SUNDAY 161st yEAR • no. 56 JuLy 5, 2015 CLEVELAnD, Tn 58 PAGES • $1.00 Inside Today Cash: focus should be on students Cash said she decided to pur- ranks of school administration. versity, she was the principal of New director sets sue the job in Bradley County “Just through enjoying learn- Station Camp Elementary School goal to ‘make sure because of “the opportunity to ing, I kept going back to school, in Gallatin from 2008 to 2012 and lead a strong district.” got my master’s and my doctorate of Westmoreland Elementary in students succeed’ Her goals for the future are to and moved into administration,” Westmoreland from 2003 to 2008. keep it going strong and to contin- Cash said. “It’s a career that gave Her resume also boasts experi- ue to make new progress, she me the opportunity to be in the ence as an assistant principal and By CHRISTY ARMSTRONG said. classroom at all three levels [ele- a teaching career dating to 1984. Banner Staff Writer Originally from Pickens, S.C., mentary, middle and high school] Having experienced what it is Bradley County Director of Cash arrived in Bradley County and to have that related arts like to be a teacher, Cash said she Schools Dr. Linda Cash just with years of educational experi- background.” realizes the importance of invest- wrapped up her first month on the ence. Cash most recently served as ing time and resources in those job. A high school athlete who the assistant director of schools who are responsible for teaching The new director began June 1 played softball and competed in for Tennessee’s Robertson County Bradley County’s children and after signing a three-year contract track and field, she started her Schools. From 2011 to 2012, she teens. with the Bradley County Board of career by teaching physical edu- was the assistant dean of gradu- “I know and understand the Education on May 26. cation. Later, she would “move ate education at Union University. All-state honors into the classroom” and climb the Before taking the job at the uni- See CASH, Page 8 Linda Cash Two local softball players were named to the TSWA’s All-State Softball list. The TGA Junior Banner photo, HOWARD Amateur Championships are set State DYW PIERCE to tee off at the Cleveland THE COmmu- Tenn. Country Club. Chad Voytik was nITy had two invited to help coach at the program spectacular fire- Manning Passing Academy. The works shows U.S. Men’s National Team defeat- Promise ed Guatemala Friday night in Saturday evening. Nashville. Meanwhile, the contestants One sponsored women’s team is ready to go by Mount Olive head-to-head with Japan for the Ministries was deadline World Cup. See Sports, Pages arrive today launched from the 17-21 and 25. T.L. Lowery See special Distinguished Young Ministries near the Women section on Pages 37-42. Bradley Square nearing Mall and the other By JOYANNA LOVE sponsored by Students required to Banner Senior Staff Writer Howard Thompson on do community service The Distinguished Young Highway 64. This Women of Tennessee scholarship By CHRISTY ARMSTRONG photo was taken Banner Staff Writer competition begins today with the from the mall. For arrival of this year’s contestants. Some 72 percent of students Twenty girls from across the more photos, see Page 16. from Bradley County taking state who have advantage of the state’s won local or at- Tennessee Promise scholarship large programs program could lose the opportu- will spend the nity if they do not meet a fast- next week in approaching deadline. C l e v e l a n d The state lottery-funded pro- A love of bees learning fitness gram, which sees its first stu- More than 60 family members and choreogra- dents starting college this fall, of the Ocoee Region Beekeepers phy moves, requires them to complete com- Association are attempting to pro- a n s w e r i n g munity service by Aug. 1. tect and preserve honeybees in interview ques- Many students still have work Bradley and Polk counties. The Fant tions and vol- to do before they can get their population of honeybees has u n t e e r i n g . scholarship money, according to been dwindling in recent years Each will be hoping to walk away data from tnAchieves, the non- and has dropped by 40 to 70 per- with scholarship money. profit organization overseeing cent in East Tennessee. Each girl will stay with a host Tennessee Promise in 84 of the Pesticides are the No. 1 threat to family for the week. state’s 95 counties. honeybees. See People, Page 43. This year’s theme is “Girl Only 23.37 percent of Bradley Power: Scaling New Heights.” County’s Tennessee Promise stu- “It is kind of super hero-ish,” dents have completed the eight Foundation of hope co-chair Traci Fant said. hours of community service Foundation House Ministries The scholarship program required before the August dead- provides hope for the future to encourages every participant to line. young expectant mothers who “Be Your Best Self” through “We’re doing what we can to have