![Usarmy SWPA Monthly Sum. Enemy Dispostions 1944-04.Pdf](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
k Jw I "•>«\u25a0., * "* % •*\u25a0 \u25a0 # X South West Pacific Area MILITARY INTELLIGENCE SECTION, GENERAL STAFF MONTHLY SUMMARY OF ENEMY DISPOSITIONS GROUND AIR NAVY NO, 18 date: 30 April 1944 CONTENTS IGENERAL PACIFIC AREA Ground 1 Table: Enemy Order of Battle 2 Map Enemy Ground Dispositions Air 3 Map Enemy Air Order of Battle 4 Map Enemy Air Dispositions Naval 5 Map Enemy Naval Bases & Base Forces 6 Map Enemy Naval Dispositions 7 Map Enemy Shipping Routes II SOUTH WEST PACIFIC AREA Ground 8 Table: Enemy Order of Battle 9 Map Enemy Dispositions & Command Boundaries Air 10 Map Enemy Air Bases 11 Map Enemy Air Order of Battle 111 NORTH EASTERN SECTOR, SOUTH WEST PACIFIC AREA Ground 12 Table: Enemy Order of Battle 13 Map Enemy Ground Dispositions, General 14 Map Enemy Ground Dispositions, NE New Guinea Air 15 Map Enemy Air Bases, Dispositions & Order of Battle Naval 16 Map Cumulative Barge Sightings IV NORTH WESTERN SECTOR, SOUTH WEST PACIFIC AREA Ground 17 Table: Enemy Order of Battle 18 Map Enemy Ground Dispositions 19 Map Enemy Dispositions, North West New Guinea Air 20 Map Enemy Air Bases 21 Map Enemy Air Order of Battle Naval 22 Map : Enemy Naval Bases, Base Forces & Dispositions 23 Chart: Enemy Merchant Shipping V MISCELLANEOUS *\u25a0*»» ; Ul'H%# £m £ &<!£• H"* i£ i^»*^ 1 1 ° ENEMY ORDER OF BATTLE AND STRENGTHS, GENERAL F&CIFIC AREA ° zz 30 APRIL 1944 HBHB DIVISIONS 1 INDINDSPECSPEC 1 ©© rCONV" BORDERBORDERGARRIGARRINAVALNAVALTOTALTOTAL LOCATION ARMIESARMIES 3 REGT IND INF 6,7 or TOTAL MIXEDMIXED CAYCAYTANK GARRI-GARRI-SONSONLANDINGLANDINGSTRENGTH LOCATION DIVS. bsoyps.bsoyps. 8 BNS IDIVS BRIGS.BRIGS. BRIGS.BRIGS.RESTS, SONSSONSUNITSUNITSPARTIESPARTIES(APPROX)(APPROX) KarafutoKarafuto 10,00010,000 SAKHALIN SAKHALIN M Brigs. SAKHALIN KURILESKURILES 30,00030,000KURILESKURILES Ist Gds 6464 785,000785,000 JAPANJAPAN 7, 42, 43, SEVENSEVEN 16,19 16,19 JAPANJAPAN 47, 53 1u/i 19, KOREA KOREA 30 TWO TWO 100,000100,000KOREAKOREA 1. 8, 9,9, 3,5,6?3,5,6? 3rd, 4th 10, 11, 12, 9, 10? 1. 2. Si 1-131-13 MANCHURIA MANCHURIA sth, 6th 23, 24, 25,25, THIR-THIR- 3rd3rd11?18?11?18?INCL.INCL.4, 5, 6j 785,000785,000 20th20th 28, 28, 29, 57, TEEN TEEN 24,24, 7. 8, 9,| 7171 4 u/i 1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4, 400,000400,000NORTH CHINA NORTH CHINA IstIst 26, 27, 32, 59,62?59,62? 5,6,7,8,5,6,7,8, IstIst 1212 63?, TEN'TEN' 12th12th 35,35,37, 37, 110 69 9,159,154th4th 3,13,22,34,3,13,22,34, 58,60,58,60, FOUR­FOUR­ 13,13, 375,000375,000 CENTRALCENTRAL11th11th 39,40.61,39,40.61, 64,65?64,65? 12,12, CENTRALCENTRAL CHINACHINA TEENTEEN CHINACHINA 13th13th 116116 68,7068,70 1717 SOUTHSOUTHCHINACHINA 23rd23rd 104104 ONEONE 19,2319,23 60,00060,000SOUTHSOUTHCHINACHINA FORMOSAFORMOSA MI.SBMI.SB75,00075,000FORMOSAFORMOSA HAINANHAINAN 22?22? Y4Y4 15,00015,000HAINANHAINAN 2ndAREA?2ndAREA? 14?14? 1616 ONEONE 30?30? 31?31? .0,11,17.0,11,17SISI 100,900100,900 PHILIPPINES 14th14th 32?32? 33?33? PHILIPPINES FRENCHFRENCHINDOINDO PICGAPICGA 2121 ONEONE 12?12? 40,000.40,000.FRENCHFRENCHINDOINDO CHINACHINA CHINACHINA THAILAND TGATGA 35,00035,000THAILAND BURMABURMA BURMABURMA ,, 2,2, 15.15. BURMABURMA AREA,AREA, 18,18, 31,31, 33,33, EIGHTEIGHT 1414 15?15? 