STAOiC CLASS ^-^^C BOOK /+2^ '"^"^^ THE LIBRARY "^ OF HAVERFORD COLLEGE (HAVERFORD PA.) THE GIFT OF ^.Ae^L. -l^rU^ MO. I 3 1 ,9^^ ACCESSION NO. O O H H 3 mymmaiwiiiiuuuutiuBa HAVERFORD COLLEGE DIRECTORY 1921-1922 HAVERFORD COLLEGE BTTLLETIN Vol. XX OCTOBER. 1921 No. 1 Entered December 10, 1902, at Haverford, Pa., as Second Class Matter under Act of Congress of July 16, 1894. Accepted for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103. Act of October 3, 1917, authorized on July 3, 1918. College Ofeick and Building Telephones* Alumni Secretary 1441 Barclay Hall, North 439 W Barclay Hall, South 439 J Barclay Hall, Centre .^ 68 ." Chemical Building 988 J Dean 1441 Founders Hall 564 J Graduate School 258 W Gymnasium 754 W Infirmary 763 Lloyd Hall, Rooms 1-4 564 W Lloyd Hall, Rooms 5-12 1444 Lloyd Hall, Rooms 13-22 1427 Merion Hall 267 J President 221 Power House 988 W Registrar 221 Skating Pond 1426 * Arduiore Exchnnge. STUDENTS IN THE COLLEGE Names and addresses. In the last column is given the number of the Student's dormitory room ; Bn is an abbreviation for Barclay Hall, North; Be, for Barclay Hall, Centre; Bs, for Barclay Hall, South; F, for Founders Hall ; L, for Lloyd Hall ; M, for Merion Hall ; H. U., for Haverford Union ; D, for day-student. GRADUATE STUDENTS Name. Home Address. College Address. Atkinson, Robert 312 Gowen Ave., Mt. Airy, Pa 22 L Evvan, Stacy Newcomb Millville, N.J 21 Bs Graves, Edgar Baldwin 2304 Madison Square, Philadelphia, Pa 21 Bs Ohl, Raymond Theodore 148 Cricket Ave., Ardmore, Pa 19 L SENIOR CLASS Abbott, Charles David, Jr 211 S. Walnut St., Milford, Del 15 L Arrowsmith, Noel Stryker 496 Park Ave., Orange, N. J 36 Be Barker, John Bryant 1525 Shady Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa... 66 Bn Braddock-Rogers, Kenneth Haddonfield, N. J H.U Bucknell, Allen Kazlitt 1761 N. 36th St., East St. Louis, 111. 43 Be Coder, William Dickey 620 S. High St., West Chester, Pa.. 16 L • Deacon, William Whitman . R. F. D. No. 2, West Chester, Pa D Emigh, Chalmers Preston Huntingdon, Pa D Pansier, Thomas LaFayette Frazer, Pa 16 L Flanders, Donald Alexander 31 Orchard St., Springfield, Vt 43 Be Eraser, Henry. Salmon 1113 First North St., Syracuse, N. Y. 10 L Grigg, Harold Maurice Haddonfield, N. J 12 M Gummere, John Flagg Glen Mills, Pa 17 M Hall, Percival, Jr 1 Kendall Green, Washington, D. C. 13 F Hallock, Joseph Milton, N. Y 39 Be Heilman, William Blair 876 Wynnewood Rd., Philadelphia, Pa 13 M Hendricks, William Craig Chambersburg, Pa 31 Be Hilleman, George Adolph 7152 Meade St., Pittsburgh, Pa 24 Bs Janney, Richard Worth 212 W. Upsal St., Germantown, Pa. 11 M Klemm, Ralph Adam 1204 Lehigh Ave., Philadelpliia, Pa. 11 L MacCallum, William Henry, Jr 6G02 Germantown Ave., Philadel- phia, Pa 14 L McKinley, Morrison Cushman 1619 Green St., Philadelphia, Pa... 2 F Matzke, Robert Rudolph 805 E. Seneca St., Ithaca, N. Y 31 Be Miller, Frederick Stahl 349 N. Duke St., Lancaster, Pa 11 L Millner, Alfred Walker Leesburg, Ohio 9 M Molitor, Robert Louis 125 W. Chelten Ave., Germantown, Pa 5 M Montgomery, Thomas Roger Woods Hole, Mass 34 Be Morris, Elliston Perot 131 W. Walnut Lane, Germantown, Pa 14 F Mucnch, Alfred George Haverford, Pa 33 Be Name. Home