E:.. ..<r A. M ^ CLARA S. MCXmE* MANCHESTER - Mrs. \ Obituaries Schmalz Moore,'80, of 79 School Mrs. Grace L. Baker Manchester Crisis St., widow of John Moore, died Mrs. Grace L. Baker of 146 areas- to work. One crew, Tuesday in Manchester Memori­ High St. died tills morning at several members of Explor­ Fire Departments, Man­ Ing were working Tuesday lor instance, was working al Hospital Manchester Memorial. Hosp­ er %out Post 169. They chester Memorial Hospital with only slight handicaps, on several streets in the Bora in Rockville, she lived in ital. She was the widow of answered phones, ran er­ and the Connecticut National beOause the Mu icipal Build­ Spruce St. area. Double Funeral Friday Manchester for more than 45 James 6. Baker. rands, and helped run em­ Guard ' at the Manchester ing was operating on power SNET m e" said they were iHanrl|PHtpr ? years. She was born in Patterson, ergency shelters at town State Armory, supplied by its own genera­ workl g from 7 ’ a.m. to 5 firehouses. tor. She was a member of Our N.J. and had lived in Manch­ Gasoline service stations p.m. 'dally, and within that O': It wasn’t exactly busi­ For Mansfield Couple Savior Lutheran Church, Wap- ester for more than 50 years. The work at CD Head­ which ^were able to pump time they are able to get V Manchester—A City of Village Charm Plng. , Mrs. Baker was a member ness as usual, but the Staff P R tC E : FtFFEKN CKINTS quarters seemed to be a gasoline Tuesday were doing an average of 19 to 20 cus­ MANSFIELD—A double funer­ nabury, the. Tolland County cor­ She leaves a brother, Charles of St. Mary’s Episcopal was attempting to keep up "coordination” effort a .thriving business. tomers per cr^w back in MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, DEC. 20, 1973- VOL. XCIU, No. i al is Friday for S- Arthur Matt­ oner, said Tuesday he will make Schmalz of Sarasoth, Fla. Church, Temple Chapter, with normal work. son, S3, who was principal of the emerg#icy preparations and Cars lined up lorlongdls- service. a finding as to how the deaths The- funeral is Saturday at Order of Eastern Star, and tances to buy gas, and in at Secretaries in several The company’s construc­ Lake Street Elementary Sdiool occurred when the police Inves­ Manchester Grange. She is services were coordinated offices kept the lights turned 10:30 a.m. in Holmes Funeral through the headquarters. least one location •*- ear tion and Une crews have in Vernon, and his wife, Juditt tigation is finished. survived by a son) James L. off - r so the generators Main Mattson of 3 Holly Drive, Poiice said Monday the Matt­ Home, 400 Main St. Burial will The CD Headquarters had Moriarty Bros., atthelnter- been pressed into service be in Grove Hill Cemetery, Baker with whom she made < sectlon Of Brpad and Center wouldn’t overload — and they along with the regular re­ Mansfield, who were both found sons were found dead in their four telephone lines open kept their coats on. Rockville. Calling bouia are Fri­ her home; and a sister, Mrs. St.s — there were* traffic.' pair crews, ^ dead in their home Monday. bedroom at 1:15 p.m. Monday Olive Frier of Ocean Groye, to the public daily, to in­ Secretaries said the pace The funeral is at 11 a.m. at day from 7 to 9 p.m. problems. Manchester restaurants by C. Arthur Mattson’s son. C. - N. J. Funeral arrangements form callers of shelter lo­ of normal town buslnesswas Potter Funeral Home, 456 Jack- Miss Alice J. Jones , Motorists were backed which had power Tuesday did Arthur Mattson Jr. are Incomplete, and are being cations and other emer­ slow, but they added thdt not son St., Willimantic. Burial wiU 0. Arthur Mattson was borni Miss Alice Jane Jones of gency services. up beyond the railroad over- a thriving business, serving Disaster Official made by the Holmes Funeral much townbuslnessistrans- be in Storrs Cemetery. Calling in New Haven. He attended Pearl St. was dead on arrival 'Those telephone numb­ , pass on Center 9t., waiting hundreds of people who were hours are Thursday from 7 to 9 Springfield College in ^ring- at Manchester Memorial Home, 400 Main St. to get into Moriarty’s to get acted in the week before ers are. 649-9068, 649- Christmas anyway. unable to cook their own p.m. field, and the University « Cbn- Hospital Tuesday. 