REGION PENRO CENRO PROVINCE MUNICIPALITY BARANGAY DISTRICT AREA IN HECTARES NAME OF ORGANIZATION TYPE OF ORGANIZATION COMPONENT COMMODITY SPECIES YEAR ZONE TENURE RIVER BASIN NUMBER OF LOA WATERSHED SITECODE REMARKS Parcel 2, Sharing LOA with Donato VI Antique San Jose Antique Sibalom Bululacao Lone District 5.00 Bululacao Calooy Tulatula Sikap Association P.O. Reforestation Bakan, Bayog, Lauan, Nato, Narra, Toog 2011 Protection Protected Area Maoit-Tipuluan 11-060613-0059-0005 Naigar/FMS Funded Anan, Balud, Lauan, Narra, Nato, Pangadlawan, Palomaria, 1 Site Management, 1 Maintenace VI Antique San Jose Antique Sibalom Cabladan Lone District 40.00 Cabladan Bantay Gubat Association P.O. Reforestation Pahutan, Tapuyay, Tabuyog 2011 Protection Protected Area and Protection Maoit-Tipuluan 11-060613-0061-0040 FMS Funded 1 Site Management, 1 Maintenace VI Antique San Jose Antique Bugasong Yapu Lone District 20.00 Yapu ISF Upland Farmers Association P.O. Agroforestry Mango, Nangka, Narra, Raintree, Rambutan 2011 Protection CBFM and Protection Paliwan River 11-060613-0062-0020 FMS Funded Batwan, Cashew, Guyabano, Lanzones, Maglati, Mango, Nangka, 1 Site Management, 1 Maintenace VI Antique San Jose Antique San Remigio Sinundulan Lone District 100.00 Sinundulan ISF Upland Farmers Association P.O. Agroforestry Narra, Pomelo, Raintree, Rambutan, Tuai 2011 Protection CBFM and Protection Sibalom River 11-060613-0063-0100 FMS Funded 1 Site Management, 1 Maintenace VI Antique San Jose Antique Sibalom Tordesillas Lone District 42.00 Tordesillas Igpanulong Luna Upland Farmers Association P.O. Reforestation Bayog, Bitanghol, Bakan, Lauan, Lawiyaw, Narra, Nato, Toog 2011 Protection Protected Area and Protection Maoit-Tipulua-an 11-060613-0065-0042 FMS Funded 1 Site Management, 1 Maintenace VI Antique San Jose Antique Sibalom Lagdo Lone District 35.00 Lagdo ISF Upland Farmers Association P.O. Agroforestry Mango, Nangka, Narra, Raintree, Rambutan 2011 Protection CBFM and Protection Sibalom River 11-060613-0068-0035 FMS Funded VI Antique Culasi Antique Libertad Inyawan Lone District 61.00 Brgy. Council of Inyawan LGU Reforestation Kansolog, Narra, Palawan Cherry, Raintree, Toog, 2011 Protected Area Untenured Area Libertad River None NWPPA 11-060606-0051-0061 Regular Funded; 0.72 ha non plantable VI Antique Culasi Antique Libertad San Roque Lone District 61.00 San Juan Farmers Association (SJFA) PO Reforestation Bakan, Kansolog, Narra, Palawan Cherry, Raintree, Toog 2011 Protected Area Untenured Area San Roque River None NWPPA 11-060606-0052-0061 Regular Funded; 1.17 has non plantable VI Antique Culasi Antique Barbaza Intigasan Lone District 30.00 Brgy. Council of Integasan LGU Reforestation Narra 2011 Production Forest Untenured Area Binangbang River None None 11-060606-0053-0030 Regular Funded; 7.23 has non plantable VI Antique Culasi Antique Tibiao Tuno Lone District 100.00 Tuno Upland Farmers Association (TUFA), INC. PO AgroForestry Nangka, Narra, Rambutan, Mango, Lansones 2011 Production Forest Untenured Area Mamara River None None 11-060606-0054-0100 Regular Funded; 18.2 has non plantable Magsaysay Integrated Social Forestry VI Antique Culasi Antique Culasi Magsaysay Lone District 