5 Z 413 feui Hampshire VOL. 30. Issue 2. UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, DURHAM, NEW HAMPSHIRE, SEPTEMBER 29, 1939. PRICE, THREE CENTS Services Held for Wildcats Face Colby in Miss C. Thompson Frosh Trounce Sophs at After a prolonged illness, Miss Char­ lotte Ann Thompson, librarian of the First Game of Season Durham University for twenty-five Annual University Day years, and “ Librarian Emerita” for nine Blue and White Hopes years, passed away at her home on Student Council Plans Temporary Officers Upperclassmen Defeated Hinge on Veteran Line Ballard Street, Sunday, September 24. By Superior Ability of And Light, Fast Backs New Coordinating Board Born in Durham on March 15, 1851, Chosen by Freshmen when Durham was still a tiny agricul­ At its latest meeting, the Student For the first time in the history of Yearlings in Big Events The Colby Mules, sporting one of tural community, she spent her child­ Council made plans for University university politics, two girls were The clouds cleared away, the sun the greatest teams in the school’s his­ hood here. After teaching for a num­ Day, at which the council will officiate elected to one office Thursday, Sep­ shone, and the freshmen defeated the tory, will gallop out on the turf of ber of years in Concord and Durham, and take charge of all activities. The tember 21, when the Freshman Class sophomores 4J4 to 3 at the annual Lewis Field tomorrow afternoon at she began her library career in the members also discussed a coordinating appointed the Kimball twins, Flora and University Day held Thursday, Sep­ two-thirty o’clock to open the current Durham Public Library, which later council which will make its first ap­ Dorothy, to the office of Secretary- tember 28 at Memorial Field. One football season against George Sauer's consolidated with the University Li­ pearance on campus this year. Its Treasurer, pro tem. sophomore, Robert Knowlton, received Wildcats. New Hampshire, with a brary. a broken collar-bone during the fray veteran backfield, faces an entirely dif­ purpose is to look into and attempt to Gaylord Davis was elected tempo­ solve coeducational interests and prob­ Prayers were attended at her home and several other participants were ferent problem than last year when the rary President and Dennis Fogarty, lems. The question of the point sys­ on Tuesday morning, and funeral ser­ slightly damaged. situation was reversed. “ Our line will Vice-President. tem, which involves coeducational office vices were held at 3:00 P .M . at the The freshman class assembled in be fairly heavy with the exception of These officers will act until perma­ holding, was taken up also. The coun­ Durham Community Church on the front of Hetzel hall at 1:30 and, Steve Lampson” , said Coach Sauer nent elections are held later. This cil voted to donate- $150 to the band same day. The flag in front of Thom p­ weighted down by the rope and pre- when interviewed on Wednesday, “but year a new system will be installed in fund. son Hall was lowered to half mast in ceeded by the band, staggered up Main our backfield, containing three sopho­ elections, where solicited petitions will tribute. street to Memorial Field. The show mores, will be quite light and inexperi­ The next meeting of the Student take the place of nominations by the started promptly at 1:50 when the enced.” The backfield is also very Council will include nominations for voters. The ballots will be all drawn freshman girls rang up the curtain by short on reserves. men for the new coordinating council up and ready for voting on election day. taking the cage ball event with four Team candidates and coaches re­ and discussion of the point system. A First Convocation points to the sophomores’ three. ceived encouragement this week when central filing system for honorary so­ The ten yard lead gained by the it was learned that Ario Piretti, senior cieties will be introduced into the uni­ of Semester Held frosh when a sophomore runner trip­ guard, will be able to play the gridiron versity for the first time. Dwight LongOpens ped and fell during the first lap of the sport this fall. At first it was thought at Cage Thursday relay, was not enough to prevent the that Piretti would be off campus prac­ 1939-1940 Series upperclass runners from winning. tice-teaching, but he has changed plans President Engelhardt Adorned in oversized rubbers and and is working out daily with the Registration Hits Prof. Walsh Announces raincoats, and toting umbrellas and squad. Welcomes New Students suitcase's, the feminine contingent took This week the varsity squad scrim­ Concert-Lecture Series Two Thousand To University Campus up the battle again. The frosh girk maged with the freshmen, who ran Program for Coming Yeai At the first