OCTOBER 2009 VOLUME 36 NUMBER 10 NorthernGun Deer Hunters Need to Check StatusofUnits WhereTheyWill Hunt Free antlerless deer hunting permits are not usable in most of northern Wisconsin POONER –Aftermany years of lib- $20eachfor non-residents.Alimited number and purchase the eral antlerless deer hunting opportu- of permits are available for eachunit, and proper license Snitiesinnorthern Wisconsin, wildlife many units have already sold out. Permit and tags accord- officials saygun hunters who plan on hunting availabilityislisted on theDNR Website. ingly,” he said. in northern deer management units(DMUs) Archery antlerless deer carcass tags are He notes many thisfall needtocarefullycheck the status of not Herd Control tags and arevalidinall western and the area where they hunt. In most cases they units statewide,but mayonly be filledusing eastern counties will not be abletouse the freeherd control legal archerygear. still have Herd antlerless permits they receive with their “Werealize this is ahuge change for deer Control units, licenseasthey have in recent years. hunters in the north thisyear,” Zeckmeister the southern It willbean“old fashioned” buck-onlygun said,“but out deer programisdesigned to countieshave deer season in manynorthern units this year, quickly respondtochanges in deer popula- CWD units andafew units arenon-quota. said Mike Zeckmeister,the DNR Northern tions, like lower deer numbers northern Also,Zeckmeister added, thatbecause Region wildlife supervisor. Hunters and last hunters reported last year.” most of the units are “Regular” units in the year’scool winter brought theseunitswithin In all other unitsofthe north hunters North, the early antlerless season in October or below goals,Zeckmeister said. must purchase an antlerless tag from a will not apply to most hunters.However, The herd control antlerless tag thatcomes licensevendor andare good only for adeer in hunters with an unused antlerless tag can use with eachgun and archery deer license is thatunit.Alimited amountofthese tagsare it in thearchery or the November or valid onlyinHerd Control or CWD Earn-A- available. December gun deer seasons. Buckunits. “Anyone tagging an antlerless deer in the “Our overall objective is to provideafun “While many northern DMUs have been 13 “Regular”DMUs in the north without recreational deer hunt and protect the under herd control status in recent years, antlerless tags available using abonus or integrity of the deer herd,”Zeckmeister said, very few are this year,” Zeckmeister said. Herd Control unit tag will be in violation of “our wildlifemanagers and the hunting pub- Hunters who want to shoot an antlerless the lawand could be fined and have the deer licmust be alert to changesinthe system and deer in most northern DMUswill need to pur- and theirequipment confiscated,”said Dave respond accordingly.” chase aunit specific antlerless tag,and there Zebro, lawenforcement supervisorfor the More information is available on the deer are 13 DMUs(7, 29B,31, 32, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, DNR Northern Region. hunting pages of the DNR Website andinthe 42, 43, 44 and 50) that do nothaveany antler- “Deer gun hunters acrossthe statemust 2009 Fall Hunting andTrappingForecast. less permits availablethis fall.Unit specific do what they have doneinother years and antlerlesspermits cost $12eachfor residents, thatistocheckwhat unit theyplan to huntin Deer Management Unit Map –Page 4 NaturalResources Board Sets Hearing Dates for Earn-a-buckAlternativesProposal WDNR Release 9/23/09 able on the advisory committeeWeb site at • October 21, Ashland -Ashland [deerherd.editme.com]. AmericInn Conference Center, 3009 he state Natural Resources Board The public hearings will begin at 6:30 p.m. Lakeshore Drive E. todayapproved hearing dates and withaninformational presentation and • October 26, Appleton -Fox Valley Tlocationsfor proposed changestO overview of the proposed rule.Publiccom- Technical College, Appleton Campus, Room Wisconsin’s2010 and 2011 deer hunting sea- ments andstatements will be accepted begin- C190, 1825 NorthBluemound Drive. son structures. The changesare based on rec- ningat7p.m. Thefollowinghearinglocations • October 26, Eau Claire -Chippewa ommendations developed by apublicpanel anddatesare scheduled: Valley Technical Collegeauditorium, Room created by the Natural ResourcesBoard and • October 14, Crivitz -Crivitz Village M103, 620 W. ClairemontAve. charged withfinding effectiveand hunter- Hall, 800 Henriette Ave. • October 28, Pewaukee -Waukesha supportedalternatives to earn-a-buck. The • October 15, Onalaska -Onalaska County Technical College, Room C051/C057, proposed changescan be found in the Natural High School Field house,700 Hilltopper 800Main St. ResourcesBoard meeting agenda available on Place. • October 28, Spooner -Spooner High the DNR