University of Missouri - St. louis Volume 4, Number 20 - March 12, 1970 ROTC Recommendations to faculty Shower Continues by Matt Mattingly, noon, but the nature of those rec ­ comment when as ked what meas­ Current Staff Writer ommendations is be in g kept a ures his 'committee would advo­ Challenge of Draft Recommendations regarding the clos ely guarded secret. cate. future s tatus of ROTC in relation Dr. George C. Wittereid. • chair­ Wittereid explained that his de­ to UMSL have been s cheduled for man of the Faculty Senate's ad hoc cision riot to make the recom­ a Faculty Senate meeting after- committee on ROTC, declined to mendations public until after they Board Notification had been presented to the Faculty Mike Shower, p resident of Senate was "a matter of prud­ UMSL's Alliance for Peace, is per­ ence." He added that ethical con­ sisting in challenging the Univer­ siderations prevented him from sity's authority and legal obligation making exceptions in this regard. to notify draft boards when students One of the committee's faculty are no longer enrolled at UMSL on members, Dr. James Doyle (Phil­ a full-time basis despite a ruling osophy), was less adamant--in from the Missouri headquarters of opinion, anyway--about releasing Selective Service confirming this the news for publication. "I don't authority and this legal obligation. feel it would prejudice matters In a letter to Chancellor Glen all that mUCh," he said, basing his R. Driscoll Tuesday, March 10, estimate on the fact that the meet­ Shower contended that the Selective ing would be over before this issue Service information fOTm UMSL of the Current reached campus students submit "only requests newsstands. notification to the board that the However, Doyle deferred to Wit­ student has enrolled" and that "the tereid's judgment in the matter, University is thus exceeding this preferring not to divulge the in­ authorization by making any other formation himself. St. Louis County Supervisor notification. " Both Doyle and Dr. Sioma Kagan Lawrence K. Roos will speak on (Business), another faculty mem­ Last week UMSL Assistant Reg­ "The Suburbs in the Seventies" at istrar Glen Allen received a letter ber of the committee, indicated 11 :45 a.m., Friday, March 13. that it was the province of the from Lt. Colonel M. C. Griswold, chairman to release the recom­ Roos will speak in room 105, beputy State Director of the Mis­ mendations. Benton Hall. There is no charge souri S tat e Headquarters of Theoretically, the committee for admission and the public is Selective Service, which cited the need not base its recommendations invited. instructions on Selective Service on the outcome of the student-fac­ Forms 109 and 109-A and section ulty "referendum" held March His appearance is being spon­ 1606.51 (a) of Selective Service 2-3, Which endorsed ROTC. Thus sored by the campus Young Re­ Regulations as requiring the uni­ far there has been no indication publicans and by the UMSL Stu­ versity to notify Selective Service of what course the committee will dent Activities Planning Commit­ if a deferred student is no longer take in its recommendations. tee. enrolled on a full-time basis. Section l606.5l(a) provides that all Selective Service forms and their revisions, which includes Forms 109 and lO9-A, shall be­ Some Council Members come a part of Selective Service Regulations. Form 109 specifically requires Unhappy with Bommarito that the form be submitted 'when a student is no longer enrOlled, by Cindy Smymiotis, frequently un-noticed. is not eligible to continue or has Current Staff Writer Steve Heist, former Council graduated." -Form 109-A, a tab­ chairman and chief justice of the ulating card Which may be used in Mixed emotions exist am 0 n g Student Court before leaving school lieu of 109, states thatauniversity Central Council members as to recently, remarked that he felt may design its own form "provided whether president Sam Bommarito that no one was in a position to that the record content provides provides enough leadership for the properly judge the job that Bom­ at least the minimum of informa­ body. marito has done. He criticized tion provided on the SSS Form 109. Some dissatisfied members have Bommarito slightly for a lack of This would include the information expressed the opinion that Bom­ initiative on bringing issues be­ that a student is no longer enrolled marito has not done enough to fore the Council, commenting that on a full-time basis. warrant payment of his $100 per Bommarito is "afraid he'll get shot Shower, in his letter to Driscoll, m 0 nth salary and therefore it down trying to get something big argued that "there is no require­ should be suspended. done." ment that the University use Form Others have expressed caution Jean Heithaus, Central Council 109 and 109-A. ; •.It would be over making such a move, argu­ secretary, agreed that many of entirely proper and legitimate for ing that Bommarito has done much Bommarito's actions gounobserv­ the UniverSity of Missouri to pre­ behind the scenes work that is ed. However, she expressed the pare its own form, or even to send - frequently not noticed by people. opinion that he "is getting paid for an individually typed personal Central Council treasurer Gail his prestige." letter to each board. The use of Goldstein told the Current that Bommarito was defended by rep- Form 109-A is done entirely with- Bommarito "has not done any­ (Continued on Page 2) (Continued on Page 3) thing to deserve his money." She continued that Bommarito often does not follow up on his pro­ posals to the Council. She added Central Coundl Eledions April 8·9 that with Bommarito now student Elections for Central Council elected from each division had teaching "he's never around." PreSident, Vice-PreSident, and yet to be determined on . March Council publicity director Susan at-large representatives will be 10. Littlefield echoed Miss Goldstein's held April 8 and 9. Deadline for the Claudia Green, chairman of the comments. She said that Bom­ submission of applications is Central Council sub-committee Normandy firemen and university security officials inspect the damage marito is not in communication March 19. which is conducting the election, done by a small fire in the office of professor Theresa Howe (Psycholo­ with the students and cannot un­ At-large representatives will be stated that applications are avail­ gy) last week. Another small blaze was discovered at approximately derstand their problems and needs elected from day, evening, and able in room 117 of the Admin­ the same time in a psychology laboratory. Security officials said that fully. graduate divisions. One represen­ istration Building. Completed ap­ they see no connection between the two fires, both being of undeter­ Other Council members defend­ tative will be elected for every plications should be addressed to mined origin. The fire in Dr. Howe's office damaged a file cabinet and ed Bommarito, saying that his 500 students in the division. The Miss Green and left in the Cen­ slightly charred nearby walls. photo by Ken Ealy activities in behalf of students are number of representatives to be tral Council mailbOX in room 117. Page 2 UMSL CURRENT March 12, 1970 - Programs on Pollution Problems A weekly program dealing with research on pollution problems. the marchers will pick up trash the problems of pollution and an Speakers from industry are also along the way. ecocarnival are the activities being sought. There will be pac kets "April 22 was set aside last sponsored by the Students for En­ of information distributed, a fall by Congress as a day for vironmental Action, an organiza­ propane car will be driven around focusing national attention on the tion now holding temporary re­ campus, and three films by UMSL pollution problems. We are trying cognition. students on pollution in st. Louis to reach the off-campus element will be shown," said Miss Dey. through local newspapers, radio The weekly programs are held Senator Stuart Symington (Dem. and television. We are also work­ every Wednesday from 10:30- Missouri) will speak at 4:30 that ing in cooperation with Washington 12:30 in room 100, Clark Hall. afternoon on pollution. This will University, St. Louis University They take the form of films, panel be immediately followed by a mass and the junior colleges to try and Although Dean of Student Affairs David Ganz has an open door policy discussions or lectures. Last march to Forest Park in which affect everyone." regarding visitors, occasionally even some surprise guests invade his Wednesday's program was the office. _photo by Bill Leslie second in the series according to Michael O'Neal, former publicity KSHE/9S Radio . chairman. PRESENTS Miss UMSL Inquiry Report Not Done The weekly programs are AN EVENING WITH directed toward the ecocarnival Herb Bittner, recently elected After the tapes have been tran­ which will take place April 22. chief justice of the Student Court, scribed, the court will review the "Plans are still in the semi-tenta­ said this week that he could not findings and then submit an "eval­ tive stages,' Debbie Dey, co­ pre d i c t when the inquiry into uation, summation, and recom­ ordinator of the program, told the charges of racial bias in the Miss mendation" to Dean of Student Af­ Current. "It is to be held much UMSL contest last November would fairs David Ganz, according to Bit­ like the October Moratorium ac­ be completed. tner. Ganz, who directed that the tivities in style, although Students Court inquire into the charges, for Environmental Action is politi­ Bittner said that approximately has final authority in the matter.
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