1929 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE 5373 1\fr. SMOOT. I do not object to it going over to Monday or ment, and it was considered by unanimous consent and agreed Tuesday. to, as follows : The PRESIDING OFFICER. The amendment will be passed Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate hereby is authorized and over. directed to pay out of the appropr.,i.ation for miscellaneous items, con­ RECESS tingent fund of the Senate, fiscal year 1929, to James H. Davis, Mr. SMOOT. I move that the Senate take a recess until to­ widower of Lulu F. Davis, late an assistant clerk to the Committee on morrow at 10 o'clock. Commerce of the Senate, a sum equal to six months' compensation at The motion was agreed to~ and the Senate (at 5 o'clock and 50 the rate she was receiving by law at the time of her death, said sum , minutes p. m.) took a recess until to-morrow, Saturday, Novem- to be considered inclusive of funeral expenses and all other allowances. 1 ber 9, 1929, at 10 o'clock a. m. EMPLOYMEJNT OF TELEPHONE OPERATOR Mr. DENEEN, from the Committee to Audit and Control the SENATE Contingent Expenses of the Senate, reported Senate Resolution 150 (submitted by Mr. JoNES on the 7th instant) without amend­ SATURDAY, November 9, J9e9 ment, and it was considered by unanimous consent and agreed to, as follows : (LegiSlative day of Wedm,esda,y, Octobm- 30, 1929) Resolved, That the Sergeant at Arms hereby is authorized and directed The Senate met at 10 o'clock a. m., on the expiration of the to employ a telephone operator to be paid at the rate of $1,560 per recess. annum out of the contingent fund of the Senate until the end of the Mr. :trmss. Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a quorum. present Congress. The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. The Chief Clerk caUed the roll,- and the fo-llowing Senators SALES OF . SHIPS BY THE UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD answered to their names : Mr. McKELLAR. Mr. President, may I ask the Senator from Allen Fess Kean Sheppard Illinois [Mr. DENEEN], whether the committee acted on Senate 'Ashurst Fletcher Kendrick Shortridge Resolution 129, for the appointment of a special committee to Barkley Frazier Keyes Simmons Bingham George La Follette Smoot investigate the sales of ships by the United States Shipping Blaine Glass McKellar Steck Board and Merchant Fleet Corporation? Blease Goti McNary Steiwer Mr. DENEEN. I will state that we were not able to.. get a Borah Gould Norbeck Stephens Bratton Greene Norris Swanson quorum until 15 minutes to 10 o'clock. We agreed to have a Brock Hale Nye Thomas, Idaho hearing some time next week at the convenience of the Senator Brookhart Harris Oddie Thomas, Okla. on the resolution which he submitted. Broussard Harrison Overman Townsend Capper Hastings Pa ttcrson Trammell Mr. McKELLAR. Very well. Caraway Hawes Phipps Vandenberg BILLS INTRODUCED Connally Hayden Pine Wagner Couzens liebert Pittman Walcott Bills were introduced, read the first time, and, by unanimous Cutting Hetlin Ransdell Walsh, Mass. consent, the second time, and referred as follows : Dale Howell Reed Walsh, Mont. Deneen Johnson Sackett Waterman By Mr. McNARY: - Dill Jones Schall Wheeler A bill (S. 205Q) granting the consent of Congress to the State Mr. DENEEN. I wish to announce that my colleague the of Oregon and the Haynes Slough Drainage District to con­ junior Senator from Illinois [Mr. GLENN] is necessarily absent sb·uct, maintain, and operate a dam and dike to pre,ent the from the city. I desire to have this announcement stand for the flow of tidal waters into Haynes Slough, Coos Bay, Coos County, day. Oreg. ; to the Committee on Commerce. Mr. SHEPPARD. I desire to announce that the junio-r Sena­ A bill (S. 2051) granting compensation to Cecil E. Crim; to tor from Utah [Mr. KING] is necessarily detained from the Sen­ the Committee on Finance. ate by illness. I will let this announcement stand for the day. A bill ( S. 2052) for the relief of Sargent Brown; to the Com­ Mr. SCHALL. My colleague [Mr. SHIPSTEAD] is absent on mittee. on Indian Affairs. account of illness. A bill (S. 2053) to amend section 102 of the Judicial Code; The VICE PRESIDENT. Seventy-six Senators have an­ to the Committee on the Judiciary. swered to "their names. A quorum is present. A bill (S. 2054) for the relief of Abe Blond; to the Com­ PROPOSED STATUES ON ABLINGTON MEMORIAL BRIDGE mittee on Naval Affairs. A bill (S. 2055) to provide for delivery of certain mail mat­ The VICE PRESIDEl\'T laid before the Senate a communica­ ter upon a date specified by the sender ; to the Committee on tion from the executive and disbursing officer of the Arlington Post Offices and Post Roads. Memorial Bridge Commission reporting, in compliance with A