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Hoy Authorised Signatory 2 3 AUG p113, 23 AUG PM, jt4 ,1-1-rAt;ip-vol,- a. 1 -R°-1--ec&L On. :focn A 71" ADE‘7';" 7ViR OF ASS :':.31KATA - 5 SEP 71-)11 Government Of West Bengal Office Of the A.R.A. - II KOLKATA District:-Kolkata Endorsement For Deed Number : I - 12800 of 2013 (Serial No. 12164 of 2013 and Query No. 1902L000028335 of 2013) On 05/09/2013 Presentation(Under Section 52 & Rule 22A(3) 46(1),W.B. Registration Rules,1967) Presented for registration at 17.35 hrs on :05/09/2013, at the Private residence by 'ndranath Gh )11 ,Claimant. Admission of Execution(Under Section 58,W.B.Registration Rules,196:' Execution is admitted on 05/09/2013 by ,Thi 1. Md Habibur Rahaman Alias Habibur Rahaman, son of Late Aminul Islam , Raigachi Ghat ( Mun Para), Kol, Thana:-Rajarhat, P.O. :-Rajarhat, District:-North 24-Parganas, WEST BENGAL, India, - :-700135, By Caste Muslim, By Profession : Others 2. Sajidur Rahaman Alias Mohammad Sajehur Rahaman, son of Late Aminul Islam Raigachi Gh, it Munshi Para), Kol, Thana:-Rajarhat, P.O. :-Rajarhat, District:-North 24-Parganas, WEST BENGAL, India, Pin :-700135, By Caste Muslim, By Profession : Others 3. Mc.! Azizur Rahaman Alias Mohammad Azizur FLhaman, son of Late Aminul Islam , Raigachi Ghat( Munshi Para), Kol, Thana:-Rajarhat, P.O. :-Rajarhat, District:-North 24-Parganas, WEST BENG \ L, India, Pin :-700135, By Caste Muslim, By Profession : Others 4. Hasenur Rahaman Alias Rahaman Hasanur, son of Late Aminul Islam , Raigachi Ghat ( Munshi Kol, Thana:-Rajarhat, P.O. :-Rajarhat, District:-North 24-Parganas, WEST BEN 1.3A.:... India, in :-700135, By Caste Muslim, By Profession : Others 5. Hafijur Rahaman Alias Mohammad Hafijur Rahaman, son of Late Aminul Islam , Raigachi Ghat Munshi Para), Kol, Thana:-Rajarhat, P.O. :-Rajarhat, District:-North 24-Parganas, NEST BENGAL, India, Pin :-700135, By Caste Muslim, By Profession : Others 6. Alomara Khatun ( Bibi ) Alias Almara Bibi, daughter of Late Aminul Islam , Raigachi Ghat ( Munshi Para), Kol, Thana:-Rajarhat, P.O. :-Rajarhat, District:-North 24-Parganas, WEST BE AGAL, India, ''in :-700135, By Caste Muslin, By Profession : Others 7. Sahara Khatun Alias Sahara Khatun Bibi, wife of Syed Gaffar All , 12, Noyapara, "04, Sodla Road, Thana:-Noapara, P.O. :-Garulia, District:-North 24-Parganas, WEST BEN-AL, India, in :-743133, By Caste Muslim, By Profession : Others 8. Indranath Ghosh Authorised Signatory, Token Sales Pvt Ltd, 2nd Floor, 109, Park Street, Kol, Thana:-Park Str District:-Kolkata, WEST BENGAL, India, Pin :-700016. By Profession : Others Identified By Abdul Hasan, son of, 'Abdul Kader,,'ROgachi, Rajarhat, Thana:-Rajarhat, District:-N th 24-Parganas, WEST BENGAL, India„ By Caste: Musikn, By Profession: Business. ( Dulalchandra Saha ) ADDL. 'REGISTRAR OF ASSURANCE-3J! On 06/09/2013 ( Dula chandraSali,t ) ADDL. REGISTRAR OF I.SSURANCES II 11/09/2013 13:01:00 EndorsementP.ige 1 of 2 ;t41; Government Of West Bengal Office Of the A.R.A. - II KOLKATA District:-Kolkata Endorsement For Deed Number : I - 12800 of 2013 (Serial No. 12164 of 2013 and Query No. 1902L000028335 of 2013) Certificate of Market Value(WB PUVI rules of 2001) Certified that the market value of this property which is the subject matter of the deed has ID, 1-1 assessed at Rs.-8,42,285/- Certified that the required stamp duty of this document is Rs.- 42134 /- and the Stamp duty paid is: Impresive Rs.- 5000/- ( Dulal chandra Saha ) ADDL. REGISTRAR OF ASSURANCES-II On 07/09/2013 Payment of Fees: Amount by Draft Rs. 9360/- is paid , by the draft number 288710, Draft Date 05/09/2013, Bank Name State Ban of India, DALHOUSIE SQUARE, received on 07/09/2013 ( Under Article : A(1) = 9262/- ,E = 14/- = 55/- ,M(a) = 25/- ,M(b) = 4/- on 07/09/2013 ) Deficit stamp duty Deficit stamp duty Rs. 37134/- is paid , by the draft number 288709, Draft Date 0ft--/09/2013, Banl, State Bank of India, DALHOUSIE SQUARE, received on 07/09/2013 ( Dulal chandra Saha ) ADDL. REGISTRAR OF ASSURANCES-II On 11/09/2013 Certificate of Admissibility(Rule 43,W.B. Registration Rules 1962) Admissible under rule 21 of West Bengal Registration Rule, 1962 duly stamped unde- schedule I A, Article number : 23, 5 of Indian Stamp Act 1899. ( Dulal chandra Saha ) ADDL. REGISTRAR OF ASSURANCES-II \ ula chandraSaha ) ADDL. REGISTF R OF :•35;URANCES-II 11/09/2013 13:01:00 EndorementP .fie 2 of 2 Saha & Ray Mohammad Habibur Md. Habibur Rahaman alias Habib-man 