Ilford Imaging

Ilford Imaging

Ilford Imaging Ltd Reference Description Dates MS0232 Collection of label and packaging specimens, product information folders, product bulletins, technical journal articles, catalogues, in- 1910-1982 house magazines, product booklets and leaflets, sample cards, instruction manuals, price lists, advertising literature, formulae, plates, journals from Ciba and Ciba-Geigy and textbooks from Ilford Imaging Ltd Box of label and packaging specimens for Azoflex MS0232/1 [Ilford box number 401] Product information folder MS0232/1/1 Stock Control and Purchase Ordering with Ilford Azoflex n/d MS0232/1/2 Product information folder - Maintenance & Service Documentation with Ilford Azoflex n/d MS0232/1/3 Product information folder: Export documentation with Ilford Azoflex n/d MS0232/1/4 Product information folder: Wholesale merchandising with Ilford Azoflex n/d MS0232/1/5 Newspaper supplement: Ilford in business: City Press supplementt re-print for Ilford; Feb 1965 MS0232/1/6 Journal: Commucations: Ilford Graphic Reproduction Division: No.1 1966 MS0232/1/7 Technical information booklet. Reproduction of computer printout by the Azoflex Azomatic. Ilford Document copying Dept. n/d MS0232/1/8 Product bulletin - The new Ilford Azoflex 161 automic dyeline printer n/d MS0232/1/9 Catalogue. Ilford Azoflex materials AZN/H53/S n/d MS0232/1/10 Product bulletin Ilford Azoflex printing machine model K10 mark II AZK10/F53/S n/d MS0232/1/11 Product bulletin Ilford Azoflex combined developing and printing machine model 42/63 1955 MS0232/1/12 Product bulletin. Ilford Azoflex developing machine model T67. AZT67/H53/5 n/d MS0232/1/13 Product bulletin Ilford Azoflex combined developing and printing machine. 105. AZ105/H59/S n/d MS0232/1/14 Product bulletin. Ilford Azoflex combined & developing machine model 246. AZ/246/3M/E61/S n/d MS0232/1/15 Product bulletin/sample (9 issues): Ilford Axoflex Business Systems: AZS/K.61/10M/E MS0232/1/15/1 How Azoflex is used to reproduce statements from ledger records nd MS0232/1/15/2 How Azoflex is used for reproduction of periodical reports nd MS0232/1/15/3 How Azoflex is used for reproduction of comparative reports nd MS0232/1/15/4 How Azoflex is used for reproduction of sales orders and invoices nd MS0232/1/15/5 How Azoflex streamlines the invoicing of teleprinted orders nd MS0232/1/15/6 How Azoflex is used to advantage in wholesale merchandising nd MS0232/1/15/7 How Azoflex improves typing services nd MS0232/1/15/8 How Azoflex streamlines stock control nd MS0232/1/15/9 How Azoflex supplements data processing nd MS0232/1/16 Product information booklet: Ilford Azoflex model 125 combined printing and developing machine: DP125/B62/5M/S nd MS0232/1/17 Product information booklet: Ilford Azoflex model 135 high speed automatic separation dyeline printer: A135/K62/4M/S nd MS0232/1/18 Product information booklet: Ilford Azoflex model 155 automatic printer and collator: A155/G62/3M/S nd MS0232/1/19 Product information booklet: Ilford Azoflex model 155 automatic printer and collator MS0232/1/20 Product information booklet: Ilford Azoflex model 211 combined printing and developing machine: DP211/B62/5M/S nd Product information booklet: Ilford Azoflex model 211 (series 2) combined printing and developing machine: DP211 Ser II MS0232/1/21 /C63/5M/S nd MS0232/1/22 Product bulletin: Azoflex plan printer 248: Ilford Ltd: AZ248/1/63/5M/BP nd