Appendix 9A (v) Initial Environmental Examination (DRAFT) April 2015 IND: Orissa Integrated Irrigated Agriculture and Water Management Investment Program: Tranche 2 Machhagaon Subproject (Tranche-2 Preparation) IEE & Public Consultation Report (compliant with ADB Safeguard Policy Statement 2009) Prepared by Department of Water Resources (DoWR), Project Management Unit (PMU) for the Asian Development Bank. This initial environmental examination is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section of this website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. Orissa Integrated Irrigated Agriculture & Water Management Investment Program (OIIAWMIP) Department of Water Resources (DoWR) Project Management Unit (PMU) Orissa Integrated Irrigated Agriculture and Water Management Investment Programme (OIIAWMIP) ( ADB Loan No. 2444 and OFID Loan No. 1251-P) Machhagaon Subproject (Tranche-2 Preparation) Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) & Public Consultation Report (compliant with ADB Safeguard Policy Statement 2009) August 2014 assisted by Institutional Strengthening and Project Management Consultants (ISPMC) Hydrosult, Division of SNC- Lavalin Inc. in association with Sutra Consulting Pvt. Ltd., SBH Consultants Pvt. Ltd and N.K. Buildcon Pvt. Ltd Orissa Integrated Irrigated Agriculture & Water Management Investment Program (OIIAWMIP) PREFACE This “IEE & Public Consultation Report” for the proposed Machhagaon Subproject is intended to comply with the prerequisites for Preparation of Tranche-2 subproject of the OIIAWIMP. This document, initially drafted during OIIAWIMP (Project 1, Tranche-1) preparations, is updated and revised to comply with ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement 2009. This Report supersedes the Report on IEE & Public Consultation prepared for the proposed Subproject under ADB TA - 4814-INDIA during May 2008 by STUP Consultants and as well as draft report prepared during June 2012 and subsequent comments made during April 2014. The necessary comments and suggestions given by ADB were incorporated. A tabular guidance on the responses and compliance with the above mentioned ADB comments/requirements is presented on the following pages. This Report supersedes the Report on IEE & Public Consultation prepared for the proposed Subproject under ADB TA - 4814-INDIA during May 2008 by STUP Consultants. August 2014 ISPMC (‘’Compliance to ADB Comments Dated 11th April 2014’’ ’table to follow this page) Compliance to ADB Comments Dated 11 April 2014 for Machhagaon Subproject Reference Comment ADBs Comments EAs Response Number Chapter Executive Summary Section 1 NMA 1 The EARF had changed to Odisha Where ever relevant para i, Pg i – if that is the case you may want replaced the document to be consistent across all with Odsiha documents Section 1 NMA 2 Please elaborate on all acronyms List of abbreviations Para i , , Pg i at first use enclosed after contents and all the abbreviations where ever necessary Incorporated pg. I to viii Chapter I – Introduction Section a, NMA 3 Not implementing agency. Suggest Incorporated refer Para 3, Pg – you state the work will be sourced revised para 3, last 3 II-1 to private contractors. the project lines added, Pg II-1 will be implemented Chapter II Section 7, NMA 4 Please elaborate on the acronym Incorporated where Para 22, pg ever necessary refer II-7 Para 21, pg II-6( OSG replaced with Government of Odisha) Chapter III Section 4, NMA 5 Not clear what is meant here? Is Revised the paragraph Para 73, pg the RoW measured from centre refer Para 74, pg III-17 III-23 line or total RoW is what is stated Section 12, NMA 6 Unclear Revised refer section - Para 95, pg 12, Para -98, bullet 10, III-23 pg, III-22 Chapter IV Chapter IV NMA 7 In general baseline data is very Incorporated with latest pg IV -35 old? No recent ones to add – baseline data refer because 2006 data is of no use for Table 7, a 2014 project. If not for all atleast 9,10,11,12,13,15,17,20, for those that are extremely 22., 23, 24 Fig 4 & 5 relevant to the project such as and Paras, 111,112, water quality etc 113 139, 166, 167 Pages IV 24 to 44 Table 11, pg NMA 8 Why do we stop at 2008 ? No Updated with latest IV- 34 recent events? data till 2013 refer Table 11, Pg IV -32. Section -7, NMA 9 All these baseline figures are very Updated with latest