Robert BurnsLimited World Federation Limited www.rbwf.org.uk 1909 The digital conversion of this Burns Chronicle was sponsored by Colin Harris The digital conversion service was provided by DDSR Document Scanning by permission of the Robert Burns World Federation Limited to whom all Copyright title belongs. www.DDSR.com PRICE : JANUARY, 1909. ONE SHlLLINO~SIXPENCE . PRIN TeD BY PUBLISHED BY THE SlJ,RNS fEDERATION, J. MAXWELL & SON, KtLMAR N QC K ., DUMFRIES. KILMARNOCK t· Burns monum~nt. •~' STATUE, LIBRARY, AND JY\.USEUJY\.. " --- VISITED by thousands froin all parts of the W orl~. A verit­ able Shrine, , of the" Immortal Bard." The Monument occupies a commanding position in the Kay Park. From..the top a most extensive and interesting view of the surrounding Land of Burns can be obtained. The magnificent Marble' Statue of the Poet, from the chisel of W. G. Stevenson, A.R.S.A., Edinburgh, is admitted to be the finest in the Wodd. The Museum contains many relics and mementoes of the Poet's Life, and the most valuable and interesting collection of the original MSS. in existence, among which are the following:- _J Tam 0' 8hanter. The Death and Dyln' Words 0' Poor Cotter's Saturday NIB'ht. Mallle. The Twa Dogs. Poor Mallle's EleD· The Holy Fair. Lassie wI' the Lint-white Locks. Address to the DelL Last May a Braw Wooer oam' doon dohn Barleyoom. the La"g Clen. 800tch Drink. Holy Wlllle's Prayer. The Author's Earnest Cry" prajer. Epistle to a Young Friend. Address to d. 8mlth. Lament of Mary Queen of Scots. An Epistle to Davy. Also a number of the Poet's Letters. The famous" M'Rie" Library also forms part of this collec­ tion, and conwrises upwards of 800 volumes of Burns literature, including a copy of the famous First Edition, published in Kilmarnock, 1786. The M(YlIIUment is open frfYT(/, 10 a.m. till dusk every day. S'lIIIIilayexcepted. Visitors Me requested to sign their names in the VUitors' book. <\_'" ", "->~~,l. __;,,,,,/,~"'<£.""\..,,, ~ ". ,... , . f , GLASCOW &: SOUTH-WESTEBN RAiLI~Y. Excellent EXPRESS TRAIN SERVIOE b41ttween Scotland and England Via MIDLAND ROUTE. Through the heart of the BURNS COUNTRY. 7/le Best ,.,Route for CoIII/ortfl61e 7rflvel find Picturesque Scenery. ,... New and Improved Corridor Carriage. with Dinin&, and ai_ping Accommodation. CLYDE WATERING PLACES. The Magnificent Steamers owned by the Company- "GLEN SANNOX," " NEPTUNE," " MlNERVA," "JUNO," "GLEN ROSA," " MARS," "JUPITER," " MERCURY," And New Turbine Steamer" ATALANTA" sail lo and from ALL COAST TOWNS ON THE CLYDE. Popular Daily Excursions during the Summer Months. Ayrshire Coast and the Land 0' Burns. J.>_ge•• desirous of visiting the A"rehire Coast Town. and .,Iaoes on the Company's Line. which are full 01 association. of the Poet BURN~. and famous in history and romance, will find that the Q,ompany provide an excellent service of Express Trains from Glasgow and Pai81ey. colDposed of carriages of tbe most modern type. FAMOUS GOLFING LINKS. Golfers will :find Links of ~be highest order at- BRIDGE OF WIIIR, WEST KILBRIDE, SARASSUE, KIIooJIiIACOLM, LARGS, TROON, 'I oJOtHIaTONE, aoca&lDB, PRII8TWIOK, ST.".NSTON, GAl..... GIRVAN, .oi:: and TURNSERRY, Tbe latter of wbiob was declared by MlCAU» MASSY in the recent Golf Thurnament to be one of tbe finest Oourses in Scotland. For descriptive notes on the various Links served by the Oom- . 