-- -- .... - .. - 11 --111111111 • .. IIIUII--- .. ~.-. ~ -- EDITORS' REPORT THE RICHIAN ••• as a Wth the arrival of this 'new look' ' magazine, we have seen a very differ­ ent approach to editing with the lively good z and argumentitive board of editors, trying desperately to decide before re ..A<-d ' <( the end of term, how big the new publication should be, if the paper - should be glossy and whether the I whole magazine sho uld be written in italics or not. When the diverse opin­ proved invaluable. At the risk of steal­ () ions and attitudes of the editors, these ing another cliche, all the editors wish decisions have been in no means him a long and enjoyable retirement. easy. However, with the completion The Physics department will undoub­ - tedly feel the irreplaceable loss with of the magazine, we hope that we a: have taken a step in the right direction the departure of Mr. Middleton. Tak­ and this magazine will be viewed as ing with him his memorable and some­ something more modern, slightly less times unorthadox methods, which formal and as something which will have enabled many boys to achieve UJ be welcomed by the younger boys as high grades at '0' and 'A' level and not only a tool for expression but also many of the committe can still quote I as a 'good read'. the seemingly trivial Ohm's law on However, 'enough idle chatter'; request like energetic parrots. Mr. 1- words which are now familiar to all Pearce's ogreous character diminishes the editors. Unfortunately this year from how exaggerated it seems to the sees the departure of five faithful younger boys as he becomes more members of the sc hool's staff. How human to the older and braver mem­ • Editors: M.T. Eva, D.J. Mills, P.D. will school music manifest itself with bers of the sc hool. They can appre­ ciate or at least think that they can Mills, M.G. Ramsell, l.J. Sparey, j.P. the departure of Mr. Rangely, whose infatigable enthusiasm has led to many appreciate his sharp and sometimes lawn, A.J. Tidmarsh, A.R. Trigg. performances, which although have cynical sense of humour. We have varied in style and musical content, every confidence that his future pro­ • Art Editor: A. Mann. have all had in common such a high jects will be as successful as his teach­ standard . From Gilbert and Sullivan ing here. We hope that Mrs. Morris's • Staff Editor: Pauline Smith operattas to numerous annual carol period of absence will be rewarding se rvi ces, th e quality has always been and pleasurable for her benefit and • Staff Committee: Frank Henderson, high and the effort put in incalculable. the benefit of her fami ly, but short for Donald Moss, Ralph Tucker. Not to pinch a cliche from the 'hatch­ the benefit of the French department. ings and dispatchings' section, his All th at remains to be said is to • School Captain: J.C. Methven presence will be sadly missed. Mr. thank the 'computer boffins' for their Smith provides the groundings in the patience in explaining the technology • Observators: S.D. Clutterbuck, teaching of the history of the school to to us, of which we are very proud the younger boys and so helps to R. Kitto, AB. Methven although it would not put Rupert breed in them a se nse of loyalty and Murdoch to shame. lt has been an • Prefects:M.A.Barton,A.I::S.I::Sarwick, belonging. To the older boys which experience and an education to all the N.R. Clifton, A.) . Cooper, ).A. Foster, have the good fortune of hi s teaching, editors to see just how much hard ).M.A. Fretwell, S.M. Griffin, C.P. hi s instruction on wrestling with work is needed to produce a maga­ Haines, 1.) . Hayter, N.A. Howie,G.R. French and German literature has zine of 'Richian' quality. Jack sd n, T.B. Knight, ). Loveii,S.J. · P.J .H. Nunn, M.J .. Page, S.M. Peachey,l A.}. Tidmarsh Poole, T.J. Rackllff, B.O. Ravenhill K }.P. Tawn. Ri chards, J.A. Sargeant, G. Sherwood ·s Silmon- Clyde, J. Stone, C.A. Weaver.' SCHOOL CAPTAIN'S REPORT PARENTS' ASSOCIATION As always the year has seen a varied After so much effort was put in by all In my first year as Secretary of the range of activities and I will try my best those involved in the play it was Parents' Association, I look back at to include as wide a view as possible. disappointing to see so little response events which have taken place during The year started with the First Year from the school. Many people obvi­ my ten years association with the Society Fair held to introduce all ously do not realise just how profes­ School and find that not much has newcomers to the school to the char­ sional the