BULLETIN the of \ ^\ ILLINOIS NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY HARLOW B. MILLS, Chief Contents and Index Volume 26 1953-1955 Printed by Authority of the STATE OF ILLINOIS WILLIAM G. STRATTON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION VERA M. BINKS, Director NAIUKAl IIIN 10 1958 HI^JTORY SIIRVFt STATE OF ILLINOIS William G. Stratton, Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION Vera M. Binks, Director NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY DIVISION Harlow B. Mills^ Chief Illinois Natural History Survey BULLETIN Volume 26 Printed by Authority of the State of Illinois U R BAN A, I L L I N O I S 1953-1955 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARIMF.NT OF RF.GISTRATION AND EDUCATION William G. Stii»tton. Covernor \ i:ra M. Binks, Director BOARD OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND CONSERVATION \»RA M Bisks. Chatrman. A. E. Emkrso.n, Pli.D.. Biology; L. H. Tiffany, Ph.D., Forestry: Walter H. Newhouse, Ph.D., beology: Roi.er Adams. Ph.D., D.Sc, Chemistry; Robert H. A.nderson, B.S.C.E., Engineering; W. L. FverItt. E.E., Ph.D.. Repreyenling the President of the University of Illinois; Delytf. W. Morris, Ph.D.. Presi- dent of Southern Illinois I'ni-.eriity NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY DIVISION, Urbona, Illinois SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL STAFF Harlow B. Mills, Ph.D., Chiej Bessie B. East, M.S., Assistant to the Chief Soctiofl of Economic Entomology Sacfien of Aquatic Biology— continued Geori.i: C". Decker. Pli.D.. Entomologist and Head M. A. Whiiairi;. M.A., Assiitant Aqiiati Biologist* .'Xrnold Fritz, B.S., Field Assistant* J. H. Bk.ger. M.S.. Entomologist W. L. L. F.NGLlsii. Ph.D., Entomologist David J. McGintv, Field Assistant* Willis N. Bruce, Ph.D., Associate Entomologist Paul Frey, B.S., Laboratory Assistant* Norman Gannon. Ph.D., Associate Entomologist W. H. I.iCKMANN. Ph.D.. Associate Entomologist Section of Applied Botany and Plant Pathology John D. Briggs. Ph.D.. Associate Entomologist J. C'tuRii CvRitR. I'li.D.. I'lant l'athotof;iit and Head Ronald H. Meyer. M.S., Aitiitant Entomologist J. L. FoRSutR(.. I'h.D., I'lant I'alholnpsI John D. I'aschke, Ph.D., Assistant Entomologiit (i. H. Boevve, M.S.. Associate Botanist Robert Snetsinger. M.S., Field .Assistant Robert .\. Evers. Ph.D., Associate Botanist John P. Kramer, M.S., Laboratory Assistant R. J. Campana, Ph.D., Associate Plant Pathologist F.ucENE M. Bravi. M.S., Research Assistant Robert Dan Neely. Ph.D.. Assistant Plant Pathologist Richard B. Dysart. B.S., Technical Assistant E. B. HiMELicK, M.S., Assistant Plant Pathologist .\lbert Salako. B.S.. Technical Assistant RoVENiA F. Fit/.-Gekald. B..A., Technical Assistant Earl Stadelbacher. B.S., Technical Assistant Sue E. Watkins. Technical Assistant Section of Wildlife Research IL B. Petty. Ph.D., Extension Specialist in Entomology* Thomas G. Scott, Ph.D., Game Specialist and Head Stevenson NIoore, III, Ph.D., Extension Specialist in Ralph E. Veatier, Ph.D., Game Specialist Entomology* Carl O. Mohr. Ph.D.. Game Specialist IL B. Cunningham. M.S., Research Associate* F. C. Bellrose. B.S.. Game Specialist John W'. .Matteson. M.S., Research Associate* Richard R. Grader, Ph.D., Associate Wildlife Specialist Clarence E. White, B.S., Research Assistant* W. R. Hanson. Ph.D., Associate Game Specialist John Arthur Lowe, B.S.. Research Assistant* H. C. Hanson. M.S.. Associate Game Specialist Charles Le Sar, B.S., Research Assistant* William R. Hawkins, B..