX, PROTÉAGINEUX, Research Scientist PLANTES FOURRAGÈRES ET CULTURES Crop Production Pathology SPÉCIALES Brandon Research Centre 2701 Grand Valley Road P.O. Box 1000A, R.R. #3 Brandon, Manitoba R7A 5Y3 Tel: (204) 578-6561; Fax: (204) 578-6724 Email: [email protected] VEGETABLES /LÉGUMES Dr. Mary Ruth McDonald Department of Plant Agriculture University of Guelph 50 Stone Road East Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1 Tel: (519) 824-4120 ext. 52791 Fax: (519) 763-8933 Email: [email protected] FRUIT, NUTS AND BERRIES, ORNAMENTALS AND Dr. Janice Elmhirst TURFGRASS / FRUITS, FRUITS À ÉCALE ET Elmhirst Diagnostics & Research, BAIES, PLANTES ORNEMENTALES ET GAZON 5727 Riverside Street Abbotsford, British Columbia V4X 1T6 Tel.: 604-820-4075; cell:604-832-9495 Email:[email protected] FOREST TREES / ARBRES FORESTIERS Dr. Jean Bérubé Service canadien des forêts Centre de foresterie des Laurentides Ressources Naturelles Canada Gouvernement du Canada 1055 rue du P.E.P.S., C.P. 10380 Sainte-Foy (Québec), G1V 4C7 Tél: (418) 648-7174 Facs: (418) 648-5849 Email: [email protected] 3 INDEX – TITLES AND AUTHORS / TITRES ET AUTEURS DIAGNOSTIC LABORATORIES / LABORATOIRES DIAGNOSTIQUES ................................................. 6 V. Joshi, M. Jeffries. Diseases/symptoms diagnosed on commercial crop samples submitted to the British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture (BCAGRI) Plant Health Laboratory in 2017 ........................... 6 J.F. Elmhirst. Diseases diagnosed on ornamental nursery and landscape crops in British Columbia, 2017 ........................................................................................................................................................... 17 K. Zuzak, Y. Yang, D. Rennie, K. Zahr, A Sarkes, D. Brennan, D. Feindel, J. Feng. Diseases diagnosed on crop samples submitted to the Alberta Plant Health Lab in 2017 ...................................... 20 M.P. Pradhan, V. Bisht, H. Derksen, P. Bajracharya. 2017 Manitoba Agriculture Crop Diagnostic Centre Laboratory submissions ................................................................................................................. 26 Z. Telfer, M.R. McDonald. Diseases surveyed in onion, carrot and celery fields in the Holland Marsh in 2017 ............................................................................................................................................ 33 Z. Telfer, M.R. McDonald. Diseases diagnosed on plant samples submitted to the Muck Crops Research Station Diagnostic Laboratory in 2017 ...................................................................................... 34 M. Melzer, X. Shan. Diseases diagnosed on plant samples submitted to the Plant Disease Clinic, University of Guelph in 2017 .......................................................................................................... 36 A.-M. Breton, A. Dionne, D. Hamel, A. Marcoux, N. Shallow, J. Vivancos. Maladies et problèmes abiotiques diagnostiqués sur les échantillons de plantes reçus en 2017 au Laboratoire de diagnostic en phytoprotection du MAPAQ ........................................................................ 51 M.T. Tesfaendrias. Diseases diagnosed on plant samples submitted to the NBDAAF Plant Disease Diagnostic Laboratory in 2017 ..................................................................................................... 75 M.M. Clark, A. MacLeod. Diseases diagnosed on commercial crop samples submitted to the Prince Edward Island Plant Disease Diagnostic Service (PDDS) in 2017 ...................................... 79 CEREALS / CÉRÉALES ........................................................................................................................... 83 B.D. Olson, T. Blois, B. Ernst, S. Junek, H.R. Kutcher, B. Ziesman. Seed-borne Fusarium on cereal crops in Saskatchewan in 2015 ................................................................................................. 83 B.D. Olson, T. Blois, B. Ernst, S. Junek, H.R. Kutcher, B. Ziesman. Seed-borne Fusarium on cereal crops in Saskatchewan in 2016 ................................................................................................. 88 B. Ziesman, S. Hartley, C. Peru, F. Dokken-Bouchard, T. Sliva, A. Mah, A. Wilyman, M. Hladun, K. Ray, M. Bruce, M.R. Fernandez, D.T. Stephens. Fusarium head blight in barley in Saskatchewan in 2016 and 2017 .............................................................................................................. 93 M. Banik, M. Beyene, X. Wang. Fusarium head blight of barley in Manitoba – 2017 .............................. 95 P. Cholango-Martinez, H.R. Kutcher. Leaf spot diseases in barley in Saskatchewan in 2017 ................ 97 N.E. Rauhala, T.K. Turkington. 2017 Barley disease survey in Central Alberta ...................................... 99 K. Xi, K. Kumar, S. Waterman. Wheat and barley disease survey in Central Alberta, 2017 .................. 100 A.G. Xue, Y. Chen. Diseases of barley in Central and Eastern Ontario in 2016 ................................... 102 P. Cholango-Martinez, P. Hucl, H.R. Kutcher. Leaf mottle and Fusarium spp. in canary seed in Saskatchewan in 2017. ............................................................................................................... 104 M. Banik, M. Beyene, X. Wang. Fusarium head blight of oat in Manitoba – 2017 ................................. 106 J.G. Menzies, A.G. Xue, S. Deceuninck, Z. Popovic, J. Friesen. Crown rust of oat in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Ontario and Quebec in 2017 .......................................................................................... 108 4 M. Dyck, A. Liew, E. Boots, P. Cholango-Martinez, H.R. Kutcher. Fusarium infection of oat kernels in Saskatchwan in 2017. .............................................................................................................. 111 A.G. Xue, Y. Chen. Diseases of
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