Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação Anna Priscilla de Albuquerque IOT4FUN: a relational model for hybrid gameplay interaction Universidade Federal de Pernambuco posgraduacao@cin.ufpe.br www.cin.ufpe.br/~posgraduacao Recife 2017 Anna Priscilla de Albuquerque IOT4FUN: a relational model for hybrid gameplay interaction Este trabalho foi apresentado à Pós- Graduação em Ciência da Computação do Centro de Informática da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciência da Computação. Área de Concentração: Mídia e Interação Orientadora: Prof. Judith Kelner Co-orientador: Prof. Felipe Borba Breyer Recife 2017 Catalogação na fonte Bibliotecária Monick Raquel Silvestre da S. Portes, CRB4-1217 A345i Albuquerque, Anna Priscilla IoT4Fun: a relational model for hybrid gameplay interaction / Anna Priscilla Albuquerque. – 2017. 152 f.: il., fig., tab. Orientadora: Judith Kelner. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. CIn, Ciência da Computação, Recife, 2017. Inclui referências e apêndices. 1. Ciência da computação. 2. Interação homem-máquina. 3. Internet das coisas. I. Kelner, Judith (orientadora). II. Título. 004 CDD (23. ed.) UFPE- MEI 2019-074 Anna Priscilla de Albuquerque IoT4Fun: A Relational Model for Hybrid Gameplay Interaction Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós- Graduação em Ciência da Computação da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, como requisito parcial para a obtenção do título de Mestre em Ciência da Computação. Aprovado em: 31/07/2017 BANCA EXAMINADORA __________________________________________________ Prof. Dr. Hansenclever de França Bassani Centro de Informática / UFPE __________________________________________________ Prof. Dr. Esteban Walter Gonzalez Clua Escola de Engenharia / UFF __________________________________________________ Profa. Dra. Judith Kelner Centro de Informática / UFPE (Orientadora) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank my family for all the support they gave me during these two years of hard work. Specially, thanks to my incredible mother and father (Eliane and Agenor), and my grandparents. I have gratitude for them for cheering me up in some moments. Likewise, I would like to thank my lovely friends (Bruno, Silvio and Fabiana). Following, I would like to acknowledge my outstanding advisor Dr. Judith Kelner, for her trust, patient and for guiding me through the research. Equally, I wish many thanks to my co-advisor Dr. Felipe Breyer, for believing and encouraging my skills, also sharing his profound knowledge and experience in the field. Furthermore, I would like to extend my greetings for the researchers and companions of the Virtual Reality and Multimedia Research Group (GRVM), and for offering me practical support and important feedbacks during the research (in special: Antônio, Adalberto and Givânio). Without their assistance, I would never achieve such meaningful creations, including all skilled and bright students, which I had the opportunity to guide during the classes. Finally, I would like to thank the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoa de Nível Superior (CAPES) for funding this work. ABSTRACT Both toy and games industries are investing in hybrid play products. In such scenarios the user access the system using toys as input/output, thus, these products consist of playful user interfaces. Hybrid play systems are complex design artefacts since they use real and virtual information, so they present new challenges to both designers and developers. We suppose both industries could benefit with hybrid design approaches from product concepts. Our main research goal aims to develop tools and methods to assist the community in developing such interactions. Hence, we performed a systematic literature review covering related research published between 2008 and 2016. To extend our contribution, we added 120 hybrid play products from a market review. After data extraction, we managed results to propose a relational model for hybrid gameplay interaction. The model comprises several interactive aspects relating three entities: the things, environment, and people. The model allowed describing different scenarios of smart play including both active and passive technologies, that are located either in outdoor or indoor environments. Aiming to evaluate model usage, we applied it as a practical tool for designing hybrid playful systems. To achieve it, we included the model in a 16-week class to design hybrid games. We detailed model usage in the course schedule and discussed how students experienced it. Besides, we presented student’s six working prototypes, including design cycles, and playtesting sessions. After class, we conducted semi-structured interviews with student’s representatives. Results revealed model usefulness to describe their system setup and