SUMMIT ERALD Serving Summit Since 1889 Vol. 93 No. 44 2734000 Sunday, April ?5, 1982 $10. A Year Price 25c City Will Spray With Sevin To Combat Gypsy Moth After hearing the second round of fested with moth eggs, the city will pick Principal among the vocal opposition Mr. Johanson pointed out that irees on lion is usually vocal, while supporters are the spraying program a "great success" citizens' pro's and con's about spraying up the tab for the balance, which will pro- was Mrs. Lynn Sirarun of Mountain his properly were completely defoliated usually silent. He urged preservation of and thanked Common Council lor "time for gypsy moth control, in all likelihood avenue who read a lour-page, len-mmuie in 1980, while after the 1981 spraying he the city's tretp, which he said were a and energy" pui into their work and bably include a total of 1,000 acres. Common Council at its next meeting, on long report on various lypes of studies contended the trtes were ih better physical cultural heritage, deliberations. When the spraying date lakes placae, Tuesday, May 4, will introduce resolu- done in relationship lo the usage of shape- I Support for spraying also came from Alternative solutions, including using tions providing Tor aerial spraying of probably May 17, 18 or 19, as occurred Other spray supported residents includ- Helen Ross of Oakland road, Mary Mc- BT instead of Sevin, were proposed by Sevin during the third week in May. last year, there will be advance warning; chemicals and invididual's reactions to ed Eleanor Hough of Clearview drive, Curdy of Kings Hill court and Charles Barbara Stanger of Maple street, Marion The consensus of Council's opinion is and schools will have a late opening. them. and Patricia Guthrie of Oakland place, Hysko of Colony drive and Susan Rodcr J Rail, of Ashland road, who said ihere that Sevin usage is preferable over BT Education Program Eyed Her views were reinforced by her hus who submitted a list of 98 persons who were egg masses on his trees 30 io 50 feel of Mountain avenue. because it hits a larger area, is more effec- It is also Council's intent to start on a band, Alexander Strarun, who claimed also supported aerial spraying. from the ground, which could not be Support for Sevin, termed as being tive and less expensive, since it requires pest management and education program that chemical usage was particularly Dr. Beverly Zimmerman of Stockton touched by a ground spray. "inexhaustibly tested," was given by only one spraying. in the fall, with the hope that the spring abusive of children and the elderly. He road opposed the use of tax money, which While Mrs. Margaret Raab of Laurel James Hulme of Crestwood drive, who A map indicating the areas to be spraying and the future management pro- urged Ihe advancement of educational she termed equivalent to a tax rebate, to avenue, Kathy Carlson of Mountain said much of the reports presented by in- sprayed will be published in The Summit gram will lead to better control of the in- programs as well as further information "improve property value." Her husband. avenue, Dr. Jacob Raab and Mrs. E.C. dividuals suffered what he termed the Herald. festation in the future. about alternative control measures, in- Dr. Abraham Zimmerman, indicated he Demarest opposed spraying because of a "rarified atmosphere of extrapolation." Council's resolutions will probably pro- Speakers at the Tuesday night hearing cluding herbicides' when there is a felt spraying should be an individual deci- variety of reasons, including risks for He maintained that some risks must be vide that spraying will occur within the about moth control were fairly well divid- drought. sion. humans, including "viral enhancement," taken for the sake of "currency." confines of the budget allocation of some ed among those in favor of spraying and Persons in favor of Ihe spraying includ- "Cultural Heritage as well as terming usage as a "public Notice has also been sent to all book- $10,000. It is expected that since the state those opposed, with some four others in ed Alfred Johanson of Oak Ridge avenue Elmer Klinsman of Rotary place, in : nuisance," others including Mr. and Mrs. keepers within the city advising them of only designated 300 acres as heavily in- favor of some type of concession. and James Landwehr of Clearview drive. favor of spraying, indicated that opposi- L.P. Shipley of Oak Ridge avenue called the aerial spray program. Computer Camp Offered "Smoking" Sewer By Schools Test Finds Objectors A computer camp has been proposed for the first lime this summer as part of the Although the "smoking" procedures non toxic providing proper guidelines Summit Schools' summer enrichment being used to tesl out the city's sewer were followed I to avoid accidents and program. system