Para 139, Pg old and may not be relevant , if you data refer Table 11, 12, IV - 35 have more recent figures please 13 and 15, Pg. IV 32 to replace 36 Reference Comment ADBs Comments EAs Response Number Chapter - V Section 1, NMA 10 Next para states that you may Revised and cross Para 170, Pg need to resettle encroachers so reference to RP plan V- 48 this is not correct made refer para 180, 181 Pg. V – 47 & 48 Section 3, NMA 11 What – head load Revised refer Para 186 Para 176 Pg. V 50 Section 3, NMA 12 Where Revised refer Para 186 Para 176 Pg. V 50 Section 3, NMA 13 Sentence is grambled Revised refer Para 191, Para 181 bullet 4 Pg. V 52 Section NMA 14 In complete sentence Revised refer Para 192, 3,Para 182 Pg. V 53 Section C, NMA 15 ? Revised refer Para 198, Para 184 pg. bullet 3, Pg. V -54 V- 56 Section d, NMA 16 What is the scientific arrangement Revised refer Para 200, Para 184 pg. bullet 2 Pg. V 55 V- 56 Section 3, NMA 17 Are we expecting that for this small Revised refer Para 200, Para 184 pg. scale work that the contractor will bullet 3, Pg. V 55 V- 56 have a fuel storage site? If not relevant to this project please remove Para 194, V- NMA 18 Are there any such sensitive areas No sensitive areas as 57 with in the project site the canals are in the outskirts of the villages. Refer revised Para 205, bullet 5 Pg V -56 Para 189 V- NMA 19 What about that canal which Incorporated refer 57 passes through the forests? Para 205, , Pg. V 56 Para 193 NMA 20 Do we have a number ? Can we Incorporated refer page V- 58 cross reference to the Para 207, bullet 3 Pg. V Resettlement Plan 56 Para 193 NMA 21 What will the social mobilizers The sentence deleted page V- 58 focus on refer Para 207, bullet 5, pg. 56 Para 193 NMA 22 What do you mean ? I think the Revised refer Para 207, page V- 58 sentence needs to be rewritten bullet 7, Pg. V 57 Para 193 NMA 23 Is there a suitable disposal site Incorporated refer Para page V- 58 where it can be disposed of or 207, bullet 8, pg V-57 where do we instruct the contractors to dispose of waste Para – 196 NMA 24 Do we need to shift these? What is Incorporated refer Para page V- 59 the approval process – please 210, last 3 lines added state how it should be done pg V-57 Para 198 NMA 25 Is it testing of water quality, it Revised refer Para 211, page V - 59 should be if water quality not of Pg V-58 suitable quality it will result in negative impacts . Even if you test water quality unless something is done about it, it could still result in Reference Comment ADBs Comments EAs Response Number negative impacts so please remove this sentence Para 199 NMA 26 ?? Incorporated ( PP Page V- 59 stands for Pani Panchayat) Para 212, Pg. V- 58 Para 199 NMA 27 Unless they are supported nobody Incorporated refer Page V- 59 will be encouraged to do section 4, sub section something ? How do we encourage b, Para 213, pg V-58 them what is the mechanism Para 204 NMA 28 But baseline says not much Incorporated refer Page V- 60 diversity ? Is this relevant for this section 4, sub section sub project g, Para 218, pg V-59 Chapter VI Para 206 NMA 29 What is individual or focus group Revised refer Section Page VI -61 discussion A, Para 220, Pg IV -60 Para 222 NMA 30 What do you mean by conclusion Revised to Consultation Page VI -66 refer Para 229, Pg VI - 64 Para 223 NMA 31 We would also need to disclose the Incorporated refer Page VI -66 key findings of the IEE at least a Para 230, 231 Pg VI - one or two page document in the 65 SIO Office Chapter VIII Para 225 NMA 32 And who among these divisions Incorporated refer Page VIII -70 will be responsible for env. Section B, Para 241 management Pg VIII -68 Para 233 NMA 33 Since this has been revised in the Revised refer section D Page VIII -70 new EARF you can omit the bit of Para 242 , Pg VIII 68 env. Cell and base your staffing requirements on the new EARF Para 235 NMA 34 We should designate a particular Incorporated kindly Page VIII -71 staff in SIO or else nobody will take refer Para 243, Pg VIII responsibility 69 Need to be worded more clearly Revised refer Para 250, the way it is stated it is unclear who Pg. VIII -70 reports to whom Para 236 NMA 35 Is this env Specialist different to Yes he is different from Page VIII -71 the one on the ISPMC team ISPMC National Environment Specialist.
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