COLLECTIONS OF CORRESPONDENCE AND MANUSCRIPT DOCUI1ENTS NAMS OF COLLECTION: Tower, Charlemagne - Papers , . SOURCE: Permanent loan - by ?rr. Lawrence Phelps Tower - 1948 SUBJECT: Correspondence and papers of Charlemagne Tower and the Tower family of Pennsylvania DATES COVERED: 1830-1889 NUMBER OF ITEMSs STATUSJ (check appropriate daecription) Cataloged: X Listed: X Arranged: Not organized: C orre sp.: 55boxe s CONDITION: (give number of vols,, boxes, or shelves) Bound:Boxed: p6 boxesStored: 'Co. • \ O LOCATION: (Library) Special Collections CALL-NUMBER Spec Ms Coll Tower RESTRICTION«i&a-'fi*8ionS 0O1N xUS * E T-hi~--<*> T*' '•*~ - y?/•• •**• -- --.. , .'•••• . » ,: . '.. - ' • .:. } ." >.». i . ^ it L f 1 f - . 1 DESCRIPTION: •• The collection consists of the correspondence and letter-books (1845- 1889) of Charlemagne Tower, as well as legal and business papers related to real estate transactions, coal and iron lands in Pennsylvania and the fariily affairs of the Tower fariily. •^fee--c-o.ll&ot4o.B=r--aa?r-«yag«&, P • - • A" ' 7* •>,,. ' For list of collection see following pages. ' ! ^ " ' v ^ fi I I : >' LIST OF THE CHARLEMAGNE TOWER PAPERS Major Correspondents Bicknell, Quincy Ellsbury, George H. Ely, George So Ely, Samuel P. Jeffers, Erastus Lee, Deborah Tower (Mrs. Richard) Lee, Richard Morcom, Elisha Munson, Alfred Munson, Samuel A. Nettleton, A« B. Page, Henrietta Tower (Mrs. Putnam) Prince, Franklin Putnam, Grace Tower (Mrs. Earl B.) Page, Putnam Snyder, Emma Tower (Mrs. 3, C.) Stone, George C. Stringham, Joseph Sumner, Charles Tenney, Luman H* Terry, Edmund Thompson, H* F. Tower, Amelia Malvina Bartle (Mrs. Charlemagne, 1809-1889) Tower, Charlemagne (1809-3 889) [ •>.,•*, , f Tower, Charlemagne (1848-1923) Tower, Deborah Penrce (Mrs. Reuben, 1829- ) Tower, Delia Page (Mrs. Julius) Tower, Julius (1811- ) Tower, Reuben (1787-1832) Tower, Reuben (1829- ) Tower, Sarah Louisa Williams, Helen E. M» (Mrs. James Watson) I. Cataloged Correspondence .•• 55 boxes. (See autograph letter file) II. Uncataloged Correspondence (Individuals: sorted by surname; Corporations: i.e., firms, banks, etc,, arranged alphabetically by name of company) Box 1 A B B (1830-1839) B (1640-1849) Ba (c£0 1850-1870) Be (1650-1B70) Bellas, Hugh (ca. 1850-1870) Bennett, Daniel R. (ca. 1.850-1870) Bi - Bo {ca, 1850-1870) Br (cao 1850-1870) C Tower - 2 Box 1 cont. C (1830-1839) C (1840-1849) D D (1830-1839) D (1840-1849) E E (1830-1839) E (1840-1849) Ely, George H. & Samuel P. F F (1840-1849) 0 G (1830-1839) G (1840-1849) Graham, John L (1835) Box 2 H H (1830-1839) H (1840-1849) Karris, Jonas P. (1840-1845) Hart, Martin (Executor of Alfred Munson's estate; includes statements of accounts) Hawley, Martin (1839-1843) Heuritz, James (1840-1845) Hopkins, William Ho (Jano - June 1869; Honeybrook Coal Company) (July - Dec 1869) (Jan - June 1870) (July - Dec 1870) I - J J (1830-1839) J (1840-1849) Jenkins, J. Whipple (1840-1845) Jenkins, Timothy (1840-1845) Jones, Benjamin P. (1835; 1840-1845) K K (1840-1849) Kirkland and Bacon (1840-1849) Loeser, C. (1863-1864) Box 3 M M (1830-1839) M (1840-1849) Morand, Henri N Nicolls, G. A, N - 0 (1840-1845) 0 P P - Q (1830-1839) P - Q (1840-1849) R