50¢ January 15, 2012 Volume 86, No. 2 GO DIGITAL todayscatholicnews.org todayscatholicnews.org Serving the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend CLICK ON CIRCULATION Cardinals announced ’’ Archbishops Dolan TTODAYODAYSS CCATHOLICATHOLIC and O’Brien named Pages 1, 4, 5 Cultivate the attitude of the Magi Men’s conference Franciscan Father says bishop at Epiphany Mass David Mary Engo to speak Page 3 BY LISA KOCHANOWSKI SOUTH BEND — Three Wise Men from the east followed a star to the newborn King of the Jews SANKOFA long ago with the words, “we have come to wor- ship Him,” as their reason for traveling such a long Black Catholic conference distance. These words are what Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades challenged the congregation of St. Matthew in South Bend Cathedral to think about in their daily life at the Jan. Pages 3, 8 8 Epiphany Mass. Bishop Rhoades celebrated the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord with the parish community at 11 a.m. Mass. He entered the celebration with the three wise men, followed by a fanfare of trumpets, Right-to-work music and the scent of incense filling the air. “A blessed Epiphany to all,” proclaimed Bishop Indiana legislature resumes Rhoades to the congregation at the beginning of Page 10 Mass. He told the crowd that his visit to St. Matthew Cathedral was extra special with a unique gift of a crosier presented to him by Msgr. Michael Heintz. One side of the crozier has an image of St. Matthew and the other side has an image of the diocesan coat Erlandson receives post of arms. “Thank you for this very special gift,” Bishop Consultor at Rhoades said. Epiphany is a celebration of the Magi and their Pontifical council quest to pay homage to the newborn King. This quest Page 9 is a great example of true faith and devotion to God and something Bishop Rhoades spoke of in great detail with the faithful. During the Mass, Father Jacob Runyon, parochial vicar at St. Matthew Church, sang a special liturgi- ICCL and CYO cal-season proclamation. “The Magi represent all the people of the world New year, more hardwood and reveal that Jesus has come not only as the Messiah of the Jewish people, but as the Savior of the KEVIN HAGGENJOS Page 13 whole world. As St. Paul wrote to the Ephesians: ‘the Children from St. Matthew Cathedral Church, dressed as the Wise Men, visit with Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades after he celebrated the Epiphany Mass on Jan. 8. Bishop Rhoades is hold- KINGS, PAGE 16 ing a crozier presented at the Mass. Pope names 22 new cardinals, three North Americans Peter’s Square when his name was announced, the Statue of Liberty, or on home plate at Yankee BY FRANCIS X. ROCCA said his priestly life has been “a surprise at every Stadium.” step. I thought being appointed archbishop of Cardinal-designate O’Brien said his nomina- VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Benedict XVI Baltimore would be the last surprise, but I was tion reflected the “zealous faith” of Catholics in named 22 new cardinals, including two from the wrong.” Baltimore, and Cardinal-designate Collins attrib- United States, and announced a consistory for their He told Catholic News Service that the min- uted his elevation to the pope’s “esteem for the formal induction into the College of Cardinals istries he had been appointed to, and now his role of Canada and of the Archdiocese of Toronto Feb. 18. elevation to cardinal, were not things he could in the universal Church.” Among those named were Archbishop “anticipate, navigate or engineer. It’s just a matter The latest additions will bring the United Timothy M. Dolan of New York; Archbishop of being open and in the right place at the right States and Canada’s share of the College of Edwin F. O’Brien, pro-grand master of the time and good things happen.” Cardinals to 22. The U.S., which is home to Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher In separate statements, the North American about 5.5 percent of the world’s Catholics, will of Jerusalem who still is administering the cardinals were quick to stress the collective rather provide almost 10 percent of the 125 cardinals Archdiocese of Baltimore; and Archbishop than the personal nature of the honor. under the age of 80, who are the only cardinals Thomas C. Collins of Toronto. “This is not about Timothy Dolan,” the New eligible to vote in a conclave for a future pope. The pope announced the nominations to York cardinal-designate said. “This is an honor By contrast, only one of those named, the faithful in St. Peter’s Square at noon Jan. 6, from the Holy Father to the Archdiocese of New Cardinal-designate Joao Braz de Aviz, comes before praying the Angelus. York. ... It’s as if Pope