'I pany's Trains, see the Guide to the Golllng Resorts Issued by.the Oompany lreaot charge. THE HOTELS a.t Glasgow (St. Enoch), Ayr. Turnberry, aDd D'WDf'ries are under the Compa.ny's own Ma.na.gemeDt. , \t' ..tu Modem Oonveniences and Oomforts. Euellent OuiBi1l8 and Mode ..i.lte Tariff. ~. MIl9. DAYID QOOPER,' (hn.errd Mtlt!W'. 'f • ," ... rriigblana- Di~ss-I I Jlcc~;;orj~s. I 1 sporraJ1~ ·;~ean Dhus, 11 1 Dirks . I Brooches, I Ornaments, Buckles. I Buttons, I Kilt Pins, I Brogues. I Kilts, Plaids, I I Doublets. 1 Be~~;t!:~e, 11 *** COLONIAL CALEDONIAN SOCIETIES 1 Speoially Catered for. 1 "~~:;'ii~;':::::,, 11 1 UHT ON REQUEST. I dJAt;~e.Sig~ "The Go!den Horse" . 1 --~Z1r~- - -- 89. RENFIELD ST., GLASGOW. Do you know your Native Land ? ____ e ____ _ ------------ HAVE YOU VISITED THE HOMES AND · HAUNTS OF SCOTT AND BURNS? READ THIS I THERF. is hardly a spot in Scotland over which The H o~s and H aunts of Soott and Burns i. the title 01 a handsome new book of 104 the lives and genills of these poets have cast pages, heautifully printed and illustrated. a spl.ndour or a spell to which one may The book carries the reader in most de· not travel now in one 01 the magnificently· lightful fashion through the scenes connected equipped carriages 01 the Caledonian Railway with all the most interesting events and Company, and, if one can spare the time, adventures, both 01 the lives 01 Scott and there could hardly he a more melOOrable pil. Burns, and 01 their works 01 genius. It is not a common guide book, but shows the !!rimage than that to the homes and haunts tourist how best to visit the numerous places of Scott and Burns. with which Scott and Burns are associated. You CAN OBTAIN A COpy OF THIS BEAUTIFUL BOOK FOR 60 STAMPS ON APPLICATION TO GENERAL SUPERIN.TENDENT (OEP. E), CALEDONIAN RAILWAY, 302 BUCHANAN ST., GLASGOW. CENTRAL STATION HOTEL, GLASGOW. } Under the Management of the PRiNCES STREET STATIO,. HOTEL, EDINBURGH. Oompany. Alr on Platform STATION HOTEL, PERTH. and Str.. t Level. GL.l.S80W, 1909. o. CALTHROP, Gen.ra! Manager. ADVERTISEMENTS. ADVERTISEMENTS. Hole i' ·the Wa' Inn, 156 HIGH STREET, DUMFRIES, Between Burns Statue and Midsteeple. Established 1620. iJe'" THE MUSEUM OF BURNS RELICS. -.:Il Tourists, Visitors, and olhers who are interested in the Scottish National Bard should see our famous Burns Coll ection. which includes his Original Honorary Burge~s Tickel presented hy the R(,yal Burgh of Dumrries to I,im "on 4th June, 1787; hi s Autograph Sungs and Letters; and part of his IIousehuld Effecls. Also Auto· graph Lelters by Sir Waiter Scott. Just Added-Mrs Burns' (Jean Armour) Gold Ring, and a Tea Caddy given to her as a marriage present by her brother James. --------.--------~ ONLY PURE MALT WHISKY SOLD. EDINBURGH AND BURTON ALES 8UPP,"IEP IN T!'tliil 'FINEST CONDITION ONLY. ,",OHN .THOM{:)ON, Proprietor, ADVERTISEMENTS. O. Y. Bain & Sons COMMMERCIAL HOUSE, Established 1852. 