, . :· . ,., - ... ,. ' .. 1890. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 2159 SUPERVISOR O.F CENSUS. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Theophilus F. Smith, of St. Paul, Minn., to be supervisor of census for the tbir<l census district of Minnesota. <t'ice Willimn H. H . •Tohnston, WEDNESDAY, March 12, 1890. declined. The House met at 12 o'clock .m. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. W. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. H. MILBURN, D. D . Joseph W. Davia, of the District of Columbfa, to be justice of the The Journal of the proceedings of ymterday was read and approTe2_. peace for the District of Columbia (to be assigned to the city of George­ EXP.ESSES OF IMMIGRATION Th--VESTIGATIOX. town), whose commission will expire March 12, 1890. Mr. OWEN, of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent for PAYMASTER-GEI\""ERAL. the present consideration of the resolution which l send to the desk. Lieut. Col. William Smith, Deputy Paymaster-General, to be Pay­ The SPEAKER. The resolution will be read, after which the Chair master-General with the rank of brigadier-general, March 10, 1890, will ask for objection. vice Rochester, retired from active service. The Clerk read as follows: : POSTMASTER. Resolved, That $5,000, or so much thereof as may be needed, is hereby appro­ priated, ontof the contingent fund of tho House, to be expended under the di­ George G. Briggs, to be postmaster at Grand Rapids,_ in the county rection of the Sergeant-at-Arms of the House, t-0 pay the expenses of the House of Kent and State of Michigan, in the place of James Blair, whose com­ Committee on Immigration and Natu.ralization in the joint investigation of the workingofthe Federal immigration law by the Senate Committee on Immigra­ mission exp1res March 29, 1890, and who has resigned. tion and the House Committee on [mmigration and Naturalization, as author­ ized by the Senate concurrent resolution. WITHD RAWAL. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the consideration of the reso­ lution? Executive nomination withdrawn by the President Mm·eh 11, 1890. Mr. BRECKINRIDGE, of Kentucky. I could not quite catch the William Gregg, to be surveyor-general of Louisiana. exact reading of the resolution, :and would like to ask if it is contem­ plated that this is toprovide for the expense of both committees or fur the House alone, as I presume it is intended to do. CONFffiUATIONS. .Ur. OWEN, of Indiana. I will state to the gentleman that this is Executiz:e nomination confi1'med by tlte Senate Marclt 10, 1890. for the House alone. COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS. Mr. BRECKINRIDGE, of Kentucky. I have no objection to H. There being no objection, the resolution was considered, and agreed Joseph E. Lee, of Florida, to be collector of customs for the district to. of St. John's, in the State of Florida. REPORTS FROM COURT OF CL.A.IMS. Executil:e nominations confirmed by the Senate Marclt 12, 1890. Ur. RICHARDSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise to a question of privilege, UNITED STAT.ES ATTORNEY. or at least, I think, a question of order; at any rate, one that involves William E. Craig, of Virginia, to be attorney of the United States for the orderly procedure of the business of the House. the western district of Virginia. The SPEAKER. The gentleman will state it. Mr. RICHARDSON. The question which I raise, Mr. Speaker, in­ NAVAL OFFICER OF CUSTOMS. volves the preparation of the Calendar of business of the House and :?¥lilt.on G. Urner, <>f Maryland, to be naval officer of customs in the refers to tbe location or position on the Calendar of those cases coming district of Baltimore, in the State of Maryland. o·rnr from the Court of Claims from the last Congress-cases reported .APPRAISER OF MERCHANDISE. from the Court of Claims in the last Congress-which were not dis­ Cecil J. Karsner, of Maryland, to be appraiser of merchandise in the posed of at the close of that Congress. district of Baltimore, in the State of Maryland. Under the seventh section of the Bowman a.ct, Mr. Speaker, I insist that these cases take their places at the head o tbe Private Calendar; SURVEYOR OF CUSTo:\[8. and I ask to have read from the Clerk's desk a ruling upon that ques­ William D. Burchinal, of Maryland, to be surveyor of customs in the tion made by the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Fif­ district of Baltimore, in the State of Maryland. tieth Congress, which ruling also embodies the section of the Bowman UN1TED STATES CONSUL. act to which I have referred. Frederick W. Catlen, of New Y~rk, to be consul of the United States The Clerk read as follows: at Munich. Mr. McCO.:.lliB. I desire to make a parliamentary inquiry. The SPEAKER. The gentleman will state it. SECOND ASSISTANT EXGINEER, REVENUE SERVICE. 