50.00 Association(MISFA), Inc. PO Agroforestry Narra, Badlan 2011 Production Fores Untenured Area Panganta River None None 11-060606-0055-0050 Regular Funded; 15.33 has non plantable VI Antique Culasi Antique Culasi Bagacay Lone District 50.00 Bagacay Integrated Social Forestry Association(BISFA) PO Agroforestry Nangka, Badlan, Narra, Rambutan 2011 Production Fores Untenured Area Panganta River None None 11-060606-0056-0050 Regular Funded; 1.93 has non plantable VI Antique Culasi Antique Culasi Valderrama Lone District 75.00 Valderrama Farmers and Laborers Association(VFLA) PO Agroforestry Nangka,Lansone, Mango, Badlan, Narra, Rambutan 2011 Production Fores Untenured Area Bacong River None None 11-060606-0057-0075 Regular Funded; 8.26 has non plantable A.auri, Manga, Coffee, Jackfruit, Narra, Badlan, Cacao, Duhat, VI Aklan Boracay Aklan Buruanga Tag-osip Lone District 20.00 Tag-osip Barangay Council LGU Agroforestry Batuan, Lanzones, Rambutan, Mt. Agoho, MAhogany 2011 Production CBFM 1 11-060412-0002-0020 NGP Regular VI Aklan Boracay Aklan Buruanga Tag-osip Lone District 5.00 Tag-osip Barangay Council LGU Argoforestry A.auri 2011 Production CBFM 1 11-060412-0003-0005 NGP Regular VI Aklan Boracay Aklan Buruanga Habana Lone District 9.00 Habana Barangay Council LGU Refo Narra, Mahogany, Jackfruit, Santol, Lanzones 2011 Protection Untenured 1 11-060412-0004-0009 NGP Regular VI Aklan Boracay Aklan Buruanga Cabugan Lone District 9.00 Cabugan Barangay Council LGU Refo Mahogany 2011 Protection Untenured 1 11-060412-0005-0009 NGP Regular VI Aklan Boracay Aklan Buruanga El Progreso Lone District 10.00 Tag-osip El Progrso ARB's MPC LGU Refo A. Auri, Duhat, Narra, Mangga, Coffee, Cacao, Mt. Agoho 2011 Protection Untenured 1 11-060412-0006-0010 NGP Regular VI Aklan Boracay Aklan Tangalan Jawili Lone District 15.00 Jawilli Barangay Council LGU Refo Beach Agoho, Mt. Agoho, A. Auri 2011 Protection Untenured 1 11-060412-0007-0015 NGP Regular A. Auri, NArra, Rambutan, Cacao, Jackfruit, Makopa, Mangga, VI Aklan Boracay Aklan Malay Nabaoy Lone District 9.00 Nabaoy Forest Farmers Development Association PO Refo Lanzones 2011 Protection Untenured 1 Nabaoy Watershed 11-060412-0008-0009 NGP Regular VI Aklan Boracay Aklan Ibajay Yawan Lone District 5.00 Samahan ng Mamumugon ag Mangunguma it Yawan PO Refo Mt. Agoho, Narra, badlan, Gogo, Jackfruit, Coffee 2011 Protection Untenured 1 11-060412-0009-0005 NGP Regular VI Aklan Boracay Aklan Ibajay Mina-a Lone District 5.00 Mina-a Ibajay Small Farmers Association PO Refo Narra, Gogo, Badlan 2011 Protection Untenured 1 11-060412-0010-0005 NGP Regular Gmelina, Narra, Gogo, Tipolo, A. Auri, Rambutan, Lanzones, Tagororoc Mainuswagon Panimaeay Consumers Avocado, Caimito, Makopa, Santol, Mabolo, Jackfruit, Duhat, VI Aklan Boracay Aklan Nabas Tagororoc Lone District 7.00 Cooperative PO Refo Batuan 2011 Protection Untenured 1 11-060412-0011-0007 NGP Regular VI Aklan Boracay Aklan Ibajay Malindog Lone District 5.00 Malindog Barangay Council LGU Refo Auri, Ilang-ilang, Mt. Agoho, Narra, Rambutan 2011 Protection Untenured 1 11-060412-0012-0005 NGP Regular Gmelina, Narra, Gogo, Tipolo, A. Auri, Rambutan, Lanzones, Tagororoc Mainuswagon Panimaeay Consumers