arianas %riet~~ Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 ~ evvs Pilot's widow sues P By Rafael!. Santos Sherry MJ. Richardson, wife demise. the company failed to fully repair the insuranceapplications, Chris­ of Jesse F. Richardson, also Jesse F. Richardson, who ac­ it after it was damaged whiletaxi­ tian coerced and forced other THE WIFE of a Pacific Island claimed the airline companyfailed . cording to the complaint was ing. Before April 1992, the plane, .employees of PIA to state that Aviation pilotwho was killed in a to provide life insurance cover­ employed from April 1992 to while being piloted by PIA presi­ said insurance was not to take . plane crash two years ago has age for the pilot. October 27, 1992, was killed in a dent Robert F.Christian, was dam­ effect until November 1, 1992," filed a lawsuit against the airline In a civil suit filed with the "fatal" airplane crash while pilot­ aged when it struck a cow while Sherry alleged. and its president, claiming that . Superior Court last week, Sherry ing a Cessna 3lOR. taxiing, the complaint said. Christian was not available for' they failed to fully repairthedam­ alleged that the airline was partly Sherry claimed the light air­ Prior to the accident, the com­ comments. PIA employees said aged aircraft before the accident. to be blamed for her husband's craft exploded in the air because pany informed plaintiff and her he was off island. Jim Stowell, husband that they would be pro­ PIA's Chief Operation Officer vided with life insurance cover­ said the airline had no comments age effective October 20, 1992. to make regarding the lawsuit. Camacho gets 2nd On December I, 1992, Christian The complainant is demanding informed Sherry' that PIA had unspecified amount of punitive failed to process the life insur- Continued on page 8 term as SCC head . ance applications and that the SAIPAN Chamberof Commerce Friedman were new faces in the pilot's life had not been issued, ChairmanEfrain F.Camachowas chamber board. the complaint claimed. Another re-elected to the same post by his All of them, except Hawkins Sherry also accused the PIA colleagues during a luncheon and Friedman, were elected un­ president of attempting to hide meeting at the Gilligan's in the opposed. Linda Cabrera, presi­ PIA's alleged failure to process typhoon Hyatt Regency Saipan. dent of Esco's Enterprises, was the life insurance applications in .. ... "Efrain is very successful in his nominated as director but lost to a timely manner. Hawkins and Friedman. commg..· professional category...He has a "In a further attempt to hide lot ofinfluence among local busi­ Continued on page 8 PIA's failure to timely process Efrain F. Camacho ANOTHER typhoon is headed nesses," said Dennis Yoshimoto, towards the Northern Marianas, head of the chamber's Nominat­ the Emergency Management Of­ ing Committee. Camacho is the president of fice warned yesterday. As of 10:00 a.m. yesterday, ty­ Efrain F. Camacho Consulting House looking into phoon Zelda was located at 11.4 Engineers, which offers consult­ ing services to both local and for­ degrees north and 149.4 degrees east, or 362 statute miles south­ eign developers. ChambermemberselectedSam government hiring east of Saipan and Tinian, 346 MacPheters as vice president. statute miles southeast of Rota By Rafael H.Arroyo SpeakerJesus P; Mafnas took in­ ditures; they carry on and on with maximum sustained winds Elizabeth Rechebei was given the terest at thevacancycertifications and may lead us to further secretary position while Glenn of86 mph with gusts to 104 mph. HOUSE Speaker Diego T. recently issued by the governor, deficits," Mafnas said, appar­ Typhoon Zelda is moving to­ Perez took the position of trea­ Benavente yesterday directed saying there may have been posi­ ently concerned about the rate surer. wards a northwest direction at 8 his Committee on Ways and tions that were unnecessarily cre­ government hiring is being miles per hour, The two board of directors who Means to review all govern­ ated and filled in by the governor. done. will serve together with Camacho Typhoon Zelda has tracked in a ment positionscertifiedvacant He specifically askedthe lead­ Mafnas warnedthat employ­ northwestward direction and has are David Hawkins of the Duty by Governor Froilan C. ership to look into the new posi. ment in government is sup­ Free Shoppers and Ellie Friedman intensified overthe past six hours. Tenorio since he assumed of­ tions being filled up and see posed to .be done taking into Typhoon Zelda is forecasted to of Micronesian Telecommunica­ fice. whether they are in line with law. consideration the ceilings im- tions Corporation. past directly to the southern tip of This developed after Vice "These are not one-time expen- Continued on page MacPheters, Rechebei and 8 Saipan and northern tip of Tinian between 36 t048 hours with maxi­ mum sustained winds of 127 mph to 155 mph and expected to tum toward the west-northwest direc­ tion after 36 hours. Becauseoftheanticipated threat from typhoon Zelda, Governor 1, Froilan C. Tenorio has 'declared Typhoon Condition III for the is­ lands of Saipan, Timan and Rota Continued on page 8 t I Weather Outlook I Cloudy skie~ and moderate to heavy 'Yes, mylformer colleague.' Vice Speaker Jesus P. Mafnas (right) lends an ear to former Saipan senator, now banker Juan S. Torres, during showers. a lull in y~terday's session at the House of Representatives. the former lawmaker was part of the gallery that watched the proceedings eagerly. , PAC Nfl!.'