convocation of the year won by proving that they can dress and Colby plays. Straight football was Sackett Releases Figures held at the Field House yesterday The 1939-1940 Concert and Lecture undress faster than the sophomores. stressed, as the coaches are trying to For Largest Enrollment morning, President Fred Engelhardt series will be inaugurated next Wed­ The class of 1942 ambled off with get the team in shape for the opener. welcomed the incoming students to the nesday evening, when Dwight Long, the centipede race. Striding in perfect (Continued on page 2) In History of University University and greeted the returning one of the few skippers ever to cir­ time, the long-legged sophomores fin­ In a statement issued to “The New classes. The freshman class, the lar­ cumnavigate the globe with a one-man ished the course ahead of the struggling Hampshire” Thursday morning, Dr. gest in the history of the college, crew, comes to the lecture platform of yearlings. 1943 squared things up by Joseph Levy Wins Sackett, registrar of the University, marched into the hall to be met with Murkland auditorium. demonstrating that freshmen make bet­ stated that registration would undoubt­ cheers from the upperclassmen led by The young skipper will tell of his ter wheelbarrows than sophomores do. Scholarship Award edly hit a new high this year by to­ Richard Nellson, president of Student year’s trip, which took him from his The class of 1942 lost the girls over- morrow noon, when approximately two Council. native Seattle to the far corners of the and-under basketball tourney by a pol­ Joseph B. Levy of the class of 1943 thousand students, as compared with After various announcements were earth. W ith one companion in his 32- icy of consistent fumbling. The frosh has been announced the winner of the 1858 last year, will have registered. read by Nellson, Rachel Moore, pres­ foot ketch, “Idle Hour”, he traveled women thus gained three out of the coveted Valentine Smith scholarship, Up to Thursday there were 1305 men ident of the Association of W om en down the Pacific coast, through the four and one-naif points won by the most remunerative award offered by 610 women already registered. This Students, spoke on behalf of her or­ South seas, the Far East, Europe, and (Continued on page 2) the University of New Hampshire. makes a grand total of 1915 for the ganization in another welcome to new back home across the Atlantic. He Established by the late Hamilton three colleges. students. Then Nellson outlined plans will tell of the storms and hurricanes Smith of Durham, the scholarship pays The college of liberal arts led the of the Student Council to make this which he met on his 1200 mile trip Roland Hinkley to one hundred dollars a year for four registration with a small army of 1225 year a banner year in the history of from Samoa to New Zealand. years, if a reasonable average is main­ students, including 640 men and 585 the University, and led the group in The following program has been an­ be at Band Dance tained. Its award is based on the re­ women. Second place went to the col­ cheers and songs. nounced by Professor John A. Walsh, sults of competitive examinations given Roland Hinkley and his orchestra lege of technology with registration In his address the president told the chairman of the Lecture and Concert in English, American history, algebra, will provide music for an informal figures showing 382 men and one student body that “youth can do better committee: plane geometry, and either physics or woman enrolled. One hundred ninety- things than fight wars.” Expressing October 4 — Dwight Long — “The Seven Seas dance at the Women’s Gymnasium to­ chemistry. This year thirty-eight fresh­ on a Shoe-String.” morrow evening, following the Colby one men and two women have register­ deep concern about the international October 18 — Harold Bauer, pianist. men competed. ed for the four year agriculture course, situation, he maintained that in times November 1 — Major Allen A. Macfarland — football game. The dance will be under “ Secret Service Thrills and Propaganda.” the auspices of the University Band Levy is a graduate of Portsmouth while 46 men and one woman are tak­ like these we should hold tight to those November IS — Gerard Haft, cellist; Einar high school with the class of 1939. At ing a two year course in that college. principles and ideals which men have Hansen, violinist; Ethel Hutchinson, pianist. and the proceeds will go to the band November 22 — Hebert Agar — “What Eng­ fund for uniforms. the university he will major in chemis­ The graduate school showed a total of cherished, and keep our minds whole land Wants from America.” December 6 — Manchester A Capella Choir.
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