Address. College Address. Paxson, Chauncey Cause 2414 Bryn Mawr Ave., Philadel- phia, Pa 12 M Pfund, Harry William 115 W. Logan St., Philadelphia, Pa. 23 Bs Reiter, John Harkey 452 Walnut St., Allen town, Pa 44 Be Reitzel, William Attich Cor. Harvard and Cornell Aves., Swarthmore, Pa 15 L, Rhoads, William Lester Boyertown, Pa 22 L Sagebeer, Richard Grafflin Berwyn, Pa D Sangree, Nathan Barnitz 4031 Baltimore Ave., Philadelphia, Pa 15 F Sidel, James Eckel 509 Robeson St., Reading, Pa 44 Be Silver, William Easter Aberdeen, Md 14 L Snader, Craigc McComb Haverford, Pa 24 Bs Sutton, Richard Manlifife 1547 Ciarkson St., Denver, Colo 16 F Taylor, Edward Allinson Haverford, Pa D Thompson, Edward Jackson Philipsburg, Pa 39 Be Walton, Kenneth Betts 315 Oriental Ave., Atlantic City, N.J. 33 Be Wise, Malcolm Rose Clifton Heights, Pa 23 F Wright, John Colvin 116 E. Penn St., Bedford, Pa 23 Bs Zerrer. Edwin Walter 5428 Westford Rd., Olney Park, Pa. 10 L JUNIOR CLASS Allen, Russel Greene, Jr Cornwall-on-Hudson, N. Y 13 Bs Bacon, William Warder, Jr 162 Queen Lane, Germantown, Pa.. 13 Bs Borton, John Carter Moorestown, N. J 16 Bs Prown, Henry Tatnall, Jr Moorestown, N. J 15 Bs Buck, Addison Steward Hempstead, L. L, N. Y 37 Be Carpenter, Horace Walton 3935 Lindell Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo 35 Be Dennett, Carleton 350 W. 55th St., New York, N. Y.. 11 F Farrar, Hal Gordon 1434 Tremont Place, Denver, Colo.. 20 L Fisher, Guilford Dudley. Malvern, Pa 10 Bs Flint, Frank Plumley 58 Bradford Ave., Crafton Sta., Pittsburgh, Pa 37 Be Flowers, Frank Shuster Paulsboro, N.J 19 L Fry, Gilbert Crawford 4612 Chester Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. 8 L Grimes, George Randle 333 Vassar Ave., Swarthmore, Pa.. 3 F Hamilton, William Henry 4835 California St., Omaha, Neb... 20 L Haviland. Edward Kenneth Port Deposit, Md 4 M Heyer, Charles Dixon High and Ridgway Sts., Mt. Holly, N. J 14 Bs Heyne, Irvin Coltun 5258 Addison St., Philadelphia, Pa. 3 F Himes, Rees Slaymaker 120 E. King St., Shippensburg, Pa.. 21 L Hoag, Garrett Scattergood Haverford, Pa 16 Bs Huffman, George Conrad Waynesburg, Pa 21 L Hunsicker, William Cosgrove, Jr.... 1625 Race St.. Philadelphia, Pa 9 Bs Hunt. George Wood 709 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa D Hutkin, Marcus Diamonstone 5826 Mascher St., Philadelphia, Pa.. 41 Be Jones, Wilmot Rufus Concord, Mass 14 Bs Knowlton, Stephen Brooks Haverford, Pa D Name. Home Address. College Address. Lewis, Andrew Lindsay Broomall, Pa 68 Bn Logan, Thomas Megowan 48 E. Washington Lane, Philadel- phia, Pa 35 Be Morris, Marriott Canby, Jr 131 W. Walnut Lane, Germantown, Pa 38 Be Morss, Franklin Crawford, Jr 6703 Cresheim Rd., Mt. Airy, Pa... 28 Be Parke, Thomas Downingtown, Pa 12 Bs Pruitt, Dudley McConnell Hwanghsien, China 18 F Rutt, Norman Eby 914 Old Lancaster Rd., Bryn Mawr, Pa 17 F Schultz, Robert Hawley, Pa 7 F Scott, Kennett Schurch Oakbourne, Pa 28 Be Stevenson, John Bryant 1530 Denniston Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. 