interface elements. According to students, model vocabulary facilitated communication among team members. Afterwards, we proposed improvements in model nomenclature based on student’s feedback. Thus, to evaluate changings we applied the model in a series of three creative workshops. Workshops had 4-8 hours of duration that focused on stages of conception, ideation, and low- fidelity prototyping. Accordingly, updated model enabled participants in developing six hybrid game concepts. Finally, we summarised research contributions and recommended topics for a future methodological approach Keywords: Playful User Interfaces. Tangible User Interfaces. Hybrid Games. Smart Toys. Human-Computer Interaction. Internet of Things. RESUMO As indústrias de brinquedos e jogos investem em produtos lúdicos híbridos. Nestes cenários, o usuário interage com o sistema através de brinquedos, utilizando- os tanto como entrada e saída de informação, atribuindo aos brinquedos o caráter de uma interface lúdica para o usuário. Sistemas híbridos para entretenimento são artefatos complexos por utilizarem informações reais e virtuais, apresentando novos desafios para designers, programadores e engenheiros. Adotar abordagens que considerem o design híbrido desde a conceituação dos produtos, poderá trazer benefícios tanto para a indústria de brinquedos como para a de jogos. O principal objetivo desta pesquisa é propor ferramentas para facilitar o desenvolvimento de soluções interativas no contexto de sistemas híbridos lúdicos. Uma revisão sistemática da literatura cobrindo artigos publicados entre 2008 e 2016 foi realizada e ampliada com a contribuição mercadológica que mapeou 120 produtos híbridos lúdicos. Um modelo relacional para interação com gameplay híbrido foi concebido e compreende aspectos interativos relacionando três entidades: as coisas, o ambiente e as pessoas. A avaliação da proposta consistiu em aplicar o modelo como ferramenta prática para a criação de novos sistemas híbridos lúdicos, em uma disciplina de curso de graduação com duração de 16 semanas. A avaliação viabilizou propor melhorias na estrutura e nomenclatura do modelo. O modelo proposto sintetiza informações complexas da interface lúdica através de um conjunto de aspectos interativos, permitindo ao usuário conceituar, planejar, e documentar os sistemas híbridos. A aplicação do modelo como uma ferramenta criativa permitiu o desenvolvimento de seis protótipos funcionais de jogos e brinquedos conectados, incluindo a modelagem conceitual de jogos híbridos e protótipos de baixa-fidelidade. Sumarizadas as contribuições, a pesquisa apontou tópicos para uma futura abordagem metodológica. Palavras-chave: Interface de Usuário Lúdica. Interface de Usuário Tangível. Jogos Híbridos. Brinquedos Inteligentes. Interação Humano-Computador. Internet das Coisas. LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 – Users engaged in playful experiences from different modalities: the physical, digital and hybrid play. ...................................................... 17 Figure 2 – A chart is comparing the relevance of three specific toy-market search terms between 2008 and 2016. Adapted from: www.trends.google.com ................................................................... 33 Figure 3 – The hybrid playful system’s categories and genres with representative images. ..................................................................... 34 Figure 4 – Furby Boom: a) a user playing a connected game, b) children playing shower application, c) a user checking Furby game stats, and d) Furby using a connected sleeping mask toy. Adapted from: www.hasbro.com ............................................................................. 35 Figure 5 – Avakai toys: a) a figure representing BLE toy connection, b) a user sending sound messages, c) a user receiving a sound message, and d) children using toys outdoors. Adapted from: www.vakai.com ...... 37 Figure 6 – Fuzzy Flyers, a) children playing Egg Toss game, b) a girl playing Dancy Party game, and c) available toys Chirpie and Coco. Adapted from: www.fuzzyflyers.com .............................................................. 38 Figure 7 – Golem Arcana: a) the general game structure, a smart pen, several active figurines, a game board and a connected application, b) a player augmenting character’s information on the tablet, and c) a screenshot presenting real pieces positioning for the game round. Adapted from: www.golemarcana.com ............................................ 39 Figure 8 – Tabletop Cars: a) a user creating a path in Parcours Game, b) a collection of physical obstacles, c) two players competing in Car Crashing, and d) players competing in Fastest Lap. Adapted from: Dang & André (2013). .....................................................................
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