Mr. George Szkapiak Principal Mr. Brian Kelly Ms. Rachel Peralta Assistant Principal Assistant Principal “Providing all students access to success.” Handy Guide to the Parent Handbook 1 School Mission Statement John F. Kennedy High School challenges all students to become critical thinkers in an increasingly connected global society. The school aims to develop students into productive, knowledgeable, active, and reflective lifelong learners who positively impact their community, country, and world. School Contact Information Address: 6325 W. 56th St Chicago, IL 60638 General Phone Number: 773-535-2325 PEOPLE TO KNOW: NAME: PHONE: Principal Mr. George Szkapiak (773) 535-2325 Ext. 25810 Assistant Principal Mr. Brian Kelly (773) 535-2334 Assistant Principal Mrs. Rachel Peralta (773) 535-2332 Athletic Director Mr. Mario Silva (773) 535-2325 Ext. 25803 Dean of Students Mr. Clifford Scott (773) 535-2057 Dean of Students Mr. Irvin Duffy (773) 535-2488 Dean of Attendance Mr. Algis Hermanas (773) 535-2030 Driver Education Program Coordinator Mr. Richard Lopez (773) 535-2083 Counselor (A-E) Mrs. Angelique Fleming (773) 535-2393 Counselor (F-L) Mr. Jonathan Best (773) 535-2330 Counselor (M-Ro) Ms. Imelda Meza (773) 535-2328 Counselor (Rp-Z) Mrs. Angela Cross-Smith (773) 535-2075 Counselor (IB Students) Mrs. Joleen Kirchens (773) 535-2421 Case Manager Ms. Kim Korellis (773) 535-2325 Ext. 25800 Librarian & Testing Coordinator Mr. Santos Gutierrez (773) 535-2326 Scheduler/Grading Coordinator Mr. Tim Laughlin (773) 535-2416 IB Diploma Program Coordinator Mr. James Clarke (773) 535-2325 Ext. 25821 IB Middle Years Program Coordinator Mrs. Allision Lizzo (773) 535-2325 Ext. 25821 Nurse Nurse Bowls (773) 535-8105 Student Services Coordinator Ms. Araceli Chavez-Campos (773) 535-7370 Service Learning Coordinator Ms. Imelda Meza (773) 535-2325 Ext. 25824 Bilingual Coordinator Ms. Jadwiga Pytlik (773) 535-0247 Speech Pathologist Ms. Elisavet Megremis (773) 535-2325 Ext. 25834 Social Worker Ms. Sheila Hassan (773) 535-2329 School Psychologist Mr. Michal Misiaszek (773) 535-2325 Ext. 25823 2 Phone Numbers To Know: Main Office (773) 535-2325 Attendance Office (773) 535-2325 Ext. 25794 and 25795 Disciplinarian’s Office (773) 535-2486 and (773) 535-2057 Nurse’s Office (773) 535-8105 Drivers Education Center – Located at 6400 South Major Avenue (773) 535-2083 LOCAL SCHOOL COUNCIL: [Meetings are First Monday Each Month at 6:00 p.m. in Library] Community Representative Mr. Nicholas Dirscherl Community Representative Mr. James Homan Parent Representative Mr. Joseph Salas (Chairperson) Parent Representative Mr. Patrick Coogan Parent Representative Mr. Robert Chen Parent Representative TBD Parent Representative TBD Parent Representative TBD Student Representative Mr. Giovanni Calderon Teacher Representative Mrs. Magdalena Golucki Teacher Representative Mr. Rolando Gonzalez ESP/PRSP Representative Ms. Christine Gename Principal Mr. George Szkapiak PARENT ADVISORY COUNCIL: [Meetings are Second Monday Each Month at 6:30 p.m. in Library] Chairperson Mrs. Lisa Kopac Vice-Chairperson Mrs. Shelly Surdic Secretary Mrs. Angelica Aguilar Correspondence Secretary Mrs. Martha Zapolsky Freedom of Information Act and Open Meetings Act Coordinator Mrs. Maria Rodriguez PLEASE REFERENCE JOHN F. KENNEDY H.S. WEBSITE at www.kennedyhschicago.org SCHOOL CALENDAR DAILY SCHEDULE: 3 Doors open for student entry at 6:45 A.M. Students are dismissed from the auditorium at 7:00 A.M. to go to the cafeteria for breakfast. No students are permitted to go to their lockers until the 7:20 A.M. school bell without written permission from a teacher and/or coach for morning practices. We only have one entrance time for all of the students. Classes begin at 7:30 A.M. and they end at 2:45 P.M. All of the classes as well as lunch periods will be 50 minutes long with 5 minute passing period. STUDENT DISCIPLINE AND BEHAVIOR: School follows guidelines for effective discipline using the CPS Student Code of Conduct that is given to each student at Kennedy. Students at Kennedy are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that reflects self- control and respect for others. Remember the behavior should be that of a serious student who is a credit to themselves, your family and Kennedy HS. STUDENT DRESS STANDARD: The Local School Council has approved that Kennedy High School shall establish a new Dress Standard for all students for the following school year 2018-2019. STUDENT ID CARDS: • All students must wear their school-issued permanent ID on a lanyard/string around their neck during the school day. • A temporary ID good for ONLY one day must be purchased for $2.00 and worn on the front of their shirt on the chest area when students do not have their permanent ID. New permanent IDs can be purchased for $5.00, if students lose, destroy, or deface their ID. • Students are prohibited from defacing or decorating their ID with drawings and/or stickers. CLOTHING FIT AND APPEARANCE: Clothing worn by all