Cumulative Bird List with Jake Mohlmann Column A: number of tours (out of 10) on which this species has been recorded Column B: number of days this species was seen on the 2020 tour Column C: maximum daily count for this species on the 2020 tour Column D: H = Heard only A B C D 1 Pacific Loon Gavia pacifica 1 Common Loon Gavia immer 1 Greater White-fronted Goose Anser albifrons 9 Snow Goose 1 65 Chen caerulescens 5 Ross's Goose 1 2 Chen rossii 3 Canada Goose Branta canadensis 1 Wood Duck Aix sponsa 10 Gadwall 3 15 Anas strepera 2 Eurasian Wigeon Anas penelope 10 American Wigeon 2 400 Anas americana 10 Mallard 2 6 Anas platyrhynchos 10 Mexican Duck 1 3 Anas diazi 4 Blue-winged Teal Anas discors 10 Cinnamon Teal 2 10 Anas cyanoptera 10 Northern Shoveler 2 100 Anas clypeata 10 Northern Pintail 1 150 Anas acuta 10 Green-winged Teal 2 50 Anas crecca 9 Canvasback 1 5 Aythya valisineria 6 Redhead 2 2 Aythya americana 10 Ring-necked Duck 2 15 Aythya collaris 1 Greater Scaup 1 2 Aythya marila 9 Lesser Scaup 1 6 Aythya affinis 7 Bufflehead 1 3 Bucephala albeola 10 Common Merganser 1 37 Mergus merganser 10 Ruddy Duck 3 30 Oxyura jamaicensis 5 Scaled Quail Callipepla squamata 10 Gambel's Quail 3 12 Callipepla gambelii 4 Montezuma Quail 1 15 Cyrtonyx montezumae 9 Wild Turkey 2 18 Melagris gallopavo merriamii ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WINGS ● 1643 N. Alvernon Way Ste. 109 ● Tucson ● AZ ● 85712 ● (866) 547 9868 Toll free US + Canada ● Tel (520) 320-9868 ● Fax (520) 320 9373 Arizona in Winter Cumulative Bird List… 2 2 Least Grebe Tachybaptus dominicus 10 Pied-billed Grebe 3 2 Podilymbus podiceps 7 Eared Grebe 2 25 Podiceps nigricollis 1 Western Grebe Aechmophorus occidentalis 9 Double-crested Cormorant 1 9 Phalacrocorax auritus 8 Neotropic Cormorant 2 20 Phalacrocorax brasilianus 2 American Bittern Botaurus lentiginosus 1 Least Bittern Botaurus exilis 8 Great Blue Heron 2 1 Ardea herodias 5 Great Egret Ardea alba 3 Snowy Egret Ardea thula 3 Green Heron Butorides virescens 4 Black-crowned Night-Heron Nycticorax nycticorax 6 Turkey Vulture 1 1 Cathartes aura 6 Black Vulture 1 3 Coragyps atratus 5 Golden Eagle 1 1 Aquila chrysaetos 10 Northern Harrier 4 15 Circus cyaneus 10 Sharp-shinned Hawk 4 4 Accipiter striatus 10 Cooper's Hawk 2 1 Accipiter cooperii 1 Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus 7 Harris's Hawk 1 1 Parabuteo unicinctus 10 Red-tailed Hawk 6 132 Buteo jamaicensis 9 Ferruginous Hawk 1 10 Buteo regalis 7 Virginia Rail Rallus limicola 8 Sora 2 2 Porzana carolina 7 Common Gallinule 1 1 Gallinula galeata 10 American Coot 4 50 Fulica americana 10 Sandhill Crane 1 8,000 Grus canadensis 10 Killdeer 2 5 Charadrius vociferus 2 American Avocet Recurvirostra americana 1 Black-necked stilt Himantopis mexicanus 9 Greater Yellowlegs Tringa melanoleuca 4 Spotted Sandpiper Actitis macularia 4 Least Sandpiper Calidris minutilla 4 Long-billed Dowitcher 1 45 Limnodromus scolopaceus 4 Wilson's Snipe Gallinago delicata 10 Rock Pigeon 5 100 Columba livia 10 Eurasian Collared-Dove 4 30 Streptopelia decaocto 10 White-winged Dove 4 35 Zenaida asiatica 10 Mourning Dove 6 30 Zenaida macroura 10 Inca