\ 0.: . l~ • ;ERI\ NV A CUSES V.S, .f " :"IN .1') - Klhl GCI'IIl.1Uy'· :1 Wednesday the Unlted i The Weather .. I ~ lcon hlng atqmlc, bae • . Serving the Stat. Ilcn l find rhNnlcnl war. ' University of Iowa Cloillb ....,. wi... Up' I rOl'm r ofCil'crR or th6 81tOW or .rlade .ver IBllllt I! al'my. A U.S. at.my Campus and or Ute Ita',. HlrM !IoU. ran in F 'snkfurt db CNler ...Ip,- ...u..­ : the accus Itlon with th~ Iowa City r e iar Satana,. 'nt "there ill nothing td I Est. 1868 - AP leased Wire, Wirephoto - Five C.nts Iowa City, Iowa. Friday. January 21, 1955 STARTS FRIDAY r" .- T" ••cIa., [. e a Ian la--cua .es: • I .. S,UI To Tes' if\/; t:itlssr~bm Teaching Ike.See$ By Drake M.bry ~--~-.!----..!......,..----- - . - - -- - - :;-1- Tax Cui Dally Iowa. CUy V.4110. G.~rlte Gobel and Dave Gar­ I'oway hava nothing over two Sheppard Attends Father's Funeral Nexl Year W ASHl.NGTON (IP) - President Eit;enh!JWer WBS il'epoJOted sor proCessors who wiLl begin Ask' Cenlers' Thu~day llI&ht to be OOIlsldering askinl conJI'OSB for speelal .u­ t64ohin.g II dass on ~elevislon thonty to use Unit:d State: naval and air power to help evacuatll next .s.emester, WASIIINGTON UP) - Presi­ Chinesc Nationalist trooP3 from Islands along ~be Red Obina coU\. ;Prot. Hugh Kelso and Prof. dent Dwight Eisenhower said If necessary. hllowa Cit., Thursday "a general. though These troops would then be deployed elsewhere f<>r defenlic RUsiell Whitesel, 01 the SUI po­ ot litical science dopar.tment, will modest, reduction in taxes" may Formosa and the Pesc:adore~J be enacted next year. teach c()rnparativ~ foreign gov­ hleh the U.s. Is committed' \.0 eJ1im<lnUi via TV In an eXlperi­ For Retarded The President held out this help Gen. Chlar'" Kai-shzk hold against the RedJ;. PBURN m~nt dosillned to study Lhe el­ prospect In an orlt imistic review UN Appeal f~ lveneSB of television as a ,DES MOIINES (IP) - Several of progress to ward u greatly ex­ Two conlJl'(" 'slooal leaders salP method of teachil~g. speakers told a joint m : etlng of panded Arne il'an econumy, in that 11 the Pt't'clde.nt Mcl~ 10 Considered ask the evacuaUon authority. b.c , ;The expcriment is the ,brain­ the scnaJte and !muse public his annual econumic message to child ot Prof. Dewey ,B. Sluit, congress. might make the request by Moo d$P of llOerAl ar,ls, 'Prot. H. Clay health committees Thursday that For Tachens day. He said Amr>ril'a now Is in the Men.ee lsi.... lfaJl!hb/U'ger of the SUI televi­ the state of Iowa coUld save process or vil!onus recovery LONQON (iT') - Dl"itain, the The Chinet;e ~eds have BS- sIOn center, and other faculty money by establi5h.ing two cen­ from la st year's "mild and brier;' United Stiltes and New Ze1 la nd sauHed, aod claimed \100 raptufQ. m~ers. ters at Iowa City Cor specialized recession and: consultcli TllU . sday on II possible ' of ,the little Island 01 Ylklanl­ , Dlt-Ide In&o 2 Groups trealm:r.,t of cllllrlren. Inoreased Production appeal [or United Nations inter- shan, and are menaelr:: the Ta­ The study will wor~ like tills : The program is contained in a "With wise managemcnt of vention to stop tlgiHlng a.ounu chen Islands, 200 miles north oL i11a class will be divided into bill inbroducea in the house by its national household, our coun­ the Tllchen islands betwecn Na- Fonnosa. hIIo lP'0ups ~ one In the SUI tele­ Rep. Ernest Kosek (R-Ceda~ try can within a decade incl"c1se tionallst and Red China, Secrt1ary ot State John Foster vloslon studio, the other in art up­ Rapids), It 'Cs lis for a building its production hom the current The active ground comb"t Dulles WIUl reported to h.ve told stalts room. 'Dhe . class will be with 40 beds at a cost Qf $700,000 annual level of about 360 billio,t zone Is in Nalionalist Island ter- congJ'Csslonll-J leaders at a brle.!'- · "0",', "u."lJlr ••'''~ ta\1gbt 'by the discussion methoo 8~iIlUI.ted for the treatment 'Of emotionally doll9:'l S to 500 billion, or mOl'~, rilory lI!ong the China mainland. Ing sessloo Thursday /that tbe ad­ under tbe ,cameras while the distul1bed children. expressed in ,' "Ilars oI the same The British [orei 1n office dis- mlnlstr.a.tlon would like to liav6 rues t. ac';,. other will watch and listen in .lit also ,proposes a $250,000 buying power." closed the three cou ntries jOint- the evaculI,tion authority. pIe ......'" , ",e othEr toam. The 'fV circuit Dulles and Adm. Arthur W. -.., structure with 30 beds for care The P rcsl(len t's talk of a pos­ wt\l, go on.ly to t.he olher CIMS. Iy have been considering asking Radford, ehalnnsn of the Jollit" 'The claSs viewing fhe discus­ of mentally retarded children. sible tax cut in 1956 - an eiec­ the UN security council to seck Chiefs of S1.att, met with con­ slDo will lbe able to enter into Koso!