Benedict is putting the Cardinal-designate O’Brien, who was in St. red hat on top of the Empire State Building, or CARDINALS, PAGE 5 2 TODAY’ S C ATHOLIC January 15, 2012 TODAY’S CATHOLIC Official newspaper of the Praying for the unity of Christians Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend P.O. Box 11169 Fort Wayne, IN 46856 encourage their use in our parishes during to Germany, our Holy Father visited the IN TRUTH weekday Masses between January 18 and Augustinian convent in Erfurt where Martin PUBLISHER: Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades 25. The Week is also a good time for ecu- Luther studied and was ordained a priest. AND menical prayer services. Excellent materials While there, Pope Benedict spoke to vari- EDITOR: Tim Johnson and resources are available, prepared col- ous representatives of German Protestant laboratively by the Pontifical Council for communities about the unity we share. He NEWS EDITOR and STAFF WRITER: Kay Cozad CHARITY Promoting Christian Unity and the World said: Council of Churches. “Our fundamental unity comes from Editorial Department BY BISHOP KEVIN C. RHOADES Why is ecumenism important? The the fact that we believe in God, the Father PAGE DESIGNER: Francie Hogan answer is simple: Jesus Christ wills the Almighty, the maker of heaven and earth. FREELANCE WRITERS: Lauren Caggiano, unity of his disciples. He And that we confess that Michelle Castleman, Karen Clifford, ext week begins the Week of Prayer prayed “that all may be he is the triune God — for Christian Unity, an annual obser- Bonnie Elberson, Denise Fedorow, one” (John 17:21). The “We will all be changed by Father, Son, and Holy vance in which Catholics, Orthodox, Catholic Church’s com- Spirit. The highest unity Diane Freeby, May Lee Johnson, Sister Nand Protestants, all of us brothers and sis- mitment to this task is, is not the solitude of a Margie Lavonis, CSC, Joe Kozinski and ters in Christ through our common baptism, therefore, irrevocable, the Victory of monad, but rather a unity Deb Wagner pray for the restoration of perfect unity despite what often seem to born of love. We believe among Christians. We pray, in the power be insuperable obstacles in our Lord Jesus Christ” in God — the real God. Business Department of the Holy Spirit, that divisions among ecumenical endeavors. We believe that God spoke Christians will be overcome. BUSINESS MANAGER: Kathy Denice The theme of the Week 1 CORINTHIANS 15: 51-58 to us and became one of AD GRAPHICS DIRECTOR: Mark Weber This Week of Prayer, which begins on of Prayer for Christian us. To bear witness to this January 18th and ends on January 25th Unity this year is: “We living God is our common BOOKKEEPING/CIRCULATION: Kathy Voirol (the Feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul), [email protected] will all be changed by task at the present time.” reminds us, as the Second Vatican Council the Victory of our Lord I was moved by the taught, that prayer is “the soul of the ecu- Advertising Sales Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 15: 51-58). Holy Father’s deep concern about the secu- menical movement.” It reminds us of the Christ’s victory over sin and death enables larism of today’s culture, what he called Tess Steffen (Fort Wayne area) priority of prayer in all our endeavors, us to persevere with patience in the quest “the withdrawal from God.” All Christians (260) 456-2824 including in ecumenical activities since for Christian unity and to look to the should be concerned about this cultural Jeanette Simon (South Bend area) ultimately the full visible communion of all future with hope. As Catholic Chair of challenge. Pope Benedict said that “our pri- (574) 234-0687 Christians is a gift of God’s grace. the International Theological Catholic- mary ecumenical service at this hour must Web site: www.todayscatholicnews.org The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Reformed Dialogue, I am involved in an be to bear common witness to the pres- used to be called the Church Unity Octave important ecumenical effort, a difficult one ence of the living God and in this way to Published weekly except the fourth when it began in 1908. It was founded to be sure, but one which continues because give the world the answer which it needs.” Sunday in June, second and fourth by Reverend Paul Wattson, an American of our faith in the power of God’s grace and This means living by God’s word. It means weeks in July and August, the first Episcopal priest, and Mother Lurana in Christ’s victory. a commitment to love. It means service week of September and last week White. These co-founders of the Society One reason for hope is that there is of others.
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