UNITED NATIONS SECURITY COUNCIL United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda Chaired by William Wen Session XXIII United Nations Security Council United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda Topic A: Framework for the Mitigation of Ethnic Cleansing in Rwanda Topic B: Establishing Protocols for Resettlement and the International Tribunal Committee Overview ethnic cleansing and in assisting the recovery process. Most importantly, it is up Our committee, UNSC: United to all members of our UNSC committee to Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda, is a avoid the inadequacies and major failures of historical re-imagining of the UN Security the 1994 UNAMIR in our re-imagining of the Council’s role in the Rwandan Civil War and Rwandan Civil War and Genocide. Genocide (1993 – onwards). After heavy fighting between the Tutsi-dominated Rwandan Patriotic Front and the Hutu- Parliamentary Procedure majority Rwandan Armed Forces in the The UNSC: United Nations Rwandan Civil War, the Arusha Accords Assistance Mission for Rwanda is a was proposed to bring forth a new specialized committee. This means that democratic government that allowed unlike significantly larger General political participation by both ethnic Assembly committees, ours will compose of groups.1 UNAMIR was born in October 15 delegates each representing a nation that 1993, after Rwanda and Uganda requested is, for the sake of the committee, part of the UN presence in overseeing the United Nations Security Council in implementation of the Arusha Accords.2 1993/1994. After less than a year of operation, the Given the smaller nature of UNAMIR faced devastating setbacks specialized committees, debates can become ultimately culminating into a systematic more engaging, intimate, flexible, and fast- ethnic cleansing of Tutsi and moderate Hutu paced. At every point of the committee, you civilians in Rwanda. Deemed as one of the will be asked to face daunting and time- largest and most brutal genocides in recent sensitive crises that arise due to your own history, the Rwandan genocide led to the decisions. Delegates can respond to these mass murder and displacement of millions crises in a number of different ways. As a of Rwandan civilians.3 collective committee, the cabinet can pass As members of the UN Security committee directives which will address the Council, it is up to you on how UNAMIR crisis in a more transparent method. will play its role in mitigating horrific acts of Delegates can also pass personal directives 1 Nantulya, Paul. “Why the Arusha Accords are Central.” Africa 2 “UNAMIR” United Nations. Center for Strategic Studies. August 5, 2015. https://peacekeeping.un.org/en/mission/past/unamirS.htm https://africacenter.org/spotlight/burundi-why-the-arusha- 3 Ibid. accords-are-central/ United Nations Security Council) 1 using their portfolio powers, shaping the Standard parliamentary procedures crisis arc in a more personalized and discrete and decorum are still in effect in our method. I encourage all delegates to specialized committee; I expect everyone to capitalize on both of the crisis arc and to debate with respect and courtesy, no matter carefully consider the extent of your how heated it may become. Debate may influences. Collaboration is key to a become looser as the committee dynamic successful public policy, and I expect all of shifts from differing crises, but I ask for you to work together in addressing crises. everyone to remember who you are Remember: your participation as delegates representing and how. Please also determines the trajectory of our committee remember that UNSC: Assistance Mission sessions. Please remember to be actively for Rwanda is a historical committee; this participating at all times. means that our first committee session will kick off right after the signing of the Arusha Accords in August 1993. When conducting research, carefully consider the timeline for relevant information and position. United Nations Security Council) 2 Topic A: Framework for the Mitigation of Ethnic Cleansing in Rwanda Timeline of Rwandan beginning in the 1930s to differentiate between the Hutus and the Tutsis, History entrenching a separation mentality.8 In Pre-Colonial & Colonial Tensions order to establish a native system of Prior to colonialization by western administration, the Belgians relied on the powers, Rwanda was inhabited by three power dominance of the Tutsis to maintain distinct ethnic groups named the Hutu, order. A westernized education system was Tutsi, and Twa. The majority of the put in place to train predominantly Tutsi population was composed up of the Hutu students to become administrative (approximately 85%), while the Tutsi and personnel and civil servants.9 Additionally, Twa made up approximately 14% and 1% of a Ten-Year Development