Dove 2 6 Columbina inca ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WINGS ● 1643 N. Alvernon Way Ste. 109 ● Tucson ● AZ ● 85712 ● (866) 547 9868 Toll free US + Canada ● Tel (520) 320-9868 ● Fax (520) 320 9373 Arizona in Winter Cumulative Bird List… 3 7 Common Ground-Dove Columbina passerina 10 Greater Roadrunner 5 3 Geococcyx californianus 2 Barn Owl Tyto alba 4 Western Screech-Owl 1 1 Otis kennicotti 3 Whiskered Screech-Owl Megascops trichopsis 8 Great Horned Owl 4 2 Bubo virginianus 3 Northern Pygmy-Owl Glaucidium gnoma 1 Spotted Owl Strix occidentalis 1 Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus 4 Burrowing Owl Athene cunicularia 5 White-throated Swift Aeronautes saxatalis 5 Rivoli's Hummingbird (Magnificent) 1 1 Eugenes fulgens 8 Blue-throated Mountain-gem 1 1 Lampornis clemenciae 10 Broad-billed Hummingbird 2 3 Cynanthus latirostris 10 Anna's Hummingbird 4 4 Calypte anna 6 Costa's Hummingbird 1 3 Calypte costae 1 Rufous Hummingbird Selasphorus rufus 6 Violet-crowned Hummingbird 1 3 Amazilia violiceps 3 Elegant Trogon Trogon elegans 2 Belted Kingfisher Megaceryle alcyon 1 Green Kingfisher Chloroceryle americana 3 Lewis's Woodpecker Melanerpes lewis 10 Acorn Woodpecker 3 10 Melanerpes formicivorus 10 Gila Woodpecker 5 10 Melanerpes uropygialis 2 Wiliamson's Sapsucker Sphyrapicus thyroides 1 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Sphyrapicus varius 10 Red-naped Sapsucker 1 1 Sphyrapicus nuchalis 1 Red-breasted Sapsucker Sphyrapicus ruber 10 Ladder-backed Woodpecker 6 4 Picoides scalaris 2 Hairy Woodpecker 1 1 Picoides villosus 10 Arizona Woodpecker 2 3 Picoides arizonae 10 Northern Flicker 4 3 Colaptes auratus 1 Gilded Flicker Colaptes chrysoides 10 American Kestrel 6 20 Falco sparverius 8 Merlin 2 1 Falco columbarius 3 Peregrine Falcon 1 1 Falco peregrinus 6 Prairie Falcon 2 1 Falco mexicanus 2 Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet Camptostoma imberbe 3 Greater Pewee 1 1 Contopus pertinax 9 Hammond's Flycatcher 1 1 Empidonax hammondii 10 Gray Flycatcher 1 1 Empidonax wrightii ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WINGS ● 1643 N. Alvernon Way Ste. 109 ● Tucson ● AZ ● 85712 ● (866) 547 9868 Toll free US + Canada ● Tel (520) 320-9868 ● Fax (520) 320 9373 Arizona in Winter Cumulative Bird List… 4 6 Dusky Flycatcher 1 1 Empidonax oberholseri 10 Black Phoebe 4 2 Sayornis nigricans 10 Say's Phoebe 5 5 Sayornis saya 10 Vermilion Flycatcher 3 12 Pyrocephalus rubinus 1 Ash-throated Flycatcher Myiarchus cinerascens 3 Cassin's Kingbird 1 1 Tyrannus vociferans 10 Loggerhead Shrike 4 40 Lanius ludovicianus 4 Plumbeous Vireo 1 1 Vireo plumbeus 1 Cassin's Vireo Vireo cassinii 7 Hutton's Vireo Vireo huttoni 4 Steller's Jay Cyanocitta stelleri 6 Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay Aphelocoma woodhouseii 10 Mexican Jay 3 15 Aphelocoma ultramarina 10 Chihuahuan Raven 2 25 Corvus cryptoleucus 10 Common Raven 6 20 Corvus corax 9 Horned Lark 2 25 Eremophila alpestris 3 Northern Rough-winged Swallow Stelgidopteryx serripennis 1 Violet-green Swallow Tachycineta thalassina 5 Tree Swallow 1 2 Tachycineta bicolor 5 Mexican Chickadee 1 5 Poecile