FAOBItZTEEIt WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10;r ^ ✓ I flm irbrrttr Etintbta Sm il& AVgRAOB DAn.T OnOITl.ATION for tfw Month of OetoSer, ISB7 2VRATHBB •f 'b . « . Was Bartford The J W . H A L « CORK 6 , 0 1 4 SWr and eonUwod eold tonighti IN OBSERVANCE OF Shopping On Thursday?— ^ wottlw AndH FrMay fair wMh iMag tanipor». '■"-'■'Aa MAMCMgiTgii C o m m * ^ of Olfciapllnag taro. ARMISTICE 7>AY MANCHESTER — A CITY DP VILLAGE CHARM I. FEATURED FOR THURSDAY Don’t Overlook Any Of These Suggestions—Every One VOL. L m , NO. 36 AdverttMag w Page IS) MANCHESTER. CONN, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 11. 1987 OUR OmCE AND LUMBER YARD WILL (FOURTEEN PAGES) PKICB TURKB CENTS CLOSE THURSDAY AT 11 A. M. AT THE SELF SERVE AND A Good Value In Timely Articles You Want* FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE DAY HEALTH i^RKET Governor’s Kin Shot Him UNDERWEAR OF BRAZILIANS CALM The W. G. Glenney Co. JjOC Gtttn Stamps Given With Cash Sales. Haleys First Quality Cool, Lnmber, Masons’ Supplies, Paint 5 -P ood B.C Ck>M Medid M. K. M. Ringless AS VARGAS TAKES 336 No. Main St. Tel. 4149 Manchester FLOUR 2 7 c BEAUTIFUL S J2 IX T I-J^ Fonno— OoloBg AT A NEWNFW LOW PRICEPR Sheer Chiffon DICTATORIAL ROLE TEA 1-lb. bog 29c LONDON’S Rod KIdiiejr iC Per HOSIERY President In Sodden More U F O U E r i E I S Escaped Asykim Patiett" BEANS Garment Dissolves Federal, State WARREPORHR 3 Day Sale Of Rings e«w t Bottle SaaboMt NRNII!I,NVr Breaks Throiqdi Goardt Amazingly Free Legislatiye Bodies, Pro- KILLED BY JAP Thursday - Friday - Saturday PANCAKE SYRUP Sarrmmdiiig King George From runs, shrink­ daim s New Constitntion. LESS, s r o e iN G Lu r o Fwikago W uhbani’o MACHMGUNS And ShoDU "Afl H it li ing and Fadingl .. -'J- PANCAKE FLOUR Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Nov. 11.— Senate ProgressiYe Takes Most Any Kind CsntpbeU’s (A P )—President Getullo Vargas Hypocrisy; Yoo’re Prepa^ You’ll like these lovely leamlees London Newsman Pembroke undies of Spun-lo—the stabi­ ruled Brazil today under sweeping Stand Directly Opposite dictatorial powers unequalled In mg For War;” QmeUy SOUPS 3 cans 25c lized rayon. They look well Stephens, Was Viewmg AND THIS COUPON and fit wen even after months the western hemisphere. Outwardly, Jils largest of South To Morgenthan; Attempt W n i. PURCHASE 11-Oimoe Can Annonr's of washing and wearing—and Orerpowered; Monarck they’re so comfortable! At this American nations seemed to have Attack That Drore The fC ONE OF OUR MAD­ new low price Ujey're the ulti­ accepted calmly the political coup To Cot Hoose Costs Made AGASCAR RINGS, PORK and BEANS 5c mate In value. which abolished Brcall's democratic form of government and set up In Chinese Out O f Nantao. Ignores Tke Dishnrbance. Its stead one modelled In many re­ Brlnff this coupon and 49o to our BANANAS spects after the. corporate sj^em Washington, Nov. 11.— (AP) — J. R. Page, above. Is shown In a Hope, Ark., hospital recuper- ■tore and receive Ladles* or Uen- 4 lbs. 21c employed by totalitarian European The administration, pledged anew sting from wounds be says were thhlcted by Mrs. R. C. Kelly, mother Shanghai, Nov. 11.— (A P )—Jap­ London, Nov. 11.— (AP)—. tlemen’* MAUAGASCAH RINO. nations of Georgia’s Governor E. D. Rivera. Mrs. Kelly posted 8300 'bond on An esttiiped asylum innudB Limited S to A customer. None Testcii aad Appreved Ky He Hale’s first quality M. K. Casinos, theaters and restaurants by Secretary Morgenthau to a pro­ anese forces spread fire, death and sold to dealers. Many different charges of assault with intent to ktIL iroke through the King’l rahriet TestiBf Sareoa M. Rinsrless Sheer and in the capital functioned with the gram of curtailed expenditures to destruction along the southern bor­ mountings to choose from In GRAPEFRUIT 5 for 17c usual 'animation and there was no “uards today and, with the cry Ladles' Solitaire or Dinner, or o j r balance the budget, ran squarely to­ der of the French concession today, Oentlemen'a Alnirs; also Maroaslte Semi-Chiffon Hosiery. outward sign of resistance to the day Into a Oongre:^onal demand moppln-T up the last Chinese de­ “Hypocrisy r , shattered the and other beautiful colored stones. swift move which Vargas himself for increased spending. Senator La Guaranteed five years. two minutM of silent Armistiee CELERY HEARTS 10c A conpista seUctioa of aisc. and said was Inspired In part by fear Follette (Prog., Win.I, a spokesman fending the Shanghai area from the styles, including: Try a pair today and see of armed revolution. for the self-styled (Congressional MANY NATIONS HEED Nantao quarter. Watching the spec­ Day tribute to Britain’s war (Private sources in Buenoe Aires, d e a d ._ MADAGASCAR OEMS have fiery brll« for yourself what a fine Liberal block and a supporter of tacular battle from cenresaion side­ llance. blue white