J7ournal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 1992;55:581-584 581 Hemiataxia-hypesthesia: a thalamic stroke J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.55.7.581 on 1 July 1992. Downloaded from syndrome Teresa P Melo, Julien Bogousslavsky Abstract nesia) were found and ipsilateral sensory dis- Six patients had isolated hemiataxia and turbance among 1075 patients with a first ipsilateral sensory loss, as a manifestation stroke who were admitted consecutively to our ofthalamic infarction in the thalamogeni- centre between 1986 and 1990. culate territory. Acute hemiataxia- Patients with associated hemiparesis, visual hypesthesia was not found in 1075 other disturbances or neuropsychological dysfunc- patients from the Lausanne Stroke tion were excluded. All patients were examined Registry who were admitted during the by at least one ofthe authors. The patients with same period. Stroke onset was progressive deep sensory loss were observed using several in five patients and immediately complete clinical tests for ataxia, to exclude sensory in one. Five patients had an objective disturbance as the main cause for incoordina- sensory loss. In two patients this affected tion. Proprioceptive ataxia is defined as poorly light touch, pain and temperature sense, controlled direction of finger to nose and heel and in another three light touch, pain to knee tests but without intention tremor or temperature, position and vibration oscillations, and impairment of limb place- sense. One patient had a purely subjective ment, which are critically compensated by sensory disturbance. The sensory deficit visual cues.6 cleared or was clearing although the CT (with and without contrast) or MRI was ataxia persisted in all patients. On lesion performed within 36 days of stroke. The mapping on CT or MRI, all patients had anatomical location of infarct was assessed involvement of the lateral part of the following the lesionmapping templates devel- thalamus (ventral posterior nucleus and oped in our centre and elsewhere.7 8The size of ventral lateral nucleus). The presumed infarcts (maximum diameter) was determined causes of stroke were cardioembolism in by the authors independently. one patient, posterior cerebral artery All patients had Doppler ultrasound, elec- occlusion in one patient and meningovas- trocardiogram, and standard blood and urine cular syphilis in one patient, hypertensive tests. Angiography was performed in two small vessel disease in two patients, and patients, echocardiography in three patients undetermined in one patient. Hemia- and CSF analysis in three patients. taxia-hypesthesia is a new stroke syn- Hypertension (blood pressure higher than http://jnnp.bmj.com/ drome involving the perforating branches 160/90 mm Hg measured at least twice before to the lateral thalamus, but in which small the stroke), diabetes mellitus (known fasting vessel disease may not be the leading blood glucose > 6 mmol/l before the stroke), cause. cigarette smoking, hypercholesterolemia (> 6.5 mmol/l) and other clinical features Though not specific, few neurological syn- including heart disease were recorded. dromes are usually- associated with small Follow up data were obtained through our infarcts in the territory of deep perforating outpatient clinic between one and 12 months on September 30, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. branches. A pure sensory stroke (PSS) is after stroke. usually due to a small infarct involving the thalamus. A pure motor hemiparesis (PMH) is most commonly the result of infarction in the Results internal capsule or the basis pontis. In the Patients majority of patients with ataxic hemiparesis All six patients had a thalamic infarct on the the Department of (AH), infarct is located in the pons, corona side opposite to their symptoms. They belon- Neurology, Centre radiata or internal capsule. ged to a group of 30 patients with thalamic Hospitalier The neurologic picture associating hemisen- infarction on CT or MRI who were seen Universitaire Vaudois, sory disturbance with hemiataxia on the same Lausanne, Switzerland during the study period. There were four men T P Melo side of the body has not been reported in and two women, with a median age of 67 J Bogousslavsky detail. Six patients with isolated hemiataxia (range 38-82) (table 1). Four patients had at Correspondence to: and ipsilateral sensory loss as a manifestation least two risk factors-ie, hypertension, diabe- Dr Bogousslavsky, Department of Neurology, of small thalamic infarction were studied. tes mellitus, cigarette smoking, or hypercholes- Centre Hospitalier terolemia. One (patient 4) had no known Universitaire Vaudois, CH-1011 Lausanne, Methods vascular risk factors (table 2). Switzerland. By a systematic search of the Lausanne Stroke Received 24 May 1991 and Registry,5 six patients with isolated hemiataxia Clinical Findings in revised form 19 August 1991. (limb incoordination with dysmetria, hyper- Stroke onset was progressive over two to 24 Accepted 28 August 1991 metria, intention tremor, and dysdiadochoki- hours in all patients but one (patient 2) who 582 Melo, Bogousslavasky Table 1 Clinical findings finger, and heel to knee tests (defined as J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.55.7.581 on 1 July 1992. Downloaded from PatientlAge/Sex Side Onset Headache Hypesthesia Ataxia Follow-up (months) movements with normal initiation and velocity, but with irregular accelerations and decelera- 1/38/M R P (6h) + FU* UL 12 2/68/M L P (7h) + FUTL** UL 1 tions producing oscillations on getting close to 3/42/M L P (2h) - FUL UL I the target with a series of secondary corrective 4/82/F L I + FUL* UL 4 5/76/M R P (24h) - FUL UL I movements around the target, with the eyes 6/66/F L P (12h) + L (sj) UL 1 either open or closed.9 Dysdiadochokinesia and loss of tonus R = right; L = left; P = progressive; I = immediately complete; sj = purely subjective; F = face; dynamic (rebound phenom- U = upper limb; L = lower limb;T = trunk; *= vibration and position sense spared; **= vibration enon) were also present on that side. and position sense disturbed only in lower limb. Five patients had sensory loss. In two patients this involved light touch, pain and sense and tem- Table 2 Risk temperature light touch, pain, factors/Presumed aetiology perature, position and vibration sense in the Patient Risk factors Heart disease Angiography Aetiology other three. These sensory disturbances involved the entire hemibody in one 1 CS, HC, DM - - Meningovascular patient (syphilis) (patient 2), spared the trunk in three patients 2 HT - PCA occlusion Large artery disease (patients 3-5) and were limited to the face and 3 HT, CS, HC Initra-atrial thrombus - Cardioembolism 4 - _ _ _ arm in patient 1. Patient 6 had a purely 5 HT, HC - - Small vessel disease subjective sensory disturbance limb 6 HT, DM - - (lower Small vessel disease parasthesias). Patient 2 had a transient aster- CS = cigarette smoking; DM = diabetes mellitus; HC = hypercholesterolemia; HT = hyperten- ixis involving the hand contralateral to infarct. sion; PCA = posterior cerebral artery. The remaining neurological examinations were normal in all patients, including tendon reflexes, muscular strength, and plantar res- had a transient impairment ofconsciousness at ponses. onset (see table 1). All patients were examined within 48 hours of stroke and none reported Imaging Findings improvement before admission. Sensory dis- CT showed the infarct in five patients, and in turbance was the first symptom, usually start- one patient the lesion was visible only on MRI ing with prickling in the face (predominantly (see fig). In patient 3 the infarct was visible on peri-oral) and distally in one or both limbs. CT, although MRI showed a larger lesion. On Patient 3 complained of leg pain as the first lesion mapping on CT or MRI, all infarcts symptom that later progressed to the arm. All involved the ventral posterior nucleus and the patients had hemiataxia contralateral to the ventral lateral nucleus (thalamogeniculate or thalamic infarct, with a "cerebellar-type" of inferolateral territory).15 The adjacent part of incoordination on the finger to nose, finger to the internal capsule seemed to be affected in http://jnnp.bmj.com/ on September 30, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Figure Topography of infarcts on CT (patients 1-4, 6) or MRI (patient 5). U Thalamogeniculate arteries territory. Hemiataxia-hypesthesia: a thalamic stroke syndrome 583 two patients (patients 1 and 6). In patient 2, hemiataxia-hypesthesia, however, has never J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.55.7.581 on 1 July 1992. Downloaded from there was also a silent small infarct in the been emphasised. Caplan et al'6 reported a 60 ipsilateral occipital lobe. The maximum diam- year old hypertensive and diabetic man, with eter of infarcts varied between 7-5 and progressive left hemicorporeal sensory disturb- 12-5 mm. ance (pin, touch, and position sense) asso- ciated with an ipsilateral cerebellar-type of Aetiology incoordination and dysarthria. Strength, The presumed cause of stroke was cardio- reflexes, and plantar responses were normal. A embolism in patient 3 who had an intra-atrial patient with thalamic hematoma manifested by thrombus diagnosed by transesophageal echo- sensory loss and ipsilateral ataxia was reported cardiography. Posterior cerebral artery occlu- by Azouvi et al,'7 and ataxia was imputed to sion was found on angiography in patient 2. proprioceptive loss. The neurologic picture, Hypertensive small vessel disease was likely in however, was poorly characterised. In these two patients who had hypertension (patient 5) two cases, the lesion involved the lateral part of or hypertension and diabetes (patient 6), in the the thalamus. In a group of 18 patients with absence of potential arterial or cardiac sources thalamogeniculate territory infarction studied of emboli. Patient 1 had meningovascular previously at our centre,'5 sensory loss was syphilis with abnormal CSF. The cause of associated with some degree of ataxia in six stroke remained unknown in patient 4 (Refer patients.
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