T H E D A N I S H N AT I O N A L M U S E U M G E N E R A L G U I D —E A' H ow to get to the National Museum : ’ MN m itua ed 5 The National Museu is s t in the centre of the city , minutes walk from “ ” ’ n Raadhuspladsen and 10 minutes walk from the Central Station . The followi g : 1 2 5 6 8 1 0 19 . : trams st0 p at the museum , , , , , , and The museum has two entrances Ka na l 1 2 Frederiksholms for the Danish Collections , the Collection of Oriental and i 1 0 N Vester ade Classical Antiquities , and the Collection of Co ns and Medals , and y g hno i . for the Et graph cal Collections , Danish Peasantry and lecture room What to see in the National Museum “ s The National Mu eum , which is one of the oldest and largest museums of the has as : history of culture not only in Denmark but in the whole world, object the demonstration of the cultural level of humanity at different times and in all - i ul i i continents . It is a picture book of the h story of c ture llustrated by the man fold and heterogeneous productions of culture . The core of the museum is of course the l r Danish collections . In the prehistoric dep artment one can fol ow cultu al devel m n he Op e t from t time after the Glacial Period , when the first primitive hunters r t a . The took possession of the country , and until Ch is ianity took root in Denm rk historical collections show the development from the beginning of the Middle Ages e until our own time . The co llections from rec nt times comprise the culture of towns r W and manors , Danish peasant cultu e , and special collections . In connection ith he peasant collection an Open Air Museum is situa ted near Sorgenf ri Station outside diff s Copenhagen with old farm houses from erent parts of the country . Relation hip the l i to rest of the world is formed by the Col ection of Coins and Medals , wh ch besides Danish specimens also contains coins and medals from other parts oft he world . In the Collection of Antiquities one finds testimonies of the cultures of n c A tiquity in the ountries of the Mediterranean and the Middle East, while the l Ethnographical Col ection comprises the rest of the world . This last collection , which is the biggest in the museum , encompasses the primeval forests of the tropics a as well as the arctic ice fields , the most primitive s well as the most developed bi d ' cultures , thus completing the picture of human culture . T 18 the objective of the National Museum . Ho w the Collections of the National Museum were founded The collections of the National Museum are di vided into eight independent de art ments di p under a common rector . A part of the most precious objects date from ’ “ ” III s u . 1 650 r Frederik Cabinet of C riosities c , but the eal activity of the 1 807 u N eru Museum did not begin till , when Frederik M nter and Rasmus y p caused u w the Royal Commission for the Preservation of Antiq ities to be established . It as, . 1 865 r however, the ingenious C J Thomsen , T , who was of the g eatest impor 8 1 8— 20 tance with regard to the whole development of the museum . In 1 , he was the t e : first to arrange a prehistoric collec ion of the three p riods The Stone , 1 8 Bronze and Iron Ages . In 4 1 he Opened the first general ethnographical museum 1 85 1 u the in the world , and in he fo nded Collection of Antiquities . Furthermore he i h was d rector of the Collection of Coins and Medals , etc . In recent times Bern ard Olsen has done work of considerable importance by establishing the Danish Folk s (188 1) e s Mu eum which comprises the period fro'”W pre ent days , and the Open Air Museum at Sorgenfri ANTHROPOLOGY 75° An tiquity e : Th Garden Four types of graves from the Stone Age , some originals (passage - r . e grave, cist) , some replicas (dolmen, single g ave) . Rock carvings In the c ntre a replica of the great Jelling rune stone . - o ne . H e Marrow split doe b s, oll rup interglacial period . Paleolithic Period, ’ — e o 5 . Reindeer P ri d Maglemose Culture . 000 B . C ) Denmark s r . ea liest settlement , Bromme Large settlement finds from the Maglemose h . Period . The auroc s from Vig Ornamented bone objects . Amber . l i c 500 — 0 Settlement finds Meso ith Period . Ertebolle Culture ( 0 270 B . C .) from he a . kitchen middens . Section of s llhe p from Ertebolle . Skeletons a— ~ 2 b . Comparative Collections of European Antiquities . n . l t Stone Age tech ique Sku ls with marks of repanning . - . 