^.. Technical Assistant Louise Zingrone, B.S., Research Assistant* Frances D. Robbins. B.A., Technical Assistant Mary E. Mann, R.N., Research Assistant* \'iRGiNiA A. Lancuo.n, Technical Assistant Howard Crum. Jr.. Field Assistant Section of Faunistic Surveys and Insect Identification Rexford D. Lord, D.Sc, Project Leader* H. H. Ross. Ph.D., Systematic Entomologist and Head Frederick Greeley, Ph.D., Project Leader* MiLioN W. Sanderson, Ph.D., Taxonomist Glen C. Sanderson, M.A., Project Leader* Paul A. Vohs, Jr.. B.S., Project Leader* Lewis J. Stannard. Jr.. Ph.D., Associate Taxonomist Philip W. S.mith. Ph.D., .Associate Taxonomist Jack A. Ellis. M.S., Project Leader* Leonora K. CJloyd. M.S.. .Assistant Taxonomist Ronald F. Labisky', M.S., Project Leader* R. B. Selander, Ph.D., Assistant Taxonomist Thomas R. B. Barr, M.V.Sc, M.R.C.V.S., Research Fj>ward L. Mockforu, M.S.. Technical .Issistant Assistant* Thelma H. Overstreet. Technical Assistant Bobbie Joe Verts, M.S., Field Mammalogist* Section of Aquatic Biology Section of Publications and Public Relations CJEORt.E W. Benneii. Pli.D.. Aquatic Biologist and Head James S. Ayars. B.S., Technical Editor and Head William C. Starrett, Pli.D.. Aquatic Biologist Blanche P. Young, B.A., Assistant Technical Editor R. W. Larimore, Ph.D., Associate Aquatic Biologist Diana R. Braverman, B.A., Assistant Technical Editor David H. Buck, Ph.D., Associate Aquatic Biologist William E. Clark, Assistant Technical Photographer Robert C. Hiltibran, Ph.D., Associate Biochemist William D. Wood, B.S., Technical Assistant Donald F. Hansen. Ph.D.. .Issistant Aquatic Biologist William F. Childers. M.S., Assistant Aquatic Biologist Technical Library John Q Cralley, B.S., Field Assistant Ruth R. Warrick, B.S., B.S.L.S., Technical Librarian Richard E. Bass, Field Assistant Nell Miles, M.S., B.S.L.S., Assistant Technical Robert D. Crompton, Field Assistant Librarian CONSULTANTS: Herpetolocy, Hobart M. Smith, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Zoology, University of Illinois; Para8Itolo<;y. Norman D. Levine, Ph.D., Professor of Veterinary Parasitology and of Veterinary Research. University of Illinois; W'ildlife Research, Willard D. Klimstra, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Zoology and Director of Co-operative Wildlife Research. Southern Illinois University. •Employed on cn-operatlve projects with one of several agencies: University of Illinois, Mlinoi Acrrirultiiral Extension Service, Illinois Department of Conservation, United States Army Surgeon General's Office, United States Department of Agriculture, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, United States Public Health Service, and others. This paper is a contribution from the Section of Publications and Public Relations. (73600—800—2-58) CONTENTS ARTICLE 1.—THE MAYFLIES, OR EPHEMEROPTERA, OF ILLI- NOIS. By B. D. Burks. May, 1953. 216 pp., frontis., 395 figs 1-216 Importance of mayflies 1, Habitat preference 4, Life history 6, Food habits 9, Emer- gence peaics 9, Dispersal 9, Rearing mayflies 10, Collecting and preserving 12, Study preparations 13, Literature 14, The Walsh species 14, External morphology 17, Iden- tification of sexes 20, Classification 20, Key to families 26, Ephemeridae 27, Neo- ephemeridae 42, Caenidae 43, Ephemerellidae 55, Baetiscidae 75, Oligoneuridae 79, Leptophlebiidae 81, Baetidae 97, Ametropidae 144, Heptageniidae 151, Literature cited 203, Index 211. ARTICLE 2.