48 KING STREET, KILMARNOCK, Geoflemeo-s JOilors IIOH OuljiffersJ Ladies i Costumiers and tJressmakers~ Silk mereers~ milliners~ Kosiers~ and Glovers. Linen and Woollen tJrapers. HAVING CULTIVATED A FIRST-CLASS BUSINESS FOR OVER HALF-A-CENTURY, THEY HAVE EVERY CONFIDENCE IN INVITING YOU TO PLACE YOUR ORDERS WITH THEM. THEIR NAME IS NOW A HOUSEHOLD WORD IN KIL­ MARNOCK AND SURROUNDING DISTRICT FOR -- SUPPLYING THE PUBLIC WITH -- A THOROUGHLY RELIABLE ARTICLE AT A JJfOST MODERA TE PRICE. A VISII'lt WIIJIJ BE MUGH ESI'ltEEMED. / ' .. w_ ESTABLISHED 1760. WILLIAM 'WALLACE & CO., +- KILMARNOCK, ... DISTILLERS' AGENTS, AND BLENDERS OF HIGHLAND WHISKIES. , I:IQ fI CENTURY AND A QUARTER'S experience has enabled the firm to acquire a special knowledge of SCOTCH WHISKIES, and the adaptability of the various qualities for blending, so u to produce a mild-flavoured and Delicious Whisky. PROPRIETORS OF THE FAMED "REAL MACKAY WHISKY." In Bulk and Cases. for Home and Export Trade. SAMPU:S AND PRICES ON ApPLICATION. Excise,... Bonded Warehouses: 7l TITCHFIELD STREET. Offices t John Finnie Street and John Dickie Street, Kilmarnock. / '\ ADVERTtSEMENtS. -W-HEN"" IN Glasgow or Edinburgh .J I s Telegrams: - Telephone Nos.:- "Purveyors," ClaSgow. Clas&,ow, 3013 (Nat. Cor.). " Catering," Edinburgh. Edinburgh, 02007. MENUS AND ESTIMATES FREE. ~""""""""""", " FERCUSOI & FOR,R-ESTER, LIMITED, RESTAURATEURS ANO PURVEYORS, Prince of' Wales Restaurant, .. 36 Buchanan Street, GLASGOW, - AND- 129 Princes Street, EDINBUI{6H. ·ANNUAL PRICE : JAN UARY, 1909. ONE SHlLLINOll(SIXPENCE. PRINTED BY PU8L1SHED BY THE & BURNS FEDERATION, J. MAXWELL SON, KILMARNOCK ,. DUMFRIES. CONTENTS. PAGE. A Sketch of Scottish Literature from the Earliest Times - Wm. M'Ilwra£th - I The Scots Vernacular-To Callander Wade, M.A., LL.B. 31 The Letters of Burns-ENzabeth W. Ingram 53 Burns and the Dominies -Andrew M'Callum 64 Scottish History Chair - 85 The only Living Grandson of Robert Burns~James I • Glencairn Thomson Fund 100 The Nasmyth-Raeburn Portrait of Robert Burns-.f. C. Ew£ng - 104 Reproduction of the Thomson-Nasmyth Portrait-Edt"tor 110 Cromek Convicted (A Review)-Edt"tor 113 Some Centenary Tributes to Burns-A. C. White, " Glasgow Herald" Library 1 2 1 Lines on the Poet's Birthday-prom a Ce1ltenary Ode, • I859 128 Club Notes - 129 Notes and Queries 144 Annual Meeting of Federation 155 Club Directory 161 PRE-FACE. IN the .course of the ,year, owing to the exceptional circumstances in which they found themselv.:es placed, the Executive of the Federation found -it necessary to take .over all responsibility connected with the publishing of the Chronicle, and they have m,uch reason to congratulate themselves on the success which has ,attended their efforts, and the lqyal support .they have .received from a laT,ge numher-af tile Federated Clubs. The -Editor also has been well supported, .and feels .con­ .fident that the present issue will recommend itself as ,maintaining the reputation 'which the Chronicle has already made as a reliable authority on everything relating to 'Burnsand ·Bllmsian.literature. D. M'NAUGHT, .. Editor. BEN RIG, KILMAURS, December 25th, 1908. A SKETCH OF SCOTTISH LITERATURE FROM THE EARLIEST TI MES. CHAP7ER V. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. AMES MACPHERSON, who was designated by Dr Johnson J the father of Ossian, may be taken as an appropriate author with whom to commence the present chapter, for the obvious reason that the poems of Ossian made an almost phenomenal impression on many of the leaders of taste and literature in Scotland and England, not only on their first appearance but James Macpherson.
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