1 North Lanarkshire Council DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT Plann i ng Ap p Iicat ions for consideration of Planning and Environment Committee Committee Date : 22ndMarch 2000 AGENDA IIEM W. I Ordnance Survey maps reproduced from Ordnance Survey with the permission of HMSO Crown Copyright reserved 2 APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE 22ND MARCH 2000 Page No. Application No. Applicant Development/ Locus Recommendation 4 N/99/01488NL Mr E MacKay Erection of Dwellinghouse Grant 3 Neuk Avenue, Muirhead. 11 Luggiebank Quarry Ltd Engineering operations on land (cut Grant and fill) to create an access and flat development platform suitable for business, industrial or recreational use Luggiebank Quarry, Luggiebank Cumbemauld 20 N/00/00018/ADV Score Outdoor Ltd Erection of 4 Advertisement Hoardings - Refuse Sites Adjacent to Little Chef, Castlecary Road, Cumbernauld. 25 N/OO/OOO 3 6FUL Courtyard Consultancy Ltd Residential Development to Erect 19 Grant Flats with Access and Parking Areas 156 Cumbernauld Road, Muirhead 32 N/00/00060~L Scotia Pub & Leisure Ltd Change of Use of Loungepublic Bar/ Refuse Function Suite to Entertainment Loungepublic BarFunction Suite, Formation of Beer Garden and Deletion of Existing Restrictive Hours of Opening Planning Condition and retrospective external alterations - 52 High Barrwood Road, Kilsyth. 38 Mr 8z Mrs J Hernandez Change of Use from Agricultural Land Grant To Private Garden Ground Surrounded by a Wall - “Larachbeg”, Arns Road, Cumbemauld G67 3JW 41 C/99/01295ff PO Dr V Gopinathan Lopping of Four Trees - Refuse 4 Stanley Park, North Biggar Road, Airdrie. 44 C/99/01598/FUL Tilcon Northern Ltd Change of Use from Vacant to Grant (P) Industrial Land and Erection of Office Building - Tilcon Construction Ltd Langmuir Way, Bargeddie 52 C/99/01614/FuL Hugh Murray Erection of 1.5 Metre High Metal Grant Security Fence (part retrospective) and 1 Metre Timber Fence - “Sweethill House”, Bore Road, Airdrie. Lanarkshire ML6 6HX 57 C/00/00026/FUL Mrs R McKeaman Erection of Building for Use as Grant Children’s Nursery - “Croftpark”, Forrest Street, Airdrie, Lanarkshire ML6 7B 61 S/99/01274iFUL BOC Ltd Installation of Liquid Hydrogen Grant Storage Facility - Chapelknowe Road, Carfin A:\ZZ-MAR.DOC 3 APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE 22ND MARCH 2000 Page No. Application No. Applicant Development/Locus Recommendation 66 S/99/01600/FUL Mr H Muir Alterations & Extensions to Grant Dwellinghouse & Erection of Garage, Erection of Carport and Formation of Driveway - 57 Hope Street, Newmains Wishaw 69 S/00/00086/FUL.. Coakley Bus Company Ltd Change of Use from Vehicle Repair Grant Workshop to Bus Depot (in retorspect) Extension to Existing Workshop to Form Offices, Toilet and Mess Room - Coakley Bus Company Ltd, Braidhurst Industrial Estate Motherwell 72 S/OO/OOO98/FUL Dalziel Homes Ltd Development of Four House Plots Grant Dalziel Park Estate Land North of Hagen Drive, Morris Cres Motherwell 82 s/oo/oo1oo/FUL Dalziel Homes Ltd Development of Three House Plots Grant Dalziel Park Estate Land North of Hagen Drive, Moms Cres Motherwell 92 s/00/00109/FUL J&L Hamson Construction of Conservatory Grant 6 The Cuillins Tannochside 96 s/oo/oo12omL C McNellis Change of Use Shop to Hot Food Refuse Shop 124-126 Manse Road Newmains , Wishaw (P) C/99/01598/FUL If Approved, Section 75 Agreement to be concluded A:UZ-MAR.DOC 4 Application No: Date Registered: 17 November 1999 APPLICANT: h4R EUAN MCKAY 17 POTASSELS ROAD MuIRHEAD GLASGOW G69 9EL Agent: T Lawrie & Partners Clydeway Skypark 8 Elliot Place Glasgow G3 8EP DEVELOPMENT: THE ERECTION OF NEW DWELLINGHOUSE LOCATION: 3 NEUK AVENUE, CHRYSTON Ward No: 69 Grid Reference: 268385 6691 17 File Reference: MT Site History: Development Plan: Strathkelvin District (Southern Area) Local Plan 1983 Policy EPRO 6 - Unaffected by Specific Proposals, Policy EPRO 7 - Development Control within Residential Areas. Policy PH3 - Small Scale Developments. Northern Corridor Local Plan (Consultative Draft) 1998 Policy HG3-6 - Development Control within Residential Areas. Policy ENV 29 - Methane Contrary to Development Plan: No CONSULTATIONS: Objection: No Objection: West of Scotland Water, Coal Authority. Conditions: No Reply: REPRESENTATIONS: Neighbours: One letter of representation. Newspaper Advert: Not required I:\PLAN\MORAWPORTSWEUK.DOC 1 Produced by Planning and DevelopmentDepartment , Southern Division ;l;;don 1 ;l;;don Street MOTHERWELL ' Telephone 01698 302100 F~X.01698 302101 6 COMMENTS: The application under consideration proposes the demolition of an existing house at 3 Neuk Avenue and its replacement with a new detached dwellinghouse. The erection of a dwelling is, in purely land-use terms, in conformity with adopted and emerging.Ioca1plan policy. Furthermore the proposal can be said to be in accordance with the detailed requirements the relevant policies set out in terms of access, servicing and relationship to neighbouring properties. A single representations has been received objecting to the proposal on the basis of the proposed house is closer to the common boundary than the house which currently occupies the site. While this is the case, the proposed house is in excess of 2.0 metres from the common boundary, a similar distance to the objector’s own property. In addition, the proposed house will not adversely affect residential amenity or the privacy within the neighbouring property. All in all the development as proposed is acceptable and accordingly permission should be granted. RECOMMENDATION: 1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of this permission. Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997. 2. That before the development hereby permitted starts, full details of all external materials to be used in construction, including walls, roofs, windows, doors, gutters and downpipes, shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required. Reason: That the planning authority may retain effective control. 3. That before the dwellinghouse hereby permitted is occupied, a double width driveway, of at least 6.0 metres in length shall be provided of which the first 2.0 metres shall be surfaced in an impervious material, to be approved by the Planning Authority. Reason: In order to ensure satisfactory vehicular and pedestrian facilities to the dwelling and to prevent deleterious material being carried onto the road. I:PLAN\MORAYREPORTSWEUK.DOC 7 4. That the integral garage shall not be altered for use as a habitable room without the prior written consent of the Planning Authority. Reason: To ensure that adequate parking facilities are maintained within the site. 5. That before the dwellinghouse is occupied, 1.8 metre close boarded timber fencing shall be erected along the boundaries shown in purple on the approved plans. Reason: To ensure that the privacy of the new dwelling and neighbouring dwellings is not compromised. 6. Before any construction work is commenced on site, written confirmation shall be submitted to the Planning Authority to the effect that no methane gas seepage has been detected on site. Alternatively, or if it is not possible to satisfy the Planning Authority that no such gas is present, confirmation will be required to the effect that the constructional details are such as to ensure that gas will not enter the structure by means of seepage. Reason: To ensure that the site can be safely developed. 7. That all telephone connections shall be underground. Reason: To ensure that the amenity of the streetscene is not compromised. Background Papers: Application Form and Plans Strathkelvin District(Southern Area) Local Plan 1982. North Lanarkshire Council Northern Corridor Local Plan consultative draft 1998. Letter of representation from Miss R Anderson, 1 Neuk Avenue, Chryston received 25 February 2000. Any person wishing to inspect these documents should contact Moray Thomson at 01236 616463. 8 APPLICATION NO. N/99/01488/FUL 1.0 PROPOSAL AND SITE 1.1 The application proposes the removal of the existing house at 3 Neuk Avenue Chryston and the erection of a replacement dwellinghouse. 1.2 The application site falls within an area which is overwhelmingly residential in character and in terms of local plan policy, unaffected by any specific proposals. The Strathkelvin District (Southern Area) Local Plan states that within such areas no major change is envisaged and that future development proposals will be considered on merit and in terms of local planning criteria. 1.3 Policy PH3 - Small scale developments - is of particular relevance and states that the construction of individual houses will be supported where it can be demonstrated that detailed planning considerations such as design, size of plot, access and relationships with surrounding land uses are acceptable. The proposed replacement for this plan, the Northern Corridor Local Plan, which is in consultative draft form states that applications for residential development shall be considered against criteria including the development plan and the impact on the locality. 1.4 Policy ENV 29 identifies the site as falling within a naturally occurring methane gas area. The policy requires applicants to demonstrate that new developments can be safely developed. 2.0 CONSULTATIONS AND REPRESENTATIONS 2.1 Summaries of consultation responses are as follows:- Coal Authority : No objection West of Scotland Water: No objection Transportation Manager: No objection 2.2 A representation was received from a neighbouring proprietor at 1 Neuk Avenue. The terms of the representations are as follows: 1) The proposed dwellinghouse will be closer to the common boundary than the existing house at the site. This is a matter of disquiet given that it is intended to pile the foundations of the new house. 2) There are no indications regarding the alignment of the house to the road. 3) No figures are given regarding the overall height of the house. 4) Neuk Avenue is privately maintained and confirmation should be obtained that reinstatement would be made.
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