.':' '.r~r. STP,CKS 2-MARIANAS VARIETYNEWSANDVIEWS-THURSDAY-NOVEMBER 3, 1994 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3,1994 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-3 Bets resort to negative campaigning ',.; NEW YORK (AP) - Things are ispartly bald, is attacking Demo­ .' this year that is harder to catego­ cial, her image slowly vanishes lawmakerOdellHuffmanstandsa Search on suspect not proper getting strange out on the cam­ crat Tony Knowles for, among rize as negative or positive. What as she intones: "Fewer bureau­ paign trail. good chance Ofbeing re-elected, By Rafael I. Santos motion, saying searches of the what thecourt called "exigent cir­ other things, having "good hair" do you say about someone who crats, less waste, starting with haIfhours between thearrest andthe authorities fnm the vehicle during whichwouldn'tbemuchofa story truck conducted by police inves­ cumstances" andtheinability to ob­ AHawaiiancongressional can­ like President Clinton, promises to quit if elected? me." search, Manibusan said. Sablan'strial. didatehas vanished. A bank rob­ except that he committedsuicide THESuperiorCourthasgranted tigators were unreasonable, tainawarrantfromajudgethatwould From Alaska to Alabama, There are several of these ka­ Who knows? In a year of anti­ "Therefore the searches are not beris running for the state Legis­ last month. a motion to suppress items taken In a l4-page order, Judge Ed­ justify the searches. negative campaigning is the fa­ mikaze candidacies around the incumbency, it may be the ulti­ valid, under Article 1.Section 3ofthe laturein Montana. A dead man is Thenthere's LennieThompson, from the vehicle of armed rob­ ward Manibusan acknowledged According to the judge, the truck vored tactic this year. But some country. In Sheridan County, mate campaign strategy. Commonwealth Constitution. This likely to be re-elected in West aDemocraticnomineeforthestate bery suspect Lucia Sablan, say­ that there was probable cause for allegedly usedin therobbery should candidates are willing to balance Mont., Mary Nielsen is running In Hawaii, Republican con­ court finds thatboth searches of the Virginia. House in Montana. Thompson ing the search and seizure was thepolice to believe that the truck have beensearched irrunediately. The the attacks with some references for assessor with the slogan: gressional candidate Robert Gar­ truck thedefendant wasdriving were And around the country, more volunteered at a candidates' fo­ unreasonable. contained some evidence in con­ government offered no legitimate to their own qualifications, "Elect me. I'll resign." ner has issued no ultimatum - or not valid searches...Nor were they thanone candidate is making this For instance, Joseph Brennan, rum last spring that his resume Sablan was accused in March nection with the armed robbery reason asto whythefirstsearch was validinventorysearches,"Manibusan There is some logic to this. anything else. He has disap­ included a stint as a bank robber. promise: "Elect me. I'll resign." a Democratic candidate for gov­ The Montana Legislature abol­ of attacking acashier at Poker and which left Lea Gaspar with head delayed three andahalf hours. said peared. He had, in fact, served i 1/2 . injuries. Putting aside the serious is­ ernor inMaine, says he has "more ished the duties of county asses­ Games Kingdom with a hammer Theprosecution alsofailed toshow The ordermeansthatthegovern­ Garnerdefeated two opponents years for robbery in Washington However, the government sues in next Tuesday's election, experiencewithfirearms than any sors last year, but Sheridan and robbing the Cabrera Center whyawarrant wasnotobt.ainedfrom mentwould not be allowed to intro­ in the Sept. 17primary to take on state in the late 1970s. "There's 1994has had more than its share other gubernatorial candidate." establishment of more than failed to prove the existence of a court judge during the three and a duceas evidence the itemstaken by County missed the deadline for Democrat Patsy Mink. That was nothing to be gained by trying to of political oddities. Specifically, Brennan, an abolishing the post locally. $2,000. Take Alaska. While voters about the last anyone heard from hide something in your past," he Army veteran, has attested to his Nielsen,a Republican, says she him. At around 9:39 a.m. on March therehave been enthralled by the said. "My past is not who I am 19, a witness informed the De­ competence with machine guns could save the county dlrs Gameris said by acquaintances quadrennialdebate over whether and bazookas.
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