4 s 3.1 alias Mohammad Aminul Islam, residing at Rahaman, son of Late Aminul Islam Village Raigachi Ghat (Munshi Para), Post Office Rajarhat, Police Station Rajarhat, Kolkata-700135, District North 24 Parganas Mohammad Mohammad Sajehur Rahaman alias Sajidur Rahaman alias Ami I lias 3.2 Md. Sajeclur Rahaman, son of Lat e Sajidur trAiman7Tas Mohammad Aminul Islam, residing at Village Raigachi Ghat (Munshi Para), Post Office Rajarhat, Police Station Rajarhat, Kolkata-700135, District North 24 Parganas Md. Ajijur Mohammad Azizur Rahaman alias Md. Azizur Rahaman alias 3.3 alias Mohammad Aminul Islam, residing at RahamaCion of Late Aminul Islam Village Raigachi Ghat (Munshi Para), Post Office Rajarhat, Police Station Rajarhat, (PAN AZUPR6281P) Kolkata-700135, District North 24 Parganas Hasenur Mohammad Hasenur Rahaman alias Rahaman Hasanur alias Mohammad Hosenur 3.4 Md. Hasenoor Rahaman alias Rahaman alias alias Mohammad Aminul Islam, residing at Rahaman, son of Late Aminul Islam Village Raigachi Ghat (Munshi Para), Post Office Rajarhat, Police Station Rajarhat, Kolkata-700135, District North 24 Parganas Hafijur Rahaman Mohammad Hafijur Rahaman alias Hafijur Rahman alia., Mohammad Aminul 3.5 son of Late Aminul Islam alias alias-Nrd.—flifizur Rahaman, Islam, residing at Village Raigachi Ghat (Munshi Para), Post Office Rajarhat, Police Station Rajarhat, Kolkata-700135, District North 24 Parganas alias Alomayara Anowara Khatun alias Alomara Khatun 3.6 Almara Bibi alias Abdur Rouf and daughter of Late Aminul Khatun Bibi, wife of Abdur Roup alias Mohammad Aminul Islam, residing at Village Raigachi Ghat (Munshi Para), Islam alias Post Office Rajarhat, Police Station Rajarhat, Kolkata-700135, District North 24 Parganas Sahara Kahtun, wife of Nyed ; alias Sahara Khaiun Bibi alias 3.7 Sahara Khatun Sheikh Abdul Gaffar and daughter of Late Amid alias All Sayed Gaffar alias Gaffar Ali Mohammad Aminul Islam, residing at 12, Noyapara, 104, Sodla Tank Road, • Islam alias Post Office Garulia, PIN-743133, Police Station Noyapara, District North 24 Rarganas (PAN CWKPK4709E) (collectively Vendors, includes successors-in-interest) And a company incorporated under the Companies Act, Token Sales Private Limited, 3.8 1956, having its registered office at 2^a Floor, 109, Park Street, Kolkata-700016, Pat represented by its authorized siOatorr. Station Park Street (PAN AADCT9299A), Indranath Ghosh, son of Sri Bijoy Ghosh, of 99A, Park Street, Kolkata-700016, Police Station Park.Street (Purchaser, includes successors-in-interest) Party and Vendors and Purchaser are hereinafter individually referred to as such or as collectively as Parties. A-rommov GC31-L1LP aL,LE, pott. m(1/1 ■ bwa ) 5 SE P 2013 Saha & Ray NOW THIS CONVEYANCE WITNESSES AS FOLLOWS: 4. Subject Matter of Conveyance 4.1 Said Property: (1) Land classified as sali (agricultural) measuring 0.3969 (zero point three nine six nine) decimal, more or less equivalent to 3 (three) chittack and 37.87 (thirty seven point eight seven) square feet, more or less [out of 45 (forty five) decimal, more or less equivalent to 1 (one) bigha 7 (seven) cottah 3 (three) chittack and 26.86 (twenty six point eight six) square feet, more or less], being a portion of R.S./L.R. Dag No.603, recorded in L.R. Khatian Nos. 83/1, 114/1, 1392/1, 1431/1, 1498, 1544/1, 1545/1 and 1580/1, Mouza Raigachi, J.L. No. 12, Police Station Rajarhat, within the jurisdiction of Rajarhat-Bishnupur No.I Gram Panchayat (RBGP No.I), Sub-Registration District Rajarhat, District North 24 Parganas, more fully described in Part I of the lit Schedule below and the said Dag No. 603 being delineated on Plan A annexed hereto and bordered in colour Red thereon (First Land) And (2) land classified as sali (agricultural) measuring 0.0303 (zero point zero three zero three) decimal, more or less equivalent to 13.18 (thirteen point one eight) square feet, more or less [out of 4 (four) decimal, more or less equivalent to 2 (two) cottah 6 (six) chitttack and 32.4 (thirty two point four) square feet, more or less], being a portion of R.S./L.R. Dag No. 606, recorded in L.R. Khatian Nos. 83/1, 114/1, 1392/1, 1431/1, 1498, 1544/1, 1545/1 and 1580/1, Mouza Raigachi, J.L. No. 12, Police Station Rajarhat, within the jurisdiction of RBGP No.I, Sub-Registration District Rajarhat, District North 24 Parganas, more fully described in Part H of the lit Schedule below and the said Dag No.
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