focus: Deltasigs from Delta Tau Chapter at Indiana State gather on the Indiana State Annual Donaghy Day Clean-Up as a community serv· ice project. 2 The January. 1979 ISSUE January, 1979 Volume LXVII, No. 2 An Educational Journal • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Features Departments commentary . 4 Let's Look at Reg ionals 5 bulletin board ............... 20 others begin .... ........... 21 kaleidoscope ... 11 Convention 32nd Grand Chapter Congress August 1 2-16, 1979 The Marriott Hotel lifestyle . .. 27 Atlanta, Georgia • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Editor Cover Ben H. Wolfenbarger Highly successful regional con ­ ferences were held In Fall of 1978. Associate Editor Lers look at some of them begin­ Michae l J . Till ar ning on page 5 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Postm aster: Please send labels Form 3579 to Della Sigma Pl. 330 South Campus Avenue, Oxford . Ohio 45056. The DEL TASIG of Delta Sigma Pi is published four times annually In the months of November, January, March, and May. Editorial office - 330 South Campus Avenue. Oxford , Ohio 45056. Subscription price: $10.00 per year. Second Class postag paid at Oxford, Ohio 45056. and at additional mailing offices. Print d In the U.S.A. M mb r of oil g Ft·at m ity Editot·s A sociation comm •••• Our Board of Directors has a printed statement 011 hazing on page 41 of our Manual for Pledge Education. I pledged and joined a national high school fraterni which had to operate off campus because of its ha practices. I well remember the hazing, beltlines unprofessional activities that took place during pl ing and initiation. I remember the individuals name and exactly what was done to me. I reme drinking various concoctions of fluids and thro away my torn clothes ... no formal Ritual, just ing. I still cannot remember any purpose to ito than it later allowed us to put on a coat and tie and tend the Sunday meeting and plan what we were g to do to the new pledges. Was there a purpose? I g I'll never know! There are no grey areas in hazing. You either do you don't. There is no phasing out period, either. If have any doubt, it is your duty to call The Central flee or your Regional Director for clarification. I recommend to any of our pledges receiving thil treatment that you depledge, because you will be joiJ. ing a chapter that is operating outside the teachings IN EARLY SEPTEMBER, along with Past Chapter Delta Sigma Pi. Consultant M. Lee Bell and District Director Martin Upon completion of our recruiting program, Mangione, I visited the campus of the University of pinned 34 prospective members at USC. They pa Southern California to investigate the possibility of pated in the Pledge Education Program exactly as reactivating our Phi Chapter. Following a meeting national organization recommends with a District with Associate Dean Dr. Thomas Dock, we were given rector serving as Pledge Educator. You will see immediate approval to begin our recruiting activities. Phi Chapter emerge as one of our top chapters in We placed our new series of five recruiting posters, future without any of the needless hazing. along with a letter of intent, on almost every bulletin board in the School of Business. Our two local chapters and two alumni clubs assisted me in setting up and Fraternally, manning a recruiting table. We received a fantastic response with over 200 students and faculty expres­ sing an interest in assisting us in bringing Delta Sig­ ma Pi back to the USC campus. Almost every prospective member that approached us asked the question "Does your fraternity permit William W. Tatum, Jr. hazing like most of the other fraternities?" Our an­ Grand President/Gamma Tau 201 swer was "No. Definitely Not." I had been previously Life Member No. 2726 asked this question by the administration and an­ 3001 N. El Macero Drive swered it accordingly. El Macero, California 95618 4 The January, 19791SS Let's Look at Regionals In the Fall of 1978, 10 of the fra­ ternity's regions held Regional Con­ ferences. These multi-purpose con­ ferences are designed to bring the undergraduates from the chapters, the alumni from the clubs, and na­ tional officers at all levels together in a one, two, or three day working, living, learning experience. In work­ shops or seminars all aspects of chapter or club operations are ex­ amined and discussed to help in polishing operations and generating efficiency and success. Where there are problems or weaknesses they are discussed with solutions from the more successful being offered. Members from all levels and walks of the fraternity have the opportunity to make new friends, discuss common interests, and share in that bond known as fraternalism. Leisure hours provide the oppor­ tunity to socialize after a hard day's work. Recognitions are given to those who have achieved, excelled or given of themselves.