MASONIC TOKEN. WHEREBY ONE BROTHER MAY KNOW ANOTHER. VOLUME 3. PORTLAND, ME., OCT. 15, 1892. Ng. 22. Constitution. and Rev. Bro. J. L. Seward, of Waterville, Published quarterly by Stephen Berry, Jephtha Council of R. & S. Masters, No. delivered the oration. We return our No. 37 Plum Street, Portland, Maine. 17, at Farmington, was constituted Septem- thanks for an invitation. Twelve cts. per year in advance. ber 23d by Grand Master Wm. R. G. Estes, assisted by Deputy Grand Master Roak and The Grand Master has received tbe res­ Established March, 1867. 26th year. P. C. of Work Crowell, with companions ignation of R.W. Bro. Emilius W. Brown, filling the other offices. The officers were District Deputy Grand Master of the 2d Advertisements $4.00 per inch, or $3.00 for half an inch for one year. installed by Deputy Grand Master Roak, as Masonic District, and has appointed in his No advertisement received unless tlie advertiser, follows: Benjamin M. Hardy, tim; Seth E. place R. W. Albert Whipple Clark, of East- or some member of the firm, is a Freemason in dm pcw port. good standing. Beedy, ; S. Clifford Belcher, ; John ________________________ « J. Linscott, Rec. A Grand Chapter of the Order of the TO A MAINE POET. Dedication. Eastern Star was organized at Rockland, The new ball of Riverside Lodge, No. 135, August 24th. Miss Ella M. Day, of Rock- Kathleen Mavourneen !—The song is still ringing As fresh and as clear as the trill of the birds ; was dedicated September 14th by R. W. land, was elected Grand Worthy Matron ; In world-weary hearts it is sobbing and singing In pathos too sweet for the tenderest words. Charles W. Stetson, D. D. G. M. 10th dis- Dr. A. H. Burroughs, of Westbrook, Gr. O, have we forgotten the one who first breathed it— trict. A fine address was delivered by Rev. W. Patron ; Mrs. Annette H. Hooper, Bid­ O, have we forgotten his rapturous art— Our meed to the master whose genius bequeathed Bro. C. S. Cummings, of Rockland. Music deford, Grand Secretary. O, why art thou silent, thou voice of the heart? was rendered by a quartette, and a supper- Sabatis, Me., August 10th.—Bro. Judson followed. In the evening work was ren­ Kathleen Mavourneen ; thy lover still lingers ; Bangs, of Sabatis, was injured the 9tb, by The long night is waning—the stars pale and dered on the third degree. few ; a bursting emery wheel in the grist mill. Thy sad eerenader. with tremulous fingers. Di«peiinationsl, Is bowed with bis tears as the lily with dew ; One piece of the wheel struck him on the The old harp-strings quaver—the old voice is shak­ Grand Master Taylor issued a dispensa- collar bone and made a painful but not ing­ in sighs and in sobs moans the yearning refrain— tion July 22d, to twenty brethren in the serious wound. Another piece struck him The old vision dims, and the old heart is break­ town of York, for a new lodge, to be called ing— on the neck, grazing the big artery and Kathleen Mavourneen, inspire us again ! Saint Aspinquid Lodge, with the following badly bruising the flesh. A very large —James Whitcomb Riley. officers: piece, fully five inches long, struck him on Frank W. Smith, Master. the cheek, making a huge gash. It was a Wilson L. Hawkes, Senior Warden. narrow escape in more respects than one. MASONRY IN MAINE. Albert D. Walker, Junior Warden. ------------------ , Secretary. Bro. Bangs is District Deputy Grand Lodge Elections. Master of the 14th district, and his brethren Rural, 53, Sidney. Albert IT Reynolds, Grand High Priest Penley has issued the will unite in congratulating him on his M ; Nathan A Benson, sw ; Sewall A Clark, dispensation for a new chapter at Water­ narrow escape. On the 26th he was suffi­ jw ; James F Warren, sec. ville, to be called Teconnet Chapter, ordered ciently recovered to resume his usual busi­ Asylum, 133, Wayne. Renj II J Ridley, by the Grand Chapter in May. It is dated m; James M Moulton, sw ; Clarence M ness. Stevens, jw; B Frank Bradford, sec. August 1, and it will come in as No. 52. Star in the East, 60, Oldtown. Melvin L Tbe officers will be Books, Papers, etc. Emerson, rn ; Chas A Dillingham, sw ; John H. W. Stewart, High Priest; —Camp Hammond is a beautifully illus­ W Gould, jw ; Geo T Sewall, sec. A. L. McFadden, King; trated pamphlet reprinted from the Ameri- C. H. Alden, Scribe; Oriental, 13, Bridgton. D. Eugene Chap­ can Architect, of a Mill-Built Dwelling lin, m; Lewis H Corliss, sw; Frank W W. D. Spaulding, Secretary. Seavey, jw; Richard T Bailey, sec. House, referring to the mansion of Bro. Grand High Priest Albert M. Penley is­ Davis, 191, Strong. Andrew J Norton, Geo. W. Hammond at Yarmouthville, Maine, m; Nelson Walker, sw; CF-Tbompson, jw ; sued on August 10th a dispensation to seven- ft is evidently both beautiful and comfort­ G S Porter, sec. teen companions to form a new Royal Arch able and little liable to conflagration. A Chapter at East Machias, to be called War- Chapter Elections. fine view of the mills of the Forest Paper ren Chapter, with the following officers : Saint Andrew’s, u. n., Mechanic Falls. Co., of which he is manager, is also given. Prescott R Cobb, hp; Diman B Perry, k ; High Priest—Herbert Harris. — Thomas Manning ham, M. D., is a paper King—James E. Tuell. Chas H Dwinal, sc; Frank O Parington, by the historian Robert Freke Gould, re­ SEC. Scribe—Austin F. Kingsley. Commandery Elections. Secretary—Austin Harris. published from the proceedings of the Lodge Portland, 2, Portland. Chas I Riggs, c ; The first meeting was held September 9th. Coronati. It is a valuable memoir of a Wm S Corey, g ; Geo E Whitney, cg ; John celebrated mason. In it we find a historical S Russell, kec. Lodge Notes. point of extreme interest regarding tbe St. Omer, 12, Waterville. Fred C Thayer, Herbert Harris recently presented to origin of Templar Masonry. He says that c ; John A Lang, g ; Horace A Burrell, cg ; Warren Lodge of East Machias a fine-toned in 1760 most of the English regiments bad W D. Spaulding, Rec. organ for the lodge room. army lodges. Most of tbern served on tbe Euclid, 194, Madison. Chas. A. Wilber, continent while the Rite of Strict Observ­ m ; Leonard O. Paine, sw; Granville D. Per­ Asylum Lodge, No. 133, at Wayne, kept kins, jw; Joseph IL Hoyle, sec. its twenty-fifth anniversary, October llth, ance was flourishing, and fraternized with 188 MASONIC TOKEN, OCT. 15, 1892. brethren of that rite. He cannot doubt, —We have received the ever welcome age of $17 to the eighty cases relieved, therefore, that these lodges obtained the and valuable Massachusetts report on the enables eighty to get along with the help of Orders of Knighthood from that rite and in­ Statistics of Labor, with the Statistics of the local lodges and friends. In some cases, troduced it into England and America, as Manufacturers for 1891, from Horace G. the receipt of a little cash assistance each they were favorites with Army Lodges. Wadlin, Chief of Bureau, Boston, and re- year, induces friends to keep them, who —History of the Crusades, by Michaud, turn him thanks. could not venture to take the burden un- illustrated by Dore, Geo. Barrie, 31 Milk St. Wide Awake for October contains—In assisted. Boston, Publisher. M. M. Simmon, agent. Grandma’s Kitchen, by Ella Wheeler Wil­ But the time will come when some wealthy •31 a number. Part 17 gives Dore’s elegant cox ; The Narration of Irish Will of Gal­ brother of strong opinions on this subject, line engravings of the arrival of the German way, by Elbridge S. Brooks ; The Diver, by will drive the fraternity into it, by giving or and Danish fleets at Ptolemais; the Siege II. P. Whitmarsh ; Growing, by Juliet C. leaving it an endowment so large for a Home of Ptolemais; Crusaders surrounded by Marsh ; The Youngest Planet and how he that it cannot afford to lose it, and then the Saladin’s army; and Burying the Dead after became a Comet, by Helen Clarkson ; The Home will be built and the craft will really the Battle of Dorylaeum. The text con- Elf’s Beacon Light, by Lilian Crawford take up the burden of masonic life. tinues the narrative of Louis IX crusade ; True; Cinderella, by H. S. Huntington; Mourning circulars from the Grand Chap­ his captivity, release, his conduct in Pales­ Some Simple Astronomy, by Vesper L. ter and Grand Council of Connecticut an- tine and his final return to France with the George; Tbe Bee Hunters, by Richard nounce the death of Chester Tilden, in little remnant of his expedition. Malcolm Johnston ; The Cruise of the Willimantic, August Slat, aged 66 years, 7 Part 18 contains Dore’s A Friendly Dolphins, by Mary E. Blake; On Board a months. He was Gr. II. Priest in 1883, Tournament; The Baptism of Infidels ; Ed- Pirate Junk, by Lieut.-Col. Thorndike ; A and Gr. Master of the Grand Council in ward 3d of England kills his attempted as- Piece of Red Cloth, by M. Carrie Hyde ; 1880. sassin; The Crusaders Massacre the In­ London Bridge, by Mary Hardinge Conolly ; habitants of Caesarea. The text continues Cane Rush, by Malcolm Townsend ; “ I Comp. Hiram Chase, of Belfast, is the the history of St. Louis, and of the effect-of Spy,” by John Preston True ; A Fresh Air oldest living member of the order of High his crusade upon Europe, especially upon Girl, by Grace Mildred Thompson ; The Priesthood in Maine, having been admitted France.
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