Umtjorll) menam. ELLSWORTH, MAINE, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 10, 1901. j ,,",\uy.,,~.Hn?o.r,M i No- 28. atjbtrttennnue. LOCAL AFFAIRS. Judge Redman. Edwin G. Moore and many jokes upon the dog and pony mem- Richardson, of Wellesley Hills, Mass* Morris Sowle, of Ellsworth. pers of the company, such as stealing The ladies of the party were entertained at and in the NEW ADVERTISEMENTS THIS WEEK, Mr. and Mrs. Increase J. Shackford on their feed, pulling the dogs’ tails and tea by Mrs. Rollins, evening Friday celebrated the things of that sort. They were Imported the party entertained friends on board C. C. Probate notice—Eat Robert evening twenty- BURRILL & Sturgis. direct from India Prof. and the lannch. She left the river on this SON, Truman C Lord and John H Bresnahan— fifth anniversary of their marriage. by Gentry, Commissioners’ notice. About relatives and friends nursed on bottles at his farm in Indiana, morning’s tide. famous trained animals. twenty-five Gentry’s until were to on GENERAL Maine Central R R—Change In time-table. gathered at their hospitable home. Mr. they strong enough go The county commissioners at theiT INSURANCE J A the road with the show. AGENTS, French—Clothing. and Mrs. Shackford session in Ellsworth received many pres- regular yesterday Hancock hall—Humpty Dumpty Co. Burriix Bank Bldg., ELLSWORTH, ME. B C Hodgkins—Confectionery. ents. E. H. Greely’s Beatrice won the 2 50 talked over arrangements for the onven* _ Charles H Iceland—Fruit and confectionery. Ellsworth who retain a race at Bangor on the Fourth. Her best tion of the county commissioners of Maine J A Cunningham—Confectioner. horse-lovers, WE REPRESENT THE here month. The con* C R Foster—Furniture. deep interest in the great stallion Bingen, time was 2.26%. This was her first race, to be held next Wlggln A Moore—Apothecaries. and ease. On vention will take on owned as a colt by E. H. Greely, will be she went into the lists with place Wednesday, Most Reliable Home and Bak Harbor: Foreign Companies. Interested in the statement that Friday Mr. Greely’s Leavitt won the 2.29 Aug. 14. The business meeting will be Horse show and fair. George Lowest Rates with W. Leavitt last week an offer of clas* in straight heats. The best time, held in the court room, probably in the Compatible Safety. Bucksport: refused reduces Leavitt’s mark from afternoon. On the East Maine Con Sem—Fall term. |10,000 for the two-year-old Todd, one of 2.25%, 2.26%, following day oppor* Bn<* which he made as a He will be for a to Bat EY TO LOAN *n Burn9 t0 on improve^ real ®fltR*,e Bingen’s colts. four-year-old. tunity given trip ■■■ ■ was In a sail around collateral. ■ good for 2.21 Friday. the 2.21 class Harbor, including French* For other local news see pages 4,5 and 8. George Leavitt, the horseman, was in v Friday, A. W. Ellis’ Salinas took second man’s bay. All the county commissioners Bangor yesterday looking at E. H. Miss Lillian Presby, of Boston, is the money, pushing Ray Wilkes to a mark of of the county officers and ex-county Greely’b four-year-old Bingen colt Col- State, guest of Miss Mabel Joy. 2.20% in the second beat. commissioners, with their ladies, will be ombo. With Bingen on one side and The band a concert in front of the invited to attend the convention* gave Allerton on the other, Colombo is con- The Reed’s Brook bridge broke Friday, Hancock house last and Arrangements have been made for special • evening. sidered by horsemen the best bred stal- doubling up falling into the stream. rates on steamboats and and tot Miss Julia G. Hagertby, of Boston, Is lion in Maine to-day. George W. Garland and his family were railroad, hotel accommodations in Ellsworth. in leaving the bridge as it fell. The visiting friends Ellsworth. The special committee of the board of just bridge was built only eight years ago, and Mrs. Etta E. Condon is visiting her aldermen appointed to procure plans and was supposed to be in good condition. Mrs. Maternal—I am sorry you are go* mother in Yarmouth for a few weeks. specifications for the new Bangor bridge, The was a wooden of back to Had I not better has bridge single span Ing Germany. Charles H. Curtis is a received them. The committee is building dump- forty feet, eighteen feet wide. It is get another music teacher for my daugh- scow for the Eastern Co. composed of Aid. Stuart, Higgins and ing Dredging being rebuilt by William H. Brown, of ter? Prof. Von Note—Id ees nod neces- The scow is 25x80 feet. Brady. Separate bids for masonry and d Ellsworth and will be sary. She knows enough