ADS WEATHER WANTOrt rrMtitft! Your nd n-NI rrarh morn than flO .OOO Generall y fnlr And persons daily . continued cold. Telephone W\2«. Death Toll of Hunters in Ar ea Mounts to 15 Roosevelt Storm Toll List of Dead One More RED WING rOOL. Answers Melville H. Roberts, 4Z yean old, 8t. Paul. British Claim Cripp ling In Northwest Carl O, iTcrson, 41 years old, Body Found Messages St. Paul. LAKE CITY AREA. Washington —W— PresidcnJ None. Roosevelt, in a telegram Mounts to 45 WABASHA AREA. Near City acknowledging: congratulatory Herbert Jucncmann, 38, Wa- messages on his election to a Snowplows Rush jmsluv, Minn. (Body not re- Joe Eik Still third term, expressed today covered.) Blow at Ita lian Fleet "determination to work should- Highway Thomas V. Cigler, 40. St. Paul. M issing ; Rescue er' to shoulder with all who (Body not recovered.) Stories 1 Report Two place true Americanism above Clearin g Work. Roy Johnson, 41, St. Pnui, Told. Snow Stops Cars in Minnesota Blizzard all other considerations.". Minneapolis—(/P)—More snow from (Body not recovered.) The death toll from the Armis- Battles hips The. chief executive said that Arthur , Lenhardt, 41, St. Paul, some of the messages con- overcast skies with continued cold (Body not recovered.) tice riny blizzard along the Upper Hit Fr om Air tained pledges of loyalty and was forecast for Minnesota today as ALMA AREA. Mississippi river from Red Wing By The Associated Press. support from men and women the state began to emerge from Theodore H. Gcigcr, 30, Enu to Prairie du Chien , Wis., stood at , Britain's royal nj .vy "has struck who voted aganlst the admin- Armistice day's paralyzing gale- Claire WIs. 15 at noon today with a possible istration and "these messages, Clyde 3. Detrn, 34, Fa n Claire, a crippling blow at the Italian driven snovystorm which caused at 20 when all bodies have been re- fleet," the London admiralty re- in particular," he-asserted, "re- WIs. ported today," seriously damaging flect a spirit of national unity least 45 deaths in the Northwest. WHITMAN POOL. covered. battleships and prob- in essential things which is The steadily mounting list of fa- None. Ten bodies have been recover- two Fascist WINONA POOL. ably a third as well as two cruis- most welcome." talities from the storm in Minnesota, ed , and rescue crews working in "In union we shall find our , Fred Nytes, 56, 717 Mnln ers "snuggling behind their shore Wisconsin and South Dakota show- the various areas rlcllnil.cly place Taranto naval base, true strength," he added. ed this state suffered the hardest street. defenses'* at the Herman Pagel, 51, 969 West other men .still missing in the death In addition, two auxiliary war- White House clerks said mes- blow with 33 dead. Ten perished In sages had deluged the exec- two in South Dakota. Howard street. list of the storm . ships there were reported "lying Wisconsin and Carl W. Tarras, 43, Minnesota with their sterns under water." utive offices in such volume that The death list included 13 duck The missing include: extra workers were employed six in City road. Minister Winston Churchill hunters in Minnesota and Ra - . Tarras, 16, Minnesota Joseph Eik , locnl fisherman, foot Prime to handle them. Wisconsin, and fears were expressed told a cheering House of Commons City road. of Olmstcnd street , who hns not result of the action de- that the toll would be increased as William Werneckc, Minnesota that "the search been henrd from .since lie went hunk- cisively affects the balance of power rescue parties widened their City road. Mediterranean. to penetrate areas previously cut, off Joscpb Elk, root of Olmstcd ing in the Winona pool Monday in the " 65 Sailors by towering drifts and storm-swept noon. experts said the vic- street. (Body not recovered.) London naval waters. LA CROSSE AREA. Three St. Paul hunters whoso tory would release powerful units of Several Freeze to Death. overturned boat was lounc! in Rob- Mediterranean armada Feared Lost in Kenneth J. McFarlnnc, 31, the British Some Of the victims froze to death Janesvillr, Wis. inson lake nenr Wnbnshn, find for to join in a world-wide hunt for a , thousands of whose bodies a Wabasha rescue surface raider— in stalled automobiles Missing and believed dead aret "phantom" German Lake Michigan which dotted the highways, others Norman Schlefelbcin , relief of- party is now dragging lll <> lake. possibly the 10,000-ton pocket battle- became lost or exhausted while bat- Two hunters in the Fe'rryvllle, the.Luetzow fice worker at Dodgevllle, WIs. ship Admiral Scheer or Two Freighters tling: the blinding snow, niKl some Harold Stcphenson, also ot WIs., nrea. The body of-the third —which attacked a convoy in mid- died in traffic accidents. The listed