■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ NEWSLETTER Volume 5, No. 32 June 13, 2006 version ii etrack ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ — 25th NCAA Women’s Championships — SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA, JUNE 7–10 TEAM SCORES Second year of 3-year contract at Sacramento State; 8-lane oval, 9 (8 places scored 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1) (69 scored) 1/ lanes for 200 and 100. First three evenings about 2 hours earlier than 1. Auburn 57 (first title ever); 2. USC 38 2; 3. South Carolina 38; last year; final day in afternoon for first live network TV since ’82 4. tie, Arizona State & Nebraska 37; 6. Texas 36; 7. tie, LSU & Miami 3/ (Friday evening had live session on cable). 30; 9. Georgia 25 4; 10. Texas A&M 24; Attendance: 6/7—4629; 6/8—5417; 6/9—6234; 6/10—9166 =25,466 11. Oregon 23; 12. Stanford 20; 13. Michigan 19; 14. tie, Florida (last year’s total was 25,777, ’03 here was 31,900). State, North Carolina & UCLA 18; 17. Alabama 16; 18. Tennessee 15; 19. Minnesota 14; 20. Iowa 13; 21. tie, Air Force & Washington Weather sunny & hot with variable breezes 12; 23. tie, Illinois & Wichita State 11; 6/7—temperature range 71–89 (21.5–31C), average humidity 53% 25. tie, Arkansas, Colorado, Duke, Penn State, Providence & 6/8—67–81 (19.5–27C), 58% 1/ Washington State 10; 31. Villanova 9; 32. Notre Dame 8 4; 33. 6/9—66–86 (19–30C), 59% Missouri State 8; 34. tie, UTEP, Virginia & Virginia Tech 7; 6/10—66–81 (19–27C), 63% 37. tie, Cal, Florida, Louisville, Oklahoma State, Rice & Tennes- T&FN (temperature measured by on top of pressbox was 2–3 see–Chattanooga 6; 43. tie, Hampton, Kansas State, North Caro- degrees higher than official city reading) lina–Wilmington & Southern Illinois 5; 47. tie, Baylor, Cornell, Georgia Tech, Houston, Marquette, Mary- land, Michigan State, Sam Houston State, TCU, Wake Forest & Key To NCAA Statistics Western Illinois 4; 58. tie, Brown, Idaho, Missouri, UNCC, North Carolina State & Texas Tech 3; First names are not repeated within the same event, but are 64. tie, BYU, Georgetown, Kansas & Pitt; 68. tie, McNeese State repeated in a second event. Paragraph-breaks in the middle 1/ & Montana State 1 2; 70. tie, Akron, Arizona, Nevada, Northern Iowa, of a prelim indicate the division between qualifiers and non- 1/ Oral Roberts, Toledo, UCSB 1; 77. tie, Northern Arizona & SMU 4. qualifiers. All athletes are seniors unless marked with asterisks: *** = 100 METERS frosh; ** = junior; * = soph. ' after name = non-American. FINAL (June 10; wind -1.2) (strongest headwind ever) A combination of numbers and letters in parentheses, such 1. **Amberly Nesbitt (SC) 11.34 (slowest winner ever); 2. *Ker- as (x, 5 W), (3, 7 A) or (9, x C) indicates the athlete’s position ron Stewart' (Aub) 11.36; 3. **Carol Rodriguez' (USC) 11.38; 