Proceedings Baltimore City Public School Board Meeting 1 THE BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF SCHOOL 2 COMMISSIONERS 3 BALTIMORE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 4 5 6 PUBLIC BOARD MEETING 7 BALTIMORE, MARYLAND 8 9 10 MAY 7, 2019 11 5:00 P.M. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 CRC Salomon, Inc. www.crcsalomon.com - [email protected] Page: 1 (1) Office (410) 821-4888 2201 Old Court Road, Baltimore, MD 21208 Facsimile (410) 821-4889 Proceedings Baltimore City Public School Board Meeting Page 2 Page 4 1 MEMBERS: 1 Anna Gaffold. 57 2 2 Jessie Lehson . 61 3 Kathleen S. Causey, Board Chair 3 Public Comment on Proposed Changes to 4 Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair 4 Policies. 65 5 Roger B. Hayden 5 Superintendent's Report . 78 6 Moalie S. Jose 6 Chair's Report. 88 7 Russell T. Kuehn 7 Student Board's Report. 94 8 Lisa A. Mack 8 Unfinished Business . 97 9 Rodney R. McMillion 9 New Business. 99 10 John H. Offerman 10 Considerations of Policy. 97 11 Cheryl E. Pasteur 11 Personnel Matters . 99 12 Lily P. Rowe 12 Administrative Appointments . 100 13 Makeda Scott 13 Actions Taken in Closed Session . 103 14 Haleemat Adekoya, Student Member 14 Northeast Area Middle School Boundary . 105 15 15 Contract Awards . 146 16 16 Curricula . 152 17 17 West Towson Elementary. 157 18 18 Dogwood and Johnnycake Release Studies. 159 19 19 Board Member Comments . 180 20 20 Upcoming Meetings . 196 21 21 Close of Meeting. 196 Page 3 Page 5 1 I N D E X 1 P R O C E E D I N G S 2 Call to Order . .5 2 BOARD CHAIR CAUSEY: Good evening. 3 Pledge of Allegiance. .5 3 Seeing the time and seeing a quorum, I now call 4 Closed Session Meeting Items. .6 4 to order the meeting of the Board of Education 5 Selection of Speakers . .7 5 for Baltimore County for Tuesday, May 7th, 2019. 6 Advisory and Stakeholder Groups . .7 6 I invite you to rise and recite the Pledge of 7 BCSC. 17 7 Allegiance to the flag. We will then remain 8 TABCO . 20 8 standing for a moment of silence in recognition 9 PTA . 22 9 of those who have served education in Baltimore 10 CASE. 25 10 County. We welcome our incoming student member 11 Northeast Area Advisory Council . 28 11 of the Board. 12 Northwest Area Education Advisory Council 32 12 (Pledge of Allegiance.) 13 Public Comment. 35 13 BOARD CHAIR CAUSEY: The first item for 14 Dr. Bash Pharoan. 35 14 consideration is the agenda. Ms. White, are 15 Deb Sullivan. 37 15 there any additions or changes to tonight's 16 Sharon Saroff . 40 16 agenda? 17 Tamea Moore . 42 17 MS. WHITE: There are no additions or 18 Donna McDonough . 44 18 changes. 19 Troy Mitchell . 46 19 BOARD CHAIR CAUSEY: Hearing none, the 20 Brenda Peiffer. 50 20 agenda stands as presented. Earlier this 21 Laura Showalter . 53 21 evening, the Board met in closed session pursuant CRC Salomon, Inc. www.crcsalomon.com - [email protected] Page: 2 (2 - 5) Office (410) 821-4888 2201 Old Court Road, Baltimore, MD 21208 Facsimile (410) 821-4889 Proceedings Baltimore City Public School Board Meeting Page 6 Page 8 1 to the Open Meetings Act for the following 1 The members of the Board appreciate 2 reasons. To discuss, one, the appointment, 2 hearing from interested citizens. As 3 employment, assignment, promotion, discipline, 3 appropriate, we will refer your concerns to the 4 demotion, compensation, removal, resignation or 4 interim Superintendent for follow-up by her 5 performance evaluation of appointees, employees 5 staff. While we encourage public input on 6 or officials over whom it has jurisdiction, or 6 policy, programs and practices within the purview 7 any other personnel matter that affects one or 7 of this Board and this school system, this is not 8 more specific individuals, 7, to consult with 8 the proper forum to address specific student or 9 counsel to obtain legal advice, and 9, to conduct 9 employee matters or to comment on matters that do 10 collective bargaining negotiations or consider 10 not relate to public education in Baltimore 11 matters that relate to the negotiations. 11 County. We encourage everyone to utilize 12 The minutes of the closed session and 12 existing dispute resolution processes as 13 informational summary can be found on our website 13 appropriate. 14 at www.bcps.org/board/informational- 14 I remind everyone that inappropriate 15 summaries.html. 15 personal remarks or other behavior that disrupts 16 Our next item is selection of speakers. 