nowhere else to go. An off- scholarship, leadership and tal- spread the word,” Cleveland State shoot of New Hope Pregnancy ent. It is open to female students Community College President Dr. Center, the ministry provides who are juniors in high school. Bill Seymour said. “We want to housing, transportation, education Girls and host families will see these students in the fall.” and spiritual growth. See meet for the first time today at Other area counties also show Lifestyles, Page 29. the Cleveland State Community large percentages of students who College. need to serve, with only 22.66 This year brings several new percent of Polk County students Forecast elements to the competition. and 19.5 percent of McMinn “We try to do something new County students having turned in every year,” Fant said. their hours. A 80 percent chance of show- For the first time, the girls will Banner photo, HOWARD PIERCE On average, just 23.18 percent ers and thundershowers domi- participate in a kick-off event this of students statewide have com- nates the forecast for today. evening at Bradley Square Mall. FIRST BAPTIST Church of Cleveland hosted the His Hands Extended Ministries’ Freedom Celebration Saturday morning with its choir along with a variety of different acts performing. pleted the requirement. Temperatures should climb to the The girls will each bring a toy “This represents the more than upper 70s and lower 80s. Tonight for Toys for Tots as this year’s 31,000 students who remain the chance of rain drops to 30 service project. Tennessee Promise eligible,” percent with temperatures in the “We are going to the stage tnAchieves Executive Director mid 60s. The Monday forecast space,” Fant said. Krissy DeAlejandro said in an calls for partly sunny skies and a American Idol finalist Jermaine SOuNdS Of fREEdOM email to the organization’s advi- 30 percent chance of showers Purifory will serve as emcee for sory council Thursday. and thunderstorms. the event. A local dance company However, she also admitted will also be performing. First Baptist hosts annual HHE celebration that number decreasing is “If this works well, we will likely By CHRISTY ARMSTRONG Mayor Tom Rowland expressed thankfulness for “inevitable,” as some students Index do something similar in the Banner Staff Writer the United States and its freedoms. could decide to switch colleges at future,” Fant said. “We’re so glad that we live in a place where last minute. Business news .............................27 Another new element this year More than a thousand people raised their voic- more people want to come to than to leave,” While the Aug. 1 deadline is Church.............................................4 was an essay. Girls were asked to es in solidarity to show pride for their country Rowland said. still a few weeks away, colleges Classified..................................52-58 answer the question: “What is the and thank God for it on Independence Day. However, he also acknowledged the country are already anxious to see how Comics..........................................47 greatest heroic act or deed the The sounds of freedom filled the sanctuary of has seen its share of ups and downs. many students will actually step world needs that only your gener- First Baptist Church of Cleveland during the “It hasn’t been a good time for our country,” foot on their campuses this fall. Editorials...................................22,23 ation of women can provide and 16th annual His Hands Extended Freedom Horoscope.....................................47 Rowland said. “Things have happened that God Seymour said comparing this why?" Celebration. did not exactly agree with.” fall’s projected enrollment to Lifestyles .................................29-33 The essay, along with the biog- The event has long been sponsored by the local While he did not elaborate on what those those of other years is like “com- Obituaries........................................2 raphical information on each girl, Christian devotional group. The celebration drew things were, he also referred to the United States paring apples and oranges.” Stocks...........................................25 will serve as the basis for some of a crowd there to share their thankfulness for the as “a great nation” and stressed the importance The local institution is expect- Sports................................17-21, 25 the interview questions. Judges country and how God has guided it in good times ing some sort of an increase, but TV Schedule............................48,49 will also ask questions about cur- and bad. See FREEDOM, Page 8 how big will depend on whether Weather.........................................15 rent events. Welcoming people to the event, Cleveland “When the girls come in the judges have a bio that basically See PROMISE, Page 8 Around Town lists all their activities and the girls fill all of that out.
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