MS0232/1/23 Product information booklet: Ilford Azoflex model 248 semi automatic dye line printer: A248/B63/4M/S nd MS0232/1/24 Catalogue: Streamline your office metjods with translucent masters: Ilford Azoflex: AZ1/K61/10M/S nd MS0232/1/25 Product bulletin: Azoflex Azomatic print-out copying machine: 1/63/5M/BP nd MS0232/1/26 Product bulletin: Cut those dyeline printing costs: Ilford Ltd: DC205/211/A64/12M/BP nd MS0232/1/27 Product bulletin: Azoflex 205 dyeline printer/developer Ilford Ltd: 205/18M/D63/BT nd MS0232/1/28 Product bulletin: The Azoflex model 126 dyeline printer: Ilford Ltd nd MS0232/1/29 product bulletin: Standardise to economise: Ilford (Azoflex) nd MS0232/1/30 Article: Copying printed computer results with Azomatic: reprinted from data processing: Ilford Ltd: RP7584/113836 1964 MS0232/1/31 Catalogue (folder): Ilford Azolith small offset products,metal, plastic, paper nd MS0232/1/32 Catalogue: Azoflex general catalogue: Ilford Ltd: AC/3M/B64/E 1964 MS0232/1/33 Catalogue: Ilford Azoflex catalogue:AC/D59/E 1959 MS0232/1/34 Product information booklet: It's the cost per copy that counts: Ilford Azoflex: 5M/E64/BTP nd MS0232/1/35 Sample book: Azoflex specimen prints: Ilford document copying department nd MS0232/1/36 Product bulletin: Print-out copying service: Ilford Azoflex nd MS0232/2 Between Ourselves' The house magazine of Ilford Ltd. Ilford box number 402 1948-64 MS0232/2/1 May 1948 MS0232/2/2 August 1948 MS0232/2/3 November 1948 MS0232/2/4 March 1949 MS0232/2/5 May 1949 MS0232/2/6 August 1949 MS0232/2/7 November 1949 MS0232/2/8 March 1950 MS0232/2/9 August 1950 MS0232/2/10 Xmas 1950 MS023202/11 April 1951 MS0232/2/12 August 1951 MS0232/2/13 Xmas 1951 MS0232/2/14 May 1952 MS0232/2/15 September 1952 MS0232/2/16 Xmas 1952 MS0232/2/17 June 1953 MS0232/2/18 October 1953 MS0232/2/19 May 1954 MS0232/2/20 November 1954 MS0232/2/21 July 1955 MS0232/2/22 December 1955 MS0232/2/23 June 1956 MS0232/2/24 December 1956 MS0232/2/25 June 1957 MS0232/2/26 February 1958 MS0232/2/27 June 1958 MS0232/2/28 December 1958 MS0232/2/29 March 1959 MS0232/2/30 September 1959 MS0232/2/31 December 1959 MS0232/2/32 Spring 1960 MS0232/2/33 Summer 1960 MS0232/2/34 Xmas 1960 MS0232/2-35 Spring 1961 MS0232/2/36 Summer 1961 MS0232/2/37 Xmas 1961 MS0232/2/38 Summer 1962 MS0232/2/39 Autumn 1962 MS0232/2/40 ? 1964 MS0232/2/41 Vol 2 No 3 1964 MS0232/3 Cibachrome, etc. Ilford box number 403 MS0232/3/1 Leaflet: Cibachrome prop-system 18, product information: stamped 17 Jan 76.219 1979 MS0232/3/2 Handbook:creative colour enlargements - cibachrome - A print system: Ilford Ltd: MAN 02 EN: stamped 23 Feb 1979 Booklet: cibachrome copy system - technology, range of applications, apparatus & materials: Ilford graphic Arts: FAP 04 EN MS0232/3/3 stamped 17 Jan 1979 MS0232/3/4 Booklet: Images of the future - Ilford - product guide: April 1982 MS0232/4 Cine & Magnetic products Ilford box number 404 MS0232/4/1 Booklet ; Ilford - motion picture films: Ilford motion picture & magnetic products division: McC2.6m C67 n/d MS0232/4/2 Booklet: Ilford motion filmsa, type lists: SFA/5M/D66 June 1966 MS0232/4/3 Ilford professional sound recording materials - type list, JU5mA68482 June 1969 MS0232/4/4 Booklet: Ilford motion picture and TV materials: Z7018 1971 MS0232/4/5 Booklet: Ilford films for TV: McC5MG65 n/d MS0232/4/6 Envelope No 54 containing MS0232/4/6/1 Leaflet: Ilford 35mm film + 16mm cine negative - thecnical