Production, study and us© of In pure and applied nuclear research by Tor Bjernstad University of Bergen 1986 THESIS for the degree Doctor Philosophiae (dr.philos.) at the University of Oslo. Obligatoric lectures: April 25, 1986. Defence of the thesis: April 26, 1986. to tlie thesis PRODUCTION, STUDI AND USE Of SHORT-LIVED NUCLIUES IH PURE AND APPLIED NUCLEAR RESEARCH by lor BJornstad LOCA!ION IS WRITTEN SHOULD BE 238,, • 235,, REVIEW PAPER, (>.)), line II "...Induced fission of U..." "...Induced fission of U..." REVIEW PAPER, p.14, Une 4 "Chemical metods..." "Chemical methods.,." SEVIEW PAPER, p.JO, line 17 "lived mud ides ("or..." "livpd nuclides for..." REVIEW PAPER, p.29, line 11 '...for sampling of this,.," "...for sampling of thin..." REVIEW PAPEfl, p.30, line 26 \..T1/2(M) * Tl/JID)..." \..Tj{H) * Tj(D)..." REVIEW PAPER, p.31, line 11 "...suncrocyclotron..," "... synchrocyclotron.*." REVIEW PAPER, p.31. line B **... Trie release tfie »uclear..." "...The release of the nuclear. from the bottom REVIEW PAPER, p.31. line A "...low vapor pressure..." ..low vapour pressure., from the bottom REVIEW PAPER, p.35, line •'...76Or(tj-1.355)..." \..76V(tj-1.3Ss)..." REVIEV PAPER, p.47, 1 lues 6, Ptiranthese after the reference on These parflntfieses should be on the 11,1? and 14 ttje level of Hie text line level of the reference number. In addition, there should be Inserted connid between references in line 15 and 12. REVIEW PAPER, p.48. line 1 "The separted molecular. "The separated molecular,.," PfVIEW PAPER, p.48, line 7 "...irridfum..." "...iridium..." from the bottom REVIEW PACER, p.50. line 10 "...IMlA..." "...1NAA..." 1 rom the bottom and p.SI, II»« 10 and 20 REVIEW PACER, p.59, line i "...by elctromaonetic nwiss..." "...Ly electromagnetic mass..." (rom the bottom r P.I], p.101, fig.4 The 156.0 kcV ,-r,iy should be »Ir.iw. froi.- the 3?).O keV level to the 165.0 keV level. Paner T.IV, p.M9Z. column 2, "...lhese >-rays, e.o. the transitions "...Those >-rays, e.g. the transitions lines 20,21 and II from the at 183.2 and compocrnt. Ifiese -,-rays, at 103.2 flnd 503.2 keV, are, howpver, bottom e.ci. the transitions at 183.3 and 50.1.2 relatively weak, and thus the counting keV, are, however, relatively wetfc,«nd statistics «re comparitive)y poor." thus the" Paper P.V, p.l93U, column 1, "...is reduced ans stripped..." "...Is reduced and stripped,.." line 7 Csper CV, p.193?. column ?, "...light lanthanide "... 11 nil c liinthanidp x-ray..." line 7 raner r.VIII, p.377 rorurulA 11?) is fnconrctly derived from the i-rpresstotl I"). FOnmtlft ( 11) K of nr? real Interest and should hp lonared. Fapv r. VI11, p. V7, I itips 11 If an analytical expression "If .ir- an.iiyticnl expression for p(t; *s 12 from the bottom j)M(i1 latiir, t; «tiny lie calculated f OP- <> prcselpcted value of 2 Ity a nuwrfc? t Inteorét inn mpt'iod. Likewise, the con- stant value of the integral may then be rSVpr p.vlil, p.378, line 9 ".,.* and s nonlsotioptc:" "...* «nd j noritsotoplc" from the bottom Piper P.VIII, p.381, line 21 ".,.practical hindermces..." "...practical hindrances..." •'»per r.vlll, p.382, line 2 "Cast 1. the measured count(no r«tc. "Case 1. 1hp measured countiixi i- i1 \\ ! ' . :- i»?. pn-if?nt Paper P.Vill, P.3BJ, eqn(29) i r" .+rp.« T rp. j-1 1J Paper P.VIII. p.383, line 18 "...counting number also have to be. "...counting numbers also have to be..." Paper P.VIII, p.383, line 2\ "The measuremenys ($..." "Hie measurements are..." Paper P.VIII, p.385, eqn(34) p(t)-yoexp-[^—:; ln(^ t-jl *D; Paper P.VI11, p.38?. 1 i ne I "..., I. Rudstad-Haldorsen,..." ,, I. Rustad Maldorsen,..." Taper p.XI, p. 733, column 1, ,.a stable ion source operation line 15 "...a stable source)." ,the long delay..." Paper P.XI, p.733, column 2, "... the log delay..." line 17 from tlie bottom Paper P.XI, p.734, column 1, .made of quartz." Une 13 from the bottom ",..made of quarts ." Paper P.XI, p.734, column 2, "... a water-cooled copperLress..." "...a water-cooled copper wrapper. line 4 Paper P.XI, p.734, text on fig.3 "Cu-tress for coDlIno" "Cu-wrapper for cooling" Paper.P.XI, p.735, column 1, "...number of given by..." "...(iuifrf»er of counts oiven by..." line 7 from the bottom Paper P.XI, p.735, column 2, line 6 from the bottom Poper P.XI, p.736, column 1, "...the C -fons..." Une 7 from the bottom Paper P.XI, p.736, column 1, "...different elements)17,..." "...different elements)17',... 