._------, TOPEKA, KANSAS, DEOEMBER �2. 1880. VOL. XVIII, NO. 51. 1· � �. f'I ,��. bibed by the loaves nnd is .hen allll\,}'zed, the tie hung to it. 'I'he corn was put into a trough have its firmest grip in tho minds of those wbo considerable attention to 00118. ". cnrbi.'in being appropriated to the t}�.jding up made out a log close by; they stood there and !lay raising if fed and a colt of the pladt structure, :i�d the being churned it. That is tho way they obtained a Thoy argue that well stabled � o��n unaoand ''_ JL 'lIWIitd, Bciitor �t.JUl Proprietor, Life and Growth of Plants;-No. 3. exhaled by. th� �e'a'r. ,'rhe other ingl1!dients of little com meal. will grow un to be 0. 110ft, weedy, Topeka, Kaua•• without hardiness or endurance. Such -plants '�il6ist' of nitrogen, hydrog�, mid n In the first settlements of the east men had horse, ... in the IIY 1 T. TE�(PL[N numbir"bf mineral acids. alkulies and salts. to take their shot gnns to church to keep from has undoubtedly been the result compar­ . few cases colts have been most if not\: 11 of which are taken np,lll a sol. being killed by Indinns. They chopped down atively where kep' $40. $20. $10. $5. ventiltUed 'Vheu the organs are all in the same f1uwer, uble form 'by tlie roots. The water containing the forests in winter time, and to keep their cow witbout exercise in warm, poorly the pollen is often thrown onto the pistil, by a these' elekents in solution enters throngll'tli': :""if they were lucky enough 10 have one­ stables, and fed on highly stimul"ting grains, the as where one dollar been springing motion of the stamens, Sometimes pores of the roots arid is carried upward tJ th�· 'from starving, subsisted her on the buds of such corn, but IlBB dollara the anther suddenly bursts, scattering the pollen leaves, where the chief part of it'is exhaled in fallen timber. They had no pastures and natura] lost from 811eh treatment, one hundred to a around. In, we had in to farm Cash 'Premiums cousiderable distance many invisible vapor. The remainder no!" become meadows as bave in the west. Tbey are. squandered trying "toughen" cases are the The earth animals and Rave at tbe sametime-a fioe the anthers raised above stigmll, somewhat thickened by the loss of so large a nothing to help themselves with. grain that I�OEl. OLUBS. so the fertililizing dust is carried to, or Ialls.on, portion of water, flows downward a,l.ong the, WqR darkened from the sun with t;,e dense illustration of the old fashioned economy the stigma by gravity. In monecious and die­ stem depositing its freigbt of nutrlenr'mntrer in b.!.owth of heavy timber. It took most of the saves at the spigot and wastes at the bung-hole, cious flowers, the pollen is dependent on the the different p�ts of the plant according to winter to chop the wood for their monster flre­ Fellow farmers, the starving, freezing process BLANKS. agency of winds and insects for conveyanco their various demands. places. The husband kept warm out of doors never made a good horse, a good steer, or cow, ALL PRIZES. NO and it ueYer from one flower to another. All such flowers Various theories have beeu put r�\ll to ae- ehoppmg woed to keep the better-half, and the nor a good hog, nor a good sheep, which iu from animals contain nectar that attracts insects count for the circulation of tho sap iii plants. children, and they had lots of them. freez­ willI Give yonr yonng good feed, I wandering from flower to flower carry the pol­ Heat, electricity and capillary n hilve ing. plenty of it, and ,n as g�eat variety as possible, . 1 from the marrow­ EVi.RY len en their bodies and deposit it on the stig,ma each been offered as the cause The' above is a few cf the many hardships give them good shelter _ ot 'i', .. ,lifrocess;'. bli7.r;ards ot the flowers of tl,e same none of fo .it, for tbe our sires underwent for the sake of on east winds and the stinging ," pisrillated species. but these will nccoua!:at�: living freezing The of nature for God's earth a little Now'readera from the stable them in cold provisions the accomplish. reason that none of them sin�ly\�p' all of green longer, north; stormy, if if ment of these purposes indicate an intelligenh them combined can cause the A�P to 11\)w of the FARMER, what is, and what was, are two weather, possible; not, provide shedding $1.50 a Year, even this ean­ mind in and na­ a 01' branch different what is Kan­ of some kind for everyone; if Single Subscriptions designing operating through through dead tree .. 'ethe); entirely things. The. is, SOFe weather­ ture .