66 Bn Strawbridge, Gordon Weld School Lane, Germantown, Pa 15 Bs Strayer, Charlton Bevan 101 E. Tremont Ave., New York, N. Y 9 F Wagenseller, Wayne MacVeagh 1307 Market St., Harrisburg, Pa.. 68 Bn Walton, William Wyclif 315 Oriental Ave., Atlantic City, N. J. 12 F Warner, Charles, Jr 2311 W. 11th St., Wilmington, Del. 13 L Warriner, Farnham 18th and Walnut Sts., Philadelphia, Pa 13 L White, Nelson Arold Drexel Hill, Pa 38 Be Wilbur, Harry Lawrence Haver ford, Pa D Williamson, Alexander Jardine West Chester, Pa 1 F SOPHOMORE CLASS Bader, Charles Frederick, Jr 163 Main St., Phoenixville, Pa 58 Bn Bainbridge, Henry Clay Beesley's Point, N. J 17 L Barry, Robert, 2d 205 N. 36th St., Philadelphia, Pa... D Beideman, Casper Melvin Merchantville, N.J 6 Bs Blair, John Fries Winston-Salem, N. C 6L Brinton, Cortland Beadle Bryn Mawr, Pa D Brinton, Hugh Penn, Jr West Chester, Pa 1 M Carpenter, Dean 394 Irving Ave., Port Chester, N. Y. 1 Bs Carson, John Stanton 230 S. Negley Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. 12 L Comfort, Howard Haverford, Pa 60 Bn Costenbader, Walter Grosh Slatington, Pa 18 L Edgerton, David Russell Haverford, Pa D Ellis, Thomas Southard 5511 Morris St., Germantown, Pa.. 59 Bn Fisher, John Monroe, Jr 222 S. 15th St., Philadelphia, Pa.... 5 L Fite, George Liddle 138 Fitz Randolph Rd., Princeton, N. J 64 Bn Foulke, Edward Ambler, Pa 7 F Frazier, Charles Harrison, Jr 1724 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa.. 69 Bn Greenwell, Harold Doman 4517 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa.. 18 L Grigg, Percy Chandler Haddonfield, N.J 10 F Name. Home Address. College Addresi. Hand, William Henry 122 S. Franklyn St., Nyack, N. Y... 20 Bs Haring, Forrest Chapman 2489 Sedgwick Ave., New York, N. Y 9 L Harnwell, Gaylord Probasco 615 University Place, Evanston, 111. 60 Bn Hastings, Stanley Bond Prescott, Mass 19 F Haviland, Paul Robbins The Knoll, Lansdowne, Pa 102 M Headly, John Frederick West Grove, Pa 101 M Heilman, Wesley Marvin 876 Wynnewood Rd., Philadelphia, Pa 42 Be Herrick, Colin James Girard College, Philadelphia, Pa.... 71 Bn Hinrichsen, Axel Febiger Glenolden, Pa D Hogenauer, Howard Jessup 2640 Morris Ave., Bronx, New York, N. Y 112 M Howgate, George Washbourne 414 Cartaret St., Camden, N. J 110 M Jefferis, Warren Harper 100 E. Walnut Ave., Merchantville, N. J 6 Bs Leeds, Robert West 162 S. Penn Ave., Atlantic City, N. J 11 Bs Levering, Griffith George The Hollow, Va 3 M Longstreth, Richard 826 S. 48th St., Philadelphia, Pa 69 Bn Margolis, Abram 129 Main St., Coatesville, Pa 41 Be Mead, Morris William, Jr 354 Lehigh Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa 12 L Morris, Leo Nelson La Habra, Calif 14 M Muller, Frank Fenton 419 Chestnut Lane, Wayne, Pa 19 Bs Mullin, Arthur Pinecrest, West Chester, Pa 58 Bn Nash, Charles Edgar Wyncote, Pa 6M Patterson, Edward Bell 42 W. Walnut Ave., Merchantville, N. J 2 Bs Payne, Harold Carnaby 323 S. 50th Ave., Omaha, Neb 20 L Reich, John Frederick Morris Heights, Morrisville, Pa.... 5 F Rhoads, Philip Garrett Moorestown, N. J 61 Bn Rittenhouse, John Olmstead 392 Jefferson Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. 67 Bn Robertson, James Theodore 1450 Columbus Ave., N. S., Pitts- burgh, Pa 6 L Roedel, George Joyce 613 Buck St., Millville, N. J 103 M Savage, Albert Edward Low Buildings, Bryn Mawr, Pa...
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