www.stlapda.org August 2012: Vol. 26, Issue 3 Newsletter of the American Parkinson Disease Association, St. Louis Chapter Mission Park Place Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for people with or an avid Monopoly player, those two home to our support group facilitator training Parkinson’s disease, their words must conjure up the most expen- classes, training for agency personnel caring for families, and caregivers in Fsive real estate on the game board, short Parkinson patients, committee meetings, fund- our communities throughout of Boardwalk. But for a Parkinson patient, raising activities, auction basket assembly, and Missouri and southern Illinois, rather than suggest a financial worth, those two other special events. Members of the APDA and to provide funding for words should suggest an even more valuable Information and Referral Center staff, Board ongoing Parkinson’s disease site. My husband, Karl, suggested we add an members, along with other volunteers, will staff research. “e,” PARKE PLACE, but I don’t particularly like the center Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. – the reference frequently used by patients them- 4:00 p.m. and be available to answer questions, selves, Parkie, so I would never add an “e,” silent assist you in the resource library, or on an inter- In This Issue or otherwise. net search. We will still have a When the Parkinson Patient Prior to the Greater St. title deed presence at Washington Uni- Needs Surgery ..........................2 Louis APDA Board of Di- PARK PLACE versity School of Medicine, Board Briefs .............................2 rectors conducting an ex- Movement Disorders Section, tensive property search, our host institution. Webinars From Hospital to Home – under the direction of and archived PEP meetings will Transitions of Care ....................4 40-year commercial real be available for viewing during Forced Exercise – estate veteran and new office hours or by appointment. Using a Theracyle .....................5 Board member, John Our resource library room will Useful Links .............................6 Basilico, and just a week contain many recent publica- before the final vote, tions, CDs, DVDs, books, com- Driving Safely With Parkinson’s the Parkinson Research munity resources. The majority Disease ....................................7 Foundation, located in of our large equipment lending Support Group Calendars .......8–9 Sarasota, FL, sent out loan closet will still be located Exercise Classes .....................10 an e-blast announcing off-site; however, smaller, adap- “Hull of a Race” .....................10 PARKINSON PLACE tive equipment will be available coming soon. “Evidence-based programs de- at no charge from this location. Our large lec- Tributes & Donations .........11–12 signed to empower, educate, and energize pa- ture programs will continue to be held in venues FORE-teenth Golf Tournament tients and caregivers through every stage of the which can accommodate the 500 people who Another Great Success ............13 disease process” will be available, and member- regularly attend these quarterly presentations. LSVT-BIG and ship is free. Recalling the words from the movie, “Field of APDA Loan Closet ...................15 Our St. Louis PARK PLACE is located at Dreams,” if you build it they will come, I en- 1415 Elbridge Payne, Suite 150, in Chesterfield, courage you to drop by and visit. More infor- NEWSLETTER DISCLAIMER accessible through the main doors and, will also mation will be available on our website, www. “The information and reference ma- provide a “new and unique destination spot,” all stlapda.org. PARK PLACE – a new and unique terial contained herein concerning under one roof. We will have group participa- destination for those impacted by this disease. research being done in the field of tion programs including the Chesterfield sup- Patients, families, care providers, professionals, Parkinson’s disease and answers to port group, For Caregivers Only support group, and others interested in learning more about readers’ questions are solely for the chair-exercise program, LOUD Crowd-Voice Parkinson disease and supporting our mission information of the reader. It should Aerobics, Wellness Course, Tai Chi, Adult Chil- are all invited to stop in. Looking forward to not be used for treatment purposes, dren of Parents with Parkinson’s support group, your visit! For further information, please con- rather for discussion with the pa- PD101, and Caregiving 101. It will also be tact us at 314-362-3299. n tient’s own physician.” APDA GREATER ST. LOUIS CHAPTER When the Parkinson Patient Deborah Dalin Guyer, MA, Coordinator [email protected] Needs Surgery Elaine Dreher, Program Coordinator Michael Rezak, M.D., Ph.D., Director, Movement Disorders Center, [email protected] Neurosciences Center, Central DuPage Hospital