4. on the all-time top 10 performer and performances listings. Tahesia Harrigan' (Al) 11.41; 5. **Shalonda Solomon (SC) 11.43; 6. *Janice Davis (Stan) 11.53; In the (x, 5 W) example the athlete has a better PR, therefore 7. ***Alexandria Anderson (Tx) 11.59; 8. **Cleo Tyson (Tn) 11.62;… there is an "x" in the first position. But it's still the No. 5 dnf—**Kelly Baptiste' (LSU) (dislocated shoulder at start; pulled up world performance ever. (W=World; A= American; C= Col- at c20m). legiate; J=Junior; NCAA=NCAA Championships). (reigning champ Marshevet Hooker [Tx] injured in Regional, dnq) The (3, 7 A) example means that the person moves to No. 3 HEATS (June 8; qualify 3+6) on the all-time U.S. performers list, with the No. 7 perfor- I(1.3)–1. Solomon 11.23; 2. **Damola Osayomi' (UTEP) 11.41; 3. mance. And (9, x C) means the athlete becomes the No. 9 **Virgil Hodge' (TCU) 11.42; 4. *Gloria Asumnu (Tul) 11.55; 5. collegian ever, but the performance is outside the top 10. A *Courtney Patterson (UNCC) 11.59; number with “NCAA” indicates ranking in meet history. 6. ***Murielle Ahoure (GM) 11.69; 7. Ara Towns (In) 11.85. Marks making top 10s are bold-faced. Any records are both II(0.3)–1. Baptiste' 11.33; 2. Nesbitt 11.42; 3. Davis 11.49; 4. bold-faced and printed in red. Tyson 11.50; We also denote yearly list leaders for the world (WL), U.S. 5. *Yvonne Mensah' (Il) 11.70; 6. **Lakecia Ealey (Fl) 11.75; 7. (AL) and NCAA Div. I schools (CL). Donita Harmon (FlInt) 12.05. All wind readings are in meters per second, and any posi- III(1.9)–1. Anderson 11.31; 2. Rodriguez' 11.32 NR; 3. *Shareese tive reading over 2.0 (4.47mph) is illegal (“w”). Woods (UNCC) 11.52; 4. **Courtney Champion (Tn) 11.54; 5. *Sherry Fletcher' (LSU) 11.58; 6. **Chauntae Bayne-Hackett (Stan) 11.60; 7. *Yolanda Goff (Ok) 11.72; 8. ***Cachet Murray (Ms) 11.72 PR. © 2006 Track & Field News. All rights reserved. This IV(0.3)–1. Stewart' 11.34; 2. Harrigan' 11.43; 3. **Ebonie Floyd newsletter may not be reprinted or retransmitted in any (Hous) 11.45; 4. **Jessica Onyepunuka (USC) 11.52; form without express written permission. 5. *Nikki Martin (Az) 11.69; 6. India Ransom (Mia) 11.77; 7. www.trackandfieldnews.com Patrice Beasley (EnMi) 11.92. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ -226- June 13, 2006 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ SEMIS (June 8; qualify 4+1) HEATS (June 7; qualify 2+6) I(0.6)–1. Stewart' 11.18; 2. Solomon 11.26; 3. Tyson 11.35; 4. I–1. Cox 51.48; 2. *Nathandra John' (TCU) 52.32; 3. Kou Luogon' Harrigan' 11.36; 4. Rodriguez' 11.36; (Al) 52.66; 4. *Olatunde Okusanya' (UTEP) 52.70 PR; 5. **Kenyata 6. Hodge' 11.46; 7. Woods 11.53; 8. Asumnu 11.60; 9. Fletcher' Coleman (Ms) 52.92 PR. 11.70. II–1. Alexander' 52.35; 2. Lawrence 52.58; II(0.4)–1. Baptiste' 11.24; 2. Anderson 11.36; 3. Nesbitt 11.41; 4. 