data: CNF/K61/1M/EA n/d MS0232/4/6/2 Pouch: Ilford 35mm tinted stock - samples n/d MS0232/4/6/3 Booklet: SELO negative & positive sub-standard cine-film n/d MS0232/4/6/4 Booklet: SRLO 9.5mm reversal cine film, fine grain, non-inflammable: Ilford ltd: E50 n/d MS0232/4/6/5 Booklet: SELO, screen a success: 9.5mm reversal cine film, fine grain n/d MS0232/4/6/6 Booklet: Industrial cinematography with sub-standard film: Ilford cine sales dept.: B39/1C n/d MS0232/4/6/7 Booklet: SELO 16mm negative & positive safety cine film: G37 n/d MS0232/4/6/8 Booklet: SELO fine grain reversal 16mm (safety) cine film: D36 n/d MS0232/4/6/9 Leaflet: SELO cine services: D40/SCPL n/d MS0232/4/6/10 Leaflet: Ilford Pan F and HP3 16mm negative films: 16mm NF/D49/J n/d MS0232/4/6/11 Folder: Ilford cine films: D37 n/d MS0232/4/7 Envelope No 210 containing MS0232/4/7/1 Leaflet: Ilford Zonatape - prices and playing times: Zonal films (Magnetic Coatings ltd ) , Subsidary 0f Ilford Ltd: ZPL/10M/L64 1964 MS0232/4/7/2 Booklet: Zonatape magnetic tape: 1964 MS0232/4/7/3 Booklet: Ilford professional magnetic sound recording films and tapes - type list 1965 MS0232/4/7/4 Loose sheets: Ilfotape magnetic recording tape - provisional information: PTIS/1062 1963 MS0232/4/7/5 Booklet: Ilford magnetic sound recording materials - a short discription of types and uses n/d MS0232/4/7/6 Booklet: Tape Data - Zonal magnetic coatings: 48/462 n/d MS0232/5 Colour MS0232/5/1 Product information booklet: Ilford Colour Processing Unit: ICPU/K62/20M/E n/d MS0232/5/2 Product Guide: Ilford dealers guide to colour: MF21.5ME68 n/d MS0232/5/3 Product bullitin: Colour in the sun with Ilfrachrome: Ilford Itd. 1CS/D60/S 1960 MS0232/5/4 Product bulletin: Ilford colour prints from any 35mm transparency. ICP/B58/S 1958 MS0232/5/5 Product bulletin:ICF/C58/E 1956 MS0232/5/6 Product bulletin: Colour in the sun with Ilford Colour film D ICF'D'/B58/S 1958 MS0232/5/7 Product bulletin: Colour in a flash with Ilford Colour Film: ICF'F'/L58/S 1958 MS0232/5/8 Product bulletin: Ilfrachrome colour prints from any 35mm transparency: ICP/D60/S 1960 MS0232/5/9 Thechnical information booklet: Ilford Colour Film: ICF/C50/PLH n/d MS0232/5/10 Product bulletin: Ilfrachrome and colour services by Ilford. CS/F60/S 1960 MS0232/5/11 User'sguide: Taking colour photographs with Ilford colour films: ICF/E56/PLH n/d MS0232/5/12 Magazine: Colornews: No1 HPD 300mD68 n/d MS0232/5/13 Product bulletin: Ilfacolor : Ilford Ltd F60/S 1960 MS0232/5/14 Guide: Ashton, George: All about colour with IlfordColour: Focal Press: Photoguide 84 1958 MS0232/5/15 Guide: Ashton, George: All about colour with IlfordColour: Focal Press: Photoguide 99 n/d MS0232/5/16 Advertising leaflet: Ilford colour films and colour services: CRS/E57/SP n/d MS0232/5/17 Exposure guide: Ilford Exposure guide for colour films 1E x G/F62/S n/d MS0232/5/18 Product bulletin: olour snaps at home in a flash with Ilford colour film 'F' C'F'/L56/S n/d MS0232/5/19 Exposure guide : Daylight exposure guide for Ilfrachrome 35mm colour film 1961 MS0232/5/20 Product information booklet & price list: Dufaycolor roll film and film packs Ilford Ltd: D35 n/d MS0232/5/21 Product information booklet & price list: Dufaycolor roll film and film packs Ilford Ltd: D36 n/d MS0232/5/22 Product information booklet & price list: Lantern slides in colour - by the Dufaycolor process.

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