16 or interferes with the conduct of this meeting 17 Sign-up cards were available to the public prior 17 are out of order. I ask you to observe the 18 to the meeting for anyone wishing to speak at 18 three-minute clock which will let you know when 19 this evening's meeting. Board practice limits to 19 your time is up. Please conclude your remarks 20 10, the number of speakers at a regularly 20 when you hear the bell or see that time has 21 scheduled Board meeting. Each speaker is allowed 21 expired. The microphone will be turned off at Page 7 Page 9 1 three minutes to address the Board. The 1 the end of your time and it could be turned off 2 completed sign-up cards for this evening have 2 if a speaker addresses specific student or 3 been placed in this box and the first 10 drawn 3 employee matters or is commenting on matters not 4 from the box will be our speakers for tonight 4 related to public education in Baltimore County. 5 during our public comment portion of the meeting. 5 As a Board practice, we do welcome and 6 Of course, if fewer than 10 sign-up cards are 6 acknowledge our elected officials here this 7 received, all who signed up will be permitted to 7 evening and give them the opportunity to speak at 8 speak. 8 the beginning. With that, I would like to call 9 Our first speaker is Dr. Bash Pharoan. 9 forward Delegate Rick Metzger. Good evening and 10 Our second speaker is Ms. Deb Sullivan. Our 10 welcome. 11 third speaker is Ms. Sharon Saroff. Our fourth 11 DELEGATE METZGER: Good evening, ladies 12 speaker is Tamea Moore. Our fifth speaker is 12 and gentlemen. It is a joy to be here and I 13 Donna McDonough. Our 6th speaker is Troy 13 understand the three-minute rule. I'm in health 14 Mitchell. Our 7th speaker is Brenda Peiffer. 14 and government operations and sometimes we have 15 Our 8th speaker is Laura Showalter. Our 9th 15 over 175 people testify. So, I understand that. 16 speaker is Anna Gaffold. Our final speaker is 16 I'm Delegate Rick Metzger and I represent 17 Jessie Lehson. 17 Essex, Dundalk, Edgemere and part of Rosedale and 18 Thank you. Our next item is Advisory and 18 Middle River in Annapolis. My wife and I are 19 Stakeholder groups. This is one of the 19 both graduates of Baltimore County Public 20 opportunities the Board provides to her the views 20 Schools. As a matter of fact, I met her in 11th 21 and receive the advice of community members. 21 grade at Kenwood High School in Essex. CRC Salomon, Inc. www.crcsalomon.com - [email protected] Page: 3 (6 - 9) Office (410) 821-4888 2201 Old Court Road, Baltimore, MD 21208 Facsimile (410) 821-4889 Proceedings Baltimore City Public School Board Meeting Page 10 Page 12 1 After graduation from Kenwood, we married 1 anyone like her. Ms. White gives of her efforts, 2 and have been happily married for 43 years. I'm 2 her time and her talents. 3 telling you this for this reason. Having history 3 I ask you, ladies and gentlemen, to 4 and knowing history is important in life. 4 please give her serious consideration for the 5 Knowing what has worked and knowing the 5 next Superintendent for Baltimore County. 6 challenges the students face are the first steps 6 I thank you tonight for your time. God 7 in educating our children. 7 bless you. (Applause.) 8 The job of the Superintendent should not 8 BOARD CHAIR CAUSEY: Thank you, Delegate. 9 be given to someone out-of-state. The job of 9 Next, we would like to welcome and acknowledge 10 Superintendent should be given to someone who has 10 Councilman David Marks representing the Fifth 11 attended Baltimore County and has a history in 11 District. Good evening and welcome. 12 Baltimore County schools. Someone who has 12 COUNCILMAN MARKS: Thank you very much. 13 attended and worked in Baltimore County Public 13 Thank you for the opportunity to speak before the 14 Schools, who has been an administrator in 14 Board of Education. Thank you to all of you for 15 Baltimore County Public Schools. 15 your service for the children of Baltimore 16 I, honestly, ladies and gentlemen, cannot 16 County. Thank you to Ms. White for the 17 think of a more qualified person of 17 leadership you have provided and the constant 18 Superintendent for Baltimore County schools, who 18 communication you've provided my office. 19 has all these qualifications, than Verletta 19 I'll be very brief. I'm here to ask you 20 White. Ms. White is a homegrown candidate for 20 to give full consideration to the motion to look 21 this job.
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