sclateri 10 Bridled Titmouse 4 10 Baeolophus wollweberi 10 Verdin 4 10 Auriparus flaviceps 6 Bushtit Psaltriparus minimus 3 Red-breasted Nuthatch 1 1 Sitta carolinensis nelsoni 10 White-breasted Nuthatch 4 4 Sitta carolinensis nelsoni 3 Pygmy Nuthatch 1 5 Sitta pygmaea 6 Brown Creeper 1 1 Certhia americana 5 Rock Wren Salpinctes obsoletus 9 Canyon Wren Catherpes mexicanus 9 House Wren 2 1 Troglodytes aedon 1 Winter Wren Troglodytes hiemalis 1 Pacific Wren Troglodytes pacificus 10 Bewick's Wren 4 10 Thryomanes bewickii 10 Marsh Wren 2 2 Cistothorus palustris 9 Cactus Wren 4 4 Campylorhynclus brunneicapillus 1 Sinaloa Wren Thryophilus sinaloa 10 Ruby-crowned Kinglet 5 15 Regulus calendula 6 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Polioptila caerulea 8 Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 2 2 Polioptila melanura 7 Black-capped Gnatcatcher 1 3 Polioptila nigriceps 5 Mountain Bluebird Sialia currucoides ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WINGS ● 1643 N. Alvernon Way Ste. 109 ● Tucson ● AZ ● 85712 ● (866) 547 9868 Toll free US + Canada ● Tel (520) 320-9868 ● Fax (520) 320 9373 Arizona in Winter Cumulative Bird List… 5 8 Western Bluebird 1 10 Sialia mexicana 2 Eastern Bluebird Sialia sialis 2 Townsend's Solitaire Myadestes townsendi 1 White-throated Thrush Turdus assimilis 7 American Robin 1 1 Turdus migratorius 3 Rufous-backed Robin Turdus rufopalliatus 9 Hermit Thrush 1 2 Catharus guttatus 10 Northern Mockingbird 4 2 Mimus polyglottos 1 Brown Thrasher Toxostoma rufum 5 Sage Thrasher Oreoscoptes montanus 10 Curve-billed Thrasher 5 12 Toxostoma curvirostre 8 Bendire's Thrasher 1 1 Toxostoma benderei 8 Crissal Thrasher 1 1 Toxostoma crissale 10 European Starling 3 50 Sturnus vulgaris 6 American Pipit 1 3 Anthus rubescens 5 Cedar Waxwing 1 12 Bombycilla cedrorum 9 Phainopepla 5 6 Phainopepla nitens 6 Chestnut-collared Longspur Calcarius ornatus 2 McCown's Longspur Rhynchophanes mccownii 2 Louisiana Waterthrush Parkesia motacilla 1 Black-and-white Warbler Mniotilta varia 8 Orange-crowned Warbler 2 5 Oreothlypis celata 2 Yellow-throated Warbler Setophaga dominica 2 Palm Warbler Setophaga palmarum 8 Yellow-rumped Warbler 5 10 Setophaga coronata 5 Townsend's Warbler Setophaga townsendi 2 Black-throated Gray Warbler 2 1 Setophaga nigrescens 1 Pine Warbler Setophaga pinus 8 Common Yellowthroat 3 2 Geothlypis trichas 6 Painted Redstart 1 1 Myioborus pictus 2 Rufous-capped Warbler Basileuterus rufifrons 5 Rufous-crowned Sparrow Aimophila ruficeps 10 Green-tailed Towhee 2 2 Pipilo chlorurus 9 Spotted Towhee 3 6 Pipilo maculatus 10 Canyon Towhee 3 3 Melozone fusca 10 Abert's Towhee 3 6 Melozone aberti 10 Rufous-winged Sparrow 2 5 Peucaea carpalis 3 Cassin's Sparrow 1 1 Peucaea cassinii 1 Grasshopper Sparrow Ammodramus savannarum 1 Baird's Sparrow Ammodramus bairdii 10 Chipping Sparrow 2 50 Spizella passerina ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WINGS ● 1643 N. Alvernon Way Ste. 109 ● Tucson ● AZ ● 85712 ● (866) 547 9868 Toll free US + Canada ● Tel (520) 320-9868 ● Fax (520) 320 9373 Arizona in Winter Cumulative
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