museek to get A iron will be asked for. Falls, completed by The Gertrude Roberts Co., which was the last of this week. It will cost the married on. A. billed for Hancock ball all this was Mrs. Sidney Treat and little daugh- week, city about $150. “Do you belong to the church?” asked stranded at Bar Harbor. ter were thrown from their carriage at The latest addition to Ellsworth’s fleet the city missionary. “Yas, indeedy,” re- postotfice square on the night of the Miss Ella F. Jordan, who is teaching in of pleasure yachts is the sloop “Rambler”, plied Uncle Rastus. “What denomina- Fourth. The horse was frightened by a Chelsea, Mass., arrived home Saturday which was purchased at Winter Harbor tion?” “Ah doau quite comprehend de firecracker, and turned suddenly. Mrs. for the summer vacation. last week by George B. and Alex. D. actuality ob de observation.” “I mean Treat sprained her wrist. The child was BICYCLE SUITS_ one Stuart. The “Rambler” is 31.3 feet on the what is your doctrine?” “Oh, I’se a Leslie Beckwith, of Ellsworth’s cut and bruised about the face. boys who is employed in Boston, is spend- V water-line, and about 35 feet over all; homoepath.” I have just received a choice line of d* A CA The engagement is formally announced u^' ing his vacation at home. breadth, 11.3 feet. She was built at Rock- Suits that I am for Ul 1UJOB lilUOl IU. UI Bicycle offering A.1IUWUUU, UttUgUlOI port in 1885. The yacht is being over- John Wyman, with his son Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Knowlton, to hauled and at Winter Harbor of is his repaired by BICYCLE SUPPLIES Waltham, Mass., visiting parents, William E. son of Mr. and Mrs. Whiting, Capt. H. E. Tracy, and will be here early in to 85c.—Belts and Caps. 8. K. are Ells- great variety, including Stockings—50c. Whiting. They among next week. It is understood the “Bat” Miss Clio M. Chilcott, who is teaching worth’s most popular young and people, will be converted into an auxiliary in Newburyport, Mass., arrived home congratulations are showering upon them. p.rnisfir last Friday (or the summer vacation. from .» ( The U. S. dispatch boat “Dolphin”, SUMMER SUITS $3.50 Robert B. Holmes Is soon to open a Ernest L. Moore left last evening for with a detachment of the Maine naval store in the Holmes building on the north Bar Harbor, where he will clerk in the militia on board, called at the coaling 2 collars and 1 50c. side of Main street. It will be a branch FANCY pair cuffs, Hotel St. Sauveur during summer. station at East Lamoine On SHIRTS, ttye yesterday. of the China & Japan Tea Co., of New re- board the “Dolphin”, guests of special line, only 35c; worth 75c. The many friends of B. C. Hodgkius Capt* York, handling their teas, coffees, 6pices JERSEY SHIRTS-a were gret to learn that he expects to close out Southerland, Congressmen Allen, and extracts. All the coffees will be re- Hats and as usual, of Portland, and of Rockland. Underwear, Caps hisjbusiness here and leave Ellsworth. Littlefield, ceived in the bean. Mr. Holmes will put t. Roderick McDonald has commenced The Ravel Humpty Dumpty Co. is in a small electric motor to run his coffee OWEN BYRN. work repairing the broken dam at Little booked to appear at Hancock hall next mill. Besides tho coffee and tea, he will Rocky pond for the Green Lake hntchery. Monday evening, July 15. The company have a line of crockery, pottery and bric- is said to be a good one. The re- a-brac. Hollis C. Joy, of Waterloo, Iowa, with press Mr. Holmes recently returned ports are invariably complimentary. from New where he selected his o. w. & l. mason. — his bride of two months, is visiting his York, The clown, the gymnasts, the contor- He to have the store parents, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin P. Joy, in goods. hopes open tionists and jugglers are all said to be of this week. INSURANCE this city. Saturday GENERAL AGENTS, artists in their lines. : Two Ellsworth hose teams—the Senator Michael was arrested Worms, First National Bank ... Ellsworth, Maine Myrick Monday Building, Iu response to petition of Ellsworth Hales and hose—went to Orono on AGAINST _ evening for intoxication. He was lined $3 City yachtsmen and captains, the government the Fourth to in the hose ______ and costs, and committed in default of participate Blight, buoy boat is in Union river bay today, races. A number of Ellsworth payment. large peo- LOCAL AGENTS FOR placing buoys. Capt. Perry Alley is on ple accompanied them. The Senators Etc., Officers of Donaqua lodge, K.
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