3. **Tominque Boatright (Ar) 53.33; 4. **Jenaie Edwards (CMi) Davis 11.42; 53.62; 5. Christina Hardeman (AzSt) 53.84; 6. Jackieann Morain' 5. Patterson 11.49; 6. Floyd 11.50; 7. Osayomi' 11.53; 8. (Boise) 54.04. Champion 11.54; 9. Onyepunuka 11.55. III–1. Hall' 52.22; 2. Kerr 52.81; 3. *Cynetheia Rooks (LSU) 53.22; 4. Nashonme Johnson (Stan) 53.41; 5. ***Nicole Stone (SDi) 200 METERS 54.69. FINAL (June 10; wind +0.8) IV–1. Williams' 52.06; 2. Kidd 52.81; 3. ***Katie Baker (TxAM) 1. **Shalonda Solomon (SC) 22.62 (11.6/11.0); 53.00; 2. *Kerron Stewart' (Aub) 22.65 PR (11.7/11.0); 4. **Lauren McNary (How) 54.19; 5. *Stephanie Smith (SC) 3. **Kelly Baptiste' (LSU) 22.78 (11.8/11.0); 54.41; 6. *Brandi Probasco-Canda (WaSt) 55.11. 4. **Carol Rodriguez' (USC) 22.96 (11.7/11.3); V–1. Hastings 52.10; 2. Angel Perkins (Bay) 52.80; 3. Kay-Dian 5. **Ebonie Floyd (Hous) 23.04 (11.9/11.1); Reid' (StJ) 52.96; 6. *Shareese Woods (UNCC) 23.26 (11.9/11.4); 4. **Marquita Davis (TCU) 53.72; 5. *Deborah Jones (TCU) 7. **Virgil Hodge' (TCU) 23.30 (11.8/11.5); 54.25; 6. *Bridgette Williams (AzSt) 55.51. 8. **Brooklynn Morris (LSU) 23.35 (11.9/11.5); SEMIS (June 9; qualify 3+2) 9. Tamara Thomas' (Aub) 23.49 (12.1/11.4). I–1. Cox 51.43; 2. Alexander' 51.49 NR; 3. Hall' 51.70; 4. Kerr HEATS (June 7; qualify 3+6) 51.88 PR; I(-0.5)–1. Floyd 22.90 PR; 2. Woods 23.11 PR; 3. Morris 23.14; 4. 5 . Perkins 52.27 (fastest NCAA non-qualifier ever); 6. Oku- *Janice Davis (Stan) 23.17 PR; 5. Thomas' 23.39 PR; sanya' 52.74; 7. Rooks 53.32; 8. Coleman 53.54. 6. **Jolanda Diego (UCLA) 23.85; 7. ***Murielle Ahoure (GM) II–1. Williams' 51.06 PR (CL); 2. Hastings 51.45; 3. Kidd 51.86; 23.95. 4. Lawrence 52.03; II(-1.4)–1. Solomon 22.81; 2. **Cleo Tyson (Tn) 23.19; 3. Antonette 5. Reid' 52.63 PR; 6. John' 52.67; 7. Luogon' 53.39; 8. Baker Carter (Cal) 23.25; 4. Charlette Greggs (Mia) 23.31; 5. **Damola 53.67. Osayomi' (UTEP) 23.43; 6. *Marquita Taylor (Az) 23.99; 7. *Gloria Asumnu (Tul) 24.01. 800 METERS III(-1.4)–1. Stewart' 23.15; 2. Rodriguez' 23.29; 3. **Chauntae FINAL (June 10) Bayne-Hackett (Stan) 23.42; 4. Tahesia Harrigan' (Al) 23.54; 1. ***Rebekah Noble (Or) 2:02.07 PR (CL) (6, 7 AJ) 5. *Tresha Henry' (TxAM) 23.61 PR; 6. **Natalie Knight (Fl) (first frosh winner ever) 23.85; 7. *Jenna Harris (OhSt) 23.91. (28.6, 31.9 [60.5], 32.0 [1:32.5], 29.6) (60.5/61.6) (14.6); IV(-1.0)–1. Baptiste' 22.85; 2. Hodge' 23.00; 3. Cynthia Niako 2. ***Heather Dorniden (Mn) 2:03.02 (FlSt) 23.14 PR; 4. *Kandace Tucker (Bay) 23.28; (27.8, 32.1 [59.89], 31.2 [1:31.1], 31.9) (59.89/63.13) (16.7); 5. **Shantea Calhoun (Pitt) 23.82; 6. *Jamee Jones (TCU) 3. **Alysia Johnson (Cal) 2:03.04 PR 23.89; 7. Andriane Lapsley (GaT) 23.93. (28.1, 32.3 [60.4], 32.2 [1:32.6], 30.4) (60.4/62.6) (15.1); SEMIS (June 9; qualify 4+1) 4.
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