1 line 2 from the bottom f' Paper P.XI, p.736, column 2, "...tarpet container degrade..." ...target container degrades..." line 9 from the bottom Paper P.XI, p. 737, column I, "...from 12C6*-frr«diatfon..." ...from ICC -Irradiation..." line 6 CO Paper r.X, p.ZZU. column 1, "...the effect or short time..." ... the effect of short time..." line 20 Paper r.X, p.2Z8, column 2, "...was determied by..." "...was determined by..." line 17 Paper P.KI, p.738, column 1, "...surfaced in..." "... surfaces in..." line 4 Paper P.Xfl, ff.308, coluiwi 2, "., ,a fiobium powder..." "...a niobium powder..." Iine 2 from the bottom 1 ''aper P.XJII, p.37, column 2, ",..missing 3" -» 0" transition. "...missino 3" * flf transition." line 26 Piper P.XIV, several places: Examples: 7,210 keV, 4,351 keV To avoid confusion, this Is enuivairnt first 3 times in the abstract, to 7210 keV and 4351 fceV or /.?IO HeV Ute« 16 places in the text and 4.351 MeV Taper P.XIV, p.95, column 2, "...and RFA calculations..." "...and RPA caIcut»t(ons..." line )0 Paper P.XIV, p.96, column 2, "The garnna deday..." "The qamma decay..." line 15 Piper P.XV, p.3, lints 4 and "...IHHA..," 7 • text to table 1, p.4, line 22 Paper P.XV, p.8, lLrw 23 "... In a viirm ni trogen..." "...In a warm nitrogen..." Paper P.XV, p.8, last Une "During irratiatlon..." "During lrrJdi<Jtioo..." Paner P-XV, p.15, line 11 "... ICH2<ICH-)CO-C1L),,." "...((-CH?-)CH3ICICO2Cll3l-lnl..." I'.i[-r?r P.XVI, p.3 . tflble 1, 14O(O.2f colimi 3 IMfTr P.XVI, p.3, Uble 1, facer P.M. p.-33, column 2, "... the ioj delay..." " ,.,the long delay..." line I " from the bottom Paper P.Kl, p.?y*, column J, "...made of quarts." ".,.made o( quartz." Une 13 fron tlie bottom Paper P.XI, p.734, column Zt "... a water-cooled coppertress..." "...a water-cooled copper wrapper.. 1 ine 4 Paper P.xl, p.731, text on Tig.3 "Cu-tress for coo)ino" "Cu-wrapner for cooling" Paper P.%\, p.735, column 1, "...number of given by,.." "...number of counts n I ven by..." 1 Ice 7 from the bottom Paper P.Xt, p.735, column 2, line 6 from the bottom Paper P.XI, p. 73(i, column 1, "...the "C -ions..." line 7 Trom the bottom Paper P.Xl , p.736, column 1, ",..different elements) ,.,." "...different elements) ,..." line 2 from the bottom Paper P.Xl, p.736, column 2, ...target container degrade.,," "...target container degrades..." I trie 9 from the bottom Paper P.Xl» p.737, column 1, ...from I2C6*Mrraditttfon..." line 6 Paper P.X, p.220, column 1, ...the effect or short time..." ... tlie effect of short tine..." line 20 Paper P.X, p.228, column 2, "...was determied by..." was determined by,,." line 17 Paper P.XI, p.738, column 1, "...surfaced in..." "... surfaces in..." line 4 Paper P.xil, p.308, column 2, "...fl nob!urn powder..." "...3 niobium powder..." 1ine Z from the bottom Paper P.XIIf, p.37, column 2, "...missing 3 •• 0 transition." "...missing 3 * 0 transition." line 26 Paper- P.XIV, several places: Examples: 7.210 JceV, 4,351 lu?Y To «void confusion, this is equivalent first 3 times In the abstract, to 7210 keV and 4351 keV or 7.210 KeV then 16 places in the text and 4.351 MeV Paper P.XJV, p.95, column 2, "...and RFA calculations. "...and RPA calculations..." line 10 Paper P.XJV, p.96, column 2, "The ganina deday..." "The gatmia decay..." line 15 Paper P.XV, p.3, lines 4 and 7 • text to table 1, p.4, line 22 Paper J>.XV, p.8, line 23 ",..ln a varm nitrogen. "...in a warm nitrogen.. Paper p.XV, p.8, last line "During lrratlatlon,.," "DurLng Irradiation.,." Paix*r p.XV, p. 15, ll/ie J! Paper P.XVI, p.3, table 1, coLini 3 P.ipnr P.XVI, p. 3, table 1, cohim 6 f'afor P.XVI, p.6, J ine T, "...lltternturc..," "... 1itutnture..." p.7, line 10 Iran tlw bottom, p.11,tine 10 taper P.XVI, p.11, line 7 "...of 66Ga from..." "...of Go (rom..," Pa(x?r P.XVI, p. 11, ll/Mi ?1 "... titan on i "titan an acceptable... Paper P.XVII, p.3, Hno 5 "...tJius causes Wss..." "...tJius causliitf ID««. l\i|i>r I».XVII, p,2,lliio 18, I».}, iiiw 1 Pajwr P.XVir, p. 14, line 4 ...occotlonally..." .occasionally..." from t/ic totlom PRODUCTION. STUDY AND USE OF SHORT- LIVED NUCLIDES IN PURE AND APPLIED NUCLEAR RESEARCH BY TOR BJØRNSTAD DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY UNIVERSITY OF BERGEN 1986 CONTENTS Page Preface 1 Aknowledgements 6 REVIEW PAPER 7 1. INTRODUCTION 7 2. GENERAL METHODS FOR PRODUCTION OF SHORT-LIVED NUCLIDES 11 3.
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