■ /T: .fe. 7 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1966 J^GE TWENTY-FOUR lBanri;gatgy lEiigtttttfl ijgraKt Be a Donor When Bloodntohile Visits SL *s Church Monday, 1:45-6:30 p.m. Raymond Bllis, John Huthhin-' son suid Atty. Wlllleun FitzGer­ Whmi Hm Occasion Colls for Howorsi Chamber Board Endorses About Town Hunt to Moderate ald. All but FitzGerald are in-, Think of Iht cumbenta. The GOP candidate* are Har­ Average Daily Net Press Rob The Weather Canital Works brated tomorrow at 8 a.m. at old A. Turklngton, John Oar- Parkbill-J oyce For the Week Ended Sunny and ploazant today .1 Candidates’ Quiz ^ St. Bartholomew’s Church for side, Nathan AgostinelH, David September 10, 1966 and tomorrow, cool tonight, low Odegard, William Schaller and •The board of directors of the proved by the board of directors Mrs. WllUam Martens by tte in 40s; Mglu both day* ki of Com- on Sept 6, although the Repub- Combined Catholic Mothers Cir- Gilbert B Hunt, chairman of the English Department Wayne Mantz. Turklngton and Flower Shop ler, PWlJprietor S h a s unanimously endors- lican minority made some at- cles of Manchester. Mrs. Mar- n+ Manchester High School, will.serve-m his familiar Garside are Incumbents. Frank Oakeler, upper 70s, 601 MAIN ST.,,MANC M .U H ESTEB 14,555 iA ^ p r o p o s e d »2.5 million tempts to split the package deal tens was a member of the role of moderator Tuesday night, when the Manch^ester (Next to Hartforrtford/S 'National Manchester—~A City of yUlage Charm 6 ^ p lM \ Improvements Bond into several parts. ^ group. ___ League™? Women Voters (LWV) conducts its tradi- Baking muffins? If there are^ Bank) iSue sch^led for a townwide GOP Town Chairman Francis tionaW Quiz The Candidates” afiy drips of batter, on the sur­ o YES—WE UBUyBB 0 MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1966 (ClftMlfied AdvertMnK on Fsfie 11) PRICE SEVEN CENTS ^ ’ndiinroiKfilov 8. DellaFera, on Wednesday, call- The French Club of Manches- face of the muffin pah, after Fhonea: 649-0791 — VOL. LXXXV, NO. 296 (FOURTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION) • ^ f n, follows an ed the proposal “a subUe form ter will have its first* meeting meeting.' fllUng the cups, be sure bo wipe - Z ” ° of blackmail.” and called on of the season at 8 tonight at The session will be held at 8 them off with a damp sponge. sJ>poaron^t>y Ge f Mayor Francis Mahoney to Orange Hall. There will be en- p.m. at Bowers School. Prince­ ^ b e r t Weiss, ea y special meeting of tertalnment, and refreshments ton and Henry Sts. and is open iJiomlng, at a regular C am .board of directors, to re- will be served, to the public. Gemini n Crew board meeting. \..^scind the Sept. 6 action. Hunt, a Manchester native Weiss, speaking to the board lellaFera said that most vot The Alpina -Society------- - will---- meet and a graduate of Manchester and---- to members of the Chamber ersNvoulld approve a 8765,000 tonight at 7:30 at the John F. High School and Yale Universi­ a n y o n e fo r c h ic k e n ? Town Affairs Committee, ex- proposal for school repair and Tierney Funeral Home, 219 W. ty, earned an M.A. degree in on plained the components of the renoyatioh>^ut that other items. Center St., to pay respects to English and education in 1948 proposal and listed his reasons $8^0,000 for road and Mrs. Benedetta Plano, a for- from Harvard University. men have found to be difficult. for recommending the packag^e- gt,orm-sewer clwtstructlon, and mer member. CAPE KENNEDY, frla. (AP) On hand Tuesday night, to — The Gemini 11 akronauts During the journey, Conrad deal bcmd issue. 8675,000 for Mumblpal Building ----- discuss local issues and to an­ CHICKEN KING and Gordon set seven new man- today continued an " extensive In endorsing the proposal, the additions, might jTOpat^^ze pas- Memh®ro of the Catholic L«.- swer questions, will be the six (THAT IS) debriefing on their three-day in-space records, including an executlve committee agreed sage of the whole package. dies of Colombus will have a Democratic and six Republican space mission, recalling the ex­ altitude of 850 niiles, quickest that “the capital bond issue is DellaFera has accusedX^e pot-luck Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. candidates for the Manchester 419 MAIN STREET-BELO W POST O F F I ^ citing events for a tape record- rendezvous and linkup with an needed In order for Manchester Democrats of attempting to, at the K of C Home, board of directors. Agena satellite, flying formation NEXT TO PIZZA KING and GRINDER KING -J er. ' ^ ■ % to c a ^ up with the needs of pygj, through a repeat of a Bach candidate will speak for The sessions here are called while tied to the Agena by a 100- the-le- co;ipmunuy.c«Jliflmunity.” ■ _ 8400,000 road-improvement pro- ^ilk Worm Pup Tent of the his party for five minutes on ."self debriefings" in which foot tether and first automatic Chartiber president W .J. God- posal, defeated at referendum in Mllitar;^ Order of Cooties of the one of six pre-selected campaign Navy Cmdr. Charles Onrad re-entry and landing. frey h u r le y said today, "The ipgs. VFW sponsor a Seafood issus, and each will be allowed Meanwhile, space center offi­ ^ T - i . .._t____ __ _ ___ « ____ «____ __ iJi i.