( said ,it 'would cost about tion year - was more positive a cease-fire in the whole Chinn grclfSlonal leadel'S In a clooed tin: d.iscusslon by meanll of an $450,000 annually to operate the than the language he used in his con C1icl. session at tile ,state department. Inter-communication system. two units. State of the Union and budget British offiCials said tho cease- I .....ble ... The two groups will be rotated The speakers were representa­ messages earlier this month. In fi re move now Is being given With regard to ~ use of, the d~inc the semEster so ,that each tives of IIhe Iowa Association of those messages, he merely ex­ fresh attention due to the per- U.S. 7th Fleot. operatln, in the wUi have. the experience of be­ Retarded Ohlldren. Sinee ,lts or­ pressed hope that reductions sonal weight P . esldent Eisen- Formosa ftNllt, and transport inS under the camera and in' the ganization about a Year ago by could come a·boLtI. hpwer has thrown behind the crae\. for withdrawal 01. Chinese" vi'ewing 'foom. 26 rgroUlj>S and additional indi­ Thursday Mr. Eisenhower said proposal. I Nationalist: forces from aojrle , Searoh for Problems • viduals, it has roceived inquiries •.' (AI' Wlropbol.O) taxes arc still a heavy .)Jul'den PR. $AMUEL II. SHEPPARD, haUess -In dark 8Ult, leaves &be moriuary arter fUlleral services tor The President told a White IslalKb, i\.wo ,problems w~e said 'The study next semester Is from 93 of the s tate's 99 counties. and added: his la&be.r Tbursil.y. The otber men .re s"erllrt. deputIes. They <Joined the funeral ,})roceQlon In • House news conference Wedn~- to have been ~ut to .ccmgrcsslorr· · ~\1fulrl1y c~>ncerned with the In three months two-thirds of it-mile ,llle to the cemetery Where Dr. Richard A. ~hepp.rd, who died Tuesday nlrht, w •• burled Expandll\l" Economy day he would like to see the III leaders at the meetJn,' with IlbcOv6ry of problems involved the counties reported 1,800 cases next to his wife, Ethel, who committed ..ulclde .Jart. '1. The 31-year-old son, convicted last Decem­ "Lower taxes would tend to UN try to halt the ligiltlng in Dulles: JIl television teachlng, Stuit said. 01 children \l<tlO needed h€lp, as­ ber or murderln, bJs wife, was permUted to leilYe Ouyahoca ceun" Jail to attend botb luner.i.. encourage work, p, ornate more that area which he called a t. Chiang lUI asked [or V.s. I'The ",hm ~ esses a lot of sociation spokesmen said. "sort of p~wder-kelt." help in the Taeh!':n blands. ~kh JI054Thlllties," S,tuit said, "but it efflcleot business practices and Dr. Frilnk Coburn, a&sociate create more jobs through new . luive been under Ar.d borrlbard- atsii m~ans lots of work. We have professor of psyd)iatry at SUI, DJPI?mals here said 11 11 three ment and art!1lery tire. The pre­ Investments. to. find wh~t materials are best said that stu(lies$how the proper GMatemalan Rebels count rl~ S have revIved the ~\)mk'-t1on he~ Is ,that the !dnd ot •4ited for this ,type of thin.g and treatment would result ih 8S per I '',fortunately, with our econo­ cease-Jlre ~l,Iggestlon because of helP ChlanJl wa!l.ts Js that Wblllh I how tha. st\.lcle~ts will .tunction cent of the patien.ts beIng cUred. ttly . colltUJt.lin, -to expand; we. tilt ew lighting In the ~Ea8t would l'.irt~"" the deteJ)1~ or ","l6Uclt e . tel\ching situation." He said also that It 'COsts $30,000 AHempt TO 'Seize can look forward Lo larger fed­ China Sea north of FOl'mooa. th ::J Island-more planes, ammu- Tl\e Use ot visual aids-charts, to $50,000 for lHeUme care of a eral revenues from existing tax nition and slJPP\!es. it.ph! and t lackboards.-.will bP. child committed to a school for rates. aut Chlllhg ma.y have to ·wlth· I s~died as well 8S methods of the rotarded. Air Force Base . "Thi~. together with further McCarrel Announces d'l"1IIW from ~he TaehC»1S 'shouleJ slt11lUlating and guiding discus­ economics I n ex pendllUi es, Commun.iBt pressure become ,too [, E.torlB and the most effeotive DES MOLN,ES (A')-A move to -~--------­ GUATEMALA (JP)-The an.U­ Commencement Change do a,way with secret balloting in propria tion s, tax revl.s ion, cities Communist goveJlnment of Presi­ should make possible ncxt year great, and 'he has 1Il0 facllltJes tor Iowa senaie lC~rnlttee meetings another die" in the reduction of Mld·year commencement ex­ cvacuatiOil o( i\ohe troops defend­ =~~~ and mlerophone t;ch- ·Knowland HI'ls and towlle , claiIDll and pll'blic dent Carlos Cao,t1llo Armas said was 'beaten clown by fnt! Re­ lowns and bul~dings.
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