—LARGEMOUTH BASS IN RIDGE LAKE, COLES COUNTY, ILLINOIS. By George W. Bennett. November, 1954. 60 pp., frontis., 1 5 figs 21 7-76 Acknowledgments 219, Characteristics of Ridge Lake 219, Limnological character- istics 220, The creel census 229, The draining census 231, Population dynamics 236, Bass spawn inventory 245, Spawning success and population density 247, Growth of bass 251, Growth of bluegills 256, Catch rate versus fishing pressure 256, Factors af- fecting yields of bass 261, Unaccountable mortality and length of life 262, Exploita- tion rates 266, Efficiency of baits 267, Cost of fishing 269, Discussion 269, Summary 273, Literature cited 276. ARTICLE 3.— NATURAL AVAILABILITY OF OAK WILT INOC- ULA. By E. A. Curl. June, 1955. 48 pp., frontis., 22 figs 277-324 Acknowledgments 278, Review of literature 278, Field methods 280, Laboratory stud- ies 285, Field observations 297, Inocula in nature 311, Discussion 317, Summary 319, Literature cited 321. ARTICLE 4.— EFFICIENCY AND SELECTIVITY OF COMMER- CIAL FISHING DEVICES USED ON THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER. By William C. Starrett and Paul G. Barnickol. July, 1955. 42 pp., frontis., 17 figs 325-66 Materials and methods 325, Characteristics of area 327, Commercial fishing activities 327, Terminology for commercial fishing devices 329, Angling devices 330, Encom- passment devices 331, Entrapment devices 333, Entanglement device 353, Discussion 364, Summary 364, Literature cited 365. ARTICLE 5.—HILL PRAIRIES OF ILLINOIS. Bv Robert A. Evers. August, 1955. 80 pp., frontis., 28 figs 367-446 Acknowledgments 368, Environment 370, Vegetation of hill prairies 375, Vegeta- tional history and succession 393, Annotated list of hill prairies 395, Flora of the hill prairies 413, Summary 441, Literature cited 444. ARTICLE 6.—FUSARIUM DISEASE OF GLADIOLUS: ITS CAUSAL AGENT. By Junius L. Forserg. September, 1955. 58 pp., frontis., 22 figs 447-504 Acknowledgments 447, History of the disease 447, Names of the disease 448, Symp- tomatology 449, Etiology 451, Purpose of present investigation 454, Methods 454, Physiological studies 455, Variations in culture types and pathogenicity 469, Morphol- ogy 479, Pathogenicity tests 481, Discussion and conclusions 496, Summary 500, Lit- erature cited 501. INDEX 505 O E M EK D A T I X S Page 7, column 2, lines 30 and 31. This observation is incorrect. The subimagoes alight to shed their skins. Page 55, column 1, line 30. For There are two long caudal filaments substitute There are three long caudal filaments. Page 144, column 2, page 146, and following pages, Mrtretuius. Metreturus is a synonym of Afantliamrtropus Tshernova, described in Russia in 1948. The publication in which the description appeared was not available in the United States at the time Dr. Burks wrote The Mayflies of Illinois. Page 287, column 2, line 9 below tables. For Endoconiodiopliora substitute Endoconidiophora. Page 308. column 2, line 10 of text matter. For Orthropidae substitute Orthoperidae. Page 413, column 1, line 22. For I'irburnum substitute liburnum. Page 420, table 14. For Croton glandulosus substitute Croton glandulosus var. septentrionalis. Page 424, table 14. For Solidago missouriensis substitute Solidago missouriensis var. fasciculata. Page 440, column 2, line 18. For weed substitute wort. BULLETIN of the ILLINOIS NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY HARLOW B. MILLS, Chief The Mayflies, or Ephemeroptera, of Illinois B.
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