· In September, October and November of 1978 over a thousand Deltasigs had the opportunity to ex­ perience all that is Delta Sigma Pi through the conferences. Here we present reports on some of the con­ ferences along with photograph A benefit of the Regional Conferences was learning to promote the fraternity in various coverage as reported to The Central and show pride in membership as in this license plate frame being installed by Cardillo of Zeta Psi Chapter at State University of New York at Albany. Office and your editor. DELTASIG of DELTA SIGMA PI 5 tributed to the chapters in atten­ Theta Iota Chapters were then re Hartford dance or to the respective District ognized for their having achievt Director for future distribution to 100,000 CEI points during the 197. the chapters not in attendance. 78 academic year. A special awar Hosts Eastern District Director Daniel N. Ford was given to Theta Iota Chapter fc conducted a seminar on the topic of having been the Host Chapter fc Pledge Education, covering the this conference. Brother Leonard AT THE EASTERN Regional various aspects of what a good LaSalandra was the recipient of th Conference in Hartford, Connecti­ Pledge Program should accomplish ruby and pearl badge door prize. cut, at the Holiday Inn on Septem­ and how to attain the desired educa­ ber 22-24, 1978, a total of 59 tional goals. Brothers were in attendance from Zeta Psi Chapter member Mitch the following chapters and alumni Kahn conducted a discussion on how clubs: Alpha Kappa, Epsilon a chapter can implement standard Lambda, Zeta Omicron, Zeta Psi, operating procedures. This type of Theta Iota, and Theta Upsilon Chap­ activity has been a part of Zeta Psi ters, and Boston-Bay State, Buffalo Chapter's operations for some time. and Hartford Alumni Clubs. A Fri­ Officer and committee respon­ day night registration was followed sibilities are defined and methods by a mixer which provided the for achieving best results are indi­ Brothers with an excellent oppor­ cated. tunity to demonstrate their Director of Alumni Activities Brotherhood. Michael R. Mallonee directed a good On Saturday morning, registra­ discussion on alumni club organiza­ tion was concluded. Opening Ritual, tion and operations. Roll Call and announcements were After the completion of the sched­ conducted by the Regional Director, uled seminars, the Brothers re­ Dick Parnitzke. Greetings were freshed themselves with dinner fol ­ then extended by Grand President lowed by an excellent presentation William W. Tatum, Jr. Immediately by Grand President Tatum relative following the opening portion of our to Professionalism. Following the conference, the first seminars were dinner speech, presentations were conducted in separate facilities. made to Zeta Psi Chapter for atten­ Under the guidance of District Di­ dance. Zeta Omicron, Zeta Psi and rector Frank A. Cafiero, the topic of Chapter Efficiency Index organiza­ tion and administration was explored in detail. Concurrently, District Director Thomas L. Walker reviewed the various tools and tech­ niques required to produce effective officers. After a brief luncheon, the Brothers participated in another series of seminars. Grand President Tatum conducted an excellent dis­ cussion relative to recruiting, high­ lighting rush table organization, personal selling, establishing re­ cruitment needs and ways to fill these needs. District Director Lewis P. Tischler moderated a discussion concerning Chapter Professional Programs. At the conclusion of this seminar, the "Professional Activi­ ~embers of Zeta Psi Chapter, State University of New York-Albany took part in ties Guidelines" manual was dis- smg-song at the Eastern Conference in Hartford. ' 6 Following the awards, a Yellow review of Central Office operations ing project during the current aca­ , Dog Initiation was conducted, at using an excellent slide presenta­ demic year for the express purpose 1~hich time 42 Brothers were initi­ tion. of providing additional funds for the ated. New Yellow Dog members in­ Next, the last seminar relative to 32nd Grand Chapter Congress. Cluded both men and women. Recre­ Fund Raising ideas was conducted After completion of the last semi­ ation and followship were the main by District Director Steven D . nar, Brother Mallonee highlighted . criteria for the evening's activities. 1 Kuptsis. Several ideas and types of the reasons for participating in the _ On Sunday morning, Executive projects were discussed. It was em­ next Grand Chapter Congress. Director Ben H. Wolfenberger pro- phasized that each chapter should It should be noted that without 1 vided the Brothers with a thorough try to plan at least one (1) fund rais- the support and assistance provided by Grand President William W. Tatum, Jr., Director of Alumni Ac­ tivities Michael R. Mallonee, Execu­ tive Director Ben H. Wolfenberger, Chapter Consultant Michael T. Walsh, District Directors Frank Cafiero, Daniel Ford, Steven Kuptsis, Lewis Tischler and Thomas Walker, and Host Chapter Theta Iota, the tremendous success that was achieved at this year's Regional Conference would certainly not have become a reality.
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