Christine Karsh, Event Planner, Development [email protected] ecently, I have received a num- to discontinue MAO-B inhibitors (par- ST. LOUIS CHAPTER ber of inquiries regarding PD ticularly Azilect®) before surgery as this COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTER patients who have scheduled sur- class of medicine has been shown to be 1415 Elbridge Payne, Suite 150 R Chesterfield, MO 63017 gical procedures and some who have safe with anesthetics and most pain Office Hours: required emergency surgery. Special medicines. The only contraindicated Monday–Friday 7:30 AM–4:00 PM consideration must be given to the PD pain medicines are meperidine and 314-362-3299 • 314-747-1601 (fax) patient that requires any type of surgi- tramadol. To date, there have been no APDA INFORMATION & REFERRAL CENTER cal intervention. The physical and emo- negative interactions documented with Campus Box 8111 • 660 S. Euclid tional stress that surgical procedures can MAO-B inhibitors and pain medicines. St. Louis, MO 63110 impose impacts PD management. Fore- Following surgery, PD medications www.stlapda.org knowledge of potential problems may should be restarted as soon as the pa- ST. LOUIS CHAPTER APDA preclude their development. tient can safely swallow. Unfortunately, BOARD OF DIRECTORS In the following paragraphs, I have there are very limited number of effec- Rebecca Daming, President Tom Mackowiak, 1st Vice President chosen a question and answer format tive dopaminergic drugs that can be ad- Bob Goldsticker, 2nd Vice President using actual questions posed by patients ministered by routes other than orally. Don Carlson, 3rd Vice President and their families, as well as by physi- The exceptions to this are Apokyn®, Rebecca B. Farris, Secretary cians. The selected questions will also Cogentin®, and Zelapar®. Apokyn® Brian Hantsbarger, Treasurer address potential complications seen in is an injectable dopamine agonist and Matt LaMartina, Past President PD patients that undergo any surgical is the most efficacious of the previously MEMBERS AT LARGE procedure. mentioned drugs, but must be used John R. Basilico Joseph Marchbein with caution in the post-operative pe- Bill Billings Robert Sanderson Patsy Dalton Jack Strosnider Q. When should PD medications be riod (especially if an effective dose has David Dankmyer Lynda Wiens discontinued before surgery, and how not been established pre-operatively) DIRECTOR EMERITUS soon can they be restarted after surgery? and only if an anti-emetic is used con- Susan B. Levin A. PD medications should be contin- currently. In most cases, if a patient is ued as close to the surgical procedure as recovering from gastrointestinal surgery EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Deborah Dalin Guyer, M.A. possible. This is typically about three that requires l-dopa, I recommend giv- hours before the procedure, allowing ing medications via nasogastric tube MEDICAL DIRECTOR the patient to remain as comfortable with suction off and the tube clamped Joel S. Perlmutter, MD as possible. There is no longer a need continued on next page NATIONAL AFFILIATION APDA • 135 Parkinson Ave. Staten Island, NY 10305 Board Briefs 800-223-2732 EDITOR Deborah D. Guyer Brook Dubman, a Direc- tor on the APDA Board, regret- CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Linda Clark fully resigned his position in late Elaine Dreher June due to increasing business Betty Hayward demands at Carol House Fur- niture, serving on other boards, and having a need for time with his wonderful family who share Brook with so many charitable organizations. He had served as a Director on our Board for over 16 Dubman Memorial Golf Tournament years. Brook has assured us that he will and his financial support as a sponsor American Parkinson Disease Association continue to lend his name to the Nat for our worthy cause. n 2 St. Louis APDA LiNK August 2012 When the Parkinson Finally, a rare, but potentially life medications such as Reglan®, Compa- Patient Needs Surgery threatening condition known as neu- zine®, and Phenergan® are considered continued from previous page roleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) first-line medications to treat this prob- must be a concern whenever dopami- lem. Because of their interference with for 30-45 minutes after the medicine nergic drugs are stopped abruptly. In dopamine transmission, they will cer- is delivered to allow for absorption. In NMS, mental status changes, rigidity, tainly worsen PD symptoms and should this type of situation, Apokyn® could tremor, fever, and autonomic instability therefore be avoided. If treatment for also be used here, either as the primary can have serious consequences. If recog- nausea and vomiting is needed for the medication or as an adjunct. Zelapar® nized early, treatment
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