, Ration Calendar Much Colder "1 B aDd () bl ... tamll. '''111.. h"" 81: FuEL OIL .0UpOIl plr~ . April U, row : MUl'1l coldn taday, IJahl rensit l' OH' I: taUpOD '0 t pl.ro April ~6: o I "A" ~. UPO" . 0 6xplt'e lay ~l; r Ib ball8inr to IbO OIln'I 11(11\R OOUPOIl I ~ up"" ~by MI; THE DAILY IOWAN Today 8110 MOp"n n ",plr.. JUlie I~, Iowa City's Morning Newspaper this lIlorDlu\ will be nVECENTS TilE AI!80CIATED PB£18 IOWA CITY, IOWA SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1943 TaB ASSOC1&TWD PW£ I VOLUME XLID NUMBER 155 irnbers 9t lea ms all­ ~plotl8h~ rh'st lJlo. speakll} e rcceh~ tie rl IS ~al ______ ~ ____________ ~ __________ ~ __________ _L_~--------------------------~~--------------------,--. ___________________________________________________ + tel'est in eograpby Desert Forces md itom Irding to :old :Me. Plunge Inlo ommcrce SUI Women Hold Recog.nition D,0 y ! Journal 01 that * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rs t, more * * * Rommel Line toreien Mortar Board 11catlonal pp!y thaI Allies, Enemy locked I School fleets Eleven In Battl. on Mareth licts thaI Belt of Minefields lirs, now will not New Officers of Chief ALLIED HEADQUARTERS T 1/1 pca~e, Campus Organizations NORTH APRICA (AP)-Infantry il, "Once of Ole British EI,hth army inched Id in oc. Disclosed at Meeting Jowly forward into fortification" t task is oC th 1ar th Un und r II h Ii of ' It it is a APPI'ox imllh·ly 150 university gunfire y ·t rday whll Amtric shall be fore 70 mile way fou,hl grim­ shall be women. in IIdditloll to lho~e who H ly to kC<'p Mar hal Erwin Hom! Italy as. have attained lh,· '('-polnt scho­ II mel's Ilanll pinned to thl' Tunl lun well il lastic vel'age, wel'e recognized yesterday aL the women's "ecogni­ !d to 1'1!. ,• DOS." tion day ceremonies held in Mac­ Like World Waf' I lele also bride auditorium, Th seventh night or Gen. Sir to con. Announcement was also made of Bernard L. Montlom ry's attack of the the Ll newly elected members of on the de p M t Ih belt of mint­ Mortor Board. They are Pnlrici­ field~ ond by ~ust first PATJtlClANNE BALDRIDGE LOIS GRI SEI" plUbOlCe backed up !Conomie anne Baldridge, A3 of Iowa City; conc ntTalions of :lrmor nd ar­ es of the Ulis Grissel, A3 of Cedar Rapids; tillery found the British and the Jennie Evans, AS of Ames; May * * enemy still lock d in a Itrullille Bai<er, A3 of Pal'k Ridge, Ill. ; Gen­ * r mlnlscent · Of ' the fir \ World - t evieve Slemmons, A3 of Iowu City; RAF Intruder Planes war's many "battles of po Itlon Ruth Reininga, A3 of River For- f and attrition." at I est, Ill.; Marjorie Bestor, C3 of I Rome, Suburbs '1'here was c mpl It' nb nee 0 Igree i Newton; Shirley Rich. A3 of Ot­ IHit Information on the itu tion in lh tumwa; Florence Walker, A3 of El Hamma ar a where dorlng units - Charlie Sidney ; France:s Simonsen, A3 of In Raid From Malta of the Ei,hlh army h II Itruck tat opei the Sioux City, and Helen Lee He'ls­ nl'ound and Int thl' r 81' of the lieve his leigh, A3 of Iowa City. Moreth line. New Officers Pilots Regret Not Jefore he Others given special recognition I But by th plare (0 included new officers of principal Seeing 'Big Bvllfrog' rorc on ntm armor III Ib the back campus organizations, The officer:; Mussolini on Foray vlrlnlty or £1 lIam Jndie.' ltd register, and theil' organizations are Ruth that th f1l1nkl~ Brit h torce he found Reininga, president, Lois Grissel, I LONDON (AP)-RAF In~rud r was boldin.. lis tnJllll1 .. Ins l nest of vice-president, Heleh Hackett, A3 plane,. laldn, off (rom batt r d tb re de pile It long upply lint. l110ns of of Bound Brook, N. J " secretary; Malta where for monlh the words (Th Algiers radio said lhe Drl­ '((ee, 400 Mariol1 MacEwen, A3 of Iowa City, , "Bomb Rom" hove been chalked ;allolls 0.1 , and Eileen Sch nk 11, Al ti, h btfor £1 Hamma, whlrh i on the wall 01 ruined buildlnll • 20 mil I from the ax I port oC or Marion, freshmtlll repl'e5entative t I 0\' sullit'd boldly r the Italion Gtlbel, wei'. m etln~ an " xl .. m - orU,W.A, capiwt nnd nvir~ml Thul'sday Flor nce Wl\llt~~, )lresident; 1y d n nil-I nk r n_ ' , II, " "r tIru I'll ;1 hi M.. rth~ Mae Cbappe\1, A3 of t m," but that th y had captur d return expre: sed regl'et at nOL the height of OJ b I Toba,a, dorn­ Iowa City, vice-president; Helen ha\ing b en able to ingie out th Lee Henslelgh, secretary; Jean Inulina Gab s. Thel' wu. no nI­ fellow "big bullfl'og"-Mu"soiini. lit'd conrirmnUon or this I' por ,) Hardie, A~ of Freeport, Ill., trea· ~ - ---------~----- Fir -t r POits trom Malta quoted ", Math. till HoLd n surer; Margaret Browning, Al of only the pilo~ who want d to !1I1d the use Iowa City, sopbomore president, There y t was no Indication thaL fooling, Mu, ~olini, but later It Willi leurned and l\.fI\ryanne Kurtz, AZ of a numb r or attacking craft had thl' Gl'rmnnA nnd HalioM r1cfend­ 0, liter­ Iowa. City, junior-senior presi­ five Vichy Ccbine" Ministers Lewis Demands Wage Boosl, In, th(' !otmldobl" fortlflc ton. flown over thc capital orl'D ror tb s. Math· dent, of Y. W. C. A. tirst lime. were cracking undl'!' th Eighth the In- Mary Beth Timm, A3 of Musca­ Early editions of the London army's I dltchamm r blows, but ng it off tine, presidenl; Phyllis Peterson, mornin" papers gave the tory top th d crebing power ot the coun­ ·· Dismissed in Political Upset No Binding Rules for Mine~s terattacks luunched by 1arshal A2 of Williamsburg, first vice­ di play and the Daily Mall head. president; Margaret MoLt, At of line said: "RAF O\-CI' Rom Sub­ Erwin Rommel att sl d the U t .. Marion, second vice-pl'esident; suring unconditional support of WASHINGTON (AP)-In a . That agrecment, he asserted, urb ." iveness of the Britllih 0 sault by land and air, Jelll1 Koenig, C3 of Le Mars, sec­ Laval government." and said some Reds Gain 2Towns dl'amatic hearing, [requenlly punc- was voided by the war Jabor Only on pilot told of what the retary; Ann Oliver, A3 of Schenec­ tuated by sharp exchanges with board's adoption the "little Italian ~'apital looks like at nl,hL Ye t rdny' alii d communique Many French of the posts were bcing telescoped ot tady, N. y" il'easurer; Ann Casey, investigating senators, J ohn 1.. steel" formula for fixing wages. Crom the air. ,ave the 1irst Indlcoti n that A4 of Mason City, intramural to give a greater concentration 01 In Smolensk Region 1.ewis insisted yesterday that coal Indicating he would insist on After eeinll lh bllnkinll night Montgomery's liaht ra hod recov. manage r, and Dorothy Metzger, At power, miners must have higher wages the full $2-a-day increase he is sights of Rome, the tlier, c.oncen­ ered completely from the setback of South Bend, Ind., assistant in­ Officials'Side Actuall:y, most of the French and maintained they are under no asking for the miners, Lewis aid lrot d a strofing attack on train they sutter d last Tul'aday, when . crving the capital and an oul­ areat force of German t8nk~ and tramural manager, of W. R. A, . ministries are obsolete because of Hold Firm Against obligation not to strike if they this figure was based on the min­ I' Mary Balster Iall to get them, erst instructions to him and the lying roilway stotion, intant 'y threw th m b:.tck to their war d,evelopments. France has lost ) Mary Balster, A3 of Marion, Nazi Counterattacks The president of the united increased co~t of Jiving In minin" "The moon wa. quite bright," orillinal po ltion, , and wer lash­ president, Patricia Zumsteg, A3 of With Giraud nearly all her colonies to either On Southern Front mine workers said he joined with communities, the pilot ,ald, oj nd alihough II in, forward Iliain. Me mph i s, Mo" vice-president; General Giraud or Gen, Charles "all Americans in hoping no work He [u'gued too that Indu try is was very hazy we could fla h s (The Morroco radio Id Ih t Helen Butcher, A I at Quincy, Ill., De Gaulle, Fighting French leader, stoppage will be necessDl'Y," but wllxin~ fat 'orr government con~ of eleclric trams or trains In ~ome "bloody ell8&1'ementa and hlUld ­ secretary; Roberta Street, D of By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS and the Germans demobilized all LONDON, Saturday (AP)­ repeatedly declared he was not tracts while miners are Iorced by It, elf and the building o[ the to-band fI.. btlnJ" Ue In pro­ Iowa City, treasul'er, of home eco- The Berlin radio announced last the French military services when Russian troops beating against "necessarily bound by the no- low incomes to follow a diet de­ city." rre at several poln alonr DI nomics club, night a shakeup in Pierre Laval's they occupied all of Francc last Smolensk's dist;:lI1t defenses wiped strike pledge labor leaders made {icient to the point of endangering Mareth )lne.) One 01 the highlillhts of the cere- Vichy cabinet in which five min­ fall followi ng the allied invasion out a German garrison at one in 1941, productivity.
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