220,000220,000 15,2815,28 54,54,55,55, 5656 MALAYAMALAYA 16?1816?18 K8K8 .80,000.80,000MALAYAMALAYA BORNEOBORNEO 7,0007,000BORNEOBORNEO SUMATRASUMATRA25th25th 2nd2nd Gds,Gds, 44 II TWOTWO 4?4? 86,00086,000SUMATRASUMATRA JAVAJAVA 16th16th 46,46,(E1)(E1) ONEONE 2?2? 1313,,14?14? 35,00035,000JAVAJAVA CELEBESCELEBES 7,0007,000CELEBESCELEBES D.D.NEWNEWGUINEAGUINEA 2nd?2nd? 3(E1)?14(E1 D.D.NEWNEWGUINEiGUINEi SOEMBASOEMBA 55 POUR'POUR' XlXl 90,00090,000SOEMBASOEMBA TIMORTIMOR 19th19th 36,36, 4848 TIMORTIMOR HALMAHERA 4646 (El)?(El)? HALMAHERA ®® NEWNEWBRITAINBRITAIN BthBth 17,17, 6565 TWOTWO 60,00060,000NEWNEWBRITAINBRITAIN AREA.AREA. 3838 K6.Y3.7K6.Y3.7 IRELANDIRELAND NEWNEWIRELANDIRELAND BrigBrig NEWNEW SOLOMONS 17th17th 1717 (El),(El), 66 ONEONE K7,K7,S6S6 20,00020,000SOLOMONS BRITISHBRITISH 20,20, 41,41, BRITISHBRITISH NEWNEWGUINEAGUINEA 18th18th THREETHREE MM2,2,S5S5 60,00060,000NEWNEWGUINEAGUINEA ADMIRALTY IS.IS. 5151 (Remn)(Remn) ADMIRALTYIS.IS. MANDATED S2S2 MANDATED 5252 ONEONE ElEl Y1.2Y1.2 25,00025,000 ISLANDSISLANDS 1616 K2,4K2,4 ISLANDSISLANDS 10+10+ 171+171+ TOTALSTOTALS 6060 ©© 11BrigBrig tttt BrigBrig 2121 2222 1313 1818 3,500,0003,500,000TOTALSTOTALS STIMATEDID OPERATOPERATIONALTIONAL STREW6THS8 8STREN6THS KEYKEYKEY TOTOTO SNIP'SSNIP'S NOTESNOTES 16,00016,000 (T)- Existence of 44 Division believed probable; Tri Div. 45, 49 50 possible. XX "" existence of and Divisions X.1.1.G.X.1.1.G. 13,000 13,000 KureKure possibly 12,50012,500 - (§)- 122 Inf inMarshalls. 142 Inf still X.1.M.8.X.1.M.8. M MaizuruMaizuru in pi< Both droppe<ifrom brigade. 10,00010,000 - IU Brig Brig S Sasebo 0_ Exißtenca of additional IJIB's, probably formed Cay. Brig 3,5003,500 - - V Yokosuka prdv y existing formations, 1,0001,000 from ioUBi also ind- Tk Regt icated, but not carried herein pending further Bor Garr 3,0003,000 information. 21st IMB dropped. 5,0005,000 Ind Garr Strengths include Army & Corps troops plus Air 1,5001,500 (?)- SHIPSHIP Force Personnel. (§)- Does not include an estimated 30,000 Naval troops and 20,000 Koreans. 6 --Inaddition, there are an estimated 420,000 Chinese and 328,000 Hanchurian Puppet troops. „,.., .-, * presence -- ,*~-r 4'4Ul.reBg£onB of elements 32 and 35 y*y* -» """••\u25a0 \u25a0** n • Divisions in SWPA. ,«1 ,"-"=* The enemy's air center of gravity is moving to the north west. His Army and Navy air forces are amalgamating in the face of a direct threat to the Philippines from Hollandia and the Central Pacific. The Fourth Air Army and the 23d Naval Air Flotilla con­ tinue to.be charged with the mission of air defense against S.W.P.A. forces. Our Aitape-Hollandia seizure revealed an attempt to inter­ vene by a mobile Naval Air Task Force organized by the First Naval Air Fleet. (Headquarters at Truk) This Task Force probably con­ sisted of bomber, fighter and reconnaissance groups stripped for tactical employment and mustered from Micronesia, the Philippines and Malaya. Significant enemy air order of battle changes occurring during the month are, a) Bismarcks -Solomons Sectors Only one Army squadron of the 10th Air Regiment (18 reconnaissance aircraft) is now carried at Rabaul, Elements of the 251 Naval Air Group (18 fighters) have joined the two reconnaissance