6060, 649-6698, and 6.49- gas. •• ■^Employees of. the South-' food.. Assistance Medical Examiner necticut in Storrs. He was a Shd ts survived by two s i­ 6775. The gasoline stations that A handful of restaurants . To Visit Area HERALD PHOTOS e^n New England Tele­ Officials of the Hartford Frank Burke of Rockville said past presldoit of the Lion’s dub sters, Mrs. Robert McCorm­ Besides the telephone were o|>en had self-'lmposed throughout town were open, Sco^ Cushman and Tracy available at the high school. Tuesday an autopsy indicated in Mansfield. He was a veteran ick of Manchester, and Miss rationing — purchases were phone Co. (SNET) contin­ Electric Light Co. (HELOO) Drs., but not the newest Fwest People should bring soap and lines open to the p.bllc and the waiting lines inmost esttmated at midday t ^ y that death was by carbon monoxide of World War H. Sarah Jones of Manchester, Film shot by Herald phot­ limited to |2 or $3 — in an ued working today to re­ Hills area. towels, officials said. poisoning. State police in Staf­ ographers was developed and for emergency use, CD of them were long. power has been restor^ on He leaves a dau^ter, Janice with whom she made her Headquarters also main­ attempt to have enough fuel store telephone service to Spirit at one restaurant — An area west of Main St. from a v il Defense officials advise ford Springs are investigating Mattson of Storrs; and a son, C. printed through cooperation customers who have been primary and secondary lines in home. tained "hot lines” with the on hand by' the end of the the DairyUW'een on Hartford Center St. to a point north of townspeople without power to the deaths. Atty. Herbert Han- Arthur Mattson Jr., of Storrs, of the Manchester Police ' wlthoi:t phones for two days, about 50 per cent of Manchester Funeral arrangements are Manchester Police De­ month. Rd. - - was high, despite the o, .. 1*’1"6 bedding and folding chairs and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Department. A SNET spokesman said and that most major lines will be incomplete, and are being partment, the Town ofMan- dejectedness of people due to S. Mam St. south to the Globe to the emergency shelters. Nels Mattson of Fort Pierce, Town employees at the company’s rarces were restored by the end of the day. made by Holmes Funeral chester and Eighth District Hollow Reservoir and in- Families with smaU children Fla. ‘Chester's Municipal bSS-' divided into two-man crews, long cold days without elec­ More workmen were arrivhig Home, 400 Main St. tricity, heat, or telephones. te r e e ^ g streets. should bring games or toys to ' MINNIE CRANSTON Judith Main Mattson was bom which ' have been assigned . in town to repair lines damaged Miss Minnie Cranston, 89. of V* St. keep the youngsters entertained. in Hartford. She leaves two by the severe storm that has left The McGuire tract, east of Maurice Pass, town purriiasing 21 EMgertown St., Manchester, many residents in the dark and sons. R. Jay Gill and Jeoffrey Autunuv,.St. agent who is assisting with Gvil died Monday in a Manchester M. Gill: two daughters. Mellissa cold for periods for up to three convalescent home. Bom in Vernon St. from Lydall to Defense preparations, said the A. Gill and Donna L. Gill, all of days. Taylor Sts., but not Crestfield state highway department em- Porta-Down, Ireland, she lived Farmington: her mother, Mrs. Herald officials on their way to in Manchester for 13 years after Convalescent Hospital. ployes are delivering firewood to Edwin W. Main of Hartford; a omI l-loCbila()s! the Norwich Bulletin plan at 7:30 ^ area bounded by Tolland Manchester, but the wood is moving there from Newington. sister, Mrs. Gene Stiles of Cold- this morning saw 12 electric Tpke., Buckland St., Oakland St. being grabbed up by people even She retired in 1960 after wofk- water, Mich., and a brother, company trucks and crewmen , and N. Main ___including___ beforeMe;iiiri- workers can unload the ing 20 years at the Newington Clifford Main of Newington. from Ittode bU nd on their way Caldor’s, Robertson School and truck^ Children’s Hospital. She was a Save 27 to the Central Connecticut area. Mayfair Gardens for the elderly. member of St. Mary’s Episcopal VERNICE H. COLE Town health officials advice The Herald, still without power Hie apartments and residences Cliurch. Manchester. She leaves MANCHESTER —' Vemice residents without water to make a nephew, Richard Herron of Huwell lons^l today, set up em ergency off OaMand St. use of nearby brooks w streams Henry Cole, 67, of 46 S. Alton headquarters at the offices Of the HUlUffd, Hudson, William Sts. Manchester; and two nieces. St., died'Monday in Manchester to flush toilets. Southern New England All of Main St. from Depot Still trying to dig out from one Etta Clulow of Manchester and Memorial Hospital. Coffee 1.1b. 0 2 ~ Mrs. Viola Maloney of Hartford. Born in Princeton, Ind., he Hnast with This Telephone Co.
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