__fl.OA *r\ 11 ‘OA BUCKET OF CHICKEN Jr., and Navy Lt. Cmdr. Rich­ Cham ^r board, in going on rec- Weiss and Mahoney have said Night tonightfrom 6 :30 to 11:20 an additional five minutes to Gilbert B, Hunt ard F. Gordon Jr., J^ecite the cials began releasing pictures Old as adopting and endorsing that the new proposal bears no at the Post H ^ e . The event answer questions on that par­ events as they remember them taken by the astronauts during the capital bond issue, also resemblance to the previous is open to membeis and gueste. president Mrs. John, Knpwlton the historic Voyage. ticular.uiar isauc.issue. Service chairman in broad terms, with experts pledged its full cooperation and proposal. — . - SALE - A 40-foot strip of 16mm color listening in. support to General Manager Mahoney has not yet answer- The execuUve comintUee of Both parties were ^ rs. Theodore Slalby. Serving SATURDAY - SUNDAY SPECIAL The astronauts fly Sunday to movie film showed Gordon Robert Weiss :n bringplng about ed DellaFera’s charge and re- Nutmeg Forest, Tall Cedaro of submit sugge.stlons for the ^ to collect written the Manned Spacecraft Center, straddling the Agena to tie a a favorable vote on the bond quest. All signs Indicate thSt he Lebanon, will m eet^M onda^t issues to be questions from the audience, tether to the nose of Gemini 11. final calces, made hy the LWV m Robert Heins, Mrs. Houston, Tex., where they’ll go issue in November." will turn down the call for a 7:30 p.m. at Masonic Temple 10 PIECES OF HEAVENLY It was during this period he got cutive board, are: John Preston, Mrs. Edward into more detailed discussion of The proposed 82.5 million special meeting to rescind the ------ ALSO: all phases of the flight, with tired. bond issue was unanimously ap- Sept. 6 action. Thomas C. Walz and James (l)\Participation in regional Qj,apin, Mrs. Mitchell Hadge The movie revealed that Con­ \ T. Walz, sons of Mr. and Mrs. govemihent, (2) fiscal auton- Mrs. Morgan Wilt, DINNERS FRIED CHICKEN specialists asking questions. These talks will last eight rad described the scene well. p tYalz Jr. of Ferguson omy for Uie^board of education, Scouts of Troop 25 have B A R ftaS "He’s riding it like a cowboy,” Rd., left recently for Siena Col­ (3) revision b f ^ e town char- ^jgtributed 1,500 flyers, remlnd- days. Then the pilots will hold a news conference. Conrad radioed to earth. And, lege, Loudonvllle, N.Y. Thomas ter to provide fbj^dvisory ret- ^ meeting. CLAMS Reg. that's just the .way he looked. is entering his Junior year and SHRIMP In Houston, they’ll also have erendi^, (4) pla^ng “ ™ Manchester voters, on Oct. 3, $<t.99 ' reunions with their families. Other niovies and color stills JO IN IN James is a freshman. plementatlon of pubft^ directors. They F2.75 FISH Conrad and Gordon were were expected to show eartli ? ninn, ^or e x i t S of will be permitted to vote for six. from the record altitude, the Miss Carol Randall, daughter flown here by helicopter Friday Sion, (5) C o K to comply with minority repre- from the . carrier Guam. ’They flight while tied to the Agena of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Randall Manchester Commimity Loiiege. for landed just two miles from the and the w lft rendezvous. Learn To of 35 Baldwin Rd. is a member and (6) future proposals s^tation regulations, YOU BE THE CATERER C A L L AH EAD 446-01 ^ V ' ^ ' of the freshman class at Nor­ refuse disposal. ^ Democratic candl- ship after completing their record-shattering space journey His left hand dangling, Gemini 11 astronaut Richard Gordoq floats in space walk Hospital School of Nurs­ Arrangements for Tuesday's d ates^^et Frances Mahoney, meeting were made_by LWV Frank Statnler, Olof Anderson, Viet Nam ‘River Cruise’ Is I^ppular Thursday. during his space walk to the unmanned Agena target -vehicle. He rode the ing. Of special interest during the UN Payments Agena “like a cowboy’’ for a while but encountered difficulty breathing and SQUARE Vietnamese infantrymen and their American advisor crowd in a fiberglas boat debriefings will be the workload Expected from his time outside the space ship was cut short.
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