Plan was the population in Rwanda.4 Under the Tutsi implemented in 1952 to reform political and king Mwami, the Tutsi ethnic group heavily social structures; this, once again, presented expanded control over Hutu land, laying Tutsis with greater degrees of politico-socio- down the foundations for ethnic tension economic opportunities while limiting those between the two. In 1899, Rwanda became a of Hutus.10 German colony, and continued to be such until the end of World War I, when it was The Rwandan Revolution and the placed under Belgian administration by the Rise of PARMETHUTU League of Nations as a mandated territory.5,6 Due to discriminatory policies set in Under the mandates of the League of place against Rwandan Hutus, ethnic Nations, Belgium was tasked to relieve the tensions escalated in the 1950s, ultimately socioeconomic and political pressures resulting in violent attacks in the tail-end of within Rwanda.7 Although egregious the decade. Discontented with the power imbalances of power (i.e. the jurisdiction of imbalance, Hutu coalitions created the Party Mwami) were abolished by the Belgian of the Hutu Emancipation Movement administration, previous class divisions (PARMETHUTU) in 1957 to fight for between the Hutu and Tutsi ethnic groups majority rule in Rwanda.11 Extremist Tutsi were maintained and reinforced as a whole. groups such as the Union Nationale Ethnic identity cards were implemented Rwandaise (UNAR) subsequently arose in 4 “The Rwandan Genocide.” United to End Genocide, 7 Ibid endgenocide.org/learn/past-genocides/the-rwandan-genocide/. 8 Rwanda - A Historical Chronology 5 Rwanda - A Historical Chronology .” PBS, Public Broadcasting 9 Ibid Service, 10 “Rwanda -- History.” East Africa Living Encyclopedia. www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/rwanda/etc/cron. Accessed September 13, 2019. html https://www.africa.upenn.edu/NEH/rwhistory.htm. 6 “Rwanda : History.” The Commonwealth. Accessed September 11 Prunier, Gérard. The Rwanda Crisis History of a Genocide. 2nd ed. 13, 2019. http://thecommonwealth.org/our-member- London: Hurst & Company, 2014 countries/rwanda/history. United Nations Security Council) 3 1959 to retaliate against aggressive Hutu Habyarimana (MRND) initiatives. In November of 1959, a Tutsi Over the next decade, the attack on Dominique Mbonyumutwa (a PARMETHUTU retained political Hutu sub-chief) instigated a superiority, with Kayibanda serving PARMETHUTU-led revolt against the presidency for another two terms. In 1973, dominating Tutsi monarchy.12 As targeted the then Military Chief of Staff Juvenal violence (specifically arson) against Tutsis Habyarimana led a coup d’état against spread across Rwanda, over 160,000 Tutsis Kayibanda and the PARMETHUTU party.19 were displaced from their homes. Over the After the successful coup, the next few years, more would flee Rwanda in PARMETHUTU party was banned and a fear of brutal retaliation by their Hutu new party – the Mouvement Revolutionaire counterparts.13 National pour le Developpement (MRND) – After the Rwandan revolution of took over as the only legitimate political 1959, local and parliamentary elections were party of the new Rwandan government.20 conducted between 1960 and 1961. These Ideologically, Habyarimana and the MRND elections resulted in landslide victories for first appealed to the masses with a the PARMETHUTU, with Gregoire seemingly moderate political agenda. Anti- Kayibanda becoming Rwanda’s first Tutsi policies were initially relaxed. The president.14 A year later, Rwanda obtained government provided plans to promote its independence from Belgium in 1962. In peace, unity, and national development. As this new era of independence, many Hutu his presidency progressed further and officials reversed anti-Hutu policies to further, Habyarimana returned to favoring instead discriminate against the remaining the Hutu population. Ethnic quotas were Tutsi population in Rwanda.15,16 High ethnic put in place, thereby providing only 9% of tensions continued long after the Hutus’ rise all available public service occupations to to political power as many exiled Tutsi Tutsis. 21 groups in Burundi began a series of attacks against Rwandan government forces. The The State of Exiled Tutsis largest attack occurred in 1963, with Tutsi During the late 1970s and 1980s, rebel groups invading into the Bugesera exiled Tutsis in neighboring nations found it district.17 Governmental forces were capable increasingly difficult to assimilate into their of putting down the attacking rebel groups, host states. Barred from returning to forcing their retreat back into Burundi. In Rwanda and restricted from obtaining retaliation, the PARMETHUTU organized a citizenship in nations such as Tanzania, systematic killing of over 10,000 Tutsis in
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