were authorized by the Joint oversights. The camp, available for students in up- Meeting, Common Council heard During the "smoke" procedure per elementary grades and the Junior residents object to its usage at a regular members of the Fire Department will be High School, if approved by the Board of meeting held Tuesday night. on hand in the area being tested. Education this week, will be directed by When Dr. Jacob Raab of Laurel avenue In addition, both Council and the flyer Maggie Irwin, a Summit leacher who has asked for public meetings on the topic, distributed to all homes, indicate that been on a leave of absence this year work- Common Council President Dr. Murray residenls are advised that if any smoke ing in the computer program of another M. Ross pointed out that Council had no enters the premises, testing crews working school district. authority to make a judgement about the in the street should be advised immediate- Summit Superinlendenl of Schools Dr. testing procedures and that methods and ly. Richard L. Fiander made the announce- materials being used had been in use for If residents cannot locate the testing ment of ihe new enrichmem opportunity more than 20 years and were considered crew at the time the smoke enters the RowMuitSiinoU al a Thursday night workshop meeting of safe. home, engmeeis ian be icached by tailing the Board of Education. When a member of the audience in- 964-8170. , , Also included in Mfe fftur-wsek enrich-. dicated he was not concerned about a City engineri < art Bressati advi-c t Surrogate's ...JB^^glttklQh&JHIlp" prqgram.wich -fWdWe law suit it S>wnmit did MHUI- Council and icsidems at tru luum.il will be under (he overall direction of Sum- tidpate in the testing procedure, Dr. Ross meeting that if smoke enters the home it mit Schools' Art Chairman Harry said the other 11 communities, as well as could be indicative of a far more Wilson, will be courses in music and an, the chemical company, could press a suit. dangerous condition, since there could be Post Won By as offered in previous years. If there is At stake is a $37,000,000 federal grant, a chance the sewer gas and odors could sufficient demand. Dr. Fiander said, as against Joint Meeting costs of also be entering the premises. Mr. Bressan classes in drama and dance will also be $50,000,000. The federal government re- said such infiltration, which the test pro- Mrs. Sinnott \ available. Dates for Ihe various enrich- quires a check of the integrity to the sewer cedure could point out, could be both ment offerings will be announced later, he system to determine whether or not unpleasant and possibly dangerous. Rose Marie Sinnott of Blackburn place, said. seepage exists and to make sure the storm Fire Department personnel will be on « member of the Union County Board of The School system's traditional sewer system is not tillering into the sewer hand with appropriate blowing equipment Freeholders was chosen Tuesday night by academic and enrichment program (which system. in (he event smoke enters a specific home county Republican leaders as their choice does not charge iuition) will once again Concerns Voiced in any large quantity. They will also be in for the county surrogate job left vacant by have available such courses as English, Both Dr. Beverly and Dr. Abraham a position to evacuate people, il the resignation of Walter E. Utrich. math, driver education, history and Zimmerman of Siockton road voiced con- necessary. Mrs, Sinnott was selected from among Physical education. Classes will meet cerns about ihe effect of. the chemical, The Summit portion of the test is part three candidates on the basis of her poten- Monday through Saturday mornings June zinc chloride, but Dr. Donald Nelson, of a total program in which the 12 com- tial strength to win a full five year term as 28 through July 31 under the supervision Ward 2 Councilman, pointed out, that the munities of Ihe Joint Meeting are par- surrogate in November. of Emil George al the Senior High methods being used have been approved ticipating. The entire Joint Meeting sewer Mr. Ulrich resigned early this month to School. by the Environmental Protection Agency, (continued on page 2) accept an appointment as deputy commis- In other business, the Board announced which had stated that the "smoke" was sioner of the State Department of Human that a report on possible improvements Services under George Albanese, former needed at the High School, which has Union County manager. been compiled by a subcommitee headed Mrs. Sinnott will not resign her by Board Member Dr. William Rosen, GARDENING TIME AGAIN - Preparing a targe supply of moWrial for their annual plant sale to be held May Freeholder seat until Gov.
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