students must be appropriate. No gang affiliated images or colors will be tolerated, as well as images or clothing that may mock, offend, or degrade any individual. Clothing must fit properly. Skirts and shorts must be no shorter than fingertip length; spaghetti straps, sheer tops, plunging necklines, crop-tops, tube tops are not permitted. All sports jerseys must be worn with an undershirt, likewise an undershirt by itself shall be deemed as inappropriate. Pants in particular should show no undergarments (i.e. “sag” or be overly-sheer). All pants must be at least the thickness of workout attire: such as Adidas/Nike/Gaiam leggings, yoga pants, tight-fitting soccer pants, etc, identifiable by patterns or thick stitching associated with such clothing. If pants are sheer, such as thin leggings and tights, and undergarments can be seen, they must be accompanied with a skirt, dress, long shirt, cardigan or tunic. Dress as if you have a job, and expect to run into your boss on your day of. (Revised and Approved by LSC Effective May 2, 2016) Clothing Graphics, Wording and Color Combinations Must Be Appropriate For School: At no time may students wear clothing with depictions of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, obscene images, gestures and/or demeaning language toward any group of people. (Obscene images or wording may include, but is not limited to, an offensive image like that of a boy urinating on a rival sports team or automobile manufacturer and language which is profane or meant to insult.). No gang affiliated graphics or colors are permitted. 4 School Safety Requirements for Clothing: • Hoodies may be worn during the school day, but may not have the hoodie over their head. • No Head Coverings, including but not limited to: hats, hoodies, caps, bandanas, sunglasses, or beanies. (Religious exemptions must be on file in the Attendance Office in a student’s records folder) • No flip flop type of foot wear, open-toed and/or backless (slip-on) shoes, or slippers. • No pajamas or clothes meant to be worn to bed. • Kennedy PE clothes are not permitted to be worn during the school day EXCEPT during PE class. • No spikes on wristbands or collars; wallet chains; choke chains. • No gang clothing/colors; paraphernalia. • No clothing that contributes to an offensive environment or destructive behavior. • No graphics shaved into hair will be permitted. • No visible tattoos which are gang related, obscene or inappropriate for school. DISCLAIMER: • Administration reserves the right to make a judgment call regarding appropriateness of student attire for the school. • John F. Kennedy High School is not responsible for providing students with appropriate attire. • The Chicago Board of Education grants schools the ability to issue discipline to students when they wear clothing or accessories that display affiliation with gangs or other criminally motivated organizations OR students who dress in a manner that causes serious disruption to the orderly educational process (p 12, CPS Student Code of Conduct). • The purpose of the dress restrictions above are to ensure that students do not represent gangs/criminally motivated organizations AND/OR seriously disrupt the orderly educational process with the decisions they make regarding their attire. Possible consequences for violating the John F. Kennedy Dress Standard will be any one of the following: • Delayed from attending class until appropriate clothes are obtained by the student. • Issued a detention for a group 2-8 Inappropriate Behavior that MUST be served within 2 school days. Failure to serve the detention is a group 3-5 Inappropriate Behavior and will result in a 1 day out of school detention. • Suspended from school for a group 3-9 Inappropriate Behavior. Suspended from school for a group 5-6 Inappropriate Behavior and possibly put up for Expulsion. ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT (Cellular Phones, Laptops, I-Pads, etc.): Students are not allowed to use radios, I-Pods, mini—stereos, laser pointers, electronic games, cell phones or any other electronic equipment or related materials in school. If these items are seen or used during the school day, they will be confiscated. The confiscated materials will be returned to the student’s parent or legal guardian on Friday’s ONLY between the hours of 3:00pm and 5:00pm. If the student’s parent or guardian is unable to retrieve the item, that Friday, it will be returned the following week to only parent or guardian. If the electronic equipment is not retrieved it will be returned to the student at the end of the semester. Failure to surrender any item when directed by a Kennedy staff member could result in an automatic out of school suspension or detention, depending on the situation and further investigation. 5 LATEX AND PEANUT FREE SCHOOL: We are considered a latex-free and peanut school due to allergies students, faculty, and staff may have in our building.
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