Dodgcville. member of the party hns been re- Atlantic November 11. Known Down, dead did not include three U. S. covered. Nine ships from the convoy are army fliers who were killed when Thrni'kmorton Out. reported missing. Others Missing. Spirit Lake Search coi.,1 i nuerl today in the Italy s main their plane crashed near possible Taranto, described as ' Ludington, Mich. —(/P)— Fifteen in Iowa Sunday night, Funeral Plans Winona pool for additional ^ea base,., lies at the "instep" of bodies, but. police ' and sheriff rec- sailors who clung to the broken hulk Storm casualties besides duck ords show only Eik ns stiil missing. the Italian boot. of the Canadian pulpwopd carrier hunters included : The admiralty said the attack, cli- Countless Minnesota motorists were trapped by deep drifts in Minnesotas first blizzard of the year. y. For Huntin g Tlie U. S. War department boat ' Novadoc for more than 24 hours on Mrs. E. Arnold, St. Paul, Thrackmorton loft Fountain maxing fruitless months in which This scene, taken in Minneapolis, was typical of many communities. killed in a car-truck collision tl>o the Mediterranean fleet has sought the beach off Pentwater, Mich., were City boatyard nt 9 a. m. today for a open rescued by tugs today asr fears arose near Stillwater. tour of the pool to pick un hunting to engage the Italian fleet in, Walter Strom , Minneapolis, Victims Made battle, "probably" left only half oi that another vessel might be added ships to the list of those which foundered Sao Line railway fireman, killed the Fascist navy's six capital in a collision between a freight Services to Be still effective. Bremen Sunk Congressional Showdown in Monday's disastrous Lake Michi- At H ospita l Armistice Night Raid. gan storm. and a passenger train at Wat- Held Thursda y Two of the crew of the^Novadoc kins. Of the storm victims in the hos- Royal navy planes, flying from and Frida y. pital here, our, Ilnlfrr t Stephens, jjases, carried out the Off Danish On Adjournment Nearing were lost, presumably swept over- John C. Johnson, 55, Minne- undisclosed apolis, exhaustion. 20, Morgan blork ,. had recovered assault on the night ,of November board by 30-foot waves. Funeral arrangements for the from exposure effects sufficiently 11-12 , the admiralty, said. Democrats Asked to Be Present Tuesday Already two big freighters and two Harry S. Mason, 19, St. Paul, «o Coast . Claim fishing tugs are counted among the exhaustion. five Winona. victims of the hunters' that he was to go home to- A British admiralty communique tragedy In the Winona pool dam , day. - gave this picture: for Vote; Taft Will Oppose Action, JKi jtlms of ,the Jake's worst storm in Chester-Bouvran, 64, Minne- apolis, exertion Raymond Shriin, 11, 1008 West Bombt .Jjjte imsed..., such havoc . Huge Germa n -><-, - - recent years, with a probable loss . whose bodies have been found, were Mark street, has frost injuries so aboard* two of^ the battleships they Washington—W—Democratic congressional leaders, endea of at least 85 lives. Andrew Thoreson, 16, Minne- arranged todny. (did that imri <>f oii>> foot may Boat Reported apolis, exertion. had to run ashore to prevent sink- orlng to end the present law-making session, summoned the The 251-foot gasoline tanker New Services for Fred W. Nytes, 57, have to be ninpi^tatc.1. ing. One of these, belonging to the in Shallow Water. forces today to return to the capital for a showdown vote i Haven Socony, with a crew of 16 Richard Lee Marden, 50, Min- 717 Main street, department man- Gerald Turns 17, Minnesota Cavour class, adjournment early next week. men, was nearly 36 - hours overdue neapolis, collapsed and died 23,622-ton Conte de San Francisco— (U.P.)—A report % ager at the H. Choate & Company City road, has bad frost Injuries was under water "from her stern Rayburn said today that at Muskegon today. after shoveling snow. store, will be conducted Friday at on liis right hand . Ins back and Speaker Mrs. Thurzla Cotcw 81, Fair- up, including the after turret." that the huge German liner Bremen a vote would be taken Tuesday on An oar stamped with the name of , 3:30 p. in. at St. Paul's Episcopal his logs. Another battleship of the 35,000- has been sunk in shallow water adjournment of the present session Wallace to the boat was picked up by beach mont, Minn., found 'dead in the church. The Rev. Russell K. John- Alf red I,oko1Im, 14. 411 Center patrols near Grand "Haven , along entry of her home. si eel has Iiotli hands, both (Continued on Page 12, Column 4.) four miles off the Danish coast, has of Congress. son will officiate. Burial will be in r , fie' with a quantity of other wreckage, Edward Suttcr, 64, dropped Woodlawn cemetery.
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