Website. • October 21, Madison -LussierFamily School Auditorium, 801County A. The public panel included representatives Heritage Center-MainLevel, 3101 Lake • November 3, Stevens Point -Portage of hunting and conservation groups,agricul- Farm Road. County CourthouseAnnex, Conference Room ture,county forests,university, and woodland • October 21, Rhinelander -James 1, 1462 Strongs Ave. owners.The panel’scomplete report is avail- Williams Middle School, 915Acacia Lane. WISCONSERVATION 2 October 2009 *** OFFICERS *** ASSOCIATE DIRECTORS STATEAFFILIATES Jake Macholl, Amery, WI DIRECTORS/REPRESENTATIVES President Jack Nissen,1811 Ottawa Ave.,Dousman, WI 53118, (262) 370-8154 cell. Email: Bob Chojnowski, Plover, WI WI Assoc of Beagle Clubs [email protected] *Alt NWFAffiliate Delegate LarryLaehn, Greenville, WI Phil Secker, Germantown,WI Craig Challoner,Omro,WI First Vice President ChuckMatyska, Route 15055 Cty V, Cecil, WI 54111, (715)745-6382. Jim Huhn, Watertown, WI (Parliamentarian) Email: [email protected] WI Assoc of Sporting Dog Clubs Bret Loescher,Watertown, WI Brian Kolb,New Holstein,WI Steve Pease,Sullivan, WI, (262) 719-9623. Second Vice President LarryLaehn, N1496 Greenwood Rd., Greenville, WI 54942, (920)757- TomNissen,Dousman, WI WI Assoc.Field Trial Clubs 6099. Email: [email protected] MikeBiszak UWSP James Gleash, Madison, WI AdamMurkowski UWSP Secretary TomNissen,1811 Ottawa Ave.,Dousman, WI 53118, (262) 719-5295. Email: MikeArrowood WI BowHuntersAssoc [email protected] MikeStueck Clintonville, WI Treasurer LauraHuber,6980 Woodland Lane,Arpin, WI 54410, (715)884-2774. Email: WI CoonHunter Assoc [email protected] HONORARY DIRECTORS DennisRoehrborn, Plymouth, WI ArtJorgenson Catherine Koss,LakeO’Lakes, WI WI Council of Sportfishing Org Vern Mangless TedLind,Milwaukee, WI JimMense,Menomonie,WI RayRheinschmidt WI DeerHuntersAssociation J.L. Schneider MarkToso,Roberts,WI Statewide Districts Betty Schneider-Borchert, Oshkosh, WI WI DeerHuntersInc ArtSeidel,Brookfield, WI DennisHoffman, Neshkoro,WI Al Kube,Cochrane,WI Joe Zanter,Sparta, WI WI FederationofGreatLake SportFishing Bucky Kilishek,Menasha, WI MarkT.Hossenberg, Kenosha, WI Martha Kilishek,Menasha, WI MaryCassidy,Plainfield, WI WI Hunter Ed. InstructorsAssoc. KenZettlemeier,Waukesha, WI KenBarbian, Brookfield, WI WI Muzzle Loading Assoc. Inc. HONORARY VICE PRESIDENTS Carolyn Brown, Milton, WI Joseph A. Gruber,Campbellsport, WI Dr.Dan Trainer,UW-Stevens Point WI Sharp-Tailed Grouse Society LesVoigt JimEvrard, Grantsburg, WI WI Taxidermist Assoc *** PAST PRESIDENTS*** Bucky/MarthaKilishek, Menasha,WI Lil Pipping, ElkhartLake, WI Corky Meyer, Kewaskum,WI WI TrappersAssociation Inc Jerry Knuth, Plover, WI Scott McAuley, Wisconsin Rapids,WI James G. Weishan, Wabeno,WI Martha Kilishek,Menasha, WI WI TrapshootersAssociation *Russell Hitz, Wheeler,WI Helen Mars Adams,Blue River,WI Jim Baldock, West Bend, WI WI WaterfowlAssociation Inc RalphFritsch, Kaukauna, WI DaleArenz, Waukesha, WI RobertMiller,Sparta, WI Doug Olson, Viroqua, WI WI Woodland OwnersAssociation EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR/LEGISLATION Doug Johnson, Hartford, WI DaleZaug, Tigerton, WI George Meyer, 201 Randolph Dr., Madison, WI 53717, (608) 516-5545. Email: James Wareing, Sussex, WI [email protected] Leo Roethe WildlifeSociety,WIChapter Bill Buckley PatKaiser,Lodi,WI DickHemp Bob Lachmund WildOnes JerryLaudon Donna VanBuecken, 920-730-3981 BOARDOFDIRECTORS DISTRICT 8 Ron Piskula *JackNissen,Dousman, WI, (262) 370-8154. Wings Over WI HaroldSpencer DISTRICT1 MikeRynearson,Oconomowoc,WI, (414) 313-2079. Les Woerpel BurtBushke, Mayville,WI *Connie Pribnow,PortWing,WI, (715) 774-3301. John Wagner,Oconomowoc,WI, (262) 560-1230. DISTRICT2 DISTRICT9 LarryVanderhoef,Plainfield, WI, (715)366-2453. *Roger Borkowski, South Milwaukee, WI, (414)571-0002. Wisconservation Richard Lazarczyk, West Allis,WI, (414) 321-5750. DISTRICT3 JimSpielbauer,BlackRiver Falls,WI. *Russell Hitz, Wheeler, WI, (715)632-2143. WISCONSERVATION (USPS 108-190 ISSN 0164-3649) is published monthlyfor $25 per year by Wisconsin Wildlife Federation, W7303 County Road CS &Q,Poynette,WI53955-9690. Periodical postage paid at Oshkosh, Dave Hraychuck,Balsam Lake, WI, (715)485-3362. DISTRICT10 WI and additional mailingoffices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: WISCONSERVATION,W7303 DavidLorentz, Rice Lake, WI, (715)931-8707. Al Phelan,Madison, WI, (608) 241-7538. County Road CS &Q,Poynette,WI53955-9690. Allcommunications regarding advertising, editorial,circulation and WisconsinWildlifeFederation matters shouldbesent to W7303 County Road CS &Q,Poynette,WI53955- DISTRICT4 DISTRICT11 9690. Permission to reprint articles is normally given providing proper credit is given both publication and author. *LauraHuber,Arpin,
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