Naval Air Groups (total of 36 floatplanes) remaining at Rabaul. (See Encl. No. 15) b) Philippines-Netherlands East Indies-New Guinea Sectors The 38th Ariry Air Regiment of the Fourth Air Army (9 bombers) has been transferred to the Empire on the basis of intelligence revealing non-arrival in the Philippines. Elements of another of the Fourth Air Army's Reg­ iments, the 58th, (9 bombers) and the 50th Independent Army Squadron (9 reconnaissance aircraft) have been withdrawn by the enemy from this sector to Burma and Manchuria, respectively. Reflecting the enemy 's air reaction to our Aitape and Hollandia seizures, two Naval Air Groups (total 36 bombers, 36 fighters) and elements of five others (probably 50 bombers, 18 fighters and 9 reconnaissance aircraft) were ordered to assemble in the Philippines -Netherlands East Indies-New Guinea sector, principally from Micronesia, with one unit each from Malaya and the Empire,. - 1# kll<y? tea utoW» W Li Las U (To Accompany Hncl 3) JAPANESE ARMY AIR ORDER OF BATTLE k*»w- •* ' 3Q"A|njh 19/^ Initial Establishment Trans- Units lation Fs Bs Rs iTtl Location FIRST Koku-gun Air Army- Japan* Ist Hiko-shidan Air Div Japan ! 17 Hiko-dan Air Brig ! Japan (?) 18 Japan (?) 19 Japan 20 Japan (?) 25 Japan (?) Ist Hiko-sentai Air Regt 1 27 II127 | Japan (?) 2d |27 | 127 | Japan 3d |27 I !27 | Japan 4th I 27 I I j27 | Japan 7th 27 | ;27 | Japan 24th I 27 I I |27 I Japan (?) 38th | 27 I |27 | Japan (?) 54th t 27 I I 127 IJapan 59th I 27 | I |27 | Japan 66th |27 | 127 | Japan (?) 67th 127 i I27. I Japan (?) 98th 127|27 I !27127 |Japan (?) 244th i ! 27 | | |27 IJapan 246th i ! 27 27 j Japan SECOND Koku-gun i Air Army Manchuria* 2d Hiko-shidan Air Div Manchuria 4th Manchuria 2 Hiko-dan Air Brig Manchuria 5 ! Manchuria (?) Manchuria (?) 6 | 10 i Manchuria (?) 6th Hiko-sentai t Air Regt 27 ! 127 IManchuria 9th 1 27 ! i |27 !Manchuria 27th ! 127 I 127 !Manchuria | (?) 28th (-) 1 18 18 IManchuria 31st i 27 I 127 iManchuria (?) \u25a0 | (?) 32d 1! 27 ! 127 IManchuria 65th 1271 27 I 127 IManchuria i (?) 74th i 27 I !27 I Manchuria 27 Manchuria (?) 83d i 127 I 90th (-) j9 | | 97 ! Manchuria |27 95th i 1 27 I 1 1 Manchuria (?) 50 Dokuritsu Chutai Ind Sq I 19 i 9 !Manchuria (?) 81 9 I 9 !Manchuria ( ? ) FIFTH Koku-gun Air Army China* 3d Hiko-shidan Air Div China Bth i China (?) 1Hiko-dan Air Brig China 12 China 13 China (?) 11th Hiko-sentai Air Regt I 27 I j 1 27 IChina 16th 1271 27 i 127 iChina 25th I 27 ! ! 127 IChina i |27 . ,:*27 (China 44th - ! _- , I (?) 70th m\ r " * !27 ! ' i2? China 85th I||L J : 127 i .;2J IChinaChina r :" 87th !iyf £ -ttti££.u­ L.^*f IChina -\u25a01 - "*"\u25a0 ( Trans­ Units lation |FslFs I Bs Rs Ttl ILocation 4 T 90th (-) Hiko-sentai Air Regt { I18 18 China 21 Dokuritsu Hikotai Ind Unit 9 9 [China (?) 18 Dokuritsu Chutai Ind Sq 9 9 I!China. 54 j 9 9 !China 55 i 9 9 China i i THIRD Koku-gun Air Army i Burma* sth Hiko-shidan Air Div ! Burma 9th Burma 4 Hiko-dan Air Brig Burma 7 Burma Bth Hiko-sentai Air Regt | 27 9 36 Burma 12th !27 27 Burma 21st 27 27 Burma 26th 9 I18 27 Burma (?) 50th 27 27 !Burma 58th 27 27 IBurma 62d 27 27 Burma 64th 27 27 ] Burma 81st 9 9 18 Burma 82d 27 27 Burma (?) 204thv 27 1 27 Burma 83 Dokuritsu
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