�hat differs both in nature and degree from and higher power is required to ProUllC'e" bhis' �;tB, ranking among, lind inlerior to none, of tbe not be done in a considerable degree, and on tbeir what we recognize as the blind forces of nature. result. No mere chemical law will ancotlnt for states in the union, In !.,he first place, let me board the colts, calves, lambs, pigll. We are making the following unparalleled that on Evolution can in no wise in saris­ can •. to the readers of the stick to with the material grows every any no chemical , It is soy FAR�IEn, inside, oft'er to all who will act as Agents in obtaining explain it; process produc01Jt and millet or this wise of means under the influence of that claims and deeded lands. We have got 3 viz: corn, or corn and oats, for the KANSAS FARMER, the factory manner, adaptation only subtle, �yste- your farm, anbsciiptions them. At all to ends • here that will stand more weather will not hurt eveats, .. the desired rious tho vital th!ltthe,se country dry hungarian Old Reliable" KANSAS AGRICULTURAL AND power, principle, fonc. on we be too with the and the stock Cross fertilization seems to be one tions can be than any place the earth, and consequent- don't stingy grain, LIvE SToOK JOURNAL. important performed. end will winter in times hetter sonditlon and accomplisbed by tbe arrangement of the ly can and do raise more grain, with less rain, many those 10 for One Year Constitute different in dlfferent and even be a thousand times less liable to have Subsoriptions organs flowers; Kansas. than any country i� the world, Stick to your a Club. farmera->" in many perfect flowers there appears to be an claims. Do not entertain the idea that this terrors to shiftless hollow-hom," or to self- 8S of these lUll on "mully.grubs." All Agents who send in ,100 names uceompa­ antipathy fertilization, many I exceedingly surprised, the arrival of high land is not of good quality. Does there "wolf.in·the.tail," are need nied by the CBBh,' at club rates, will receive II more frequently fertilized by pollen brought quite a number ,of our eastern friends setting not grow as big grass on the high lands of Kan­ Along with generous feeding, they insect other than us air of by agency. from flowers, by themselves down among for the purpose of SI\8 as any other state? If this is the case, and nudndant exercise in the free, fresh, pure Cas" P'reml�rn' of 820.00 their own pollen. making a Iivelihoed, to see their hopes have it emphatically is, then KunsII3 high landa are heaven, and it is not simply desirable but an free of the 'and,. copy paper. This method of fertilization has beeu turned been, blasted. It appears they ....\le· come at par in quality with other states. absolute necessity to a healthy, robust develop­ of TAe kp.iU�.m • �Ighest nu�ber to practical ,account in the ,art of,ho;ti�ulture, in IIm,oug us fo;the purpo�e ofbetteri�g �beir con. People with limited means came here with a opment in all young animals, and especially namel a of tbe $20' of crosses and lIS it has ont above hundred;'i:n place the production hy,brids, dition. Some few of them were well-to-do great mnny mistaken ideas. You must not colts. It does not answer tbat they be led premium, will receive a . been found that pollen, of some kinds at least, men before tbey came here. That elass have think 01 making muqh ready money �he first for \Vater or even e�erci8e at regular intervals, be for and even and come here not to better their co�dition or seven If succeed in been "be needs an,d,must Premium of $40.00 may kept weeks, montbs, porson· five years. you paying but as.hAA truly said, Special efficient stir'­ conveyed aleng distance and yet prove ally, but to ·better the cODljition of ,their chil· for a 160 acres of land, get a qnantity of it iti II have Lhe opporhmity to romp and play-a and a oopy of the paper for ORO year. , his in fertilizing tlowers to which it is applied. dren, in'the wuy of preeuring homes for them. good state of cultivation, a small orchar'! of the ing up of spirit that'causes him to extend. at club All agents in 50 subscribers to sending When the ovule has received thc fortilil.ing i,l' Then thel'e is a large class 01 single meq that different fruits grol.inll'; you have done remark· muscles to the ut[Qost, to expand his lungs receive a by the cash, will cours­ rates, accompanied fluence of the pollen an embryo is formed and have come here becull.e they wunted homes, ably well.
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