color, perfect cut> PANTIES capital of .leighborlng Argentina, President Roosevelt, declared that lines a few yards away, Pembroke King Cieonre, standing rigid­ tlnff. Madagascar Gems present the HEALTH MARKET BRIEFS BLOOMERS wearing hose this is. New Indicated that though Vargas had additional spending was needed to Stephena, correspondent of the Iy>n- utmost skill of Modern Science. So> complete military support, there "stem the downward spiral" In busi­ 19TH ARMISTICE DAY ly at attention during the ac^ STEPINS VESTS don Dally Telegraph, was killed by rial leaders, millionaires and our Fall shades. pr. was considerable — If Inactivi emn service before thej WbrU ' finest people keep genuine diamonds ness. He advocated Increased taxes a hall of Japanese machine gun In %’aults and wear .'Madagascar Oems Fish Specials civilian Imposition to his bloodless to finance It His suggestion was bullets. War Cenotaph, ignoii^ Uie coup. I They stand all tests. Each rin g Is directly counter to Secretary Mor- disturber who shouted: given a five-year w’rltten guarantee /By the decree powers with which In . Washhirton President Two French tramway employes— Sliced genthau's speech In New York last ARMISTICE RITES A. L. Thurvanaky and P. Anelter— igainst tarnishing. loss of stone or he had ruled largely since 1938, night in which the Treasury bead "All this is hypocrisy— OSS of brilliance by the manufacturer. Vargas yesterday dissolved Federal two French policemen and a num­ you’re deliberately preparing Hterlltig silver mountings sania price. obviously sought to reassure busl- Places H^eath On.Tomb ber of Chinese were wounded by Boston Blue lb.121-2c and State legislative bodies and ness by the budget balancing pro­ fo r w a r !” JOIN ( ^ K L E E N E X proclaimed a uew constitution with posal. SHUNNED BY DUKE wild bullets and shrapnel. MAIN FLOOR—FBONT — -y' pIBPOSABlE TISSUES corporative, authoritarian trim­ Speclflcany, La Follette recom­ Of Unknown Soldier; Cere­ Tonight biasing fires dotted Nan- Queen Mother Maty and mings. mended on Increase In WPA ex­ tao and Pootung; a boom of sunken Queen Elizabeth, watching Sliced Cod lb. 15c Suspends Pnymeafai penditures to provide a Job for boats across the Whangpoo river from a home office irindow,; HALE’S burned fiercely; scores of bouses, n i f Q M m vx The new constitution was put in­ every employable man. Morgenthau monies In Other Capitals. Anglican Pastor In Paris looked on aghast. to effect Immediately and a presi­ outaneq a $700,000,000 curtailment shops and small factories la tha na­ Fresh Mackerel lb. 16c dential manifesto declared the new o f spending for unemployment re­ tive d ty were la ruins. Hand uplifted, unarmed, and - t i k JM(IUU co i.i. regime would suspend payment on lief. public works, public highways, Apologizes For Saying Ex* Reolataaee Breaks clad in a raincoat, the middle- The Serv-a-Tissue box is all government debts abroad. and ogrieultum. By A88O0IATBO PRESS A Japaneos attack with tanks, GREEN DOUBTFUL a n c h b s t i r o n n Also Shrimps - Scallops • Halibut • Swordfish • Smoked Chenille Men ‘who fought In the last war aged man dashed through th e; M C * . Within 84 hours Vargas was ex­ Step ts AM Baslneea artillery and shock troops broke Filets • Fresh Filets - Oysters - Clams. the regular 200 sh e e t pected to decree reductlca of the Mornnthaa’s speech was m- and rasa who may fight la Um nsat ,^King Was Not Welcome. Chinese raalstancs along Zabwsi line of sailor guards a few| export tax on coffee and effect gardecT By observers here as another led the eslsbration o f tbs ISth an­ creek, eastern boundary e ( tbs bs- feet to the right and to tee^ KLEENEX package. An old other measures to oarry out Ida IndleaUan that the admtnistratlan niversary t t ths Armistios In many leagusrsd area, after two days aad ON ANNUAL rear of the Monarch. policy of abandoning export price la taking steps te aid bualneaa. Al­ lands todsy. Paris, Nov. 11.— (A P)— An Abta of conflict. Mors than SJSOO Bedspread control over this principal Braidllaa In ArUttgtao National eematery Gill— s sohUsra waded ths creek A m BAID OOI JAPAN Shouting, he appeared to: favorite has a new name. though It appsnrrd tba govemmont -AngeUcan paster apologMpI today product.._ doss not tatand to agpond Its own Prsoldaht Roosefslt paid tribute to and crawled the F ren^ eoncee ‘ TMiya, Ma*. 1L.£(AP)—Tfrs Stat trip . to the Duke of Windsor for aa *Hn- gaanlaa air nU 'alans la Japaasae Qff/y K leenex disposable The President today declined the "pump priming" activities, fedeial the nation’s world war dead with slon’s barbed wire‘harrieHTto** give' Labor CUef TdDs Prosiileil Ouerde'scnffled hiiy quickly , Joint resignation of Ms CabineL ocnelsla were trying to stimulate ths traditional observance of two sult" to a "man who oouldn’t defend up their arms.
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