bill (S. 2056) to add certain lands to Crater National Senate Resolution 85, relative to proposed statues and the Forest· scheme of decoration for the Arlington Memorial Bridge, which, A bill (S. 2057) authorizing the purchase, establishment, and with the accompanying papers, was ordered to lie on the table. maintenance of an experimental farm or orchard in Mobile DISPOSITION OF USELESS PAPERS County, State of Alabama, and appropriating therefor; and The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ A bill ( S. 2058) granting certain reserved lands located in tion from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, pursuant the national forests within the State of Oregon to such State to law, schedules and lists of papers, documents, etc., on the files for the erection, equipment, and maintenance of public build­ of the Treasury Depa,rtment which are not needed in _the trans­ ings; to the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. action of public business and have no permanent value, and ask­ A bill ( S. 2059) for the relief of C. E. Briggs ; ing for action looking to their disposition, which was referred A bill ( S. 2060) for the relief of E. H. Flagg ; to a Joint Select Committee on the Disposition of Useless Papers A bill (S. 2061) for the relief of F. J. Goodenough; tn the Executive Departments. The Vice President appointed A bill (S. 2062) for the relief of Helen F. Griffin; Mr. SMoOT and Mr. SIMMONS members of the committee on the A bill ( S. 2063) for the relief of Thomas l\1. Hopkins ; part of the Senate. A bill ( S. 2064) for the relief of Theodor Knudson ; PETITIONS A bill (S. 2065) for the relief of Lincoln County, Oreg.; 1\fr. DENEEN presented petitions numerously signed by citi­ A bill ( S. 2066) for the relief of George Parker ; zens of the State of Illinois, praying for the passage of legisla­ A bill ( S. 2067) for the relief of the estates of Edwin G. tion granting increased pensions to Civil War veterans and their Scott, Clyde R. Dindinger, and Ra:lph R. Fraley ; widows, which were referred to the Committee on Pensions. A bill ( S. 2068) for the relief of Lester L. Wilson; and I A bill ( S. 2069) for the relief of Robert Wilson ; to the Com­ REPORT OF POSTAL NOMINATIONS mittee on Claims. Mr. PHIPPS, as in open executive session, from the Commit­ By 1\fr. GREENE: tee on Post Offices and Post Roads, reported sundry post-office A bill ( S. 2070) granting a pension to Etta K. Martin ; to nominations, which were ordered to be placed on the Executive the Committee on Pensions. Calendar. By l\Ir. SJIORTRIDGE: JAMES H. DAVIS A bill (S. 2071) granting an increase of pension to Thomas A. Mr. DENEEN, from the Co-mmittee to Audit and Control the West; to the Committee on Pensions. Contingent Expenses of the Senate, reported Senate Resolution A bill ( S. 2072) granting an increase of compensation to 133 (submitted by Mr. JONES October 15, 1929) without amend- Addie Weeks ; to the Committee on Finance. 5374 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE NOVEMBER 9 ' ENFORCEMENT OF PROHIBITION TARIFF BIIL SITUATION Mr. HARRIS. Mr. President, I submit a resolution, and ask Mr. NORBECK. Mr. President, I ask to have printed in the that it be read and given immediate consideration. No one RECORD an article on the tariff bill situation appearing in the will object to it. It merely asks the Treasury Department to Evening Star, of this city, in its issue of yesterday, by Will P. furnish a comparative statement of what has been done under Kennedy. ihe extra appropriation made last year for prohibition enforce­ There being no objection, the article was ordered to be printed ment. in the RECORD, as follows: The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. FEss in the chair). The MOSES PREFERS FLEXIBLE TARIFF resolution will be read for the information of the Senate. Senator MosEs, of New Hampshire, President pro tempore of the Sen­ The resolution ( S. Res. 153) was read, as follows: ate, declared to a gathering of 50 New England manufacturing and R esolved, That the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby directed to export executives, officials of the Departments of State and Commerce, furnish to the Senate as soon as practicable the following information and Members of the House and Senate from New England last night in connection with the additional amount for tbe enforcement of the that he " would prefer the present tariff law with its 1lexlble provision, national prohibition act, as amended, appropriated by the first deficiency whereby a wise President can give the rates industries need," to the appropriation act, approved March 4, 1929: (1) Tbe total sums allocated tariff bill as it now stands in the Senate.
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