1'llr. McCoMA.S. The Bowma.n a~t, chapter 116, volnme 22, of the Statutes at George B. Maher, of the District of Columbia, to be a second assist­ Large., in section 7, provides- "That reports o!the Oou.rt of Claims to Congress under this act, if not finally . I ant engineer in the revenue service of the United States. acted upon during the session at whlcb they are repQrted, shall be continued from session to session and from Congress t<> Congrw until the srune shall be COLLECTORS OF CUSTOMS. finally acted upon.'' William M. Marine, of Maryland, to be collector of customs for the Now, in order to give effect and force to that continuance from Congress t-0 Congress, my question is, will not claims thus reported back: from the Court of district of Baltimore, in the State. of Maryland. Claims to the last Congress and then reported by its committee to th& Forty­ Daniel P. Booth, of Alabama, to be collector of customs for the dis­ ninth Congress with an accompnnyin2'bill standing on the Oalenda.r of the last I". trict of Mobile, in the State of Alabama. Congress-will not those claims, under the force of the terms of the section -... which I have read, be placed upon the Oa.Iendar and be the first claims in prior­ UNITED STATES MA.BSHALS. ity on the Calendar for consideration during the present Congress? I send to the Speaker's desk the a{)t to which I have referred. George I. Cunningham, of South Carolina, to be marshal of the United The SPEAKER. The Chair remembers the terms of the act. The practice in States for the district of South Carolina. the House has been when a. report is received from the Oourt of Claims it is re­ Simon S. Matthews, of Mississippi, to be marshal of the United States ferred to the committee which had original jurisdiction of the matter-the Committee on War Claims or the Committee o.n Claims, us the case may be. If for the sonthern district of Mississippi. · that committee during that Congress reports the claim back: again t-0 the House, James W. Brown, of Tennessee, robe marshal of the United Stat.es the Chair thinks that the section of the act to which the gentleman from Ma.ry­ for the western district of Tennessee. land refers requires the report to be continued on the Calendar, and the Chair has so instructed the Clerk in the present session to place on the Calendar in POSTMASTERS. regular order all the reports made by committees on reports from the Court of Theodore J. Hutt.on, robe postmaster at Rushville, in the county oi Claims. That will be done. Schuyler and State of Illin.ois. Mr. RICHARDSON. This question was afterwards raised in Com­ William F. Elgin, to be postmaster at Corinth, in the county of Al­ mittee of the Whole House-I mean subsequent to the ruling of the corn and St.ate of Missis.sippi. Speaker just read-and I have in my hand the ruling of the Chairman Frederick Chapman, to be postmaster at Woodstock, in the county of of the committee, which I will read myself. The gentleman from Mis­ Windsor and State of Vermont. souri [Mr. HATCH] was then occupying the chair, and the gentleman Paul Demanade, to be postmaster at La Fayette, in the county of from Kansas [Mr. PERKus] raised the question of order upon a bill La Fayette and State of Louisiana. which had been reached for consideration on the Calendar. The Chair­ ...._... Americus B. Tinder, to be postmaster at Monticello, in the county man of the committee ruled as follows, as will be found by reference of Pratt and State of Illinois. to page 7437 of the RECORD of the Fiftieth Congress: Benjamin E. Robinson, to be postmaster at Fairbury, in the county The C.EU..IRMA.N. The Chair decides. this having been reported from the Court of Livingston and State of Illinois. of Claims under the Bowman act, and referred to the Committee on W a.r Claims and reported back favorably, that it takes its place at the head of the Calendar Charles P. McCabe, to be postmaster at Leesburgh, in the county of and has precedence over other bills. '.rhis is one of that cla.ss of claims, and I Loudoun and State of Virginia. believe is the last one. Park Agnew, to be postmaster a.t Alexandria, in the county of Alex­ That shows, Mr. Spea&:er, that the Chairman of the Committee of the andria and State of Virginia. Whole governed himself by the ruling of the Speaker. Alexander J. MacGregor, to be postmaster at Baton Rouge, in the Now, I want to say that the Calendar, which I hold in my hand, is • county of East Baton Rouge and State of Louisiana.
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