27 3 ds. Neolithic Period Dolmen Period ( 00 2 00 B . C .) Types and grave fin Finds from dolmens and earth graves . Neolithic Period . Dolmen Period . Settlement finds and votive off erings . Pottery - from bogs . Great amber finds . - r Neolithic Period . Passage Grave Period (2300 1 800 B . C .) Types and g ave DANISH COLLECTIONS Roo m finds from the Passage Grave Culture . Rich Passage Grave finds . Fine n c in . earthenware : S karp salli g. Obje ts of copper found a clay vessel Irish ornaments of gold . ff Neolithic Period . Settlement finds and votive o erings from Passage Grave e . Culture . Single Grave Culture . Flint planks from Str by Ladeplads Largest flint axes and finest battle axes . — H r 1 800 1 500 . a Neolithic period . Dagger Period ( B C ) Axes of amber from fl . dum . Finest int daggers , lance heads and arrow points Flint sword ” Culture picture room . Stone and Bronze Age . Large mound model , loom - model from the Bronze Age , bronze casting . Boats . — Early Bronze Age ( 1 500 900 B . C . ) Types and votive finds . Earliest Danish T ndho m ru l . bronzes . Scimitars . The Sun chariot from Belt plate from Langstrup . Rock carvings . Objects of gold . f : Esh fl t . Bronze Age grave finds . The Oak co fins Borum j , Egtved , Skryds rup i f Well preserved garments . Folding cha r and other objects from the oak co fins . — 900 500 . s . Late Bronze Age . ( B C ) votive find The lurs Bronze helmets Faardal from Vikso . Gold vessels . Large find with female figure from . Shields . Boats of gold . ’ S a crificial l Late Bronze Age , votive finds . we l from Budsene . Women s Lovelbro . garments . Sword from Late Bronze Age , objects connected with bronze casting . Settlement finds . - Types . House urns . Face urns . “ ” Culture picture room . Iron Age . Models of Early Iron Age house , smelting or iron , ships . C . 500 . Art e Early Iron Age , Celtic Period ( B Finds from cemetery near . s . Votive find . Wooden di hes The Silver cauldron from Gundestrup . H o rtS rin ko bbel Early Iron Age , Celtic Period Boat from j p g with shields , weapons etc . 500 C — 4 00 - Early Iron Age . Settlement finds ( B . A . Grain jar , clay s . hearth , loom weights . Plough n 0— 200 Early Iron Age , Early Roma Period ( A . Grave finds . Pottery ' graves from Jutland . Roman import . Silver cups from Hoby . The carriage ’ J ellin e from Dejbjerg . Rich woman s grave from u g . — . 200 400 Early Iron Age Late Roman Period ( A . Large bog finds . sacrified Enemy spoils to the war god . Earliest runic inscriptions . Model of a warrior . Rerio d Early Iron Age , Late Roman . Rich grave finds from Sealand with ' ’ Roman import . Roman painted glass vessels . Woman s grave from Himling o e . P j Grave finds from unen and Jutland . 400— 800 Germanic Iron Age ( A . Grave finds . Gold finds . Idol . Models of gold horns . 800— 1000 - Viking Period ( A . Grave finds . Collar harnesses . Silver finds Terslev . s . l Viking Period, Jelling , grave find Tre leborg , large fortification , model and - finds . Ladby ship burial . Hedeby . Rune stones . Danish Collections — ab . I OOO a b 1 750 1 o . ( . fl or) 1 : 750 The Middl A R i c B r d R c c e ges , ena ssan e , a oque an o o o Roo m Details of wood and stone from Romanesque churches . Romanesque granite altar . - Romanesque tomb stones , one with runic inscriptions . 12th 1 3 . Ecclesiastical art , and th centuries Mediaeval bui lding material . 1 1 50 Chancel and altar from Romanesque village church , ab . ’ 1000- 1 300 Goldsmith s work from ab . 1 200— 1 3 75 Church treasures from ab . Secular culture of the Middle Ages . Finds from Norse settlements in Greenland . fl Finds from the Middle Ages , chie y from castle sites . 1 h Ecclesiastical art from the 5t century . Objects used at the Mediaeval mass . DANISH COLLECTIONS - 1 500 . Altar pieces and images of saints , ab . 1 500 . Gothic church interior , ab . Church bells from the Middle Ages . Late Gothic sculpture after 1 500 . Saint George and the dragon . c 1 6 . Lutheran ecclesiasti al objects , th century - r . Tapestries from K onborg Castle , state weapons ’ 1 6 n Furniture and goldsmith s work from the th ce tury . i 1 6 . Furn ture from western Jutland , th century - 1 600 . Living room of an Aalborg councillor, ab . - 1 620 . Silver altar, Augsburg work Foreign applied art from the Renaissance .
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