CHAPTER II GROUP ACTIONS ON SETS 1. Group Actions Let X be a set and let G be a group. As before, we say that G acts on X if we have a representation ρ : G S(X) or equivalently there is a binary operation G X X satisfying the rules ! × ! 1x = x for all x X; 2 (gh)x = g(hx) for allg; h G; x X: 2 2 Given such an action, define a relation on X by x y if and only if g G such that y = gx. It is not hard to see that this defines an equivalence relation∼ on X. (See the9 Exercises.)2 It follows that X is partitioned into disjoint equivalence classes which are also called orbits. The equivalence class containing x is Gx = gx g G , and is called the orbit of x. If there is only one orbit, the action is said to be f 2 g transitive. This is equivalent to the assertion: for each x; y G, g G such that y = gx. Since any set breaks up into a disjoint union of equivalence2 classes9 2 under an equivalence relation, it follows that if G acts on X, then X is a union of disjoint orbits. Examples. 1. Left multiplication. Let H G. Then G acts on X = G=H by g(xH) = (gx)H where g; x G. Note ≤ 1 1 1 1 2 that if xH = yH are the same coset, then (gx)− (gy) = x− g− gy = x− y H, so (gx)H = (gy)H. In other words, this action is well defined. It is also clear that 1(xH) = xH and2 (gh)(xH) = g(h(xH)), so it does define an action. Let 1 denote the trivial coset H. Then clearly X = G1 so the action is transitive. g 1 2. Conjugation. Let X = G and let G act on itself by x = gxg− where we use pre-exponential notation as indicated previously for the binary operation. The orbits of this action are called the conjugacy classes of G. 3. (a) More generally, let X be the set of all subsets of G (denoted in set theory by 2G). Let G act on X g 1 by S = gSg− for S X, i.e., for S G. (b) Alternately, let X be the set of all subgroups of G and let G act the same way. 2 ⊆ 4. Let G be the group of 3 3 real, orthogonal matrices, i.e., 3 3 real matrices A such that AAt = AtA = I. It is not hard to see that the× set of all such matrices forms a group,× called the orthogonal group and denoted O(3) or O(3; R), Such matrices determine linear transformations of R3 with preserve lengths. Hence, we get an action of the orthogonal group G = O(3) on Euclidean 3-space R3. The orbits are spheres centered at the origin. Suppose G acts on the set X. For x X, we set 2 Gx = g G gx = x : f 2 g Gx is a subgroup of G. For, certainly 1 Gx, and if gx = x and hx = x, it is clear that ghx = gx = x. 1 2 Moreover, gx = x implies x = g− x. Gx is called the isotropy subgroup or stabilizer of x. Note that Gx is not generally a normal subgroup of G. In fact, we have 1 gGxg− = Ggx: 1 1 1 For, h Ggx hgx = gx g− hgx = x g− hg Gx h gGxg− as claimed. 2 , , , 2 , 2 Typeset by -TEX AMS 15 16 II. GROUP ACTIONS ON SETS Proposition. Let G be a group acting on a set X and let x X. The mapping gGx gx provides 2 7! a one-to-one correspondence between G=Gx and Gx. Moreover, this correspondence is consistent with the actions of G on both sets. In particular, if G is finite, then Gx = (G : Gx) = G = Gx . j j j j j j Proof. First, note that the map is well defined. For, 1 1 hGx = gGx g− h Gx g− hx = x hx = gx: , 2 , , In fact, this argument read backwards, shows also that the map is one-to-one. The map is clearly onto. Finally, h(gGx) = (hg)Gx (hg)x = h(gx) 7! so the mapping is consistent with the two actions. Corollary. If G is a finite group acting on a set X, then every orbit is a finite set and its cardinality divides the order G of the group. j j Let G be a group, finite or infinite. Among the sets on which G acts, we may distinguish the coset spaces G=H for H a subgroup G. G acts transitively on such a set, and the proposition tells us that up to one-to-one action preserving correspondences, every set X on which G acts transitively may be assumed to be of this form. So up to such correspondence, any set on which G acts may be thought of as a disjoint union of coset spaces. Let G act on X. As mentioned before, we may associate to this action a representation ρ : G S(X). The kernel of this representation is the set of all g G which act as the identity on all of X. That! is, 2 Ker ρ = G \ x x X 2 is the intersection of all stabilizers of points in X. Exercises. 1. Let the group G act on the set X. (a) Show that the relation x y defined in the section is an equivalence relation. (b) Suppose G were only a monoid∼ but we defined the notion of G acting on X the same way. Would still be an equivalence relation? ∼ 2. Let the group Gl(n; R) of all n n invertible real matrices act on Rn the usual way where Rn is exhibited as the set of all n 1 column vectors.× What are the orbits? For each orbit, pick a point in that orbit and describe the isotropy× group. (If you pick the point properly, the description should be relatively simple.) 3. Let O(n) denote the group of all n n real orthogonal matrices, and let O(n) act on Rn the usual way. (a) Show that the orbits of O(n) are×n 1 spheres of different radii in Rn. − (b) What is the isotropy group of the unit vector e1 with first coordinate one and other coordinates zero. 2. Centralizers, Normalizers, and the Class Equation We consider some important examples of groups acting on sets. (1) Let G act on the set X of subsets of G by conjugation g 1 S = gSg− : The orbits of the action are families of conjugates subsets. The most interesting case is that in which the set is a subgroup H and the orbit is the set of all subgroups conjugate to H. The isotropy subgroup GS of the subset S is also denoted 1 NG(S) = g G gSg− = S f 2 g 3. CENTRALIZERS, NORMALIZERS, AND THE CLASS EQUATION 17 and is called the normalizer of S in G. Note that if H is a subgroup of G, then H is a subgroup of NG(H) and in fact NG(H) is the largest subgroup of G in which H is normal. (See the Exercises.) It follows from our basic proposition on the isotropy subgroup that in the case of a finite group, the number of distinct conjugates of a given subset S is (G : NG(S)), so that number divides G . g 1 j j (2) Let G act on X = G by conjugation of elements: x = gxg− . The orbit of the element x G is the set of all elements of G conjugate to x. The isotropy subgroup is denoted 2 CG(x) = g G gx = xg f 2 g and is called the centralizer of x in G. As above, the number of distinct conjugates of an element x is (G : CG(x)) so it divides G . The intersection of allj thej centralizers of elements of G is denoted Z(G) = g G gx = xg for all x G f 2 2 g and is called the center of the group G. Note that Z(G) is the kernel of the representation ρ : G Aut(G) defined by ! g 1 ρ(g)(x) = x = gxg− : Theorem. (The class equation) Let G be a finite group. Then G = Z(G) + (G : CG(x)): j j j j X x T 2 where T is a set of distinct representatives of the conjugacy classes of G of size larger than one. Proof. Let G act on itself by conjugation. Then G decomposes as a disjoint union of orbits, i.e., conjugacy classes. The number of elements in the class containing x is as above (G : CG(x)). However, this index is one if and only if G = CG(x), i.e., every element of G commutes with x, i.e., x Z(G). The above 2 equation then just reflects the decomposition of G into this disjoint union. Corollary. Let G = pn where p is a prime. Then p divides Z(G) . In particular, Z(G) is not the trivial subgroup. j j j j Proof. Use the class equation. The left hand side is a power of p. The terms in the sum on the right are all non-trivial divisors of pn, so they are all divisible by p. It follows that Z(G) is divisible by p. j j Corollary. Let p be a prime.
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