Avocado, Caimito, Makopa, Santol, Mabolo, Jackfruit, Duhat, VI Aklan Boracay Aklan Nabas Tagororoc Lone District 7.00 Cooperative PO Refo Batuan 2011 Protection Untenured 1 11-060412-0013-0007 NGP Regular VI Aklan Boracay Aklan Tangalan Lanipga Lone District 10.00 Lanipga Barangay Council LGU Agroforestry A. Auri, Narra, Mt. Agoho, Lumboy, Mango, Coffee, Cacao 2011 Production Forest CBFM 1 11-060412-0014-0010 NGP Regular VI Aklan Boracay Aklan Ibajay San Jose Lone District 5.00 San Jose Inter-purok Agri Lending Cooperative PO Refo Mahogny, Narra, Tipolo, Illang-ilang, Acacia Auri 2011 Protection Untenured 1 11-060412-0015-0005 NGP Regular VI Aklan Boracay Aklan Nabas Gibon Lone District 14.00 Gibon Barangay Council LGU Refo Neem Tree, Mt. Agoho, Narra, Jackfruit, Beach Agoho, A. Auri 2011 Protection Untenured 1 11-060412-0016-0014 NGP Regular VI Aklan Boracay Aklan Tangalan Pudiot Lone District 8.00 Pudiot Barangay Council LGU Refo Mt. Agoho 2011 Protection Untenured 1 11-060412-0017-0008 NGP Regular VI Aklan Boracay Aklan Malay Cogon Lone District 15.00 Malay Highlanders Farmers Association PO Agroforestry Mt. Agoho, A. Auri, Narra, Mango, Duhat, Cacao, Coffee 2011 Production Forest CBFM 1 11-060412-0018-0015 NGP Regular VI Aklan Boracay Aklan Nabas Pawa Lone District 5.00 Pawa Nabaoy Napaan Forest Developers Association PO Agroforestry Mt. Agoho, A. Auri, Narra, Mango, Duhat, Cacao, Coffee 2011 Production Forest CBFM 1 11-060412-0019-0005 NGP Regular VI Aklan Boracay Aklan Tangalan Panayakan Lone District 5.00 Panayakan Barangay Council LGU Refo Mt. Agoho 2011 Protection Untenured 1 11-060412-0021-0005 NGP Regular VI Aklan Boracay Aklan Tangalan Panayakan Lone District 10.00 Panayakan Barangay Council LGU Agroforestry Mt. Agoho, A.Auri, Narra, Mango, Coffee, Duhat, Cacao, Batuan 2011 Production CBFM 1 11-060412-0022-0010 NGP Regular VI Aklan Boracay Aklan Ibajay Aparicio Lone District 8.00 Aparicio ARB MPC PO Refo Auri, Ilang-ilang, Mt. Agoho, Narra, Neem Tree, Rambutan 2011 Protection Untenured 1 11-060412-0023-0008 NGP Regular M. Agoho, A, auri, Mango, Duhat, Cacao, Coffee, Rambutan, VI Aklan Boracay Aklan Malay Kabulihan Lone District 20.00 Kabulihan Forest Farmers Developers Association PO Agroforestry Mahogany, Badlan, Jackfruit 2011 Production CBFM 1 11-060412-0024-0020 NGP Regular Lanzones, JackFruit, Rambutan, Avocado, Makopa, Mahogany, VI Aklan Boracay Aklan Malay Napaan Lone District 10.00 Kalipunan ng Maliliit na Magniniyog ng Napaan PO Refo Narra, Ilang-ilang, I.Mango, Duhat, Cacao 2011 Production Untenured 1 11-060412-0020-0010 NGP Regular VI Aklan Boracay Aklan Buruanga Tigum Lone District 10.00 Tigum Barangay Council LGU Refo Mahogany 2011 Protection Untenured 1 11-060412-0001-0010 NGP Regular A.Auri, Mahogany, Narra, M. Agoho, Neem Tree, Rambutan, Duhat, VI Aklan Boracay Aklan Malay Kabulihan Lone District 9.00 Kabulihan Forest Farmers Developers Association PO Refo Talisay, Ilang-ilang, Gmelina, Gogo, Dankalan, Santol 2011 Protection Untenured 1 11-060412-0025-0009 NGP Regular VI Aklan Kalibo Aklan New Washington Lawaan Lone District 10.00 Academe and LGU LGU Mangrove Bacawan 2011 Protection
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