young amateur productions changed! acter of the place. Imagine their joy are here. Similarly 'Bang!', an opera for Douglas Bruce was concerned when they discovered they could play juniors- a true test of courage for the about about the future of the School Dungeons and Dragons, and go train producers! - was of a high standard in the '1977 Richian' and to-day we spotting! and could have been better supported. are no nearer a positive decision. In September we were visited by There were many other different The Parents' Association has evol­ one of the Britons being trained to evenings and events. The school was ved a routine based on events which become our first astronauts. He gave a host to prospective first years and their generate continued income, the major lecture which included an explanation parents. A team plucked apparently being the Covenants obtained at the of how the USA Space Shuttle disaster out of thin air won the Rotary Club First year evening which continue to took place. Speech Day was, perhaps Public Speaking Competition. There break new records each year, a comb­ inevitably, political in character with were instrumental and pianist even­ ined result of a very high pressure the guest speaker being Councillor ings. The Venture Scouts were off to sales pitch plus adequate liquid intake! F.M. Skinner, who is part of the Educ­ Norway and then won a local Bed One routine came to an end this ation system in Gloucester. lt seems, Race. Chess marches on in its depend­ year with the loss to the Parents' however, that with the present plans able manner. The First Year History Association of Eric Smith on his retire­ for the city Rich's is to remain in Quiz was resurrected at Christmas ment. Eric was the link man on the almost the same form. The Old Rich­ and was won by 1T. There were Committee who always managed to ians work continuously to ensure that numerous theatre trips to London, spend the money raised to the best the school remains as it was when Oxford and Cheltenham. Some people advantage of the School. Many thanks they were here and our thanks must went to hear Vladimir Ashkenazy play Eric, you will be missed. go to them. at Cheltenham Town Hall. The First We welcome his replacement on The school itself has flourished Year went on a trip to the Forest of the Committee, Bob Hanney, and throughout the year. Sport, music and Dean. The Christian Union organised wish him well. drama form the foundations of life assembly for a week and invited a The major work of the Association outside the classroom and all have missionary into school to address us. this year has been to support the continued assertively this year. The All the exchanges to France and Headmaster in equipping various De­ indoor cricket season lasted right up Germany went forward and they seem partments with additional items re­ till the start of the outdoor cricket to have increased in number. The quired for the new G.C.S.E. which will season. A whole range of sports can Railway Society travels far and wide. have a long term advantage for pupils be enjoyed and there is something to Some pupils won places in a book of for many years to come. suit everybody once you have passed short stories and illustrations. Some­ All parents are automatically mem­ the grinding mill of rugby in the first one was even in "The Singing Detec­ bers of the Parents' Association and I few years. Weight training, bowls, tive" on television! I could go on. would ask all present parents to be­ badminton, volleyball and others If I have missed anything or anybody come active members and support appear in the curriculum. in this cursory glance at a year in Sir both the School and the P.A. to the On the musical side the Choir con­ Thomas Rich 's then I apologise. There maximum possible unlike the past few tinues in strength, with the usual carol is more, which only goes to show just years when some parents, having pla­ services and other official occasions how much the school means. I hand ced their Sons at Rich's, thfl refused to to its credit. lt is, however, the everyday on to the next School Captain and support the School in its efforts to anthems on a wet -Wednesday morn­ wish him good luck. retain its present form, those w~ can ing that test the members and perhaps do without. the most pleasure came from a hardly "The old order changeth, yielding Having said the above I am sure that attended Evensong in the Cathedral in place to new, all present parents are with us and March.
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