Tower • 3 Box 4 S (4 folders) S (1840-1849) Stone, George Co (2 folders) T Tenney, Luman H. Terry, Orrin Charlemagne, 1809-1899, (Miscellaneous) (Copies of letters, 1850-1853) (Re: Montana silver mining; 1871) (Incoming correspondence re: charitable and educa- tional contributions) Tov/er, Charlemagne, 1848-1923. (Miscellaneous) Tower, Julius Tower family Tower family (Incoming correspondence; miscellaneous social letters) U United State Government Updegrave, H. K. Utley, Mary S. V W (2 folders) W (July - Nov 1881) W (1882) W (1883) W (1884) Williams, E. T. (ca. 1883) Williams, William E. Wilson, Thomas (ca. 1885-1886) Wright, Charles B. (1883-1884) Y - Z Miscellaneous (initialed or unsigned letters) (illegible surnames) (replies to an ad for a room) Box 6 Re: Davis Pearson Estate (1874 - Jan - June 1875) (July - Dec 1875) (Jan - June 1876) (July - Dec 1876) (Jan - June 1877) (July - Dec 1877) (Jan - June 1878) (July - Dec 1878) (Final adjudication records) Box 7 (Corporation correspondence fully identified) American Exchange Bank (Duluth) American Express Company . American Institute of Mining Engineers American Manufacturer and Iron World :^ Ann Arbor, First National Bank .\ \ : Tower - 4 Box 7 conto Browne and Wagar Brush Electric Company Butler and Blake Canadian Pacific Railway Company Carnegie Brothers & Company Cass County, Dakota Territory Chicago Forge and Bold Company Cleveland Rolling Mill Company Col ton (F. W. & C. T.) and Company Daniels and Torkelson Detroit, Bank of Detroit Car Wheel Company Dodson, (Charles M) and Company Drexel and Company Dunlap and Gillespie East End Improvement Association (Duluth) Eddy and Smith Ensign and Cash Fairman and Newton Fargo, First National Bank Fidelity Insurance, Trust & Safe Deposit Company Garrett and Company Glenwood Manufacturing Company Gosline and Barbour Graff, Barnett and Company Halverson, (H«, K) and Company Harris (N, W.) and Company Heiser (Henry A«) and Sons Hempstead (0# G.) and Son Heyl, Gibson and Company Innes (Thomas B.) and Company Jacksonville South Eastern Railway Company Jansen, McClurg and Company Joliet Steel Company Lake Michigan & Lake Superior Transportation Company Lake Eire Iron Company Lake Park, Minnesota, Bank of Little and Cummings Livingston and Wileox Matteson and Doolittle Munson and Hart# OwenOneil and Company Seymour and Root Spearman Iron Company Southworth and Roberts Tower City, D, T* Bank luesley and Rothpletz Twomey and Francis Wadena, Minnesota. Bank of Wisconsin, Minnesota & Pacific Railway Company Tower - 5 Box 8 (Corporations) Beaver Brook Coal Company «and Estates 1870 - 1875 1871 - 1874 1876 - 1879 1880 - 1889 Duluth & Iron Range Railroad (White, George H.) 1883 - 1887 (to Charlemagne Tower, 1848-1923) Minnesota Iron Company 1882 - 1886 1887 - 1888 Newbold»s, W.H. & Son ca. 1885 - 1886 North Western Manufacturing & Car Company ca. 1883 - 1884 Pennsylvania Steel Company 1873 - 1880 1881 - 1884 1885 - 1889 Box 9 (Corporations) Pinkerton Detective Agency (Hie Incendiary Fire Operation) Dec 1885 - Sep 1886 Rubberoid Company Rumley Minning Company Thomas and Shoemaker 1875 - 1878 May - Sep 1879 Oct - Nov 1879 1880 1881 - 1889 Tod, Stambaugh and Company 1885 Western Railroad Company of Minnesota 1880 - 1882 Miscellaneous Box 10 (Corporations) Northern Pacific Railroad ca. 1870 - 1889 (2 folders) 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 Jan - June 1879 July - Dec 1879 1880 1886 1S87 1888 (mostly C« B, Wright correspondence) IIIo Telegrams (Arranged chronologically) Box 11 1856; 1858; I86I5 1868 1860 - 1862 (Amelia M Tower) 1865 - 1871 (Charlemagne Tower, 1848-1923) ca, 1865 - 1885 (Tower family, miscellaneous) 1870 (Reuben Tower, 1829- ) Tower - 6 Box 11 cont» 1872 - 1875 1873 - 1874; 1880 (C Tower, 1809-1889) 1876 - 1878 1876 (C, Tower, 1848-1923) 1876 - 1879 (R. Tower, 1829- ) 1879 1880 1880 (C. Tower, 1848-1923) 1800- 1881 (Reuben Tower, 1829- ) 1881 - 1882 1881 - 1884 (A. M. Tower) 1881 - 1882 (C. Tower, 1848-1923) 1882 (R. Tower, 1829- ) 1882 - 1883 (C. Tower, 1809-1889) 1883 1883 - 1884 (Ely, G. H. & S. P.) 1883 - 1884 (Richard H. Lee) 1883 (George C. Stone) 1883 (C. Tower, 1848-1923) 1883 (R. Tower, 1829- ) 1884 1884 (G. C. Stone) 1884 (C. Tower, 1809-1889) 1884 (C. Tower, 1848-1923) Box 12 1885 1885 (Ely, G. H. & S. P.) 1885 (R. H. Lee) 1885 (G. C. Stone) 1885 - 1886 (A. M. Tower) 1885 (C. Tower, 1809-1889) 1885 (C. Tower, 1848-1923) 1885; 1887 (R. Tower, 1829- ) 1886 1886 (Ely, G. H. & S. P.) 1886 - 1889 (R. H. Lee) 1886 (G. C. Stone) 1886 (C# Tower, 1809-1889) 1886 fC. Tower, 1848-1923) 1887 1887 (Ely, G. H. & S. P.) 1887 (G. C. Stone) 1887 (C. Tower, 1809-1889) 1887 (C, Tower, 1848-1923) 1888 - 1889 1888 (G. C. Stone) 1888 (C. Tower, 1848-1923) Tower - 7 IV. Letterbooks (Arranged chronologically) Box 13 1. "Sale of unseated lands for taxes in Schuylkill County, Pennal1 (12 June 1820 - 7 Jan 1857 ) 2. 23 Feb 1837 - 8 Aug 1845 3. 11 Aug 1845 - 26 April 1850 Box 14 TI 35 Nov 1850 - 18 Sept. 1852 2. 2 Sept 1852 - 2 June 1854 Box 15 1. 3 June 1854 - 20 June 1856 2. "Munson & Williams Letterbook" - 2 June 1854 - 3 Nov 1875 Box 16 TI 25 June 1856 - 15 Dec 1857 2. 15 Dec 1857 - 11 Jan 1859 3. 11 Jan 1859 - 4 Dec 1860 Box 17 T. 30 Dec 1865 - 4 Dec 1867 2. 22 July 1869 - 12 June 1871 Box 18 1. 12 June 1871 - 17 June 1873 2. 23 June 1873 - 15 April 1875 Box 19 1. 15 April 1875 - 16 Nov 1876 2. 18 Nov 1876 - 22 Oct 1878 3. 21 Oct 1878 - 7 April 1880 Box 20 1. 8 April 1880 - 1 June 1881 2. 26 July 1882 - 17 Sept 1883 Box 21 Tl Minnesota Iron Company letters - 2 Jan 1883 - 12 Oct. 1887 2. 14 Oct. 1884 - 28 Dec 1885 Box 22 1. 28 Dec 1885 - 3 Jan 1887 2. 29 Sept 1888 - 29 July 1889 V. Manuscript Books (Random arrangement) Box 23 Tl "Register, C. Tower, 1844", Court cases: 29 Feb 1844 - 29 Mar 1869 2. "Daybook and Journal 2, Estate of R. Tower 184611, 8 Apr 1846 - 1 May 1865 3. "Ledger, C. Tower, 1853", 8 Jan 1853 - 14 Mar 1861 Tower - 8 Box 24 1. Tax book, 1811 - 1836 2. Casebook, Dec Sessions 1853 - Mar Sessions 1857 3. "Tower City Property", Daybook, 17 Aug 1869 - 22 July 1873 4. "Tower City Property", Ledger, 8 Feb 1870 - 4 May 1874 5. "Daybook, A* Bickel & Yohe", Tower City Saw Mill, 9 July 1869 - 27 Apr 1870 6. "Daybook, B: Bickel & Yohe", 29 Apr 1870 - 31 Dec 1870 7. "Daybook, C: Mattis & Yohe',1 Tower City, 2 Jan 1871 - 29 July 1872 8.
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